
Sunday, March 12, 2023

FASD News - 10/2023

Australian Government Department of Health (Australia) - 'Strong Born' a new campaign supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities to yarn about FASD
On February 22, the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO) supported by the Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education (FARE), will launch the Strong Born campaign aimed at raising awareness of the risks of drinking alcohol during pregnancy, and safe breastfeeding practices.
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The Medical Republic - Mythbusting fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
This is a good thing according to our guest Nirosha Boaden. She is undertaking a PhD in FASD and brings expertise in social work and public health research to her role as a senior mental health specialist in the Northern Territory.
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ABC (Australia) - Ex-prisoner says FASD screening would help break cycle of crime
Geoffrey Taylor says it wasn't until he was diagnosed with foetal alcohol spectrum disorder at 54, that he was able to make sense of his life of crime.
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Albuquerque Journal (USA) - New Mexico Senate OKs bill intended to aid ‘vulnerable’ newborns
Legislation moving forward at the Roundhouse would require New Mexico’s child welfare agency to conduct a family assessment when a newborn suffers from drug withdrawals and the parents don’t comply with a hospital-issued plan of care.
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Indiana Alliance - I’m Sorry- Reframing the FASD Diagnosis
We have all heard these words. Throughout so many seasons, for so many reasons. The I’m Sorry I want to discuss is the one I hear on occasion when I divulge my FASD diagnosis, and how I got it.
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NACCHO TV - NACCHO 'Strong Born' Campaign
'Strong Born' is a communications campaign designed to raise awareness of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and the harms of drinking alcohol while pregnant and breastfeeding, among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities across Australia.
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Spotlight on FASD - Podcast Season 5 Episode 2 - FASD Ireland
This week Clare and Jessica are chatting with Tris Casson-Rennie, CEO of FASD Ireland! With such a busy year ahead, we caught up with Tris in the very early days of the organisation so be sure to check out their website and follow on social media to see all they've been up to since!
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HSE Health and Wellbeing - Alcohol brief intervention during pregnancy with Midwife
In this video we will look at an example of a brief intervention between a midwife and a young student mother attending her first antenatal appointment.
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The Adoption & Foster Care Journey - Episode 366 - Primary Characteristics of FASD-Sensory Processing
On this episode, host Sandra Flach continues her series on the Primary Characteristics of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). Listen in as Sandra shares how prenatal alcohol exposure affects the senses, how it might present in our kids, and offers some helpful strategies for accommodations.
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NOFASD Australia - Characteristics across the lifespan
As the adverse impacts of fetal alcohol exposure are dependent on the timing and dose of alcohol use during pregnancy, the individual fetal alcohol (FA) characteristics will vary from child to child.
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The Addicted Mind Podcast - 222: The Risk of Alcohol Consumption During Pre...
Drinking when pregnant is a cultural norm. In fact, one in seven pregnant people reports consuming alcohol during pregnancy (which is pretty high).
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Learn - Aspire - Thrive – Achieve - Episode 4 - What is trauma informed practice?
In this episode, John and Edwina turn to our very own experts Jo Lyness and Pamela McLeman to better understand the impact of early, repeated trauma and loss which can happen within the child’s important relationships.
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National FASD - Raja & Neil's FASD Book Club - Session 11, It Isn't All About the Facial Features
Raja & Neil’s FASD Book Club – Session 11, It Isn’t All About the Facial Features, with Miguel del Campo, filmed 22nd December 2022.
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Inclusive Education - Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder and learning
Targeted strategies for teachers to meet the multi-faceted needs of students living with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
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Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research - Disrupted dynamic functional network connectivity in fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
Our results indicate important resting-state dFNC differences exist in children with FASD. Participants with FASD exhibited increased dynamic fluidity and dynamic range and spent more time in states typified by anticorrelation within and between DMN and VN, and more time in a state typified by high internetwork connectivity.
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Pielęgniarstwo w Opiece Długoterminowej - What should students know about FAS when they help people with alcohol dependence?
Efforts should be made to increase public awareness of the risks of using drugs during pregnancy. The increased level of knowledge will affect not only the health behavior of patients, but may also improve the early diagnosis of FAS.
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International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - Rethinking Local Economic Development for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in Renosterberg Local Municipality, South Africa
Two towns in Renosterberg Local Municipality (RLM) in the Northern Cape Province of South Africa, Petrusville and Philipstown, have high Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) prevalence rates.
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The FASEB Journal - Mitigating the detrimental developmental impact of early fetal alcohol exposure using a maternal methyl donor-enriched diet
This study clearly supports that preimplantation embryos are vulnerable to the teratogenic effects of alcohol, emphasizes the dangers of maternal alcohol consumption during early gestation, and provides a potential proactive maternal nutritional intervention to minimize FASD progression, reinforcing the importance of adequate preconception and prenatal nutrition.
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First Peoples Child and Family Review - Aboriginal Kinship Carers and Carers of Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in Western Australia: Advancing Knowledge from an Indigenous and Disability Lens
Children and youth with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) have limited access to assessment, diagnostic, and treatment resources – a distinct disadvantage in meeting their care needs in Australia.
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Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology - Sexual dimorphic vulnerability of respiratory control in a neonatal rodent model of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
These data suggest that important ventilatory defense responses in females are impaired following developmental EtOH exposure, and this may be associated with increased risk of later death.
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Nature Reviews Disease Primers - Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
Alcohol readily crosses the placenta and may disrupt fetal development. Harm from prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) is determined by the dose, pattern, timing and duration of exposure, fetal and maternal genetics, maternal nutrition, concurrent substance use, and epigenetic responses.
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Neurodevelopmental Pediatrics - Genetic, Epigenetic, and Environmental Influences on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: Implications for Diagnosis, Research and Clinical Practice
We provide an overview of FASD and a brief history of the development of diagnostic criteria, review risk and resilience factors that impact the expression of the disorder, discuss genetic and epigenetic factors in FASD, and conclude by relating these findings to the clinical context.
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Neurodevelopmental Pediatrics - Clinical Perspectives on the Diagnostic Assessment of Individuals with FASD
The purpose of this chapter is to provide clinicians with an overview of the diagnostic assessment of individuals with prenatal alcohol exposure.
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Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research - Adverse childhood experiences in children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders and their effects on behavior
Children with FASD are at risk for ACEs, and those with higher ACEs had a greater frequency of problem behavior on the ECBI, especially conduct problems.
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Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research - An investigation of the utility of the Australian Guide to the diagnosis of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder in young children
These results highlight the complexity of presentation and the extent of impairment in the sample. The use of comorbid diagnoses to substantiate a “severe” designation in specific neurodevelopmental domains raises the question of whether there were false-positive diagnoses.
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Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research - Sleep disturbances in Norwegian children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) with and without a diagnosis of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder or epilepsy
Problems with sleep are very common in FASD children and seem independent of FASD subgroup and the presence of epilepsy or a pathological EEG finding, while those with ADHD had more sleep problems.
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Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research - Validation of the FASD-Tree as a screening tool for fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
The FASD-Tree is not a biomarker of PAE and does not provide definitive evidence of prenatal alcohol exposure.
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BJR| Open - Spectrum of MRI findings of foetal alcohol syndrome disorders - what we know and what we need to know!
The exposure to alcohol in utero has been known to damage the developing foetus. Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) is an umbrella term that highlights a range of adverse effects linked to alcohol exposure in utero.
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Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research - Latent classes of neurodevelopmental profiles and needs in children and adolescents with prenatal alcohol exposure
Four relatively distinct subgroups were present in a large heterogeneous sample of children and adolescents with PAE assessed for FASD in Canada.
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International Journal of High Risk Behaviors and Addiction - Emerging Risk of Ethanol-related Outbreak via Clandestine Alcohol Consumption During Pregnancy: An Alarming Note on Prevention of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders in Iran
Alcohol consumption during pregnancy is an increased risk behavior that raises significant clinical concerns. Ethanol is classified as a hazardous teratogenic substance (1).
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BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth - A harmonized analysis of five Canadian pregnancy cohort studies: exploring the characteristics and pregnancy outcomes associated with prenatal alcohol exposure
Pooling data across pregnancy cohort studies allowed us to create a large sample of Canadian women and investigate the risk factors for alcohol consumption during pregnancy.
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Current Psychology - Alcohol consumption after pregnancy awareness and the additive effect of pregnancy-related anxiety and child abuse
This study examined whether pregnant women alter their alcohol consumption upon pregnancy awareness and any additive effect of a maternal history of child abuse and pregnancy-related anxiety in predicting antenatal alcohol consumption.
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Experimental Neurology - Alcohol & cannabinoid co-use: Implications for impaired fetal brain development following gestational exposure

In this review paper, we will address what is currently known about combined exposure to these substances, both directly and prenatally, and identify shared prenatal targets from single-exposure paradigms that may highlight susceptible neurobiological mechanisms for future investigation and therapeutic intervention.
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FAS Portalen (Sweden) - Fem i fokus på Fokus FAS
Ungefär 60 personer, allt från barnläkare och barnmorskor till psykologer och adoptionshandläggare, deltog i Fokus FAS på plats i Göteborg den 9–10 februari. Nästan lika många följde konferensen online. Vi passade på att prata med några av deltagarna.
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AK-Kurier (Germany) - Vortrag und Austausch zum Thema "Fetale Alkoholspektrum-Störungen (FASD)"
Am 16. März um 18 Uhr findet im Kontaktladen "Aufwärts" in Wissen (Gerichtsstr. 34) der Austausch statt. Referentin: Miriam Ottweiler-Jaeger, Fachstelle für Suchtprävention und für Kinder aus suchtbelasteten Familien im Diakonischen Werk Altenkirchen.
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Gera Aktuell (Germany) - Ausstellung informiert über schädigenden Alkoholgenuss bei werdenden Müttern
Vom 1. bis 3. März laden die Frühen Hilfen des Jugendamtes, die Sucht- und Psychiatriekoordinatorin des Amtes für Gesundheit und Versorgung und Beratungsstellen in der Stadt Gera Interessierte, Fachkräfte und Schulen zur interaktiven Ausstellung „Zero!“ in die Gera Arcaden ein.
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Rádio Slovensko (Slovenia) - Tvár dieťaťa ako test na alkohol počas tehotenstva
Časté pitie alkoholu počas tehotenstva dieťaťu výrazne škodí. Vedci teraz zistili ako je to s príležitostným pitím alkoholu. Pokračuje Rado Tomeš
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El Regional Del Zulia (Spain) - Beber alcohol embarazada puede alterar la forma de la cara del bebé
Beber alcohol está totalmente contraindicado en las embarazadas porque puede afectar al desarrollo del feto y tener consecuencias tan graves para el futuro bebé como el síndrome de alcoholismo fetal, que causa diversos problemas de salud físicos y mentales.
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la Repubblica (Italy) - Ecco come l'alcol in gravidanza cambia il viso del feto
Uno studio olandese per la prima volta analizza le modifiche del volto del feto, grazie all'Intelligenza artificiale. Scoprendo che nessuna dose è sicura. Ecco i risultati.
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