
Sunday, November 26, 2023

FASD News - 47/2023

The Conversation - For decades, mothers have borne the brunt of scrutiny for alcohol use during pregnancy − new research points to dad’s drinking as a significant factor in fetal alcohol syndrome
Men drink more, are more likely to binge drink and are almost four times more likely to develop alcohol use disorder than women, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
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France 24 (South Africa) - South Africa has highest prevalence of Foetal alcohol spectrum disorders in the world
South Africa has the highest reported cases of Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) in the world, with a prevalence rate as high as 28 percent.
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Eileen Devine - Three Things Your Irritability Might Be Masking
This is the sentiment a parent shared with me when we met a few weeks ago. As she described this ever-present irritability, always bubbling right beneath the surface throughout her day, she went on to explain the frustration and shame this feeling also elicits.
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National Child Day - Inclusion for Young People with FASD
National Child Day is celebrated in Canada on November 20th to acknowledge the importance of children’s rights and our country’s commitment to upholding them. This year’s theme is “Inclusion for Every Child.”
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CanFASD - Supporting Addictions Recovery Among Women and Girls with Complex Needs
This week is National Addictions Awareness Week, and today we’re sharing a timely study recently published in the journal, Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment.
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FASD United - The Triumphs and Troubles of Living with FASD: An Interview with Self-Advocate Marlee
People are not just one thing. As we know, living with FASD can lead to challenges. It can also highlight the unique strengths and positive qualities of those with them.
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FASD Awareness - Sam Armstrong - EHC Plans, Empower Yourself! - FASD Webinar #21
Samantha Armstrong has worked in education for 18 years, as a teacher and SENCO and now for the Specialist Teaching and Learning Service. Her role involves supporting children with a range of special educational needs who attend a mainstream education setting - from 3-19 years old age.
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Oklahoma Adoption Competency Network - Fetal Alcohol Syndrome OACN Lunch and Learn
The Oklahoma Adoption Competency Network (OACN) is a statewide effort to come together - adoptive parents, adoptees, biological families, and adoption professionals - doing our best to learn, discuss, and support each and other and adoptive families in Oklahoma.
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Patricia Kasper, Your FASD Coach - Current FASD Research with Dr Christie Petrenko
Living with FASD is an educational and human interest show for those living with the effects of prenatal exposure to alcohol, their loved one and anyone interested in learning more about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders, brought to you by someone with both professional and living experience with FASD.
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Patricia Kasper, Your FASD Coach - Personal Space, Boundaries & Sleep
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Justice For Orphans - JFO "FASD" 2023
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Patricia Kasper, Your FASD Coach - A Candid Conversation with Dr. Susan Rich
Living with FASD is an educational and human interest show for those living with the effects of prenatal exposure to alcohol, their loved one and anyone interested in learning more about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders, brought to you by someone with both professional and living experience with FASD.
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Able to Care Podcast - Understanding Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) - Able To Care Podcast #011
This months podcast explores Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and how we can help those living with it.
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Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability - An Australian online training and support program for caregivers of children and youth with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: Families linking with families
Specialist FASD caregiver education and support programs are beneficial for caregivers who care for children and youth with FASD. Further research through a randomised control trial could establish the efficacy of the program.
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University of Johannesburg - Rethinking Local Economic Development for Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in Renosterberg Municipality
Two towns in the Renosterberg local municipality (RLM) in the Northern Cape Province of South Africa, Petrusville and Philipstown, have high Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) prevalence rates.
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Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities - Polyvictimization and Impairments in Functioning for Children and Youth with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
The findings highlight the increased risk of individual and familial difficulties in children diagnosed with FASD. The limitations and clinical implications are discussed to inform further research and assist in the development of trauma-informed clinical interventions.
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Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research - Extension of Community Health Outcomes (ECHO) FASD: Tele-mentoring program to increase healthcare capacity for fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) diagnosis
ECHO FASD is a feasible training method that shows promise to increase diagnostic capacity across many geographic regions.
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Applied Neuropsychology: Child - Neuropsychological evaluation of children and adolescents with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders in the Brazilian population
Our results point to the need for more clinical research on FASD in Brazil, as well as for the standardization and validation of neurodevelopmental assessment tools for the accurate diagnosis of FASD in Brazil.
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Makerere University - Alcohol use among pregnant women in post conflict northern Uganda: Prevalence, women’s experiences and effect of a communication intervention
Policy makers should ensure that interventions aimed at promoting alcohol abstinence during pregnancy should be implemented alongside other strategies that address factors that influence pregnant women to drink to achieve maximum results.
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The Clinical Neuropsychologist - Questioning cognitive heterogeneity and intellectual functioning in fetal alcohol spectrum disorders from the Wechsler intelligence scale for children
Our results question the notion of WISC profile heterogeneity in FASD and point to working memory and processing speed over-impairment, with global repercussions but most often preserved elementary reasoning abilities.
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Biological Research - Prenatal ethanol exposure and changes in fetal neuroendocrine metabolic programming
Prenatal ethanol exposure (PEE) (mainly through maternal alcohol consumption) has become widespread. However, studies suggest that it can cause intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) and multi-organ developmental toxicity in offspring, and susceptibility to various chronic diseases (such as neuropsychiatric diseases, metabolic syndrome, and related diseases) in adults.
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JAMA Network - Brain Volume in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Over a 20-Year Span
These findings suggest that a sustained spectrum of brain volume deficits endured from adolescence into early middle age based on the original severity of dysmorphia and a diagnostic distinction between fetal alcohol syndrome and alcohol-related neurodevelopment disorder.
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Prevention Science - Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of the Relationship Between Exposure to Parental Substance Use and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Children
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is characterized by persistent patterns of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness. Among US children and adolescents aged 3–17 years, 9.4% have a diagnosis of ADHD.
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Journal of Public Health - Identifying the motives for and against drinking during pregnancy and motherhood, and factors associated with increased maternal alcohol use
Stress reduction motives may be a risk factor for heavier maternal drinking, while motives for not drinking seem to be focused on child welfare and maternal well-being.
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BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth - Clustering of smoking, alcohol consumption and weight gain in pregnancy: prevalence, care preferences and associated factors
Around one in eight women reported clustered preventable risk factors during pregnancy, most of whom would like support to address these risks.
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Alkoholin kokonaiskulutukseen vaikuttavat eniten saatavuus ja hinta. Tästä syystä Kehitysvammaliitto vastustaa suunniteltuja muutoksia alkoholijuomien vähittäismyyntiä koskeviin säännöksiin. Alkoholin saatavuuden helpottaminen lisäisi sikiöaikaisia alkoholivaurioita.
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Landkreis Stade (Germany) - „FASD ist nicht das Ende“: Pflegeeltern erhalten Unterstützung – Fachtag in Stade
Alkoholkonsum in der Schwangerschaft wird noch immer verharmlost. Dabei drohen den Kindern bei einer fetalen Alkoholspektrumsstörung – kurz FASD – schwerwiegende Folgen.
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021 (Sebia) - Očeve navike ispijanja alkohola mogu uticati na izgled bebinog lica
Očeve navike pijenja alkohola pre začeća mogu oštetiti lica njihovih beba, pokazuju istraživanja.
Read more (Croatia) - Alkoholiziranje budućih očeva loše utječe na fetus?! 'Može dovesti do ovih šokantnih posljedica na nerođeno dijete'
Stopa rasta bebine glave, usta i čeljusti može biti oštećena kao rezultat prekomjerne konzumacije alkohola od strane oca
Read more (Poland) - Robisz to w ciąży? Twoje dziecko przez wiele lat może mieć te problemy
Czy kobiety ciężarne mogą pić alkohol? Naukowcy nie stwierdzili jednoznacznie, jaka ilość alkoholu w czasie ciąży jest bezpieczna.
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Padua Thesis and Dissertation Archive (Italy) - Brindisi rischiosi. Indagine sull'uso di alcol in gravidanza
L’alcol è uno dei fattori di rischio di molte malattie ed è una delle sostanze psicoattive più utilizzate, con un aumento del consumo negli ultimi anni soprattutto nelle giovani donne.
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NDR (Germany) - FASD-Ausstellung: Eine unsichtbare Behinderung sichtbar machen
FASD hat viele Gesichter. Rund 1,6 Millionen Menschen leiden in Deutschland an der Fetalen Alkoholspektrumsstörung. In Rostock ist nun eine Foto-Ausstellung von Andreas Ehrig mit Bildern von Betroffenen zu sehen.
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Lääkärilehti (Finland) - FASD- ja ADHD-diagnoosit uupumisen takana
Paras ja pisin aika ilman uupumusta on ollut neljä vuotta. Opiskelin tuolloin luovaa alaa. Valmistumisen jälkeen aloitin satunnaiset taidealan työt. En jaksanut roikkua kauan pätkätöissä ja myös taloudellisista syistä lähdin muihin töihin.
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Friday, November 24, 2023

Alcohol News - 47/2023

NordAN (Finland) - Alcohol-related harms caused Finnish employers losses of at least 500 million euros in 2022
Alcohol caused Finnish society costs of at least approximately 1.4 billion euros in 2022. This figure includes the combined costs of alcohol-related deaths, disabilities, treatments, and crimes. Additionally, the loss of labor due to alcohol led to estimated economic losses of at least 500 million euros for Finnish employers.
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Nuffield Department of Population Health - Alcohol consumption increases the risk of major causes of death
Alcohol consumption increases the risk of major causes of death in Chinese men, including deaths from cardiovascular diseases, certain cancers, and liver diseases, according to a new study by researchers from Oxford Population Health and Peking University. The study is published today in The Lancet Public Health.
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The Irish Times (Ireland) - Almost quarter of Irish population qualify as ‘binge drinkers’ despite decreased alcohol consumption
Alcohol consumption in the Republic has decreased but almost a quarter of the population meet the health criteria for “binge drinkers”, according to the results of the 2023 Healthy Ireland Survey.
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LSM (Latvia) - Alcohol consumption estimated to cause millions in losses to state
The first study of how alcohol consumption impacts the state budget has been carried out in Latvia on the order of the Ministry of Health. It suggests that losses of EUR 149.7 million were incurred for the health sector, law enforcement institutions, and social assistance in 2021, which accounted for 0.45% of gross domestic product (GDP), the Ministry said.
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NZ Herald (New Zealand) - Tauranga alcohol rules: Stores barred from selling booze before 10am
People in Tauranga will be able to drink at a restaurant from 9am, but not buy alcohol from a store until 10am.
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Gloucestershire Live - Nutritionist warns seven ways alcohol can trigger life-changing gut problems
It’s safe to say that Brits love a pint or a cheeky cocktail, with over 71% of UK adults admitting to drinking alcohol at least once a week. But it’s not just a hangover you’re left with after a boozy weekend.
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Mirage News (Australia) - Aussies Back Limits on Alcohol Exposure in Kids' Films
Most Australian adults support the use of policies to restrict the depiction of alcohol in films aimed at children under the age of 15, a new study by La Trobe University researchers shows.
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Nation.Cymru (UK) - Rise in alcohol-fuelled assaults and domestic abuse incidents in lead-up Christmas
Nearly 100 alcohol-fuelled serious assaults and more than 1,000 reports of domestic abuse were reported to a Welsh police force in December alone last year.
Read more (Netherlands) - Cars to have connection for alcohol lock from next year
From next July all newly registered cars in the Netherlands will have to have a connection for a device to stop cars from starting if the driver has been drinking, the AD reported on Tuesday.
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France 24 (South Africa) - South Africa has highest prevalence of Foetal alcohol spectrum disorders in the world
South Africa has the highest reported cases of Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) in the world, with a prevalence rate as high as 28 percent.
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The Conversation - 5 reasons why climate change may see more of us turn to alcohol and other drugs
Climate change will affect every aspect of our health and wellbeing. But its potential harms go beyond the body’s ability to handle extreme heat, important as this is.
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News Medical - New study links alcohol and white bread to increased colorectal cancer risk
In a recent article published in Nutrients, researchers evaluate the relationship between 139 dietary factors and the risk of developing colorectal cancer (CRC) using data from 118,210 participants in the United Kingdom (UK) biobank.
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AlcoholAndCancer (Finland) - Cancer Society of Finland warns against proposed alcohol law changes, citing public health risks
In Finland, the government's proposal to increase the availability of alcohol is facing strong criticism from health organisations, particularly regarding its potential impact on public health and safety.
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Friday, November 17, 2023

Alcohol News - 46/2023

Lake Geneva News (USA) - In surprise move, Senate approves overhauling Wisconsin alcohol industry
In a surprise move, the Wisconsin Senate approved a measure Tuesday overhauling the state’s alcohol industry despite the proposal being held up for months in a committee.
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Health Policy Watch - Global Initiative Aims to Reduce Alcohol Consumption Via Increased Taxes
Alcohol has had a fairly easy pass from public health authorities – although the World Health Organization (WHO) recently asserted that there is no safe level of drinking, upending many people’s cherished illusion that a glass of alcohol at the end of the day is harmless.
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News Medical - Alcohol consumption linked to accelerated biological aging
A new research paper was published in Aging (listed by MEDLINE/PubMed as "Aging (Albany NY)" and "Aging-US" by Web of Science) Volume 15, Issue 20, entitled, "Alcohol consumption and epigenetic age acceleration across human adulthood."
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The Conversation - For decades, mothers have borne the brunt of scrutiny for alcohol use during pregnancy − new research points to dad’s drinking as a significant factor in fetal alcohol syndrome
Men drink more, are more likely to binge drink and are almost four times more likely to develop alcohol use disorder than women, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
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The BMJ (UK) - Alcohol harms: the UK government is missing in action
This autumn the UK government has initiated two public consultations on alcohol policy. The first is about labelling of no alcohol and low alcohol products, proposing to increase the amount of alcohol permitted to be described as “alcohol free” 10-fold to 0.5%.
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The Local (Denmark) - Denmark to restrict alcohol sales to under-18s
Denmark will restrict alcohol sales to minors and increase taxes on nicotine products to combat a worrying rise in consumption, the health ministry said Tuesday.
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NordAN (Denmark) - Danish health organizations criticize new prevention agreement as inadequate for protecting youth
Three leading Danish health organizations have expressed strong disappointment in the newly unveiled prevention agreement aimed at protecting children and young people from the harms of tobacco, alcohol, and nicotine. The agreement, presented by a majority of parties in the Folketing (Danish Parliament), has been criticized for its lack of effective measures, particularly in the crucial areas of tobacco and alcohol control.
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South African Government News Agency (South Africa) - Fighting the harmful effects of alcohol
Many South Africans thrive on celebrations, whether it is a national accomplishment such as winning the Rugby World Cup, or a personal achievement such as passing an exam. These celebrations are often accompanied with dancing, singing and of course alcohol.
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Forbes (USA) - Alcohol And Its Effect On The Health Of Native Americans
President Biden proclaimed November 2023 to be National Native American Heritage Month, a time to reflect and celebrate the enormous contributions of Native Americans to American culture and society, including but not limited to the arts, humanities, sciences and public service.
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The Guardian Nigeria (Nigeria) - From Recreation To Chronic Diseases, Poverty: How sachet alcoholic drinks breed alcoholism, thwart national devt
The intractable economic downturn in the country led to the presentation of alcoholic beverages in pocket-friendly sachets and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles by distilleries.
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Mirage News (Australia) - Urgent Action on Alcohol Crisis Required, Says Australian Report
A comprehensive national report, published today by Alcohol Change Australia, calls for urgent government action to address the lack of public awareness concerning the health risks associated with alcohol use in Australia.
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The Irish Independent (Ireland) - Alcohol Action Ireland included in just one meeting on licensing laws changes with Justice Minister Helen McEntee
Justice Minister Helen McEntee and her officials met or phoned alcohol industry representatives eight times in reforming licensing laws, but met an organisation working to reduce alcohol harm only once.
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IARC - IARC-led study finds that 2 million lives are lost to preventable cancers each year across seven countries
Each year 1.9 million lives are lost to cancers caused by four preventable risk factors across the BRICS countries (Brazil, the Russian Federation, India, China, and South Africa), the United Kingdom, and the USA, according to a new study by researchers from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), Queen Mary University of London, and King’s College London.
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Balance NE (UK) - Nearly 500 North East adults a year dying from cancers due to alcohol
NEARLY 500 adults in the North East are dying each year from cancers due to alcohol. The figures have been revealed as a powerful new campaign aimed at reducing alcohol harm in the region launches (Monday 13 Nov).
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AlcoholAndCancer (Italy) - Breast cancer in Italy: Alarming increase due to alcohol
The Italian Association of Medical Oncology (AIOM) at its XXV National Congress in Rome has highlighted a critical health issue: the significant impact of alcohol consumption on breast cancer cases in Italy.
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Sunday, November 12, 2023

FASD News - 45/2023

National FASD (UK) - Thank you Susan Fleisher
National FASD honours and celebrates the legacy of our founder, Susan Fleisher, as her family and friends gather for her 30 October 2023 funeral.
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Global News (Canada) - Individual with FASD calls for less stigma at Saskatoon conference
Saskatoon held a national conference on fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) in TCU Place on Tuesday, bringing together individuals with FASD, policy makers, and professionals to talk about the disorder.
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My Edmonds News (USA) - For children exposed to alcohol before birth, services are in short supply
When Sara Lawton first brought her baby boy home from the hospital, she wasn’t sure if the endless crying was “normal baby behavior” or an indication of prenatal exposure to alcohol.
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CloudNine - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders : An Overview
Fetal alcohol syndrome is a permanent condition that happens when a pregnant woman consumes alcohol while pregnant. Consuming alcohol during pregnancy interferes with the development of the baby and causes defects both physically and mentally.
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ABC (Australia) - FASD assessment delays leave vulnerable WA children missing out on vital help in detention
Some of WA's most vulnerable children are missing out on appropriate support because of a crippling shortage of child health professionals.
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NOFASD Australia invites you to apply to participate in the “Three-Minute Thesis” session at The FASD Forum ’24 virtual conference on 3rd and 4th May 2024.
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The Courier (UK) - Fife foster child Ruby’s ‘superpower’ achievements despite foetal alcohol syndrome disabilities
Taken into care as a tot, she was later diagnosed with foetal alcohol syndrome which has caused learning disabilities.
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FASD United - Ann OKeeffe and Her Amazing Kiddos!
Kids are often a light in the darkest of times. Ann O’Keeffe and her children are a beautiful exhibition of this. Ann has a powerhouse pair of twins who love advocating for FASD.
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Jewish Family Service: Adoption and Foster Care - FASD Training
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The Women & Children's Health Research Institute - Better mental health means a better life for kids with FASD
Researchers team up to build a strategy that will address complex needs. Robbie Seale’s youngest son — a teen with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) — had been waiting years to see a psychiatrist when a dangerous episode forced an emergency trip to the hospital.
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The Power of Paws | Krista LaRocque - Unleashing Hope: The Transformative Bond Between Service Dogs and FASD Warriors
Have you ever pondered the true impact of a wagging tail and a big, furry smile? Today's episode illuminates the extraordinary bond between service dogs and individuals grappling with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), an often overlooked condition affecting approximately one in 20 children in the US.
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The B SMART Program - Alcohol and Pregnancy: The More You Know
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASDs) are the most common preventable developmental disability in the US; however, they are more often than not under-appreciated and under-recognized.
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CanFASD - Mental Health Resource and Practice Guide
In collaboration with the Canada Northwest FASD Partnership, CanFASD has developed the following resource and practice guide for frontline mental health counsellors/therapists, prevention mentors, crisis workers, community mental health providers and those who work directly with individuals with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
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NPs, Midwives, & Nurses Partnering to Prevent FASDs - Recommended drinking limits for women
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National FASD - Sandy's #FASDGiveMe5 Facts
Here's Sandy with her #FASDGiveMe5 facts for FASD Awareness Month.
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FASD Success - #138 Unlearning to Reconnect: Stacia's FASD Caregiving Journey from Professor to Not for Profit
Welcome to Episode #138 of the FASD Success Show! Today, we're talking to Stacia Stribling, a wife, mom, FASD advocate and a proud business owner running a family-led Orchard.
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We’re thrilled to announce the launch of our new podcast, “FASD: A guide for Speech & Language Therapists.” This podcast aims to equip and empower Speech and Language Therapists, both learning and qualified, with the knowledge and tools to identify and address Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in children.
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Your Family's Health - FASD: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
Dr. Jeanine Cook-Garard learns about FASD - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders. Our guest says that this is the number one preventable cause of developmental, learning and intellectual disabilities in the world.
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FASD Ireland - Podcast "FASD - What's da Craic?"
In this episode Maggie and Scott have a have a great catch up, discussing birthdays and family additions, they also review the recent research carried out by Dr Katy Tobin, Dr Elizabeth McCarthy and Ms Anna Marie Paanoven all from Trinity College Dublin.
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Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice - Bound by Blame: Sentencing, Colonialism, and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Gladue and Ipeelee send important messages to judges, but messages that have tensions within them that reflect the broader tensions of using the criminal law system to acknowledge ongoing state involvement in discrimination against Indigenous Peoples.
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Gene - RNA-seq analysis reveals prenatal alcohol exposure is associated with placental inflammatory cells and gene expression
Our findings suggest that heavy alcohol exposure during pregnancy can influence the proportion of fetal placental villi macrophages (Hofbauer cells) and increased expression of inflammatory genes.
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Education & Training in Autism & Developmental Disabilities - Effects of a Function-Based Contingency and Self-Management Intervention on the Academic Engagement of a Student with FASD
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is characterized by impulsivity and deficits in executive functioning. Given this, individuals with FASD might particularly benefit from interventions that teach them to manage their own behavior in a more adaptive manner.
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BMC Oral Health - The oral health-related quality of life for individuals with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder – a cross-sectional study
The findings clearly demonstrate that there is a discernible effect on an individual’s quality of life if they have poor oral health. In conclusion, further research is required to determine the most effective methods to improve the OHRQoL of individuals with disabilities.
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Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research - Prenatal alcohol exposure promotes NLRP3 inflammasome-dependent immune actions following morphine treatment and paradoxically prolongs nerve injury-induced pathological pain in female mice
In female mice, PAE prolongs allodynia following morphine treatment through NLRP3 activation. TLR4-activated PAE immune cells showed enhanced IL-1β release with morphine via NLRP3 actions.
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Current Treatment Options in Pediatrics - Intrauterine Drug Exposure—What the Pediatrician Needs to Know. Part 1: General Overview, Transplacental Drug Transfer, Teratogenicity, and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Pregnant women should be advised to abstain from elective use of drugs and substances that can affect the growth of the fetus, neurobehavior of the newborn, and long-term functional potential of the growing child.
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European Journal of Paediatric Neurology - Transcranial magnetic stimulation as a feasible, non-invasive, neuromodulatory intervention in fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. A very first proof of concept
FASD is a very complex disorder that is difficult to treat. In addition, comorbidities as atypical responses to pharmacotherapies are frequent. For this reason, non-invasive, innovative therapies for children with FASD have to be developed.
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Alcohol and Alcohol-related Diseases - Image Analysis of Neurofacial Effects of Prenatal Alcohol Exposure
In this chapter, we review the 2D and 3D imaging based methods for identifying the range of FASD associated facial dysmorphism across the FASD spectrum, and discuss the identification of and relationships between the face, brain and neurocognitive performance.
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Frontiers in Neuroscience - Spectral-based thickness profiling of the corpus callosum enhances anomaly detection in fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
We characterized size-independent anomalies of the posterior part of the CC in FASD, with an automated method, confirming and extending our previous study.
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Child Welfare - Knowledge, Training, and Support Needs for Identification and Appropriate Care of Children with Prenatal Alcohol and Other Drug Exposures in the Child Welfare System
This study was conducted to explore what professionals working in child welfare and caregivers know about prenatal substance exposure, emphasizing prenatal alcohol exposure, and their perceived training needs. This was part of a descriptive mixed methods study conducted in 22 local child welfare agencies across five states.
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Alcohol and Alcohol-related Diseases - “From Surviving to Thriving”: A Focused Review of Interventions for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders to Guide a Shift Toward Strengths-Based Intervention Development
This chapter offers a focused review of existing FASD interventions and community programs to illustrate how current work is already confronting these barriers and demonstrating a shift to a strengths-based perspective.
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Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy - Alcohol consumption and associated factors among pregnant women attending antenatal care at governmental hospitals in Harari regional state, Eastern, Ethiopia
This study observed that single marital status, previous history of abortion, family history of mental illness, depression, and anxiety were highly associated with alcohol consumption during pregnancy.
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Seven Editora - Nursing care for pregnant women who use alcohol and other drugs in primary care: An instructional video for nursing students
Consumption and abuse of alcohol and other drugs during pregnancy constitute one of the most frequent psychiatric disorders during pregnancy. From the assumption of the existence of gaps related to the training of nurses on this subject, a research problem emerged: Are nursing students clearly prepared to act, in primary care, to pregnant women who use alcohol and other drugs?
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Frontiers in Psychiatry - Substance use during pregnancy and risk of postpartum depression: a systematic review and meta-analysis
This meta-analysis provides evidence of an increased risk of PPD among pregnant substance users, particularly those using multiple substances or tobacco. However, caution is needed in interpreting the association with alcohol use due to its non-significant result.
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Eur J Midwifery - Women’s views on moderate and low alcohol consumption: stages of the subjective transition from pregnancy to postpartum
Pregnant and breastfeeding women perceive alcohol consumption as a risk to the health of the child. Abstinence is sought especially during pregnancy, but this does not preclude occasional and low-level consumption.
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IN OTHER LANGUAGES (Poland) - Dla dzieci z FASD w Toruniu
Centrum Diagnozy i Terapii FASD to odpowiedź na potrzeby dzieci z syndromem FASD oraz ich rodziców i opiekunów. W Toruniu dzięki dofinansowaniu ze środków Gminy Miasta Toruń wynoszącym w 2023 r. 83.000 zł oferta proponowana dzieciom i rodzinom dzieci z FASD jest bezpłatna.
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Stadt Karlsruhe (Germany) - Aktionswoche "Suchtfrei ins Leben"
Das Präventionsbüro SUCHT und das städtische Kinderbüro gestalten gemeinsam mit zahlreichen weiteren Akteurinnen und Akteuren vom 6. bis 10.
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Kehitysvammaliitto (Finland) – VÄLIINPUTOAJA
Vuodenajoista syksy on usein itelle ollut vaikeeta, masentavaa aikaa. Pelkästään sen kylmyys ja pimeys vaikuttaa jo mieleen ja oma jaksaminen on muutenkin haastavaa. Mua ärsytti oma käytökseni, joka on aika ajoin vittumaista ja joka purkautuu pahimmillaan aina lähimpiin ihmisiin.
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Osservatorio Malattie Rare (Italy) - Sindrome feto alcolica, è la più grave e negletta disabilità permanente di origine non genetica
La Dr.ssa Rita di Sarro, neurologa e psichiatra, Direttore del Programma Integrato Disabilità e Salute della AUSL Bologna, è anche vicepresidente del comitato scientifico di AIDEFAD (Associazione italiana disordini da esposizione fetale ad alcol e/o droghe).
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NaczelnaIzba (Poland) - Webinar: FASD – perspektywa psychologa
Krajowe Centrum Przeciwdziałania Uzależnieniom wraz z Naczelną Izbą Pielęgniarek i Położnych zaprasza na webinar dr Teresy Jadczak-Szumiło
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Afasaf Fasd (Spain) - Afasaf ConNecta_Prevención del suicidio y autólisis. Estrategias familiares en situaciones de crisis
Sesión informativa sobre las estrategias prácticas para familias y cuidadores que se enfrentan a situaciones de crisis relacionadas con la salud mental y el riesgo de suicidio.
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Friday, November 10, 2023

Alcohol News - 45/2023

WION (UK) - UK women are way ahead when it comes to binge drinking, study finds
A study by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has found that women in Britain top the list of the world's biggest female binge drinkers.
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World Health Organization (WHO) - Joint statement by WHO/Europe and IARC to the European Parliament – raising awareness of the link between alcohol and cancer
IARC is the specialized cancer agency of WHO, its main mission being to conduct research to enable effective cancer prevention. The IARC monographs programme identifies and evaluates the potential of agents to cause cancer.
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UK Parliament Committees (UK) - Major prevention inquiry turns to harms caused by alcohol, drugs, gambling and Tobacco
MPs will consider harms, including addictive behaviours, in the next stage of their major inquiry into preventing ill-health. On the agenda, the effectiveness of regulation and messaging around harms caused by alcohol, drugs, gambling and smoking – factors that contribute to poor health.
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USA Today - The Excerpt podcast: More women are dying from alcohol-related causes. Why?
A recent groundbreaking study revealed that alcohol-related deaths are surging for women even more than for men. What’s to blame? Dr. Paula Cook, host of The Addiction Files podcast and a board-certified addiction medicine and family medicine physician, joined The Excerpt podcast to talk about a dangerous culture around alcohol and why women face higher risks.
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NZ Herald (New Zealand) - Calls for less alcohol advertising around low decile Auckland schools
South Auckland community leader and new MP Fa’anana Efeso Collins has slammed what he says is the abnormal level of exposure of children to alcohol advertising near schools.
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Neuroscience News - Soda’s Slippery Slope to Alcohol Use in Kids
A recent study points to a potential link between regular caffeinated soda consumption in children and an increased likelihood of alcohol use. Delving into over 2,000 young participants’ habits, researchers found a connection to impulsivity and working memory deficits.
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LSM (Latvia) - Shorter alcohol sales hours considered in Latvia
The Saeima Public Health Sub-Committtee has agreed to advance a joint proposal on restrictions on alcohol sales, which provides for a prohibition on selling alcohol on working days and Saturdays from 20:00 in the evening until 10:00 of the next day, but on Sundays and public holidays from 15:00 to 10:00 on the next working day, Latvian Television reports.
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The National (Dubai) - Dubai teenagers create AI-based app to help prevent alcohol abuse
A group of Dubai pupils have developed an app that uses artificial intelligence to administer a chemical through a skin patch to help people with alcohol addiction.
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University of Liverpool (UK) - Researchers call for better integration of mental health and alcohol services
The relationship between alcohol and mental health among UK minority ethnic groups is explored in a joint report from Lancaster University, King’s College London, the University of Liverpool and Edge Hill University.
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NordAN (Denmark) - Denmark: Four out of ten parents worry about their child's alcohol consumption
New figures from the Danish Cancer Society and TrygFonden reveal that nearly half of parents are concerned about their teenagers' alcohol consumption. Ongoing dialogue and agreements between parents and teenagers can contribute to the child drinking less.
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Eurocare (EU) - European Parliament Report on Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) must be altered to protect European Citizens from alcohol harms
The European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL), the foremost and largest professional medical society on liver health in Europe, together with the European Alcohol Policy Alliance (Eurocare), urge Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) to make the right choice for all Europeans in line with WHO recommendations, scientific evidence and popular requests.
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NordAN (Sweden) - MHF spotlights prevention and recovery in fight against drunk driving in week 45
Over one million Swedes engage in risky alcohol consumption. During week 45, MHF shines a light on positive examples of preventive and rehabilitative measures linked to alcohol and drug abuse as well as drunk driving.
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OECD - Health at a Glance 2023
Health at a Glance provides a comprehensive set of indicators on population health and health system performance across OECD members and key emerging economies. These cover health status, risk factors for health, access to and quality of healthcare, and health system resources.
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Friday, November 3, 2023

Alcohol News - 44/2023

NordAN (Finland) - Finnish regular alcohol use has decreased – risky drinking still common
Finnish regular alcohol consumption has decreased as we entered the 2020s. The proportion of those consuming alcohol weekly or more often decreased from 52% to 48% among men and from 29% to 22% among women between the years 2016 and 2023.
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Medical Xpress - Study gauges support for restricting alcohol in kids' films
Alcohol exposure is common in popular films and research has demonstrated a link between alcohol exposure and use. Currently, only alcohol marketing in films is regulated—but not alcohol exposure, such as seeing an alcoholic beverage.

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Breaking News (Ireland) - Study finds strong links between harmful alcohol consumption and obesity in Irish adults
A new study has found strong links between harmful levels of alcohol consumption and obesity in Irish adults. Research on the association between drinking alcohol and weight in a sample of the Irish population found a majority of those who drink alcohol are either obese or overweight.
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Alcohol and Drug Foundation (Australia) - Decriminalisation of public drunkenness in Victoria
From November 7, 2023, public intoxication (public drunkenness) will no longer be a criminal offense in Victoria, following the Government’s 2019 announcement that the law would be removed.
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HuffPost - So THAT'S Why Alcohol Makes You More Anxious As You Get Older
It’s the morning after a night out, and you can’t stop stressing. Maybe you’re overwhelmed by all the errands you need to run or can’t shake the feeling of embarrassment over your tipsy choices.
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Psychology Today - The Emotional Secret to Resisting Alcohol
When I ask new clients why they want to cut down on drinking, more often than not, I get some version of “I should drink less.” They go on to tell me how alcohol is bad for their health, how stopping drinking will improve their marriage, or how “it’s bad to drink too much.”
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Baltic News Network (Latvia) - Latvian Saeima deputies propose limiting alcohol sale time even more
Multiple members of the Latvian Saeima have submitted proposals for amendments to the Handling of Alcoholic Beverages Law that provide for limiting alcohol sale time even more than it is now.
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LSM (Latvia) - Proposal to raise drinking age limit advanced by Saeima committee
The Saeima Social and Labor Affairs Committee supports the intention to raise the alcohol-purchase age limit from 18 to 20, Latvian Radio reported on October 31.
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Vancouver Sun (Canada) - Dr. Patricia Daly: The cumulative impact of moves to liberalize liquor rules is cause for concern
Unfortunately, the growing body of evidence about the harms of alcohol, and about our increasing consumption of it, arrives just as many policymakers take steps to “modernize” liquor laws
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Forut - Women shaping alcohol policy
FORUT and our partner organizations took part in the Global Alcohol Policy Conference 2023 from October 24th to 26th in Cape Town.
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La Trobe University - Support for restricting alcohol in kids' films
Alcohol exposure is common in popular films and research has demonstrated a link between alcohol exposure and use. Currently, only alcohol marketing in films is regulated – but not alcohol exposure, such as seeing an alcoholic beverage.
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Dentistry (UK) - The importance of addressing alcohol intake with patients
This Sober October, Amy Mesilio Peralta discusses the impact of alcohol on oral and mental health, and the importance of advising your patients on alcohol intake.
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NordAN (Norway) - Concerns escalate over reduction in substance abuse Research in Norway
The integration of the Norwegian Institute for Alcohol and Drug Research (SIRUS) into the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (FHI) in 2016 has led to a significant reduction in workforce, from 35 full-time positions to now just 18.
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NordAN - The evolving nature of party ideologies and alcohol policy advocacy
The previous article set the stage by discussing the complicated relationship between party ideologies and alcohol policies. As we continue with this topic, we are met with an evolving paradox – parties, in their quest for votes, occasionally sidestep their traditional ideological foundations. Some even argue, that in today's political climate, some political parties appear devoid of any firm ideology, seemingly driven only by the pursuit of power and votes. Even when a political party takes an opportunistic approach, the policies they champion still stem from an ideological viewpoint to some degree. How, then, as advocates of evidence-based alcohol policies, do we navigate this nuanced political terrain?
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