
Monday, May 30, 2011

Alcohol News - 22/2011

The Local (Sweden) - State liquor stores moot higher tax on wine
Sweden's state-run alcohol retail monopoly Systembolaget has demanded an extra tax on box wine equating a price hike of up to 25-30 percent in order to curb the thirst for bag-in-box wines.
Informa (Finland/Denmark) - Changing Drinking Styles in Denmark and Finland. Fragmentation of Male and Female Drinking Among Young Adults
A traditional heavy intoxication-oriented drinking style, “heroic drinking,” is a central drinking practice in Denmark and Finland, especially among men. However, it seems that another drinking style leading to intoxication, “playful drinking,” has become more prevalent in Denmark as well as in Finland.
Stockholm News (Sweden) - Youth choose drugs before alcohol
Cannabis is more popular than alcohol among young people in Stockholm. New figures from the Maria Ungdom youth clinic shows that for the first time do a majority of young people prefer to smoke cannabis as their main choice of intoxication.
Washington Post (USA) - How Marylanders beat the alcohol lobby

In a budget season filled with controversies over taxes, deficits and cuts across the country, Maryland just took a historic step: The General Assembly passed and Gov. Martin O’Malley signed the first increase in beer and wine taxes in 38 years, and the first increase in distilled spirits taxes in 55 years.
BBC News (UK) - Alcohol-related hospital admissions reach record level
The number of alcohol-related hospital admissions in England has topped one million for the first time, according to official statistics.
Times of India (UK) - Low-income women die of alcohol abuse
Women in low-income job roles are almost six times as likely to die from alcohol abuse as those in higher paid employment, according to new UK government research. (Canada) - Drink up: Ontario relaxes liquor laws
As the warm weather starts to roll in and people begin to enjoy patios and outdoor festivals, Ontarians will be able to imbibe in places they weren't allowed to last summer. (UK) - Health Secretary Andrew Lansley demands supermarkets take action on alcohol
Andrew Lansley, the Health Secretary, has written to the UK's leading supermarkets demanding action after Department of Health (DoH) officials said that the retail giants had failed to follow through on commitments to remove alcohol promotions from the front of their stores.
Irish Health - Some react more positively to alcohol
Scientists have moved a step closer to understanding why people who have close relatives with alcohol problems are at an increased risk of abusing alcohol themselves.
Malaysia Star (Malaysia) - Malaysians drink less alcohol than Thais and Viets
Alcohol consumption in the country has declined, according to several non-governmental organisations here. Governing Council Member of the Confederation of Malaysian Brewers Berhad Renuka Indrarajah said a study by Deloitte Research and Analysis in 2009 revealed that Malaysia was the only South-East Asian country that registered a decline in alcohol consumption per capita between 2004 and 2008. (Canada) - Women in alcohol-related offences tend to be older, better educated
Women who drive drunk or commit other alcohol-related offences tend to be older, better educated and divorced, compared to their male counterparts.
Hurriyet Daily News (Turkey) - Turkish court partially suspends new alcohol restrictions
Turkey’s top administrative court partially suspended restrictions Wednesday on alcohol sales that were introduced in January to a strong public reaction, halting two provisions in the regulation.
Irish Health (Ireland) - Call to tackle alcohol-related cancer
The number of new cases of cancer in Ireland could be significantly reduced if people drank less alcohol, according to Alcohol Action Ireland (AAI).
Times of India - 'Alcohol poisoning can cause vision loss'
Noted neuro-ophthalmologist Dr Vimla Menon, while addressing a mid-term conference on neuro-ophthalmology at the Indira Gandhi Science Centre Planetarium, here on Sunday said that neuro-ophthalmology, a subspecialty, deals with diseases of eye directly related to brain and its disorder. (Kenya) - Underage Abuse of Alcohol On the Rise
About 20 percent of an estimated 10 million school children are abusing alcohol and cigarettes. 12.7 percent boys and 6.5 percent girls in school are already experimenting with the alcohol and cigarettes.
Nigeria Daily Independent (Nigeria) - Tripartite pact to effective regulation of alcohol advertising
The advertising of alcohol, the marketing of alcoholic products, peer pressure and parental influence all play a part in the level of alcohol consumption among young people.
ABC Online (Australia) - Alcohol and cancer: the verdict
Mounting evidence shows that drinking any of amount of alcohol will increase your risk of developing cancer. What does this really mean for those of us who like a drink?
WalesOnline (Wales) - Serious problems of binge drinking in older people ignored because of focus on youth boozers
TOO much focus on young people binge drinking in city centres is masking serious alcohol problems among older people, a report claims today.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

FASD News - 21/2011

The Globe and Mail (Canada) - Rewiring the brains of children with fetal alcohol syndrome
His brain was damaged by the alcohol his birth mother drank when he was in the womb. But a 12-week program at Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Children has helped him learn to better understand and regulate his emotions.
Huffington Post - Alcohol During Pregnancy: More Dangerous Than We Can 'Know'
As a social worker who has worked in the area of child welfare and cofounded Coalition for Alcohol & Drug Free Pregnancies (CADFP) in Santa Clara County, CA, I have been dismayed by the popular press articles, including a recent one on the Huffington Post that minimize the need for alcohol abstinence during pregnancy. (Ireland) - Pregnant? Don’t drink – it’s just not worth it
Despite all the research recently published that has reassured women they can have a glass of wine now and then during pregnancy, I have stood firm in my belief that it’s wrong to drink at all when carrying a baby. - UNFAIR BURDEN: the invisible, pervasive condition caused by prenatal exposure to alcohol
A child climbs a tree and tumbles four metres to the ground. For a typical kid, the impact upon hitting the ground would be enough to teach them not to attempt the climb again. But for a child with adaptive functioning issues, one of the hallmarks of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, learning from mistakes is easier said than done.
New research into fetal alcohol spectrum disorder offers hope
Regular exercise can help repair brain damage caused by drinking – including in children exposed to alcohol before they were born. “If you exercise, even in adulthood ... that tends to lead to the production of more new cells in the brain and you tend to have an increase in cognitive capacity,” said Brian Christie, senior scholar and associate professor in the division of medical sciences at the University of Victoria. - Children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders have less deep-gray brain matter
Children and youth who have fetal alcohol spectrum disorders have less deep-gray matter in their brains compared to children who don’t have the condition, according to a collaborative study by a multidisciplinary team of researchers at the University of Alberta. This difference affects the way messages are relayed in the brain.
Irish Medical Times (Ireland) - Coombe set to spearhead FAS alcohol intake project
A study has commenced in the Coombe Women’s Hospital aimed at screening women for alcohol intake in pregnancy with a view to counselling. - FAS: Is it a government plot?
I was in Nevada this last week, working with obstetricians on strategies for identifying pregnant women who are drinking alcohol.  All was going well until I met up with a physician who would have no part of the conversation.  Like other skeptics I've met through the years, he was vehement in his protests that there is not any research to prove that no amount of alcohol is safe to drink during pregnancy.
Telegraph (UK) - Glass or two of wine a week 'could damage baby'
Pregnant women who drink as little as a glass of wine a week could be putting their babies at risk, according to new research which contracts recent studies indicating that an occasional tipple is harmless.

CAPHC - FASD Webinar- FASD: An In-depth Overview and National Dialogue with the Experts
In partnership with many FASD experts, researchers, and organizations, the Canadian Association of Paediatric Health Centres (CAPHC) has facilitated the development of the National Screening Tool Kit for Children and Youth Identified and Potentially Affected by FASD. The upcoming Webinar series will introduce participants to the components of the Tool Kit, as well as engage them in an interactive dialogue with content experts from across Canada.
Foster Parent Webcast Archive available on YouTube
The Washington State Department of Social Services and the Foster Parent Training Institute has a series of videos intended for foster parents on FASD.
New FASD resources from the Asante Centre
Minga Marketplace is The Asante Centre’s on-line FASD Resource Store. Resources include books, DVDs, posters, pamphlets, and FASD awareness gifts and promotions.
FASD: A Practical Guide For Employers
NAT member Narine Margaryan, FASD Service Coordinator, of the Yellowknife Association for Community Living  has created a manual entitled FASD: A Practical Guide For Employers to educate businesses about FASD and ways they can accommodate employees with the disorder.
CDC - The Story Of Iyal
This video tells the story of one family living with FASDs. Every family has unique experiences, challenges, and successes. The intent of this video is not to endorse specific interventions, but to share one family’s story and hope.

Alcoholism - Alcohol and Maternal Uterine Vascular Adaptations During Pregnancy—Part I: Effects of Chronic In Vitro Binge-Like Alcohol on Uterine Endothelial Nitric Oxide System and Function
The maternal uterine vasculature during pregnancy may be vulnerable to chronic binge-like alcohol. Altered eNOS multisite phosphorylation also suggests that alcohol produces specific effects at the level of posttranslational modifications critical for pregnancy-induced uterine vascular adaptations. Finally, the alcohol and estradiol-17β data suggest a negative impact of alcohol on estrogen actions on the uterine vasculature.
Alcohol Consumption During Pregnancy Among Women in Israel
Alcohol consumption is frequent among pregnant women in Israel, especially young secular Jewish women with first pregnancies. Improved educational programs on the dangers of FASD are needed for both professionals and the general public.
Science Direct - Maternal voluntary drinking in C57BL/6J mice: Advancing a model for fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
These results suggest that this model is able to produce a range of behavioural phenotypes consistent with prenatal ethanol exposure and may be used to evaluate resulting long-term genetic changes. Given the range of genetic resources available for inbred mouse strains, the model described here may prove to be a useful tool in evaluating the molecular basis of FASD.
Extensive Deep Gray Matter Volume Reductions in Children and Adolescents with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
The link between the numerous cognitive, motor, and behavioral difficulties of individuals with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) and underlying specific structural brain injuries can be investigated using high-resolution imaging. Differential sensitivity of the brain’s “relay” stations, namely the deep gray matter structures, may play a key factor given their multifaceted role in brain function.
Ethanol-Induced Microphthalmia is Not Mediated by Changes in Retinoic Acid or Sonic Hedgehog Signaling During Retinal Neurogenesis
Together these findings indicate that, during the time of retinal neurogenesis, effects of ethanol on eye development are likely independent of the RA and Shh signaling pathways. These studies suggest that FASD intervention strategies based upon augmentation of RA or Shh signaling may not prevent ethanol-induced microphthalmia.
Commentary: Will Analyzing the Epigenome Yield Cohesive Principles of Ethanol Teratology?
This manuscript presents several interesting and novel pieces of data and raises important questions for future research. The implications of these data for our understanding of the etiology of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders are discussed.
Association of Moderate Alcohol Use and Binge Drinking During Pregnancy with Neonatal Health
Heavy drinking and smoking during pregnancy are known to have a negative impact on the unborn child. However, the impact of low-to-moderate alcohol consumption and binge drinking has been debated recently. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship of moderate prenatal drinking and binge drinking with birthweight, being small for gestational age (SGA) at birth, preterm birth, and neonatal asphyxia.

Online News (Italy) – In aumento l’abuso di alcol tra gli anziani: «Sono lasciati soli»
L’abuso di alcol e le malattie correlate al centro del convegno internazionale “Alcohol across the lifespan: what Physicians, Psychologist and Nurses need to know”, che si è tenuto il 9 e 10 maggio presso il CNR, a Roma. Medici di medicina generale, infermieri e psicologi hanno preso parte all’iniziativa, promossa dal Centro di Riferimento Alcologico della Regione Lazio con la prestigiosa partecipazione del NIAAA, l’Istituto nazionale americano sull’alcolismo.
ZWD (Germany) - Alkoholismus unter Frauen und Mädchen besorgniserregend hoch
Etwa 370.000 Frauen in Deutschland sind alkoholabhängig. Dies teilte die Drogenbeauftragte der Bundesregierung, Mechthild Dyckmans (FDP) bei der Vorstellung des Drogen- und Suchtberichts 2011 am 17. Mai in Berlin mit.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Alcohol News - 21/2011

Helsingin Sanomat (Finland) - Hockey team's drunken antics lead to official talking-to
The Finnish Lions ice hockey team, welcomed home on Monday by 100,000 adoring fans as they brought with them Finland's second IIHF World Championship trophy, have come in for criticism in some quarters over the state of serious leglessness displayed by some players and staff on their arrival back on home soil.
YLE News (Finland) - Finns Drinking Less, But More Often
New research shows that while the trend in Finnish drinking habits is moving towards the European norm, the Finns still tend to drink more with the intent of getting intoxicated than do, for example, the French.
The (Sweden) - Alcoholism linked to family drinking: study
Having a relative with an alcohol problem increases the risk of an individual developing alcoholism, a new Swedish study published on Tuesday has shown.
Times of India - Alcohol has as many calories as pure fat
"The study conducted by UK alcohol awareness charity Drinkaware revealed that many dieters are unwittingly undoing all their good work by accompanying their meal with a favorite drink," reports  the Daily Mail.
Hindustan Times - Alcohol hinders verbal learning
For college students, binge drinking could take a heavy toll in the classroom, according to a new study. Researchers at the University of Santiago of Compostela in Spain revealed that students who drank heavily — more than five alcoholic drinks for men and four for women on one occasion — scored lower on a verbal learning test than students who didn’t binge drink.
USA Today (Spain) - Study: Binge drinking tied to memory loss in college students
A new Spanish study links binge drinking in college students to a lowered ability to remember lists of words, although the research doesn't prove alcohol is at fault and the drinkers did fine on a separate memory test.
Online Social Media - Facebook Friends Match Mentions of Alcohol
Now we want to bring you news of a rather intriguing study, which shows that the amount of Facebook friends that college guys have, appears to match the amount of references to alcohol they make on their Facebook profiles.
U.S. News & World Report - Some More Sensitive to Effects of Alcohol, Study Finds
People who are more sensitive to the rewarding effects of alcohol may be at increased risk for greater consumption of alcohol and for alcoholism, researchers report.
Ottawa Citizen (Canada) - Street alcohol program saves millions
As backward as it might sound, one of the city's most innovative programs to help street drunks is the managed-alcohol program run jointly by the Shepherds of Good Hope and Ottawa Inner City Health Inc., which takes medicine to the needy, where they need it. (Switzerland) - Tests curb underage alcohol sales
Sales of alcohol to underage drinkers are going down, but one in four underage teenagers is still able to buy alcohol at shops and restaurants.
ABC Online (Australia) - Ads aim to sweeten new alcohol laws
The Northern Territory Government says an advertising campaign is being launched this week to prepare Territorians for new alcohol laws.
BBC News (Scotland) - Scottish Borders minimum alcohol price support move
The administration of Scottish Borders Council is seeking support for moves to set a minimum unit price for alcohol.
Focus Taiwan News Channel - Researchers identify blood pressure-alcohol link in East Asian genes
Researchers from Taiwan and six other countries have identified five previously unknown genetic variants that influence blood pressure among populations of East Asian ancestry, Academia Sinica, the nation's highest research institute, said Friday.
Wall Street Journal - SABMiller Profit Boosted by Africa, Asia
SABMiller PLC, maker of Grolsch, Peroni Nastro Azzuro and Miller Lite, on Thursday said net profit rose on volume growth in emerging markets, cost-cutting and some price increases, but the global brewer cautioned that the outlook for inflation and the pace of recovery in Europe and North America is uncertain.
Press TV (Germany) - Binge drinking affect many in Germany
Germany is burdened with 1,3 million alcoholics, and one in five citizen has an alcohol problem, costing health insurance companies and the government up to 40 billion euros a year.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Alcohol News - 20/2011

ERR News (Estonia/Finland) - Study: Estonia Now Drinking Less Alcohol than Finland
People reined in alcohol buying during the recession along with other discretionary spending, and it can be said that the country now drinks less than neighboring Finland, according to the Institute of Economic Research. But there are some signs that the share of illegal alcohol is growing.
PRWeb (Denmark) - New Genetic Research Indicates Children with Alcoholic Parents More Likely to Need Alcoholism Treatment
A recent study from The University of Copenhagen has indicated that when parents have alcohol use disorders, their children are more likely to inherit the same issue and need alcoholism treatment at some point down the line. The study showed that this genetic relationship was isolated from other factors contributing to alcoholism, such as social status and gender. The data will be published in the July 2011 issue of Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research.
The Canberra Times (Australia) - Booze culture out of control: police
Police say their latest national blitz on drunken behaviour confirms that Australia's culture of alcohol and violence is out of control.’
Los Angeles Times - Gastric bypass weight-loss surgery increases risk of alcoholism, study says
Gastric bypass surgery for weight loss doubles the risk of developing alcoholism compared with Lap-Band surgery, Swedish researchers reported Monday.
Fox News - Internet Use Linked to Teen Drinking
Teens who drink alcohol spend more time using the computer for activities such as social networking than do those who don't drink alcohol, according to a new study.
The Age (Australia) - Police admit alcohol message not getting through
Police nabbed 170 people for alcohol-related offences across the weekend in Victoria as senior police conceded their messages weren't getting through to young adults. (Ireland) - Trial hears concerns over blood alcohol levels
A manslaughter trial in Nenagh has heard blood alcohol levels can be unreliable when it comes to post mortem examinations.
Medical News Today (Australia) - Alcohol Restrictions May Help Lower Injury Rates In Indigenous Communities
Rates of serious injury requiring aeromedical retrieval by the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) are at their lowest recorded level in four remote Queensland Indigenous communities, according to research published in the Medical Journal of Australia. These low injury rates have occurred after government restrictions on access to alcohol in these communities.
Rapid News Network - New Study Shows Alcohol Makes Women Fat
Being overweight is not always just the result 0f incorrect Nutrition and lack of exercise.  According to the results of a new EPIC study (European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition) of the German Institute of Human Nutrition, Alcohol also contributes to being overweight and partially to blame for excess pounds.
Scotsman (Scotland) - SNP: Minimum alcohol prices by next year
A NEW minimum price for alcohol is likely to become law within a year, after the SNP vowed the measure would be the key priority of its second term in office.
Timaru Herald (New Zealand) - Alcohol 'toxic tide' in Nelson
Alcohol is a "toxic tide running through the community", and parents need help to prevent their teens being swept away, says a Nelson doctor.
Voxy (New Zealand) - NZ Should Follow Scots Alcohol Pricing Lead
A minimum price for alcoholic drinks is set to become law in Scotland within a year, following the re-election of the Scottish Nationalist Party, who had vowed to make this a key priority.
Wine Spectator (Australia) - Aussie Health Group Says No to Alcohol, Even in Moderation
An Australian health organization has issued an eyebrow-raising report urging people to abstain from alcohol completely in order to reduce their risk of cancer. - School-based prevention programs can help reduce alcohol problems in young people
School prevention programs aimed at curbing alcohol misuse in children are somewhat helpful, enough so to deserve consideration for widespread use, according to a large, international systematic review.
Medill Reports: Chicago (USA) - Study: Adult-supervised drinking harms teens, saying ‘no’ better
Parents who allow their teens to drink in adult-supervised settings, hoping it will teach them responsible drinking, may be doing more harm than good, according to a study published in the May issue of the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs.
The Guardian (UK) - Could an intensive, abstinence-based approach solve prisoners' drug addiction?
Keith Wallace describes his early home life as "traumatic and chaotic". His mother had a psychiatric illness and, unable to cope, her five sons were taken into care. Describing the years he spent in care as "providing some much needed stability", Wallace says it just wasn't enough to give him the start in life he needed and he began using cannabis and drinking alcohol as a teenager as "an escape".
GenevaLunch (France) - French to crack down on drunk driving, speed on roads
French road safety officials meeting in Paris 11 May agreed to a series of radical changes to crack down on speeders and drunk drivers, shortly after April figures were released that show a sharp increase in road fatalities.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Alcohol News - 19/2011

The City of Tampere (Finland) - Tampere campaigns against supplying alcohol to minors
The City of Tampere has launched a campaign to make an appeal to its inhabitants in order to end the supply of alcohol to minors. All retail shops in Tampere selling alcoholic beverages will feature posters, cards and shopping basket advertising on the topic.
Irish Independent (Ireland) - Alcohol to blame for rise in liver problems
GROWING numbers of people are developing liver disease in their 20s and 30s because of heavy boozing, according to new research.
Capital FM Kenya (Somalia) - Islamists ban tobacco, alcohol in Somalia district
Islamist rebels have banned the use of tobacco and cigarettes in a district outside the Somali capital, locals said Monday, in the first such move by the hardliners in the country.
Mmegi Online (Kenya) - Alcohol consumption desecrates funerals
Once upon a time a funeral was a sacred event and was treated with utmost respect. However, these days, things have changed. Funerals are no longer as sombre as they used to be.
Scotland Courier (Scotland) - SNP urged to seize new chance to introduce minimum alcohol pricing
A leading expert on alcohol abuse in Tayside has urged the new Scottish Government to introduce minimum pricing on drink just months after a previous attempt to do so was rejected.
TVNZ (New Zealand) - Stressed Kiwis hit the bottle, takeaways
New Zealanders are under increasing stress, drinking more alcohol, eating takeaways, getting fat and don't have time to exercise, according to a new survey.
Irish Times (Ireland) - Barmen 'untrained on alcohol danger'
THE TRIAL of two bar staff accused of the manslaughter of a British man in a Co Tipperary hotel has heard that both accused had no training on the potential dangers of fatal doses of alcohol and were told to meet the needs of hotel guests, including serving them drinks.
ABC Online (Australia) - Group formed to tackle alchohol issues
A new coalition of more than 60 health and community organisations has formed to tackle alcohol-related problems in Western Australia.
Star Global Tribune - Risk From Coronary Heart Disease Due To Alcohol Consumption Revealed
The analysis assesses the 12-month prevalence of coronary heart disease (CHD) in individuals according to their category of alcohol use.
The Republic (USA) - What's in your beer? Labels should tell you
The federal government and alcohol-industry lobbyists have been butting heads for more than a decade over what to include on beer, wine and hard-liquor labels. The latest proposal, which the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau laid out way back in 2007, is logical, fair and would be a boon to consumers.
Medical News Today (Scotland) - Alcohol: One Day, 5,500 Patients, £28 Million, Scotland
According to a survey conducted by the BMA in Scotland, on one day in April, alcohol was a factor in more than 5,500 consultations in general practice. This equates to around 1.4 million consultations per year, costing the NHS in excess of £28 million [1] and accounts for six per cent of all GP consultations.
Daily Mail (UK) - Healthier lifestyle ‘could save 20,000 from breast cancer’
Almost 20,000 breast  cancer cases could be avoided every year in  Britain if women drank less alcohol, improved their diets and exercised more, experts claim.
Daily Mail (UK) - Binge Britain 'on course' to be liver disease capital of Europe
Britain is on course to be the European capital of liver disease because of the twin effects of alcohol and obesity. Our death rate from liver conditions already exceeds that of France, Italy and Spain, and experts expect it will soon soar past Germany’s.
7thSpace Interactive - Alcohol outlets and clusters of violence
Alcohol related violence continues to be a major public health problem in the United States. In particular, there is substantial evidence of an association between alcohol outlets and assault.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

FASD News - 19/2011

Wales Online (Wales) - Birth defects caused by drinking in pregnancy soar in Wales
THE number of babies born with birth defects linked to women drinking too much alcohol during pregnancy has risen by 10% in Wales in a year. Although the numbers remain small, the sharp rise in cases of foetal alcohol syndrome has been met with concern by experts. (USA) - New mom angered by questions about abortion, smoking and drinking
Should new moms be required to tell the state if they smoked cigarettes or drank alcohol during pregnancy?  How about if they have ever had an abortion?  "The ACLU of Louisiana called on the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals today to clarify that new mothers do not have to disclose private medical information before birth certificates are issued for their newborns," said Executive Director Marjorie Esman in a news release. (New Zealand) - Making better babies
LoulaGeorge was surprised by the attention given to an announcement by the prime minister's chief science adviser, Sir Peter Gluckman, that he had discovered a link between a mother's diet during pregnancy and the chances of her baby later being obese.
Daily Press (USA) - Substance-abuse program helps pregnant women deliver healthy babies
Nicole Billiot faced a choice: Go to jail, or go to the South-Eastern Family Project. She chose the latter. As a result, she will give her baby the chance to be born drug and alcohol free.
KSBY San Luis Obispo News (USA) - Program may have to help fewer kids who 'got a hard start in the world'
A program that helps local children who suffered parental abuse before they were even born faces severe budget cuts. Martha's Place, in San Luis Obispo, specializes in treating kids up to age 5 born with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. It also helps children abused as infants.
Cape Breton Post (Australia) - Bar association president offers insight on several initiatives
The president of the Canadian Bar Association has some key initiatives he’ll be working on during his term including discussions on how best to deal with offenders suffering with fetal alcohol syndrome and how to make the justice system more accessible to the middle class.
Northern News Services (Canada) - Manual offers tips to employers on helping workers with FASD
The Yellowknife Association for Community Living has created a manual, FASD -- A Practical Guide For Employers, to help educate businesses about the disorder and ways they can accommodate employees with the condition.

Western Journal of Nursing Research - Effects of a Motivational Interviewing Intervention to Decrease Prenatal Alcohol Use
This study determined the effectiveness of motivational interviewing (MI) to decrease prenatal alcohol use, while examining mechanisms of behavior change based on self-determination theory that may have evoked decreases in drinking behaviors.
Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs - Field Trial of Alcohol-Server Training for Prevention of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Supplemental responsible beverage service training for alcohol servers to aid in the prevention of fetal alcohol exposure can be effective in reducing the serving of alcohol to visibly pregnant women, with robust effects continuing over the subsequent year in the New Mexico establishments.
Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs - Effects of Premature Birth on the Risk for Alcoholism Appear to Be Greater in Males Than Females
The results suggest that neurodevelopmental sequelae of premature birth are associated with gender-specific effects on the development of alcoholism in the male baby: small, premature, or growth-delayed male babies appear to be selectively vulnerable to alcoholic drinking years later. The findings implicate neurodevelopmental influences in alcoholism pathophysiology in males and suggest the possibility of distinct, gender-specific pathways in the etiology of severe problem drinking.

CC Grand Rounds Lecture: (1) Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Etiology, Epidemiology, and Advances in Diagnosis (2) Nicotine Pharmacology Versus Nicotine Addiction: Different Sites, Different Mechanisms
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
(1) Kenneth R. Warren, PhD, Acting Director, NIAAA
(2) Elliot A. Stein, PhD, Chief, Neuroimaging Research Branch, Intramural Research Program, NIDA
SOMETHING FROM LONG TIME AGO: IHE Consensus Development Conference
Three recent publications available from Public Health Agency of Canada’s FASD Initiative
Early primary school outcomes associated with maternal use of alcohol and tobacco during pregnancy and with exposure to parent alcohol and tobacco use postnatally
An Inventory of Education and Training Programs: FASD and the Judicial/Criminal Justice System
Assessment and Diagnosis of FASD Among Adults: A National and International Systematic Review

Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies - Ban Baby-Making Unless Parents Are Licensed
For the sake of the children, let’s control human breeding. No one should be permitted to reproduce until they pass a battery of tests. Does that proposal enrage you? Go ahead, hate me. Call me vile names like “Neo-Nazi-Elitist-Baby-Killing-Totalitarian-Sicko.” Or simply “Eugenicist.” I don’t care. I know I’m right.

Kehitysvammaliitto (Finland) - Uusi kirja raskaudenaikaisesta alkoholinkäytöstä ja sen aiheuttamista sikiövaurioista
Mitä jos äiti joi raskauden aikana? Minkälaisia vaurioita lapselle voi tulla ja minkälaista on alkoholin vaurioittaman lapsen elämä? Näihin kysymyksiin vastaa VTL Suvi Vaarlan toimittama teos Alkoholin vaurioittamat. Raskaudenaikaisen alkoholinkäytön vaikutukset lapsen elämään. (Kehitysvammaliitto 2011). (Latvia) - Augļa alkohola sindroms
Augļa alkohola sindroms ir grūtniecības laikā lietoto alkoholisko dzērienu radītās etanola sekas bērnam. Augļa alkohola sindromu, kas iekļauts arī Starptautiskajā slimību klasifikatorā, raksturo triāde.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Alcohol News - 18/2011

ABC Online (Australia) - Alcohol strongly linked to cancer
The Cancer Council of Australia has issued a new position statement recommending that people limit their alcohol intake to reduce their risk of developing cancer.
Fox News - Alcohol Bigger Cancer Danger Than Originally Thought, Study Says
A fresh analysis of cancer rates published in Australia on Monday suggests alcohol is to blame for many more cases than previously thought—with 5.6 percent likely to be triggered by regular drinking even at moderate levels.
BusinessWeek - You're Not Doing Your Teen Any Favors by Letting Them Drink
Young teens who are allowed to drink alcohol under adult supervision don't learn about responsible drinking and actually drink more as they get older, a new study says.
Boston Globe (USA) - MommyJuice: Pushing alcohol on stressed parents
Mommy blogs and Twitter addresses with alcohol or wine in the names are endless; there’s even a Twitter group that meets for online wine “parties,’’ where moms sit at their respective computers and drink a glass of wine in solidarity as they tweet.
3News NZ (New Zealand) - Alcohol law changes fall short – scientists
The Alcohol Reform Bill, which would affect bar hours, off-licence trading, liquor advertising and the purchase age, is being considered by a parliamentary committee. It is due to be reported back to Parliament in August.
Independent Online (South Africa) - Zero alcohol limit proposal
Drivers in South Africa could soon be banned from drinking any alcohol at all before getting behind the wheel.
Reuters - Factbox: Tobacco, alcohol, fat have huge health impact
The World Health Organisation (WHO) published a report on Wednesday on chronic, or non-communicable diseases -- which include diabetes, cancer and respiratory and heart diseases. A large percentage of NCDs could be prevented by reductions in their four main behavioral risk factors -- tobacco use, physical inactivity, alcohol and unhealthy diets, the WHO said.
Internal Medicine News Digital Network (USA) - Screening for Alcohol Use Disorders Important, Simple
When it comes to screening patients for alcohol use disorders, the small check box on the patient history form sometimes fails to tell physicians what they need to know about the patient’s alcohol use, experts said at the annual meeting of the American Society of Addiction Medicine.
TIME - Kids With ADHD May Use Drugs and Alcohol More Often
Two recent studies find that being diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in childhood may predict a child's likelihood of later dependence on nicotine, alcohol or other drugs. (Ireland) - Ireland’s biggest drinkers live in Louth and Dublin, according to survey
NEW RESEARCH BY insurer Aviva has found that Irish people drink excessively and spend almost €2,000 a year on alcohol.
ABC Local (Australia) - Calls for tough alcohol licensing laws to be made permanent in the Illawarra
The New South Wales Police Association says it wants tough licensing laws to be made permanent in the Illawarra.
Herald Scotland (Scotland) - Scratchcard warning over alcohol intake
CUSTOMERS at high-street chemists will be invited to assess how much they drink under new proposals to tackle Scotland’s alcohol problem. (Thailand) - Alcohol-ban to be imposed at Thai factories
A new ban on alcohol trade and consumption at factories during working hours will soon be imposed across Thailand to promote a healthy workforce and reduce alcohol-related problems, seen as a gift to mark the National Labour Day and the International Workers' Day, known as the May Day.
SOS Children (Russia) - Russia aims to tackle its alcohol problem
The problem of alcohol misuse is particularly acute in Russia, where the average Russian drinks more than twice the maximum amount considered healthy by the WHO. One in five men will die of alcohol-related causes in Russia and the Russian president admitted earlier this year that alcoholism in the country is a “national disaster”.
Considerations (UK) - Drunk Driving and the Culture of England
The Daily Mail reports on efforts to change British drinking habits and stop an increase in incidents like drunk dri­ving: Such scenes are not uncommon, which is why Cardiff — one of the country’s worst cities for binge drinking — has just banned boozing on the streets.
Medical News Today - Zero Tolerance Better For Kids Future Than Drinking With Them At Home
You may think that allowing your teenager to consume alcohol under your supervision at home is better for them, but a new study suggests the risk of subsequent alcohol-related problems is greater, compared to the zero tolerance approach.

Philip A. May: The Prevalence of FASD in Population-Based Studies: Are the Rates Higher than Previously Estimated?