
Friday, May 26, 2023

Alcohol News - 21/2023

BBC (UK) - Government not taking 'appalling' alcohol harm seriously, MPs say

MPs are concerned that the government is not taking alcohol harm seriously enough following an increase in deaths.
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Medical Xpress - New study warns of damaging effects of 'alcohol posts' on social media
Many young people regularly post photos of themselves with a glass of beer or wine in their hand. But such "alcohol posts" could lead to more youngsters drinking alcohol. In a new study, communications scientist Hanneke Hendriks asked students for their ideas on potential solutions.
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The Mirror - Alcohol increases calorie intake by 75,000 a year for average drinker, study suggests
The average drinker is consuming more than 75,000 calories from alcohol a year. New figures show we annually rack up roughly the equivalent of 1,000 cookies, 327 kebabs or 293 Big Macs by boozing.
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News Medical - High alcohol consumption could have detrimental effects on muscle mass in later life
Heavy drinkers could be putting themselves at risk of muscle loss and frailty in later life, according to new research from the University of East Anglia.
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CBC (Canada) - Canada's got a drinking problem — and one senator says Ottawa needs to step up
The federal government pitched a sizeable increase to the alcohol excise tax earlier this year — only to walk back that commitment in response to backlash from some MPs, lobby groups and cost-conscious Canadian drinkers.
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The Local France (France) - Three areas of Paris ban purchase of alcohol after 5pm
Certain areas in three Paris arrondissements have banned the purchase of alcohol in supermarkets after 5pm in an attempt to curb nighttime noise and disorder.
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Medical News Today - Esophageal cancer and alcohol
Alcohol consumption is one of several factors that can increase the risk of esophageal cancer.
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AKIpress News Agency (Uzbekistan) - Uzbekistan bans sale of alcohol and tobacco products to persons aged under 21
President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed a law restricting the sale of alcohol and tobacco products to persons aged under 21. The document was published on May 25 in the government newspaper Narodnoye Slovo and will come into force in three months.
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The Herald (Scotland) - Why curbing alcohol advertising matters to affected families
A mother of two has said she is "scared" of the day her children start drinking amid omnipresent alcohol advertising in Scotland.
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Nottingham Post - Experts warn alcohol could be impacting your quality of sleep
Experts have claimed that a particular type of drink could be stopping you from having a good night's sleep. Whilst we have all been told avoiding caffeine is important to help you fall asleep, some warn that alcohol should also be avoided.
Read more (New Zealand) - Renewed calls for local alcohol policy in Marlborough
Violence, crashes, and health problems afflicting the community could be reduced with better rules for alcohol sales, says Marlborough’s police boss.
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Spectrum News (USA) - As death rates rise, New York labels alcohol a 'growing women's health issue'
As death rates have increased over the last decade, one agency in New York state is calling alcohol "a growing women's health issue."
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NordAN (Finland) - Finland: Minors obtain their alcohol through intermediaries
90% of the alcohol consumed by Finnish young people comes from intermediaries. Most young people find it easy to obtain alcohol.
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AlcoholAndCancer - Ireland's New Alcohol Labelling Law: A Step Forward in Public Health
In an era where the health implications of consumer choices have come into sharp focus, Ireland's bold new policy for comprehensive health labelling of alcohol products offers a critical blueprint for the world. By confronting the high cost of alcohol-related health issues with such legislative action, Ireland could set a new standard for Europe and the world.
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Sunday, May 21, 2023

FASD News - 20/2023

Government of Saskatchewan (Canada) - Government Of Saskatchewan Funds FASD Awareness And Prevention Programming
Agencies that promote awareness and prevention of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in the province are receiving $220,775 in funding from the Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority (SLGA).
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IOL (South Africa) - Foetal alcohol disorders: why women need urgent help
Improved support was needed for women who might have a higher risk of drinking during pregnancy - given that South Africa has the highest recorded prevalence of foetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) globally, and that children suffering from FASD carried it into adulthood.
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ABC (Australia) - Gold Coast family push to reduce stigma around foetal alcohol spectrum disorder
As a little boy, Jazpa Pinnell was so hyperactive he'd run up and down the balconies at school, was unable to concentrate in class, and his meltdowns were so bad friends and family would tell his mum he needed a "belting".
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ABC News (Australia) - What is FASD and how much of a role did it play in the latest Banksia Hill Detention Centre riot?
For the last week, the WA premier has been locked in a bitter and impassioned battle even another massive budget surplus couldn't distract from.
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ABC News (Australia) - Calls for mandatory FASD assessments in juvenile justice
Childrens' advocates want all young people who enter the youth detention system to be automatically assessed for a neurological disorder known as FASD.
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HRI Portal - Understanding How to Diagnose Preschoolers with Prenatal Alcohol Exposure
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is a lifelong disability impacting the brain and body of someone exposed to alcohol prenatally. FASD is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disabilities, impacting more Canadians than Autism, cerebral palsy, and Down syndrome combined.
Read more (Canada) - Petition the Government of Ontario to include FASD in their categories of exceptionalities
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is a lifelong disability that affects individuals who were exposed to alcohol in utero. It is estimated that FASD affects 4% of the Canadian population.
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Giddy - Why Does Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Occur?
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is entirely preventable. These conditions can affect children in different ways—with mild to severe repercussions.
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CanFASD - What’s Happening in FASD Research?
There’s a lot on the go right now in the realm of FASD research. Many studies are looking for people to share their ideas and experiences. There’s also new resources and articles being published every day. Read on to find out what’s happening in FASD research right now!
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Fox9 (USA) - Combatting prenatal alcohol exposure in Minnesota
For the last 25 years, the Proof Alliance has been working to put and end to prenatal alcohol exposure. The latest numbers show that it impacts 1 in 20 babies in the United States and it's an even bigger problem in Minnesota.
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Prue Walker - Why I take FASD training to the NT
Occasionally, I am asked why I provide FASD training in the Northern Territory, despite residing in Melbourne. It’s a valid question, and the answer involves a backstory that I’d like to share with you. Please note that this narrative is rather lengthy, so feel free to skip ahead if you wish.
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FASD United (formerly NOFAS) - FASD United Affiliate Meeting - May 18, 2023
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FASD United (formerly NOFAS) - FASD United Affiliate Meeting - April 2023
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National FASD - Raja & Neil's FASD Book Club - Session 13, How Does Alcohol Affect the Developing Fetus?
In this virtual book club series, we’ll be breaking down the research and findings in the book ‘Prevention, Recognition and Management of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders’, written by a range of FASD specialists, and co-edited by Professor Raja Mukherjee and Dr Neil Aiton.
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Newzroom Afrika - 'SA leads in the world's Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders'
According to the World Health Organization, South Africa is among countries battling Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.
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Rural FASD Support Network - Health Care Accessibility for People with FASD in Eastern Ontario
Researcher Claudia Reed shares her findings on the accessibility of health care for people with FASD in Eastern Ontario using primarily a voice-first method.
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Fasd Justice - FASD & the Justice System: A Better Understanding - Part II
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The Crisis Files - Case File #42: Zero Proof
Studies show that globally more than 1700 infants are born with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders each day. Exposure to alcohol during pregnancy can lead to lifelong challenges, yet more than 13% of expecting mothers report drinking while pregnant.
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FASD Hope - 165 - Mom, Author and Navigator - A Conversation with Laura Bedard
Episode 165 welcomes back Laura Bedard (Ep. 149 / September 2022) of MASSFAS, an FASD United Affiliate. Laura recently published her second book titled "My FASD Feelings: A Guide to Children's Experience with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders". Laura is also a Family Navigator with FASD United.
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Alaska Center for FASD - 8 Keys for Adults with FASD – Trailer
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National Association of Social Workers - EP101: Preventing Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
We speak with Dr. Mary Velasquez and Anna Magnum about National Partnerships to Address Prenatal Alcohol and other Substance Use and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders, the Centers for Disease Control grant that began October 2023 in partnership with the University of Texas at Austin.
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As the peak body for parents, caregivers and individuals impacted by Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, NOFASD led a consultation process with a range of key stakeholders to include individuals with lived experience, to inform a suite of targeted resources to support women who are at greater risk of having alcohol-exposed pregnancies.
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Most of parents (97%) participating in the study observed a positive change in the functioning of their children after attending sensory integration therapy.
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Journal of Integrative Neuroscience - Towards a Distinct Sleep and Behavioural Profile of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD): A Comparison between FASD, Autism and Typically Developing Children
The findings in this study highlight several syndrome specific features (shorter sleep duration, executive functioning difficulties, and higher levels of social and behavioural problems and panic) that potentially contribute to the unique phenotype of FASD.
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Antioxidants - Effect of Postnatal Epigallocatechin-Gallate Treatment on Cardiac Function in Mice Prenatally Exposed to Alcohol
Prenatal alcohol exposure affects the cardiovascular health of the offspring. Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) may be a protective agent against it, but no data are available regarding its impact on cardiac dysfunction.
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Journal of Translational Medicine - Ethanol causes cell death and neuronal differentiation defect during initial neurogenesis of the neural retina by disrupting calcium signaling in human retinal organoids
Our study demonstrated that short-term ethanol exposure greatly impaired the initial neurogenesis of hROs by disrupting the RYR1 related calcium signaling.
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Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research - Lived experiences of the diagnostic assessment process for fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: A systematic review of qualitative evidence
Early assessment and diagnosis of FASD are crucial in providing therapeutic interventions that aim to enhance meaningful participation and quality of life for individuals and their families, while reducing psychosocial difficulties that may arise during adolescence and adulthood.
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Children - Children with FASD—Evolving Patterns of Developmental Problems and Intervention Costs in Ages 0 through 16 in Finland
This is a retrospective chart review of 55 persons (mean age 11 years, range 2–28 years) diagnosed with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) in one Finnish central hospital.
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Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs) are a set of cognitive and behavioral abnormalities that arise in ~5% of children who have been prenatally-exposed to alcohol.
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The Journal of Pediatrics - Latent Class Analysis of Prenatal Substance Exposure and Child Behavioral Outcomes
The differences in prenatal polysubstance use may increase risk for specific childhood problem behaviors; however, child outcomes appeared comparably adverse for both licit and illicit polysubstance exposure.
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Drug and Alcohol Review - Why stigma matters in addressing alcohol harm
Alcohol problems are amongst the most stigmatised of conditions, resulting in multiple additional harms for people with alcohol use disorder. Alcohol stigma encompasses widely endorsed negative stereotypes leading to prejudice and discrimination towards people with alcohol use disorder.
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Frontiers in Nutrition - Nutritional status of a group of polish children with FASD: A retrospective study
During the care of children with FASD, a continuous evaluation of nutritional status, height, and weight is necessary. This group of patients is often affected by low birth weight, short stature and weight deficiency, which require differential diagnosis and appropriate dietary and therapeutic management.
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Drug and Alcohol Dependence - Polysubstance use during pregnancy: The importance of screening, patient education, and integrating a harm reduction perspective
One in five individuals who reported use of any substance during pregnancy engaged in polysubstance use, highlighting the importance of comprehensive screening and evidence-based interventions including harm reduction.
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IN OTHER LANGUAGES (Poland) - Hrubieszów: Dziecko z FAS/FASD [ZDJĘCIA]
W dniu 21 kwietnia 2023 roku, Poradnia Psychologiczno-Pedagogiczna w Hrubieszowie we współpracy z Powiatowym Centrum Pomocy Rodzinie w Hrubieszowie, zorganizowało szkolenie pt.: „Dziecko z FAS/FASD”.
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Landkreis Esslingen (Germany) - „Auf das Kindeswohl – In der Schwangerschaft kein Alkohol!“
Alkoholkonsum in der Schwangerschaft ist die häufigste Ursache für eine verzögerte geistige Entwicklung bei Kindern. Die Kinder wurden mit einer alkoholbedingten Fetalen Alkoholspektrum-Störung (FASD) geboren.
Read more (Norway) - Kan jeg finne ut av om mor drakk alkohol i svangerskapet?
Hei. Kan legen min finne ut om min mor drakk alkohol i svangerskapet når jeg lå i magen? Og hvordan gjør legen det? Mamma har sagt at jeg var veldig liten når jeg ble født.
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Helsingin Sanomat (Finland) - Miten alkoholi vaikuttaa lapseen raskauden alussa?
On arvioitu, että noin 15 prosenttia suomalaisnaisista juo alkoholia raskaana ollessaan, mutta alkuraskauden aikana luku on todennäköisesti huomattavasti suurempi.
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Lääkärilehti (Finland) - Alkoholin käyttö raskauden ensiviikkoina on edelleen yleistä
Yli puolet raskaana olevista naisista ei pidättäytynyt alkoholista ennen positiivista raskaustestiä. Heikompi koettu elämänlaatu voi viitata lisääntyneeseen tuen tarpeeseen.
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MBL (Iceland) - Er bannað að drekka á meðgöngu?
Marg­ir elska án efa bragðið af ís­köld­um bjór. Eins og flest­ir von­andi vita þá er áfengi eitt það fyrsta sem þarf að frysta á meðgöngu enda er áfengi afar óhollt fyr­ir vax­andi fóst­ur.
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Microbiologia Italia (Italy) - Consumo di alcol da parte del padre può causare danni al feto
Un recente studio sul legame tra la sindrome feto-alcolica (Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, FAS) e il consumo di alcol da parte del padre prima del concepimento ha rivelato importanti implicazioni per la salute fetale. Secondo i ricercatori, l’attenzione dovrebbe essere rivolta non solo alla madre, ma anche al padre, nella prevenzione della FAS.
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Hospital Clínic de Barcelona (Spain) - Trastorno del Espectro Alcohólico Fetal en primera persona | PortalCLÍNIC
Yolanda: "Notábamos dificultades de aprendizaje, impulsividad, mucha movilidad y falta de control".
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TAZ (Germany) - Raus aus dem Seelenkeller
Ein adoptiertes Kind, das nie richtig in die Gesellschaft passt. Eine Mutter, die sich schuldig fühlt. Und nach drei Jahrzehnten endlich die Diagnose: Fetales Alkoholsyndrom.
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Friday, May 19, 2023

Alcohol News - 20/2023

Helsinki Times (Finland) - Minors obtain alcohol through intermediaries
90% of Finnish youth obtain alcohol through intermediaries. The majority of young people find it easy to access alcohol.
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NordAN (Estonia) - In Estonia, every second youth obtains alcoholic beverages without proving their age
A study conducted by The National Institute for Health Development (TAI) in 2022 showed that in less than half of the sales outlets, young people intending to buy alcohol were asked for identification.
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Notes From Poland (Poland) - Kraków bans alcohol sales in shops at night
Councillors in Kraków, Poland’s second-largest city, have voted to ban the sale of alcohol in shops between midnight and 5.30 a.m. The new measures, which will go into force on 1 July, will still allow alcohol to be sold in bars and restaurants.
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The Conversation (Australia) - To reduce harm from alcohol, we need Indigenous-led responses
Alcohol management in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities has been a deeply divisive issue, as seen recently in Alice Springs in the Northern Territory.
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News Medical (Germany) - Experts identify key measures to reduce alcohol consumption in Germany
In a recent article published in the journal Addiction Science & Clinical Practice, researchers identify measures that improve alcohol health literacy (AHL) and lower alcohol consumption in Germany.
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Wisconsin Public Radio (USA) - Bipartisan bill would outlaw open containers of alcohol on ATVs, UTVs
As the popularity of four-wheelers and multi-seat utility terrain vehicles grows in Wisconsin, a bipartisan group of state lawmakers hope to make it illegal to carry open containers of alcohol while driving them on trails, roads and highways.
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Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (USA) - New Report Offers Policy Recommendations to Address Alcohol Use as Risk Factor for Gun Violence
Researchers from the Center for Gun Violence Solutions at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health released a set of state-based policy recommendations to address the intersection of alcohol use and firearms.
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American Physical Society - Opinion: It’s Time to Rethink Alcohol at Work Events
Drinking in professional settings comes with risks and can alienate colleagues. There are better ways for physicists to socialize.
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Prague Morning (Czech Republic) - New Annual Report: One in Ten Czech Adults Drink Alcohol Every Day
Almost one-tenth of adults in the Czech Republic, around 900,000 people, drink alcohol every day, and around 1.5 million drink hazardously.
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Croakey Health Media (Australia) - Review of Australia’s alcohol marketing code slammed as superficial and ineffective
Cancer Council WA says a review of the Responsible Alcohol Marketing Code overseen by the Alcohol Beverages Advertising Code (ABAC) scheme is ineffective and only underscores the failures of the voluntary and industry-led approach which seems to even confuse its own independent panel.
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PsyPost - Individuals with anxiety or depression experience more alcohol-related symptoms than those who drink at the same level
People with internalizing mental health disorders like anxiety and depression tend to experience more symptoms related to drinking alcohol, even if they drink the same amount as people without these disorders, according to new research published in the journal Alcohol: Clinical & Experimental Research.
Read more (New Zealand) - 'Unprecedented' number of objectors to speak against liquor store bid in coastal village
More than 30 people are due to speak against a plan for a liquor store in Māpua – an unprecedented number for an off-licence application in the district.
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Public Health Association (Australia) - New study busts myths on alcohol pricing
New research published today sheds light on the effects of minimum alcohol pricing, debunking the industry argument that it penalises all drinkers.
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WHO Europe - Lessons from the Baltic Alcohol Control Policy Project: policies that contribute to decreasing burden of mortality and disease
This short brief describes the main findings and the key lessons learned from the research project "Evaluation of the impact of alcohol control policies on morbidity and mortality in Lithuania and other Baltic states", funded by the United States National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism for the period 2000–2025.
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ADF (Australia) - Alcohol ads on social media target teens and young people
Young people are exposed to a lot of alcohol advertisements. In fact, over 40,000 ads per year on social media platforms, such as Instagram and Facebook, alone.
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IAS Blog - Using counter-ads to kick alcohol sponsorship out of sport
A new study published in BMC Public Health found that counter-advertising exposing and critiquing alcohol sports sponsorship bolstered public support for restrictions on this harmful marketing.
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Friday, May 12, 2023

Alcohol News - 19/2023

NordAN (Finland) - Finland: Total alcohol consumption decreased by 1.2% in 2022
In 2022, the total consumption of alcoholic beverages in Finland was 8.9 liters of 100% alcohol per inhabitant aged 15 and over. Compared to 2021, total consumption decreased by 1.2%.

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News Medical - Heavy alcohol use may be more damaging to the liver for people with metabolic syndrome
Two people regularly have a few alcoholic drinks daily. One develops liver disease. The other doesn't. What explains the different outcomes?
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BBC (UK) - Firms told to cut down on alcohol at work parties
Businesses are being urged to limit the amount of alcohol served at work social events in order to prevent people from acting inappropriately towards others.
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Medical Xpress - Why alcohol and menopause can be a dangerous mix
Dr. Juliana Kling with Mayo Clinic's Women's Health Center in Arizona says that alcohol use during menopause can worsen symptoms and increase a woman's risk for serious health conditions, like heart disease and osteoporosis.
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CBC (Canada) - Military considering limiting access to alcohol to curb sexual misconduct
The commander in charge of reforming the Canadian Armed Forces' culture says military leaders are considering limiting alcohol consumption at holiday events.
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New Zealand Doctor (New Zealand) - Health Coalition Aotearoa calls for a full review of alcohol law to protect communities
Health Coalition Aotearoa (HCA) is calling on Government to commit to a full review of alcohol law to ensure communities are protected from ongoing corporate interference in alcohol policy making.
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The Conversation - How getting out into nature can help people with drug and alcohol problems
Health professionals may suggest people spend more time out in nature to help with their physical fitness by doing activities in woods, parks or gardens, but research has shown nature-based programmes are also particularly effective for improving poor mental health.
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The Herald (Scotland) - Doctors urge PM to 'stand firm' on alcohol duty increase
DOCTORS in Scotland have written to the Prime Minister urging him to "stand firm" on plans to increase alcohol duty despite opposition from the whisky lobby.
Read more (Ireland) - Extending opening hours will lead to more alcohol-related harm, expert warns
The Government’s plan to ease access to alcohol to boost the night-time economy will lead to more drink-related disease, injuries, crime, public disorder, public safety and domestic violence, it is claimed today.
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NordAN (Denmark) - Prevention can prevent thousands of hospital admissions and relieve strained healthcare system
A recent analysis conducted by the Danish Medical Association reveals that thousands of hospital admissions can be prevented by implementing 25 different preventative measures.
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NIAAA - Understanding How Alcohol Policies Impact Public Health
Supporting research to inform the development and implementation of alcohol policies and to evaluate their effectiveness has been an important priority of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) for many years.
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Retail Insight Network (New Zealand) - Supreme Court upholds Auckland’s Local Alcohol Policy
New Zealand Supreme Court has turned down the appeal of supermarket companies on Auckland Council’s proposed Local Alcohol Policy (PLAP).
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Global News (Canada) - More than two alcoholic drinks a week increases cancer risk, scientists say
The mindset surrounding alcohol has changed rapidly. In the past, it was said that 10 to 15 drinks a week was the limit and in the past few months, that has changed to just two.
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IAS Blog - No significant health benefits from drinking up to three units of alcohol a day
The idea that low-volume alcohol intake protects against all-cause mortality in general populations has been controversial,1 even though many studies appear to support this hypothesis. In fact, a closer look at these studies shows many inconsistent findings.
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Thursday, May 4, 2023

Alcohol News - 18/2023

The New York Times - A Toast to Raising Alcohol Taxes
The Opinion Video above is about a drug problem — but not the one you may think. While the United States struggles to deal with the opioid crisis, there’s a quieter drug epidemic that has been unfolding for a lot longer. It involves a substance that was normalized long ago but that, by some measures, plays a role in more than 140,000 deaths a year.
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Harvard Gazette (USA) - Deaths from alcohol-related liver disease soared during COVID
During the pandemic, deaths from alcohol-associated liver disease for American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) populations was six times higher than that of white people, according to a study by Massachusetts General Hospital.
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Entrepreneur - Choosing Health over Happy Hour: Adaptogens in Non-Alcoholic Beverages are on the Rise and Here's Why
After years of experts saying that alcohol in moderation can offer health benefits, The World Health Organization recently warned consumers that no amount or kind of alcohol is good for your health.
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The Manual - Study suggests making alcohol more expensive could save lives
Could more expensive liquor, beer, and wine save lives? Researchers say yes. A new study by Scottish officials suggests that raising the price of alcohol could significantly reduce deaths.
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Bangkok Post (Thailand) - Alcohol sales ban for Sunday's advance voting
Alcohol sales will be banned nationwide from 6pm on Saturday until 6pm on Sunday for advance voting for the general election.
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The Mail & Guardian (South Africa) - Alcohol abuse a threat in the South African workplace
Workers’ Day in South Africa, given our painful history of social exclusion and racial segregation, pays reverence to the gains we’ve made in shaping a more fair and just society.
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ABC (Australia) - Alcohol was Clare's friend when she was isolated. Then she hit rock bottom and it was a long, hard climb back
It's hard to reflect on my years spent abusing alcohol. The memories feel pale, bleached, as if I've stripped away all their colour and horror in order to move forward.
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Neuroscience News - The Long-Term Effects of Fetal Alcohol Exposure on Brain Development
The study found that ethanol-induced neonatal apoptosis often causes immediate neuron deficits that persist into adulthood. Some brain regions are more vulnerable to ethanol-induced neuron loss than others, with the anterior thalamic nuclei showing the greatest loss of neurons.
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University of Stirling (Scotland) - New campaign shares letters to loved ones lost to alcohol and drugs
‘Everyone knows someone’ is the message behind See Beyond - See the Lives - Scotland, a new campaign from academics and advocacy organisations that aims to reduce the stigma that surrounds deaths due to alcohol and drugs.
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The Irish Sun (Ireland) - HSE chiefs issue urgent alcohol warning – five signs it’s damaging your heart
The Health Service took to Facebook urging people to consider your alcohol intake, warning about the dangers that come with it.
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The Conversation (New Zealand) - Study reveals at least 11% of child maltreatment in NZ could be due to heavy drinking by caregivers
More than one in ten children who are maltreated suffer because of the second-hand effects of alcohol, according to our recently published research.
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Longevity LIVE - Research Suggests Moderate Alcohol Consumption Can Harm The Brain
“A glass of wine a day keeps the doctor away.” This is a quote most of us have heard, with some using it to justify daily alcohol consumption. Now, you may be asking, “It’s just one glass, how harmful could it be?” According to research, moderate alcohol consumption can lead to adverse effects, specifically on your brain.
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SciTechDaily - Double Trouble: Unmasking the Alcohol Harm Paradox in Anxiety and Mood Disorders
A comprehensive study has demonstrated that individuals with anxiety or major depressive disorders experience more alcohol-related issues, even when their levels of consumption are equal to those without such disorders.
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IAS Blog - Public awareness of the relationship between alcohol use and breast cancer risk
Breast cancer is the third most common cancer in Ireland, and the most common among women. Alcohol use is estimated to be attributable to approximately 7% of these breast cancer cases.
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The Lancet Public Health - Minimum legal drinking age—still an underrated alcohol control policy
In their latest review of alcohol control policies, Babor and colleagues1 classify laws that involve increases to the minimum legal drinking age (MLDA) as best practice with a high degree of clear and consistent evidence.
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Cancer Council (Australia) - Cancer Council warns alcohol industry must not call the shots on alcohol advertising
Cancer Council joins community organisations calling for government-led regulation of alcohol marketing in Australia that protects our kids and community, as the alcohol industry today releases its revised Alcohol Beverages Advertising Code (ABAC).
Read more - Exploring the Candidacy Framework: Understanding Women's Perceptions of Breast Cancer Risk and Alcohol Consumption
In our interview with Paul R. Ward, corresponding author and researcher at the Research Centre for Public Health, Torrens University, we explore the study "Extending the sociology of candidacy: Bourdieu’s relational social class and mid-life women’s perceptions of alcohol-related breast cancer risk."
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NordAN (Sweden) - Parents fear online drugs, but it's alcohol their teens consume
Online drugs are the substances that worry most teenage parents - with over one in four (28 percent) expressing concern - even though only one in 100 teenagers has tried them. Meanwhile, seven in 10 teenagers have consumed alcohol, which concerns only 17 percent of parents. This is according to a new study by IQ, presented ahead of Walpurgis Night.
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