Kitchissipi Times (Canada) - ABLE2 on upcoming FASD Awareness Walk, pandemic fundraising
ABLE2, the ‘small but powerful’ charitable organization that supports
people across the disability spectrum, is preparing for this year’s Fetal
Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)
Awareness Walk.
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Griffith News
(Australia) - Funding boost for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder diagnosis
and care
The diagnosis and treatment of children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum
Disorder (FASD) is set to be strengthened with the announcement of $3.68
million in funding from the Federal Government’s Drug and Alcohol Program
awarded to Griffith University researchers.
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The Chatham News
(USA) - FASD advocate returns from 4,300-mile cross-country research trip
An adventurous spirit — a cyclist, runner, backpacker and self-proclaimed
explorer — 19-year-old Pittsboro resident and UNC-Chapel Hill student Emmaus
Holder has long dreamt of packing a bag, throwing it on the rear of his bike
and taking a tour across Europe.
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Yahoo News - Big-hearted
mom adopts 6 kids with FASD, goes viral for rigorous 5 a.m. routine: ‘You have
to be a special person to do this’
A mom of 10 is going viral her stunning 5 a.m. routine — and for her
beautiful family’s inspiring story.
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Saltwire (Canada)
- LOUISE GRAY: Nova Scotia does nothing for its 38,800 fetal-alcohol
An estimated 38,800 people in Nova Scotia have a lifelong disorder that has
irreversible impacts on their brain and body.
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Deborah Johnson,
M.A. - How Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is Affecting Today's Kids
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FASD) is a permanent brain disability that is largely
undiagnosed, especially in children.
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NOFAS Policy and
Training Center - The FASD Respect Act
The FASD Respect Act is legislation addressing FASD on a federal (national)
level, being proposed during the 2021 117th Congressional Session (S. 2238 and
H.R. 4151).
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University of
Salford - Talking about FASD
We like to talk about FASD and our research. We give talks for groups including
academics, local professionals and families.
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Voice in a Million - FASD The Hidden Disability - Documentary Out Sept 9th
2021 for International FASD Day
Voice In A Million have for over 10 years been raising awareness for
adoption and fostering - Not being able
to stage our annual concerts at Wembley for 2 years doesn't stop us raising
awareness and this time for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.
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A Fostered Life -
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders & Foster Care: My Conversation w/
Natalie Vecchione
If you happen to follow my YouTube channel, you may have seen last week’s
episode entitled “5 Facts about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders.”
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Hard Knox Talks -
Robbie Seale talks about raising 4 children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum
Disorder (FASD)
Robbie knew her purpose at 19 years old when she saw 9 year old girls
prostituting themselves on the streets of Edmonton, AB.
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- NOFAS Policy & Training Center: July 2021 Virtual Forum
Read more - Fetal
Alcohol Syndrome
Host Yvonne Stroman is joined by Paige Carroll and Marcia Goodman
Hinnershitz of the Council on Chemical Abuse to discuss Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
and the dangerous effects drugs and alcohol can have on an unborn baby on
Council on Chemical Abuse: Drug and Alcohol Update.
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Association pour
la santé publique du Québec - Charly often loses her way
The Association pour la santé publique du Québec (ASPQ) is launching its
first awareness campaign on abstaining from alcohol during pregnancy and on
fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD).
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Signing With A
Purpose FASD - Let's talk About This: FASD, Bullying, life struggles,
education part 3
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A Fostered Life -
5 Facts About FASD and Foster Care
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) is a blanket term for the many
conditions that can occur in a person whose mother drank alcohol during
pregnancy, including Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS), Alcohol-Related
Neurodevelopmental Disorder (ARND), Alcohol-Related Birth Defects (ARBD),
Neurobehavioral Disorder Associated with Prenatal Alcohol Exposure (ND-PAE),
Fetal Alcohol Effect (FAE), or some combination of any or all of the above.
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CanFASD - #WineMoms:
Humour and Empowerment or Binge Drinking and Mental Health Challenges?
The term ‘wine mom’ and the culture behind it has grown in recent years as
mothers have begun sharing their experiences online on various social
networking platforms.
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The Sunflower
Conversations - Disability isn’t tragic
Mik Lenth is 19 and lives in the MidWest in the US and has Ehlers Danlos
Syndrome (EDS) which affects her connective tissue. The type that Mik has is
hypermobility which means that her joints come out of place and dislocate.
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NPs, Midwives,
& Nurses Partnering to Prevent FASDs - Maricelly Perez, MSN RN: Champion
for FASD Awareness and Prevention
Meet Maricelly, a champion for FASD prevention and awareness! Maricelly
shares why she is a champion and how you can also promote awareness of FASDs
and FASD prevention strategies.
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FASD Success - #075
Wine Mom Culture and FASD Prevention
Since FAS was first named in 1973 there have been ongoing efforts directed
at prevention. While turning to alcohol to celebrate or as a coping mechanism
is not new, over the last 10 years a new segment of the population has emerged
on social media: wine moms.
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Nora Gruber - Zane
Floyd Clemency Film
Zane Floyd faces execution in NV despite having Fetal Alcohol Spectrum
Disorder (FASD), which experts say is an equivalent to intellectual disability,
and PTSD from violent childhood and military service.
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Deborah Johnson -
How Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is Affecting Today's Kids with Marcia Grondahl
Grondahl’s advice to prevent fetal alcohol syndrome is to not drink alcohol
if you’re trying to get pregnant or are pregnant. In fact much of the research
from the Mayo Clinic and CDC advise anyone sexually active during childbearing
years to avoid alcohol completely.
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Drug and Alcohol Dependence - Estimating the community prevalence, child
traits, and maternal risk factors of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD)
from a random sample of school children
Careful and detailed clinical evaluation of children from small random
samples can be useful for estimating the prevalence and traits of FASD in a
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Indigenous HealthInfoNet - The Development and Implementation of a
Culturally Safe Survey for Measuring Knowledge, Attitudes and Values around
FASD and Alcohol Use During Pregnancy in a Remote Australian Aboriginal
Community Setting
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) describes a lifelong
neurodevelopmental disability caused by prenatal alcohol exposure that has a
devastating impact on individuals, families and communities.
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Walden University
- Narrative Study of Educational Stigmatization in Parents of Indigenous
Children with FASD
Often public stereotyping and prejudicial attitudes follow parents of
Indigenous children with FASD throughout their day-to-day life. Stigma affects
Indigenous people, particularly parents of Indigenous children with FASD, in
different facets of their lives.
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Alcohol - Ethanol
Effects on Cerebellar Myelination in a Postnatal Mouse Model of Fetal Alcohol
Spectrum Disorders
Collectively, our studies increase our understanding of specific mechanisms
by which ethanol modulates myelination in the developing cerebellum, and
potentially identifies novel targets for FASD therapy.
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PrePrints - Nightmares
in Children with FASD, ASD and Their Typically Developing Peers
Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) and Autism Spectrum
Disorders (ASD) experience significantly higher rates of sleep disturbances than
their typically developing peers.
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Clinical & Experimental Research - Disruptions in global network
segregation and integration in adolescents and young adults with fetal alcohol
spectrum disorder
Our results partially agree with previous studies examining global graph
theory metrics in children and adolescents with FASD and suggest that the
exposure to alcohol during prenatal development leads to disruptions in aspects
of functional network segregation and integration.
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Clinical & Experimental Research - Gestational age and birth
growth parameters as early predictors of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
Among children diagnosed with FASD at 7 years of age (n = 255), a review of
birth records indicated that 18.4% were born preterm, 51.4% were SGA, and 5.9%
were both preterm and SGA.
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Clinical & Experimental Research - Effects of prenatal alcohol
exposure on cognitive and behavioral development: Findings from a hierarchical
meta-analysis of data from six prospective longitudinal U.S. cohorts
The similarity in the effect sizes for the four domains of cognitive
function suggests that PAE affects an underlying component or components of
cognition involving learning and memory and executive function that are
reflected in IQ and academic achievement scores.
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Prevention, Recognition and Management of Fetal Alcohol
Spectrum Disorders - Social Care Issues and Complex Family Relationships
Intertwined with FASD
For social workers, FASD is one of the more complex issues of the day.
There are certain areas of social work practice with a higher prevalence of
clients with or suspected of having FASD such as child protection, fostering and
adoption, criminal justice, disabilities and mental health.
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Prevention, Recognition and Management of Fetal Alcohol
Spectrum Disorders - Approaches to the Medical Management of FASD
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder represents a group of condition with a wide
range of presentations and comorbidities. Individuals with this condition,
having been exposed to differing levels of prenatal alcohol, with individual
vulnerabilities, show a range of outcomes.
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Children and
Youth Services Review - The Impact of State-Level Prenatal Substance Use
Policies on Infant Foster Care Entry in the United States
Implementing punitive policies, without accounting for the complex nature
of prenatal substance use may fail to improve the lives of infants and
families. Policymakers should focus on supportive interventions that modify
maternal behavior and outcomes.
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Research Square -
Trajectories of Prenatal Alcohol Consumption in An Australian
PopulationBased Cohort of Pregnant Women - A Data Driven Approach
Accurate information on dose, frequency and timing of maternal alcohol
consumption is critically important when investigating fetal risks from
prenatal alcohol exposure.
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American Journal
of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Effects of Early Daily Alcohol Exposure on
Placental Function and Fetal Growth in a Rhesus Macaque Model
Early chronic prenatal alcohol exposure significantly diminishes placental
perfusion at mid- and late-gestation and significantly decreases the oxygen
supply to the fetal vasculature throughout pregnancy, associated with
microscopic placental infarctions in the non-human primate.
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Regeneration Research - Oligodendrocyte pathology in fetal alcohol spectrum
The pathology of fetal alcohol syndrome and the less severe fetal alcohol
spectrum disorders includes brain dysmyelination. Recent studies have shed
light on the molecular mechanisms underlying these white matter abnormalities.
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Clinical & Experimental Research - Maternal choline supplementation in a
rat model of periconceptional alcohol exposure: Impacts on the fetus and
Our results suggest that choline has the potential to ameliorate
fetal growth restriction associated with PCE and improve placental efficiency
following prenatal alcohol exposure.
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Columbia University - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and
the Fear of Indigenous (dis)Order: New Medico-Legal Alliances for Capturing and
Managing Indigenous Life in Canada
While accounting for less than 5 percent of the Canadian population,
Indigenous peoples represent more than 30 percent of the federal prison
population of Canada. In a prairie province like Manitoba the numbers are even
more extreme, with over three-quarters of the prison population being
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Focus Online (Germany) - Für Schwangere gilt Null-Alkohol-Regel - und
dagegen verstoßen besonders Frauen ab 30
„Ein Sekt zum Anstoßen kann ja nicht so schlimm sein“, denken viele und
greifen auch während der Schwangerschaft zum Glas. Warum schon kleine Mengen
Alkohol für das Ungeborene schädlich sind und aus welchen Gründen werdende
Mütter dennoch trinken, erklärt Kinder- und Jugendärztin Mirjam Landgraf.
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(Italy) - Minori e alcool: un fenomeno in continua crescita
Si tratta delle donne in stato di gravidanza le quali, con il loro
comportamento, mettono a rischio la salute del nascituro, compromettendone il
normale sviluppo psico-fisico e causando gravi conseguenze a breve e a lungo
termine alla sua crescita.
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