
Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Alcohol News - 17/2016

Daily Mail - The brain's 'binge drinking' circuit found: Alcohol creates a 'reward loop' in the mind that drives people to carry on boozing
The difference between a swift half and a monster drinking session could all be down to the way your brain is wired. Researchers in the US claim they have identified a set of connections between two regions of the brain which drives binge drinking.
Medical Daily - Drinking Alcohol While Taking Antidepressants Could Exacerbate Depression, Increase Drug's Side Effects
Whether you drink to cap off a taxing work day or to loosen up before or during a social event, many people enjoy the relaxing qualities of alcohol — it is a depressant after all. - Research focuses on alcohol-induced blackouts
Alcohol-induced blackouts, defined as memory loss of all or a portion of events that occurred during a drinking episode, are reported by approximately 50 percent of drinkers, and are associated with a wide range of negative consequences, including injury and death.
Science Daily - Alcohol availability affects local crime patterns
Restrictions on alcohol availability may be an important crime-control policy, given that alcohol availability appears to influence crime by increasing consumption and alcohol-induced impulsivity.
ABC Online - Why do people talk louder when they drink alcohol?
Alcohol may get the conversation going at a party, but as the drinks flow you'll find it harder to tune in. Dr Karl explains how alcohol affects your hearing. (Canada) - Alcohol a factor in 1/3 of deaths of young people says northern Ontario coroner
Young people and alcohol continue to be a deadly combination in northern Ontario. In the past five years, the regional coroner has investigated approximately 180 deaths of people aged 15-years-old to 21.
The Guardian (UK) - Louis Theroux: Drinking to Oblivion review – you’ll worry about your alcohol consumption
There’s a nice moment in Louis Theroux: Drinking to Oblivion (BBC2, Sunday). Stuart, an antiques dealer with cirrhosis, is at the specialist liver unit at King’s College hospital in London having a lot of yellowish liquid drained from his bloated abdomen.
Medscape - Alcohol Abuse Mortality Patterns Shift With Age
Alcohol use disorder is associated with a nearly sixfold increase in all-cause mortality across age groups, but the risks are linked to individual and familial predispositions in early adulthood and to the course of alcohol abuse in later years, new research shows.
Sydney Morning Herald - Getting older? Why less is more when it comes to alcohol
There's no level playing field when it comes to drinking - our age and gender all make a difference to how we handle alcohol.
Medscape - Alcohol and Processed Meat Link to Stomach Cancer
An analysis from the World Cancer Research Fund has found "strong evidence" that alcohol and processed meats can cause stomach cancer. Stomach cancer is the 16th most common cancer in the UK with around 7,100 cases in 2013. It is more common in men than women.
Medical Xpress (Australia) - Study finds 60 per cent of Australia's bottle shops sell alcohol to teens without checking ID
More than half of Australia's bottle shops are selling alcohol to teenagers without checking their age, a Deakin University study has found.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Alcohol News - 16/2016

The Local (France) - French drivers still think 'little alcohol, little danger'
Almost one quarter of French drivers have admitted to drinking alcohol before driving, according to a new survey on Tuesday.
Sky News (UK) - Over-35s 'Hit Weekly Alcohol Limit In A Night'
Middle-aged drinkers are putting their health at risk by regularly reaching the recommended weekly alcohol limit on a single night out, according to new research.
Medical Daily - Effects Of Alcohol On The Human Body Depend On Type, Brand, And Congeners
One friend says tequila is her downfall. A couple of shots and she becomes a raging sex maniac, unable to control herself around men. Another friend says he gets angry on beer and mellow on scotch.
Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) - Sydney lockouts should be extended beyond Kings Cross, say alcohol policy groups
Two of NSW's alcohol policy groups have called for the Baird government's controversial "lockout laws" to be extended across the state in submissions to an independent review of the legislation.
The Guardian (Australia) - Northern Territory urged to act on foetal alcohol spectrum disorder
The Northern Territory government is yet to implement a single recommendation from a report into the effects of foetal alcohol spectrum disorder, 14 months after it was handed down.
The Press (New Zealand) - Council tries to resolve alcohol policy objections
A working party of five councillors was set up in December to negotiate with the 19 individuals and groups who appealed to the Alcohol Regulatory and Licensing Authority (ARLA) about the council's May 2015 decision to introduce controversial new rules restricting when alcohol could be sold in the city.
CBS News (USA) - Teen drinking: Who's trying alcohol sooner?
Teenage girls in the United States now start to drink alcohol sooner than boys do, a new study shows.
Medical Daily - Breaking Point: How Much Alcohol Can The Human Body Take At Once?
Though alcohol and excessive drinking may be viewed by students and many others as a casual social activity, alcohol can have deadly effects.
India Today - World Liver Day: If you drink alcohol regularly, here's what happens to your liver
Your liver, just like your brain and heart, is a crucial organ that you need to take care of. And, if you're a heavy drinker, you need to take extra good care of it. According to recent data presented by the World Health Organisation (WHO), around 2 lakh people die every year around the world due to liver ailments.
CMU The Tartan Online - Alcohol affects neurotransmitter pathways
Many a person (over the age of 21, of course) has woken up with a pounding headache, forehead resting softly in a puddle of vomit against the hard, ceramic toilet seat.
Medscape - Concurrent Cocaine, Alcohol Use Linked to Suicidality
The concurrent use of cocaine and alcohol may flag individuals at high risk of attempting suicide, according to a large study of suicidal emergency department patients.
The (Italy) - Millions of boozy Italians at risk of alcohol problems
Some eight million Italians are consuming too much alcohol, according to a report released on Thursday by Italy's National Health Institute (ISS).

Sunday, April 17, 2016

FASD News - 15/2016

Abstracts are being accepted for plenary talks, presentations in parallel sessions, and posters. The deadline for abstract submission is 30 April 2016.

NEWS and ARTICLES - Study links effects of prenatal alcohol and drug exposure with placental development
In the United States, prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) is the most common preventable cause of developmental delay. Animal studies have shown some of the adverse effects of PAE on placental development, but few studies have examined these effects in humans.
Bdlive (South Africa) - De Aar makes headway in prevalence of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
THE Northern Cape’s De Aar region, has made a turnaround from 13 years ago when it had the highest reported rate of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) in the world.
Sam was born on Oct. 20, 2000, at Sharp Memorial Hospital. The Moehligs adopted Samantha from her homeless birth parents, tending the baby through fetal alcohol syndrome. Breathing was such a trial, her skin would turn blue. The infant needed nine medications and, from the age of six months until 3, feeding tubes. (Australia) - NT 'missing point' on FASD treatment
The Northern Territory government is "completely missing the point" on foetal alcohol spectrum disorder and dragging its feet in acting on its own report, an alcohol research group says. (Canada) - Proposed bill takes FASD into account when sentencing offenders
Yukon Liberal MP Larry Bagnell has tabled a private member's bill, C-235, aimed at stopping what he calls the "revolving door" of people with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) winding up before the courts over and over. (South Africa) - South Africa: MEC Albert Fritz On Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
As part of our efforts to tackle drug and alcohol abuse using evidence-driven methods, the Western Cape Department of Social Development (DSD) can today reveal the findings of a path-breaking 3 year study into the prevalence of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in the West Coast region.
GroundUp - “If they understood, they would have stopped drinking”
Two months into her pregnancy Johanna*, a 17-year-old Vredenburg resident, was still drinking alcohol. No one had yet told Johanna the effects alcohol could have on her unborn child.
The Australian (Australia) - Mums’ excessive drinking linked to suicides in remote communities
Children in remote communities are suffering from disabilities caused by their mothers drinking at a rate drama­tically higher than previously report­ed, with one in five affect­ed by fetal alcohol­ spectrum dis­orders, accordi­ng to a new report.
I’m raising a son who suffers from fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD). He was adopted by us when he was 1 year old, and we received an official diagnosis for the disorder when he was 3. It has left his brain permanently damaged, and our daily life is an uphill climb with him.
Bancroft This Week - Call to action by Fetal Alcohol working group
Fetal alcohol syndrome is a disorder caused by a mother drinking alcohol during her pregnancy; the risk increases with the frequency and amount of drinking.

VIDEOS and MATERIALS - The A-Files, Alcohol A-Z for Alcohol Awareness Month: Fetal Alcohol Exposure
Twenty-six episodes of 'The A-Files' will run throughout Alcohol Awareness Month on YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, and, among other web and social media sites. Episode F looks at fetal exposure to alcohol.
NeuroDevNet - FASD & Stigma: Damaged Angels Can Fly
A woman’s decision to consume alcohol during pregnancy is highly stigmatized. This video takes a rare and respectful look at one individual's experiences throughout her pregnancy and after.
NewSouthWalesHealth - Stay Strong & Healthy FASD – Combined
If you want to quit drugs, ease up on the grog or find support or treatment for you, a friend or family member, or just find out more about how alcohol drugs can affect you, this video could help with information.

Pediatrics - Prenatal Alcohol Exposure, FASD, and Child Behavior: A Meta-analysis
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) and prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) are associated with behavioral difficulties, although there are no published systematic reviews that summarize and critique the literature.
Applied Neuropsychology: Child - Attention and Working Memory Training: A Feasibility Study in Children With Neurodevelopmental Disorders
The current study investigated the efficacy of a game-based process specific intervention for improving attention and working memory in children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) and Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD).
Research in Developmental Disabilities - Caregiver needs and stress in caring for individuals with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
Individuals with FASD experience neurodevelopmental impairments and adverse outcomes, which can result in stress on the caregiver. However, there is little research on the needs of caregivers supporting individuals with FASD and whether they are associated with caregiver stress.
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Alcohol - Dysregulation of the Cortisol Diurnal Rhythm following Prenatal Alcohol Exposure and Early Life Adversity
The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis is impacted by a multitude of pre- and postnatal factors. Developmental programming of HPA axis function by prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) has been demonstrated in animal models and in human infants, but remains understudied in older children and adolescents.
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research - Adolescent Choline Supplementation Attenuates Working Memory Deficits in Rats Exposed to Alcohol During the Third Trimester Equivalent
Children exposed to alcohol prenatally may suffer from behavioral and cognitive alterations that adversely affect their quality of life. Animal studies have shown that perinatal supplementation with the nutrient choline can attenuate ethanol's adverse effects on development; however, it is not clear how late in development choline can be administered and still effectively reduce the consequences of prenatal alcohol exposure.
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research - Meta-Analysis of Gene Expression Patterns in Animal Models of Prenatal Alcohol Exposure Suggests Role for Protein Synthesis Inhibition and Chromatin Remodeling
Prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) can result in an array of morphological, behavioral, and neurobiological deficits that can range in their severity. Despite extensive research in the field and a significant progress made, especially in understanding the range of possible malformations and neurobehavioral abnormalities, the molecular mechanisms of alcohol responses in development are still not well understood.
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research - Ethanol Toxicity During Brain Development: Alterations of Excitatory Synaptic Transmission in Immature Organotypic Hippocampal Slice Cultures
The developing brain is particularly vulnerable to alcohol: Drinking during pregnancy can lead to a number of physical, learning, and behavioral disorders in the newborn. It has been demonstrated that immature and mature brain tissues display a differential sensitivity to ethanol (EtOH) toxicity and that cerebral structure and function are diversely impaired according to the stage of synaptic maturation.
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research - Alcohol Use During Pregnancy is Associated with Specific Alterations in MicroRNA Levels in Maternal Serum
Given the challenges of confirming prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) during pregnancy using currently established biomarkers of alcohol consumption, we examined whether serum microRNAs (miRNAs) may serve as stable biomarkers for PAE. Alterations in the levels of specific circulating miRNAs have been associated with various disease states and in animal models of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder.
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research - Alcohol, Methamphetamine, and Marijuana Exposure Have Distinct Effects on the Human Placenta
Animal studies have demonstrated adverse effects of prenatal alcohol exposure on placental development, but few studies have examined these effects in humans. Little is known about effects of prenatal exposure to methamphetamine, marijuana, and cigarette smoking on placental development.

Über 2,6 Millionen Kinder leben in suchtbelasteten Familien. Sie standen im Mittelpunkt des bundesweiten Fachkongresses der Drogenexperten.
Frankenpost (Germany) - Aus der Perspektive eines Ungeborenen
Im Gymnasium Wunsiedel klärt eine Ausstellung über Gefahren von Alkohol in der Schwangerschaft auf - mit einem Blick in die Gebärmutter.
YLE (Finland) - Elinan vauva joutui vastasyntyneenä vieroitukseen – "Olisi hyvä, jos päihderiippuvaisille äideille olisi pakkohoito"
Päihderiippuvainen äiti toivoo, että olisi joutunut raskauden ajaksi pakkohoitoon. Erikoislääkäri ei usko, että Suomessa riittää rahaa ja tahtoa päihderiippuvaisten odottavien äitien hoidon tehostamiseen.
NOZ - Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung (Germany) - Bundes-Drogenbeauftragte referiert in
Das sogenannte „Fetale Alkoholsyndrom (FAS)“ war Thema beim jüngsten Runden Tisch im Jugendgästehaus Johannesburg in Papenburg. Zu Gast waren die CDU-Bundestagsabgeordnete Gitta Connemann und die Drogenbeauftragte der Bundesregierung, Marlene Mortler.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Alcohol News - 15/2016

Medical Xpress - Hospitals could reduce healthcare burden of alcohol related harm by simple routine screening
The growing burden of alcohol-related liver disease (ARLD) could be reduced if hospitals introduced a simple universal screening procedure for those attending acute and emergency hospital settings, according to a new study shared today at The International Liver Congress in Barcelona, Spain.
The Daily Cougar - Researchers find direct link to alcohol, breast cancer risk
A UH professor and his team have discovered a direct link between alcohol and breast cancer risk by identifying a cancer-causing gene that is triggered by alcohol consumption. (Canada) - Community creates strategy to tackle alcohol problem in Prince Albert
A strategy to handle severe drinking problems in Prince Albert, Sask. was revealed today, and community members are eager to help bring about change. (USA) - Teenage girls now try alcohol before boys do: Study
It's probably not a milestone that will do many feminists proud, but teenage girls in the United States now start to drink alcohol sooner than boys do, a new study shows.
New York Daily News - Reduce your risk of cancer by eliminating alcohol from your diet
Stop smoking cigarettes. Cut down on fried food. Eat leafy greens. Wear sunscreen. Exercise. Get regular physicals. These are all ways to reduce cancer risk. Yet there is a known carcinogen lurking in the diet of most Americans — something that you may actually believe to be healthy in moderation despite being linked to multiple forms of cancer. - Why Giving Up Alcohol Could Transform Your Skin
In pursuit of perfect skin, we try countless serums and creams, book elaborate facials, and chug water religiously, yet there’s a beyond-simple fix that has been staring us in the face all this time: giving up (or significantly cutting back on) alcohol—which we’ve long known is no health elixir, but has a perhaps unexpected impact on our complexions, in particular.
Science Daily (UK) - Alcohol related deaths are likely to increase after cuts in alcohol taxation
Alcohol related deaths are most likely set to increase in England as incomes outstrip rises in taxation, argue experts. This prediction is based on the researchers' analysis of trends in alcohol related harm in the context of changes in the alcohol marketplace, in turn driven by changes in fiscal policy.
The Copenhagen Post (Denmark) - More elderly Danes getting alcohol treatment
An increasing number of Danes over the age of 65 are seeking help for alcohol problems, according to new figures from the health authority Sundhedsstyrelsen.
IrishCentral (Ireland) - Irish teens shun alcohol and sign up to Pioneers
Young people in Ireland are increasingly looking for an alternative to the drinking scene, with up to 8,000 teenagers signing up to the Pioneer Association last year.
Irish Examiner (Ireland) - Sports sponsorship ‘saturated’ with alcohol ads
A Department of Health briefing document said there is “saturation exposure” of alcohol products during sporting events and cited the French model, which completely bans alcohol sponsorship, as “best practice”.
Deutsche Welle (Germany) - Report: German teens turning away from drugs, alcohol
A comprehensive health study in Germany has found that drug and alcohol abuse by young people is at an all-time low. Officials warn, however, that binge drinking remains a rampant problem.
The Age (Australia) - Liquor licensing must consider family violence say councils after booze barn approved in hot spot
Plans to build a Dan Murphy's in a "family violence hot spot" have sparked calls for an overhaul of liquor licensing approvals, creating a test case for the Andrews government.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

What does the Nanny State Index really show?

Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA) along with the European Policy Information Centre published the so called Nanny State Index this week that puts Finland and Sweden in top defining these Nordic countries as the “worst places in the European Union to eat, drink, smoke and vape.”

“The Nanny State Index is concerned with policies that have an adverse impact on consumers. Policies are given different weights to reflect the extent to which consumers are negatively affected, from relatively minor inconveniences to heavy taxes or outright prohibition.” The Index includes any policy that is designed to deter consumption of legal products.

Alcohol News - 14/2016

Marine Corps Times (USA) - U.S. troops in Japan face tough new alcohol limits
New rules on military bases in Japan make it more likely that U.S. troops will be arrested if they drink and drive. On Monday, the military lowered the allowable blood alcohol content level to 0.03 percent for all troops operating vehicles on U.S. bases in Japan, said Air Force Lt. Col. Ken Hoffman, a spokesman for U.S. Forces Japan.
The Guardian (India) - Indian state Bihar imposes total ban on alcohol sales
The Indian state of Bihar has completely banned the sale of alcohol, including at bars and hotels. (Canada) - Increased alcohol availability in places like Starbucks should concern Canadians: experts
Starbucks is now selling beer and wine in some of its Toronto locations, but health experts are warning of the potential harmful effects the increased availability of alcohol can have on society and urging Canadians to be mindful of the risks.
The Guardian (Australia) - Hospital study on alcohol-related harm will inform lockout law debate
Emergency departments across three major Australian cities will take part in a five-year research project to determine whether patients were drinking when they acquired their condition or injury, and if so, where their last drink was obtained.
KCBD-TV (USA) - Talk early, talk often to warn your teens about alcohol abuse
We know from the National Council on Alcohol and Drug Dependency that every year, 5,000 people under the age of 21 die from a crash, poisoning, accident or suicide, all of which are found to be alcohol related.
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Tech Times (UK) - 90 Percent Of People In England Do Not Link Alcohol Drinking To Cancer
Nine out of ten people in England do not link alcohol drinking to any cancer, despite the fact that increased risk of seven major cancers are linked to drinking alcohol, report says.
Huffington Post UK - This Is How Alcohol Really Affects Sleep
It’s a common misconception that a nightcap before bed will improve your sleep. In reality, while alcohol may help you to nod off initially, drinking before you head to bed can have a detrimental effect on your overall quality of sleep. - Study links effects of prenatal alcohol and drug exposure with placental development
In the United States, prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) is the most common preventable cause of developmental delay. Animal studies have shown some of the adverse effects of PAE on placental development, but few studies have examined these effects in humans.
4BC (Australia) - Doctors push for tougher alcohol restrictions
A group of Australian doctors wants to see the legal drinking age increased to combat drunken violence and has submitted an 80 page report to the senate.
News24 (South Africa) - High level of foetal alcohol syndrome found in Saldanha Bay
A study commissioned by the Western Cape Department of Social Development (DSD) found that over 6% of children in the West Coast are born with Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), reports GroundUp.
Winnipeg Free Press - Alcohol kills more ex-athletes than it gets credit for
Alcohol has been killing ex-athletes since Babe Ruth died at 53 — officially from cancer, but who’s kidding who. Mickey Mantle, soccer’s George Best, hockey’s Bob Probert, Derek Boogaard, Pelle Lindbergh, Cleveland Indians reliever Tim Crews — the list of athletes who died directly or indirectly from alcohol goes on and on and on.
The National (Abu Dhabi) - Youth alcohol parties are rife in UAE, say residents
They gather in empty villas, on beaches and under bridges. The death four years ago of a British boy has had little effect on underage drinking. - Link between Gastric Bypass and Alcohol Abuse
Gastric bypass surgery is a common form of bariatric surgery used to help extremely obese people lost weight and improve their health. Emerging findings, however, show a significant association between gastric bypass surgery and the subsequent development of alcohol abuse problems.
The Baltic Course (Lithuania) - Lithuanian public activists collect 50,000 signatures for alcohol restriction initiative
A group of public figures aiming to submit a set of alcohol-restricting amendments to the Lithuanian parliament maintain they have collected in a few weeks 50,000 signatures, the number needed for lawmakers to address the bills.
Business Insider - Surprising ways alcohol affects your body and brain
Alcohol, which two teams of addiction experts recently ranked as one of the five most addictive substances, can be especially dangerous when consumed in excess.
The Canberra Times (Australia) - Canberrans drink more than average Australian and more than before, calls for alcohol crackdown
Canberrans drink more and at riskier levels than the nation's average, with more than one in five drinking themselves into danger of chronic long-term harm.
TVNZ (New Zealand) - 'The most drastic step is to ban alcohol' - post-work drinks may be a thing of the past with new health and safety laws
"If someone's had a lot to drink at work and then they've gone out particularly with other work colleagues it may well be their safety is still something that's the employer's responsibility," employment lawyer Megan Richards said.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

FASD News - 13/2016

WTOV Steubenville (USA) - Recognizing and responding to fetal alcohol disorders
The Brooke-Hancock Family Resource Center held a hands-on training event discussing fetal alcohol spectrum disorders on Wednesday.
MetroNews Canada (Canada) - Alberta aunt faces fetal alcohol spectrum diagnosis loophole
Rita just wants proper care for her niece who’s likely suffering from fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, but she’s unable to get the young girl tested.
Steamboat Pilot & Today - Thoughtful Parenting: Drinking for two
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently recommended that women who want to become pregnant stop drinking alcohol as soon as they stop using birth control. Both the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommend abstinence for preconceptional and pregnant women.
ABC News (USA) - Doctors Applaud End of Tennessee's Fetal Assault Law
Brittany Hudson was pregnant, addicted to painkillers and afraid of a Tennessee law that calls for the arrest of mothers of drug-dependent babies. She eventually gave birth without medical help, on the side of a road in the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains. - Study may help identify unborn children at higher risk for birth defects
Researchers at the University of Toronto have discovered a novel function performed by the breast cancer 1 protein (BRCA1), which regulates DNA repair. Well known for the role it plays in breast and ovarian cancer, this study revealed that the BRCA1 protein actually plays a much broader biological role, particularly in protecting the developing embryo from the damaging effects of reactive oxygen species (ROS).
New Zealand Herald (New Zealand) - Concerns over number of pregnant NZ women smoking
Thousands of New Zealanders have turned to Quitline and other organisations for support to stop smoking in recent months but health officials are concerned at the number of young people, pregnant women and Maori continuing with the habit.

Webinar: Sleep/Wake Behaviour Algorithm Meeting‏ - April 6
After several years of clinical and animal research, a group of clinicians and scientists are discussing an algorithm for how sleep/wake behaviour assessments should be implemented in the therapeutic interventions of kids with FASD. This will be a 3 hour session, the 2nd half (1.5 hrs – starting at 11:00am PST, middle European time = 8:00pm) will be available via webinar. If you are interested in joining the session virtually and contributing to this discussion, please respond to Ms. Mai Berger (
EUFASD - European Conference on FASD 2016: The Call for Abstracts - Deadline 30 April 2016
E-mail your abstract to You will receive confirmation of your submission within a week by e-mail.

Erika Krings - Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, FAS, life expectancy and causes of death
UAF eLearning & Distance Education - Meeting the Needs of Students with FASD and ADHD
Canadian Association of Paediatric Health Centres - Listening to the voice of the child: An inclusive approach to ethical problems in pediatrics
Children and youth are commonly excluded from discussions and decisions that affect them. It is frequently stated that children and youth are incapable of understanding complex matters and that their exclusion “protects” them. Yet, there is growing evidence that young people’s capacities are systematically underestimated and exclusion may be experienced as harmful rather than protective.
Stone Mountain Counseling - The Kid from Kraznoyarsk: Adopted from Siberia
Dr. Stephen Larsen, Ph.D. of Stone Mountain Counseling Center discusses the Neurofeedback treatment of "Christina" for ADHD, Attachment Disorder and Fetal Alcohol Syndrome with her Mother and Grandmother: Ann and Cecilia and Clinician Alexandra Linardakis on May 12th 2012 at the Stone Mountain Counseling Center in New Paltz New York.

Exceptionality: A Special Education Journal - Special Education of Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
The current study aimed to estimate the cost associated with special education among children (5 to 14 years) with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in elementary and middle school by sex, age group, and province and territory in Canada.
Dev Med Child Neurol - Soft neurological signs and prenatal alcohol exposure: a population-based study in remote Australia
To identify soft neurological signs (SNS) in a population-based study of children living in remote Aboriginal communities in the Fitzroy Valley, Western Australia, born between 2002 and 2003 and explore the relationship between SNS, prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE), and fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD).
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is an umbrella term used to describe the adaptive, behavioral, cognitive, physical, and social impairments that can result from prenatal alcohol exposure.
Int. J. Mol. Sci. - Alcohol Consumption during Pregnancy: Analysis of Two Direct Metabolites of Ethanol in Meconium
Alcohol consumption in young women is a widespread habit that may continue during pregnancy and induce alterations in the fetus. We aimed to characterize prevalence of alcohol consumption in parturient women and to assess fetal ethanol exposure in their newborns by analyzing two direct metabolites of ethanol in meconium.
Addictive Behaviors - Which women are missed by primary health-care based interventions for alcohol and drug use?
Women of reproductive age who binge drink or have alcohol-related problem symptoms (APS) and who do not use contraception are considered at risk of an alcohol-exposed pregnancy (AEP).
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews - Effects of pre-natal alcohol exposure on hippocampal synaptic plasticity: Sex, age and methodological considerations
The consumption of alcohol during gestation is detrimental to the developing central nervous system (CNS). The severity of structural and functional brain alterations associated with alcohol intake depends on many factors including the timing and duration of alcohol consumption.
Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs - Monthly Estimates of Alcohol Drinking During Pregnancy: United States, 2002–2011
We detected a possibly ameliorative pregnancy effect on alcohol use and HED, with variation in drinking prevalence across the months of the first trimester. Alcohol dependence might be affecting drinking persistence among pregnant women, but this effect cannot account for the drinking persistence observed here.
Hippocampus - Prenatal alcohol exposure alters synaptic activity of adult hippocampal dentate granule cells under conditions of enriched environment
Prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) results in fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD), which is characterized by a wide range of cognitive and behavioral deficits that may be linked to impaired hippocampal function and adult neurogenesis.
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research - Prospective Memory Impairment in Children with Prenatal Alcohol Exposure
Prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) is linked to impaired performance on tests of retrospective memory, but prospective memory (PM; the ability to remember and act on delayed intentions) has not been examined in alcohol-exposed children. We investigated event-based PM in children with heavy PAE and the degree to which associations between PAE and PM are influenced by IQ, executive functioning (EF), retrospective memory, and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research - A Comparison Among 5 Methods for the Clinical Diagnosis of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
Despite the prevalence of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) and the importance of accurate identification of patients, clinical diagnosis may not be consistent across sites due to the heterogeneous nature of FASD and the characteristics of different diagnostic systems used.
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research - Dietary Nutrient Intake in School-Aged Children With Heavy Prenatal Alcohol Exposure
Nutrition is an important factor that affects brain development. Nutritional deficiencies can exacerbate alcohol's damaging effects.

Sü (Germany) - Was durch Alkohol in der Schwangerschaft passieren kann
Als Ben seinen Hasen über das Balkongeländer hielt, hat seine Mutter es gerade noch rechtzeitig gesehen und konnte das Haustier retten. Der Achtjährige wollte einfach mal schauen, was passiert. Dass der Hase hinunterfallen und dabei sterben könnte, hat der Junge nicht erkannt.
Sü (Germany) - Die Diagnose war eine Entlastung
Gisela Michalowski hat neben vier leiblichen Kindern auch noch vier Adoptiv- und Pflegekinder, die alle mit alkoholbedingten Störungen geboren wurden. Der älteste Pflegesohn war 19 Jahre alt, die anderen sechs Monate, zwei und fünf Jahre, als sie die Diagnose erhielten. Die Sozialpädagogin ist seit 2005 Vorsitzende von "FASD Deutschland", einem bundesweiten Zusammenschluss von Eltern, deren Kinder an Fetalen Alkoholstörungen leiden.
Kehitysvammaliitto (Finland) - Alkoholin saatavuuden helpottaminen lisäisi entisestään sikiöaikaisia alkoholivaurioita
Suomalaisten naisten juominen on lähes kuusinkertaistunut viimeisten 40 vuoden aikana. WHO:n tilastojen mukaan suomalaisten naisten juominen on eurooppalaisittain runsasta. Suomessa syntyy vuosittain 600–3000 alkoholin sikiöaikana vaurioittamaa lasta.