
Sunday, August 28, 2022

FASD News - 34/2022

The Queen's Nursing Institute Scotland - Supporting Community Nurses and Midwives
This is the sixth and final blog in the series presenting key elements from Professor Moira Plant’s forthcoming report. So, what do health professionals want?  More initial education, continuing professional development and other training around alcohol, preconception/interconception health, pregnancy and FASD would be great place to start.
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Salem News - FASD: What is known 50 years later
How far we have come. Over the past 50 years a lot of research has gone into the subject of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. It has since become an umbrella term for a number of conditions: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders.
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Stuff (New Zealand) - 'Stuff all funding' for students and schools facing FASD battle
Pat Newman has watched fetal alcohol spectrum disorder change the landscape of New Zealand classrooms over the past 40 years, but support for students and teachers to deal with it has been sparse.
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The Millstone (Canada) - $500,000 provincial grant helps FASD families and caregivers
On Friday, local MPPs Steve Clark and John Jordan met with members of the Rural FASD Support Network at South Gower Park to hear more about the impact that a $500,000 Youth Opportunities Fund grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) has had.
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Shepparton News (Australia) - ‘That support is missing’: International FASD Awareness Day sends a message
The National Organisation for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Australia chair Cheryl Dedman has met hundreds of people in her role over the past four years.
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Townsbill Bulletin (Australia) - How referral service will help FASDs kids get diagnosed
Townsville children will have greater access to diagnostic assessment for foetal alcohol spectrum disorder as part of a new referral service. See the detail here.
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CNN - Nikolas Cruz's defense says his brain was 'poisoned' by birth mother's addictions in death penalty trial
An attorney for Nikolas Cruz asked jurors Monday to consider the Parkland school shooter's dysfunctional family life and his serious mental health issues when they decide whether to sentence him to death.
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NewsInvasion24 (South Africa) - Pretoria Deputy Minister hosts FASD training for Tavern owners
As part of the 9-9-9 buildup campaign, the Deputy Minister of the Pretoria Department of Social Development, Mme Hendrietta Bogopane-Zulu, who is the District Development Model (DDM) champion of Amajuba will host training sessions on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder (FASD) to educate tavern owners about the dangers associated with alcohol drinking during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
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CanFASD Blog - Issue Paper: FASD and Suicidality
People with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) face complex challenges. When unsupported, many individuals with FASD face challenges with mental health and substance use. One of the most concerning potential outcomes in this population is the risk of suicide.
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ADF (Australia) - Why is FASD diagnosis important?
Being diagnosed is important because it means that the person affected, and their family, can be provided with support. Early diagnosis and support results in better social and physical health.
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Ria Health - How Much Wine Can You Drink While Pregnant? Here Are The Facts
All major medical organizations agree: drinking any alcohol during pregnancy, including wine, can cause fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD). These conditions include birth defects, brain injury, and other disabilities. But there’s good news: if someone does not drink any alcohol during pregnancy, their child will not have an FASD.
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CanFASD blog - The Medium Really is the Message
September 9th is International FASD Day, a day recognized since its inception in 1999 by parent educators Bonnie Buxton, Brian Philcox and Teresa Kellerman.
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The 9th day of the 9th month is globally acknowledged as International FASD Awareness Day, and the whole of September is now known as FASD Awareness Month.
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National FASD - Raja & Neil’s FASD Book Club – Session 3, The Complex Issues Related to Alcohol and Pregnancy
In session 3 of Raja & Neil’s FASD Book Club, Dr Neil Aiton, one of the book’s editors and a specialist in neo-natal care, reviewed his chapter: ‘The Complex Issues Related to Alcohol and Pregnancy: Evidence, Ethics and the Law’.
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CanFASD - Reducing Stigma: Writing and Talking about FASD
The language we use and the ways in which we use it are important. Based on tenets of the Prevention Conversation and the CanFASD Common Messages guide, this webinar gives advice and guidance on how to discuss and write about FASD and alcohol use during pregnancy using a stigma-reducing and strength-based approach.
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Emory MSACD - MSACD FASD Webinar Series Part -2 | Claire Coles, PhD
Claire Coles, PhD | MSACD FASD Webinar Series  Part -2 | To learn more about the risks of drinking alcohol during pregnancy and the prevention of FASDs and other alcohol related birth defects
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Emory MSACD - MSACD FASD Webinar Series Part -1 | Kallio Hunnicutt-Ferguson, PhD, ABPP
Kallio Hunnicutt-Ferguson, PhD, ABPP | MSACD FASD Webinar Series  Part -1 | To learn more about the risks of drinking alcohol during pregnancy and the prevention of FASDs and other alcohol related birth defects
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FASD Hope - 145 - It’s OK to Be You: Living Well with FASD or Other Disabilities with Kenny LaJoy
Welcome to the official book launch of "It's OK to Be You - Living Well with FASD or Other Disabilities" by Kenny LaJoy!  Episode 145 celebrates new author, Kenny LaJoy and his new book, which is a valuable resource for ANYONE in the FASD community, neurodiversity community...and many more!
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Brain Sciences - Dose-Related Reduction in Hippocampal Neuronal Populations in Fetal Alcohol Exposed Vervet Monkeys
This study illustrates that neuroanatomical sequelae of fetal ethanol exposure are dose-responsive and suggests that there may be a threshold for this effect.
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Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology - A-139 Language and Communication Skills in Children with Different Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Diagnoses
Children with FASD have language deficits on objective measures and parent ratings, which should be a focus of intervention.
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Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research - The prevalence of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders in rural communities in South Africa: A third regional sample of child characteristics and maternal risk factors
The prevalence of FASD remained a significant problem in this region, but the severity of physical traits and anomalies within the continuum of FASD is trending downwards.
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Nutrients - Dietary Intake Patterns and Lifestyle Behaviors of Pregnant Women Living in a Manitoba First Nations Community: Implications for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
The findings of this study lay a fundamental premise for the development of community nutrition programs, nutrition education, and nutrition intervention, such as community specific prenatal supplementation. These will assist in ensuring adequate maternal nutrient intake and benefit families and communities in Northern Manitoba with and without alcohol insult.
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Brain and Development - Fetal alcohol syndrome and the risk of neurodevelopmental disorders: A longitudinal cohort study
Tens of thousands of American children with lifetime costs in the billions of US dollars were estimated to be impacted by FAS-associated NDs. These impacts are particularly tragic because FAS is dependent upon lifestyle.
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BMJ Open - Effect of maternal cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption during pregnancy on birth weight and cardiometabolic risk factors in infants, children and adolescents: a systematic review protocol
Tobacco smoking and alcohol consumption during pregnancy are particularly prevalent in low socioeconomic status populations, with an adverse association with birth outcomes and cardiometabolic risk factors.
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BMJ Open - Iterative delivery of an implementation support package to increase and sustain the routine provision of antenatal care addressing alcohol consumption during pregnancy: study protocol for a stepped-wedge cluster trial
Antenatal care addressing alcohol consumption during pregnancy is not routinely delivered in maternity services. Although a number of implementation trials have reported significant increases in such care, the majority of women still did not receive all recommended care elements, and improvements dissipated over time.
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Alcohol - Ethanol sustains phosphorylated tau protein in the cultured neonatal rat hippocampus: Implications for fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
This is the first study to show that EtOH exposure sustains tau Threonine231 phosphorylation in the perinatal hippocampus regardless of total tau expression.
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Pediatric Research - Early developmental trajectory of children with prenatal alcohol and opioid exposure
Observed decline in neurodevelopmental scores during the first 2 years of life emphasizes the importance of a longitudinal approach when evaluating children with prenatal polysubstance exposure.
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Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders - Maternal Alcohol Consumption During Pregnancy and Autism Spectrum Disorder in Offspring: a Meta-analysis
A meta-analysis was performed to evaluate the possible association between maternal alcohol drinking during pregnancy and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in offspring.
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Alcohol - Vinpocetine a PDE1 modulator regulates markers of cerebral health, inflammation, and oxidative stress in a rat model of prenatal alcohol-induced experimental attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
This study provides preliminary analysis and suggests that PDE1 enzyme maybe an important pharmacological tool to study ADHD as a result of PAE.
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Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior - An intergenerational lifespan perspective on the neuroscience of prenatal substance exposure
Prenatal substance exposure has the potential to impact a variety of domains, with neurobiological effects that last throughout the lifespan.
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Osterholz-Scharmbeck. Vom 5. bis 10. September 2022 lädt die Suchtpräventionsfachkraft des Diakonischen Werkes Magdalena Windey Interessierte, Fachkreise und Schulen zu einer interaktiven Ausstellung ins Medienhaus im Campus ein.
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AK Kurier (Germany) - Alkohol in der Schwangerschaft: Infoveranstaltung der Kreisverwaltung
Fetale Alkohol-Spektrum-Störungen sind die häufigste angeborene Behinderung. Die Kreisverwaltung lädt daher zu einem Informationsabend zum Thema "Alkohol in der Schwangerschaft" am Donnerstag, dem 8. September, ein.
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Tää on mun käännekohtien viiminen postaus. Nyt mä haluun palata hetkeks jokaseen postaukseen jokaselt menneeltä kuukaudelta. Mä oon nii ylpee itestäni, ku mietin miten paljon tää vuosi on opettanu mua tän blogin avulla ja oon myös ihmisenä muuttunu varmemmaks.
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Regionalne Centrum Polityki Społecznej w Łodzi  (Poland) - FASD - NIE MA BEZPIECZNEJ DAWKI
Regionalny Punkt Diagnozy i Terapii FASD w Łodzi, oferuje bezpłatną pomoc mieszkańcom województwa łódzkiego w zakresie diagnozy dziecka w kierunku zaburzeń ze spektrum FASD dzieciom  (Spektrum Płodowych Zaburzeń Alkoholowych).
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Friday, August 26, 2022

Alcohol News - 34/2022

CNN - Increased alcohol use linked with higher risk of cancer in new study
People who increased the amount of alcohol they drank also had an increased risk of cancer, according to the results of a large study in Korea published on Wednesday in JAMA Network Open.
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The Conversation - ‘Oh well, wine o’clock’: what midlife women told us about drinking – and why it’s so hard to stop
While alcohol reduction campaigns ask us to check our relationship with alcohol, emphasising the role it can play in causing violence and disease, our research has found many Australian women view alcohol in a different way.
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Scoop (New Zealand) - Council Supports Proposed Change To Alcohol Law
Kāpiti Coast District Mayor K Gurunathan says Council has heard the call from communities distressed about the negative impacts of alcohol, especially in Ōtaki, and will support proposed changes to the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act.
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Medical Xpress - Reducing alcohol consumption by working out
Researchers at Karolinska Institutet present new findings about alcohol consumption reduced by training. The three related papers, published in Drug and Alcohol Dependence, report findings from the randomized controlled trial, FitForChange.
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Employment Screening Resources (USA) - Statistics Show Alcohol Still the #1 Substance of Abuse in the Workplace
Despite the legalization of medicinal and recreational marijuana having a direct impact on drug testing in the workplace, government statistics show there are still many more alcohol users and abusers in the U.S. than marijuana users, according to an article by Bill Current, President and Founder of Current Consulting Group.
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The Sidney Morning Herald - These harrowing cancer statistics can actually be good news
Until recently, it was believed that lifestyle factors such as smoking, drinking alcohol, a lack of physical activity and poor diet were implicated in one-third of all deaths from cancer. Now, research published in The Lancet on Friday has revealed that figure is closer to half of global cancer deaths.
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IAS Blog - The COVID hangover: more urgency is needed to tackle alcohol harm as an indirect effect of the pandemic
Previous blogs have covered how drinking patterns in the UK changed during the pandemic in 2020 and 2021. In short, hiding behind relatively flat alcohol sales overall, there has been a sustained rise in the proportion of people drinking at increasing or higher risk levels, as well as evidence that heavier drinkers increased their consumption the most.
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Medical Xpress - Tobacco, alcohol are main causes of cancer worldwide: Study
Nearly half of cancers worldwide can be traced back to a known risk factor, primarily tobacco or alcohol, a huge global study found on Friday, which said that behavioral changes can help reduce the threat of disease.
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World Cancer Research Fund - Only 1 in 2 over-55s aware alcohol increases cancer risk
Leading cancer prevention and survival charity highlights low awareness of the links between alcohol and cancer in new poll.
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Albert Lea Tribune (USA) - Editorial Roundup: The high cost of the state’s alcohol abuse
Minnesota has a drinking problem. A recent study from the state Department of Health (MDH), published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, documents that excessive alcohol consumption costs Minnesota nearly $8 billion yearly, around $1,400 per resident, based on 2019 data.
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Thursday, August 18, 2022

Alcohol News - 33/2022

Financial Times (Japan) - Japan’s latest alcohol advice: please drink more
While most countries would welcome sobriety among their youth, Japan has veered in the opposite direction: with a campaign for them to drink more alcohol.
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PsyPost - Loneliness before the age of twelve indirectly predicts alcohol-related problems in later life
New research provides evidence that individuals who had lonely childhoods tend to be more reactive to stress, which in turn makes them more susceptible to alcohol-related problems. The findings have been published in Addictive Behaviors Reports.
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The Guardian (India) - Delhi drinkers left dry after government’s alcohol policy U-turn
Aam Aadmi party’s decision to scrap plan to privatise sale of alcohol comes after pressure from rival BJP.
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The Sun Chronicle (USA) - Commentary: Big Alcohol fuels addiction in the LGBTQ+ community
I am equally as proud of my queer identity as I am of my sober identity. This wasn’t always the case. Like many LGBTQ+ folks, I have faced various forms of discrimination, rejection and harassment that led me to struggle with a severe alcohol addiction for many years.
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The Irish Time (Ireland) - Tax on alcohol and cigarettes set to remain untouched in budget but welfare battle looms
Taxes on alcohol and cigarettes look set to go untouched in next month’s budget, while a proposal to increase welfare payments by up to €15 a week is facing significant pushback.
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ABC (Australia) - Drinking alcohol while working from home
In this edition of The Conversation Hour Richelle Hunt and co-host Kirsten Diprose explore the ongoing impact of drinking at home during lockdown. They discuss to what degree the working from home may have lead employees to increase their alcohol intake during the day.
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Bracknell News (USA) - Frimley Health warn parents about drinking alcohol while caring for children
Parents are being warned by health bosses about the dangers of drinking alcohol while caring for children after figures of unexpected infant deaths hit record numbers.
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Wales Online - Dangers of drinking alcohol in the sun revealed
The hot summer weather leaves many adults turning to an ice cold beer, a chilled can of cider or a glass of Pimm's in a bid to cool down - but experts have warned the sun combined with alcohol can be a "dangerous mix".
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CityNews Ottawa (Canada) - Alcohol contributes to more than half of boating related deaths
The Canadian Red Cross states that many people who would never drive their car after drinking alcohol, don't think twice about combining boating and alcohol.
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Business Tech (South Africa) - Proposed changes to drinking laws in South Africa
The South African Alcohol Policy Alliance (SAAPA) has proposed significant changes to how alcoholic beverages are regulated and consumed in the country.
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Leicester Mercury (UK) - Holidaymakers warned about drinking alcohol on long haul flights
Brits are being warned not to drink alcohol during long haul flights, a sleep expert has warned. Even if the alcoholic beverage is included in the price of the journey you should stay clear.
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The Connexion (France) - Motorists 20 times more likely to be breathalysed in France than in UK
France also has a lower drink-drive limit. Being just over the English limit can result in a €4,500 fine and prison sentence
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National Law Review (USA) - Addiction and Substance Abuse in a Post-COVID Era: Navigating Stormy Employment Waters
As employees continue returning to work in a post-pandemic era, employers are facing new and difficult challenges on a scale not experienced prior to March 2020. In particular, the COVID-19 pandemic has coincided with increased global rates of a variety of mental health challenges.
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Psychiatry Advisor - Alcohol Use Increases Mortality Risk Among Those With Cannabis Use Disorder
Adults with both cannabis and alcohol use disorders have a higher mortality risk than those with cannabis use disorder alone, according to results of a study published in Psychiatry Research.
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BBC (UK) - Calls for more funding to help children of alcoholics
Children affected by their parents' alcohol abuse say they are being "failed by the government" due to a lack of funding.
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University of Otago (New Zealand) - Public Health Solutions Series: Public policy options to address alcohol-related harm in Aotearoa
This blog is part of the Public Health Solutions series looking at effective public health measures to reduce demand on healthcare quickly. This blog looks at solutions to reducing alcohol-related harm through policies on alcohol tax, availability and marketing.
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Thursday, August 11, 2022

Alcohol News - 32/2022

Alcohol and Drug Foundation (Australia) - Impact on children and young people
Young people are already exposed to alcohol advertising daily – on billboards, on public transport and on tv (especially during sporting events).
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Carlsbad Current Argus (Mexico) - Look at crime through lens of alcohol use in New Mexico
In Gallup recently, a drunk driver plowed through a parade that was, until that moment, a joyful event – the 100th anniversary of the Gallup Intertribal Ceremonial.
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Discover Magazine - This is Your Brain Off Alcohol
Known as the “sober curious,” a growing number of people are selectively quitting alcohol. New converts boast increased energy, better sleep and an improvement in reasoning and memory.
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The Irish Times (Ireland) - How to stay safe in water: Don’t drink alcohol before swimming and the ‘simple questions’ to ask
Swimmers have been urged to be cautious in the water as Ireland experiences a heatwave over the coming days.
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New Scientist - Exceeding weekly alcohol recommendations linked to short chromosomes
Regions of repetitive DNA sequence called telomeres cap our chromosomes, with shorter telomeres being linked to Alzheimer's disease, cancer and heart disease
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RNZ (New Zealand) - Swarbrick frustrated by Deputy PM not backing alcohol harm minimisation bill
Green Party MP Chlöe Swarbrick says she is frustrated that her bill to ban alcohol sponsorship in sports is not receiving the backing of the government, despite the presence of overwhelming evidence.
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Gallup (USA) - Most in U.S. Say Alcohol Adversely Affects Drinkers, Society
Broad majorities of Americans believe the use of alcohol adversely affects both society in general and drinkers specifically. Three in four U.S. adults say alcohol use has a negative effect on society, and nearly as many (71%) think it affects drinkers themselves negatively, though more describe the effect as "somewhat negative" than as "very negative."
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Port Lincoln Times (Australia) - Healthy alcohol 'spin' misleads consumers
Health-conscious Aussies may want to reconsider their next "low sugar" alcoholic drink as experts warn "healthy" booze marketing campaigns can often be misleading.
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The Area News (Australia) - When it comes to drinking alcohol, moderation is a myth
In life we're told that we can enjoy everything ... as long as it's in moderation. But in our modern world, what does moderation actually mean? Is my idea of moderation, different to your idea of moderation and when it comes to alcohol, is moderation actually just a myth?
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Psychiatry Advisor - Even Moderate Alcohol Consumption Tied to Cognitive Decline
Drinking even a moderate amount of alcohol — 7 alcoholic beverages a week — may cause cognitive decline according to a study in PLoS Medicine.
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Hippocratic Post (UK) - Pandemic alcohol consumption impact
Shifts in alcohol consumption during the pandemic could lead to thousands of extra deaths in England: two new studies from the University of Sheffield and Institute of Alcohol Studies/HealthLumen show the impact of pandemic-related changes in alcohol consumption on health outcomes.
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Sunday, August 7, 2022

FASD News - 31/2022

The Queen's Nursing Institute Scotland (Scotland) - FASD ACROSS THE LIFESPAN: BEHAVIOURAL PROBLEMS
This is the fourth blog in the series presenting key elements from Prof Plant’s forthcoming report. While the last blog looked at the physical problems experienced by people with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders, this blog explores some of the behavioural problems.
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Scoop (New Zealand) - International Fasd Awareness Day: September 9, 2022
This is an international awareness campaign giving voice and support to those affected by Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). Every year on the 9th day of the 9th month, to symbolise the nine months of pregnancy, millions of people around the world hold events to promote public awareness of FASD and support those who are affected by it.
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WITF - What is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and is it under diganosed?
Pregnant women are warned not to drink alcohol or smoke because it may harm their babies. Unfortunately, there are too many that don’t heed the warnings or drink when they don’t know they’re pregnant.
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Healthline - Alcohol Consumption is Increasing During Pregnancy: Why Experts Are Alarmed
“Look, here’s the deal. If you drink alcohol while you’re pregnant, you may be ruining your baby’s chances of ever having a normal life. All forms of alcohol are dangerous, even beer and wine. Play it smart. Alcohol and pregnancy don’t mix.”
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In Your Area (UK) - Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder discussed in Parliament thanks to Ayr charity
An Ayr charity were welcomed to Scottish Parliament to highlight the work they do in supporting those affected by Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
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Musings From An Autistic Carer - FACS v FASD -A personal story of parent carer blaming
I have been quite candid in describing my personal experiences of being falsely accused of FII (fabricated or induced illnesses) and institutionalised parent carer blaming, but there were more issues at stake than merely having 2 children with probable autistic spectrum disorders.
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Kids Brain Health Network (Canada) - Building a Village of Support: Alex’s Story
For Tracy and Eric, adoption always felt like the right choice. They adopted their first two children—daughter Mackenzie and son Alex—in 2010, and their family expanded in 2011 when they adopted their youngest son, Jackson.
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Nutrition Research Institute - The influence of maternal weight and alcohol exposure on infant physical characteristics and neurodevelopmental outcomes
A new study from NRI scientists, Julie Hasken, PhD, MPH, and Philip May, PhD, published on ScienceDirect in May 2022 examines the influence of maternal weight and alcohol exposure in infant physical characteristics and neurodevelopment outcomes.
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The Honestly Adoption Company - FASD Expert Spotlight (Part 1): FASDs And The Online World
We know that Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders have a profound effect on a person’s ability to reason, think logically, and control impulses. But in today’s society there are extra dangers.
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The Honestly Adoption Company - FASD Expert Spotlight (Part 2): FASD Hope And Advocacy
We are excited to share an interview we did just a few years ago with Natalie Vecchione, on her podcast, FASD Hope. We primarily talked about the release of our latest book, Securely Attached, but wanted to share this interview and point our listeners toward this valuable resource.
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FASD Special Interest Group - Diagnosing FASD Part 1 of 2
In the August 3, 2022 meeting of the AUCD FASD SIG, Christie Petrenko of University of Rochester and Elizabeth Cleveland of University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences discuss how their FASD diagnostic clinics started and how they function.
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The Adoption & Foster Care Journey - Episode 335 - Run FASD with Adult Adoptee Rebecca Tillou
On this episode host Sandra Flach talks with Rebecca Tillou.  Rebecca is an adult adoptee with FASD, she’s also a wife, mother, author, advocate, and runner - AND the visionary of Run FASD.
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FASD Hope - 142 - Amazing Advocacy - A Conversation with Yvonne Williams
Episode 142 is titled "Amazing Advocacy" and highlights Yvonne Williams and her incredible advocacy contributions to the FASD Community. Yvonne started her FASD journey when she adopted her daughter in 2007.
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Fasd Success Show - #117 Rhonda & Shawn: How to love someone with FASD who’s hurt someone
This unique episode has some critical information about how systemic barriers and failures can result in adverse outcomes for individuals with FASD. We will leave the detail for the episode, but we want to give you a general idea about the content.
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SACCounty Healthy Beginnings - 5 Things You Need to Know If You’re Raising a Child Who’s Been Affected by Prenatal Alcohol Exposure
Watch the video to learn about the 5 things every parent needs to know if you’re raising a child who’s been affected by prenatal exposure to alcohol.
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Catch Collaborative Psychotherapy - Episode 10 | What We Know About Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) causes harm, pain and shame in mothers and children. Society is critical and judgmental towards those suffering from the condition, even though 1 in 100 babies in Canada are born with it.
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National FASD - Raja and Neil’s FASD Book Club – Session 2, Standardising the Approach to Assessment and Diagnosis
In session 2 of Raja and Neil’s FASD book club, Prof Raja Mukherjee and Dr Neil Aiton give an overview of changes in FASD diagnosis over the past 50 years. They talk about new diagnostic changes in the UK and point out some areas where progress is still needed.
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Learning with FASD - How to create a supportive learning environment for primary aged children with FASD
Students affected by FASD may learn and behave differently to neurotypical children due to the impact of prenatal alcohol exposure. The challenges that students with FASD may experience in the school environment can be due to the neurodevelopmental impairments caused by their brain injury.
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Current Research in Toxicology - The influence of maternal weight and alcohol exposure on infant physical characteristics and neurodevelopmental outcomes
Higher postpartum maternal weight may be a protective factor but does not eliminate the adverse effects of alcohol on infant growth and dysmorphology.
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Bone - Altered bone and body composition in children and adolescents with confirmed prenatal alcohol exposure
These findings highlight the importance of early FASD diagnosis and appropriate post-diagnostic medical follow-up to enable timely, effective interventions to optimize bone and body composition during paediatric growth.
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Sensors - A Pilot Study Examining the Effects of Music Training on Attention in Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD)
Prior studies indicate differences in brain volume and neurophysiological responses of musicians relative to non-musicians. These differences are observed in the sensory, motor, parietal, and frontal cortex.
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Journal of Medical Ethics - Using meconium to establish prenatal alcohol exposure in the UK: ethical, legal and social considerations
While recognising the adverse effects of heavy alcohol consumption during pregnancy, we emphasise the case for robust ethical, legal and social considerations and the central need for trust between HCP and patients in maternity care. We conclude the permissibility of meconium screening has not been proven, and it is not justified.
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University of Delaware - Effects of Developmental Alcohol Exposure on Associative Memory and the Medial Prefrontal Cortex-Reuniens-Hippocampus Circuit in a Rodent Model of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
This study is important in examining what mechanistic alterations are related to AE and how they are involved in deficits associated with FASD.
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Korean Journal of Obstetrics - Prenatal maternal alcohol exposure: Diagnosis and prevention of fetal alcohol syndrome
Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) is a developmental and congenital disorder characterized by neurocognitive impairment, structural defects, and growth restriction due to prenatal alcohol exposure.
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Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience - Effects of prenatal alcohol exposure on neurobehavioural development and volume of rostral cingulate cortex subregions
Prenatal alcohol exposure is associated with lower volumes in the right pregenual ACC. This finding may underlie some of the emotional and behavioural problems experienced by individuals with prenatal alcohol exposure.
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South African Medical Journal - The tragedy of smoking, alcohol, and multiple substance use during pregnancy
Substance use during pregnancy affects infant outcomes at birth and 1 year of age. The addictive properties of substance use make cessation difficult, so prevention strategies should be implemented long before pregnancy. Higher maternal education, associated with better infant outcomes at birth and 1 year and acting as a countermeasure to substance use, is of paramount importance.
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JAMA Network - Trends in Binge Drinking and Heavy Alcohol Consumption Among Pregnant Women in the US, 2011 to 2020
In this cross-sectional study, we found that binge drinking and heavy alcohol consumption were higher among nonpregnant women than pregnant women, but the AAPC for both behaviors was significantly greater among pregnant women than nonpregnant women.
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Cardiovascular Toxicology - Maternal Ethanol Exposure-Induced Cardiac Fibrosis is Associated with Changes in TGF-β and SIRT1/FOXO3a Signaling in Male Rat Offspring: A Three-Month Follow-up Study
Overall, our data reveal that prenatal alcohol usage increase in fibrotic regions in the pup hearts possibly by regulating TGF-β, FOXO3a and SIRT1 protein levels. These are potential therapeutic molecular targets that can be modulated to protect heart against maternal ethanol exposure.
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The Journal of Sexual Medicine - College Women, Sex, and Drinking: Examining the Impact of Pre-sex Alcohol Consumption in Consensual Sexual Encounters
Sex under the influence of alcohol is common among college women and is associated with more distress and fewer positive consequences than sober sexual encounters.
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Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research - Association between sociodemographic, obstetric, and lifestyle factors among Hungarian pregnant women—A cross-sectional study
The lifestyle of pregnant women can have a great impact on the developing fetus, either in a positive or negative way. In order to evaluate maternal lifestyle, overall health behavior should be considered.
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SWR Fernseher (Germany) - Adoptivmama Katrin Lepke zieht Kinder mit FASD groß
Katrin Lepke ist Adoptiv-und Pflegemutter von Shannon, Jim und Samuel. Alle drei Kinder haben das Fetale Alkoholsyndrom (FASD), eine vorgeburtliche Alkoholschädigung. Daraus entsteht ein Buch und eine Selbsthilfegruppe, auch um auf FASD aufmerksam zu machen.
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Gazeta Olsztyńska (Poland) - Mamo! Nie pij proszę!
Problem ciężarnych kobiet pijących alkohol jest wciąż stosunkowo mało znany ogółowi społeczeństwa. Nasza spostrzegawczość zazwyczaj ogranicza się do zauważenia wpływu alkoholu na kobiety jako takie.
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PAHO (France) - Fiche d’information sur le trouble du spectre de l'alcoolisation fœtale
Les concepts de base sur la santé et l'alcool sont présentés dans cette série de fiches d'information. Cette note définit et présente des données sur le trouble du spectre de l'alcoolisation fœtale, ses conséquences et l'importance de le reconnaître.
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WDR (Germany) - Alkohol in der Schwangerschaft: Die FASD-Twins klären auf
FASD ist die Abkürzung für eine Fetale Alkoholspektrum-Störung. Unter dem Begriff werden alle Formen von Schäden an Kindern zusammengefasst, welche durch Alkoholkonsum in der Schwangerschaft verursacht wurden.
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Erzieherkanal - Wissen, Theorien & Infos (Germany) - Fetales Alkoholsyndrom (FAS) und fetale Alkoholspektrumstörung (FASD) bei Kindern | ERZIEHERKANAL
Die fetale Alkoholspektrumstörung (FASD) und das fetale Alkoholsyndrom (FAS) liegt vor, wenn die Mutter in der Schwangerschaft Alkohol getrunken hat und es aufgrund dessen zu Schädigungen und Behinderungen beim Kind kam.
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Thursday, August 4, 2022

Alcohol News - 31/2022

National Records of Scotland (Scotland) - Slight increase in Alcohol-specific Deaths
1,245 people died from conditions caused by alcohol in Scotland in 2021, according to latest figures published by National Records of Scotland.
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The Guardian (UK) - Britain has a drinking problem – and the alcohol industry can’t afford to let us kick it
We’ve all heard the refrain: “Britain has a drinking problem.” It’s an issue that long predates the Covid-19 pandemic, but evidence for this claim seems more stark than ever.
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Brattelboro Reformer - White: Alcohol use in older adults: The hidden risks
Problematic alcohol use in older adults is something of a hidden issue. We often think of substance use problems as an issue that starts in adolescence or young adulthood, but this doesn’t apply to everyone. In fact, alcohol use in those over 60 has been increasing for the past two decades, and even more so among women.
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KUNM (Mexico) - Let's Talk about the impact of alcohol on New Mexico
Let's Talk New Mexico, 8/04 8a: We hear a lot about drugs like opioids, fentanyl and meth in New Mexico. But another substance is involved in more deaths than all of those drugs combined: alcohol.
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Sidney Morning Herald (Australia) - Alcohol harm to bystanders ‘costs Australia $20 billion a year’
More than two-thirds of Australian adults have been adversely affected by someone else’s alcohol consumption, costing the country an estimated $20 billion a year in emergency healthcare, caring and lost productivity.
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Times Now - Reasons why and how should talk to your teenager about drugs and alcohol
Teenagers will always remain rebels, experimental, and impressionable no matter what era. It is, however, very important to be their friend and guide rather than a tyrant for parents trying to banish them without any explanation. Teenagers trying out drugs and alcohol is not uncommon but they need to be told in a caring, supportive, and nurturing manner about the flipside of these vices.
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Alcohol Health Alliance - Alcohol packaging could have an important role in delivering health messaging
Alcohol packaging can be used to communicate the harms associated with consumption. Daniel Jones, a research assistant at the University of Stirling, assessed a sample of young adults’ exposure to, and engagement with, current messaging on packs, support for displaying product and health-related information, and reactions to novel warnings. In this blog, he reflects on the findings.
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GQ - Here's Exactly How Bad Drinking Alcohol Is for Your Skin
Drinking can take a serious toll on your skin. Hopefully pointing this doesn’t make make me a buzzkill, because we assume most adults know firsthand how alcohol impacts them. There’s the obvious correlation between a big night out and the next-morning raccoon eyes.
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The Hindu (India) - Finance Minister Palanivel Thiaga Rajan hints at revisiting State’s alcohol policy
Tamil Nadu Minister for Finance and Human Resources Palanivel Thiaga Rajan on Wednesday said the State was looking at revisiting its alcohol policy, and it is in active discussion.
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Stuff (New Zealand) - 'Just tinkering around the edges', alcohol policy should go further – expert
A new policy is proposing to change the time alcohol can be purchased from stores in Tauranga. The move is welcomed by an alcohol harm reduction advocate, but they warn it doesn’t go far enough.
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NordAN (Sweden) - Seven out of ten Swedes are worried about the lack of a blood alcohol limit for electric bikes
It is not illegal to ride an electric scooter with a blood alcohol level, the rules are the same as for regular bikes. At the same time, electric scooters are becoming increasingly common in injury statistics, with 72% of Swedes now saying they are concerned that there is no blood alcohol limit for electric scooters in particular.
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