(Canada) - Treating inmates diagnosed with FASD
Experts describe it as the so-called invisible disorder because in many cases you wouldn’t know someone had it.
RACGP (Australia) - Talking about fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
It is recommended that anyone who chooses to drink alcohol has no more than two standard drinks a day, and no level of alcohol is considered safe during pregnancy, as it can cause fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD).
Radio New Zealand (New Zealand) - Insight: Foetal Alcohol - Damaging Baby Brains
Conservatively, it's thought 600 children are born in New Zealand every year with some form of brain damage caused by their mother drinking alcohol, often before they even knew they were pregnant. But many experts think the real number of babies affected every year may number in the thousands.
KUTV 2News - Baby Your Baby: Risks of alcohol during pregnancy
September 9th (9/9) is Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) Awareness Day to remind women to avoid alcohol during the 9 months of pregnancy. FASDs are caused by alcohol use during pregnancy and are 100% preventable. Estimates are that FASD affects up to 5 in 100 newborns.
TVNZ (New Zealand) - Alcohol packaging needs warning for pregnant women, experts say
Experts working with sufferers of foetal alcohol spectrum disorder want explicit warnings on packaging stating the dangers of drinking while pregnant.
Independent Online (South Africa) - Foetal Alcohol Syndrome is 100% avoidable, minister tells female farmworkers
Western Cape Minister of Social Development Albert Fritz hosted over 100 women farmworkers from different farms around the Cederberg area on the West Coast on Friday, for a special women’s outreach and luncheon.
Compass Mark - Raising Awareness of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
This year, approximately 1 in 10 children born in Pennsylvania is at risk of being born with a Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). With almost 11 percent of pregnant women reporting that they are still consuming alcohol, it’s more important than ever to protect the next generation from FASD.
Huffington Post - Shifting Sands And Special Needs Parenting
Our son has a Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). His brain wiring was affected by prenatal exposure to alcohol. Like many with his condition, he finds it really hard to control his impulses when he’s under stress, when he processes new information and when his senses are overloaded with unusual sights, smells, textures.
The Scotsman (Scotland) - Plea for funds to research drinking levels in early pregnancy
He said: “It could help babies being affected by alcohol. The reason we should find out what women were drinking before they knew they were pregnant is the
RNZ - INSIGHT: Foetal alcohol spectrum disorder
Sunny has three adopted children, her eldest was has been diagnosed with foetal alcohol spectrum disorder. While her daughter has a supportive school, Sunny sees other families desperate and struggling to get the help they need.
Norman Kunz - Myers - FASD 1280
Northwest Strategies - What is FASD
Creating a Family - Books On Fetal Alcohol Syndrome For Adoptive Parents
Damaged Angels: An Adoptive Mother’s Struggle to Understand the Tragic Toll of Alcohol in Pregnancy by Bonnie Buxton – Part heartfelt memoir, part practical guide, Damaged Angels recounts Bonnie Buxton’s struggles to raise her adopted daughter Colette, whom she didn’t realize was afflicted with fetal alcohol disorder.
Journal of Public Health - Failures in reproductive health policy: overcoming the consequences and causes of inaction
It is assumed that long-established research findings and internationally accepted evidence should, and will, be translated into policy and practice. Knowledge about what prevents harm and promotes health has, in fact, guided and resulted in numerous beneficial public health actions.
Drug and alcohol review - Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder in Australia: What is the current state of affairs?
A new Commonwealth FASD Strategy (2018–2028) is being developed and the Australian Government has announced significant funding for the expansion of FASD prevention, diagnostic and intervention services around Australia. Therefore, it is timely to consider what the current state of affairs regarding FASD in Australia is and describe areas for future research and service delivery.
BC Ministry of Children and Family Development - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder In Context
FASD’s historical, sociocultural and political contexts are often overlooked. However, available research suggests that consideration of these factors may play an important role in developing increasingly valid and reliable FASD-related policy and practice standards.
University of Miami - Alcohol-Induced Developmental Defects in Octavolateral Organs of Zebrafish: A Sensitive Period and Mechanisms
Fetal alcohol exposure is known to cause an array of deficits (fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, FASD) that may manifest as lifelong physical, cognitive, and behavioral anomalies of human development.
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience - Long-lasting effects of prenatal ethanol exposure on fear learning and development of the amygdala
To test whether PrEE alters development of brain circuitry associated with fear conditioning and fear memory recall, we histologically examined subdivisions of the amygdala in PrEE and control mice and found long-term effects of PrEE on fear memory circuitry.
Behavioural Brain Research - Social behavioral phenotyping of the zebrafish casper mutant following embryonic alcohol exposure
We report that exposure to 1% alcohol from either 6 to 24, or 24 to 26 h postfertilization reduces the social behavior of adult casper zebrafish. Our findings set the stage for the use of this important zebrafish resource in studies of FASD.
Journal of Occupational Therapy, Schools, & Early Intervention - Supporting children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: Potential applications of a Snoezelen multisensory room
How are mental health practitioners using Snoezelen rooms with children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) within a community mental health setting?
Alcoholism - Knockdown of Mns1 increases susceptibility to craniofacial defects following gastrulation‐stage alcohol exposure in mice
These data demonstrate that a partial or complete knockdown of Mns1 interacts with PAE to increases susceptibility to ocular defects and correlating craniofacial and brain anomalies, likely though interaction of alcohol with motile cilia function.
Implementation Science - A practice change intervention to improve antenatal care addressing alcohol consumption by women during pregnancy: research protocol for a randomised stepped-wedge cluster trial
This will be the first randomised controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness, cost and cost-effectiveness of implementation strategies in improving antenatal care that addresses alcohol consumption by pregnant women.
Issues in mental health nursing - Adolescent Substance Use and Effects on the Birth Experience
Implications for nursing practice suggest collaboration between maternal child health and mental health nurses in prenatal, hospital, and follow-up healthcare settings to provide essential assessment of risk factors and resources and referrals across the perinatal period.
Hormones and behavior - Prenatal alcohol exposure disrupts male adolescent social behavior and oxytocin receptor binding in rodents
Social behavior deficits resulting from prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) emerge early in life and become more pronounced across development.
Contemporary Drug Problems - Drug Use During Pregnancy Policies in the United States From 1970 to 2016
This study breaks new ground. More studies are needed that explore the effects of these policies on alcohol and other drug use by pregnant women and on birth outcomes.
Forensic Toxicology - Detection of in utero ethanol exposure via ethyl glucuronide and ethyl sulfate analysis in umbilical cord and placenta
We developed and validated a sensitive and specific method for the determination of EtG and EtS in umbilical cord and placenta. To date, this is the first method to investigate both direct metabolites of ethanol in umbilical cord and placenta samples for prenatal ethanol exposure.
UNAD - Meconium: Biomarker Vehicle of Expusure to Psychoactive Substances in Pregnant Women
Children exposed to drugs in a prenatal way are a medical and social problem. A useful way to study this problem is by analyzing biological matrices, such as the meconium, which stores psychoactive substances or their metabolites.
Women and Birth - Alcohol consumption during pregnancy and risk of small-for-gestational-age newborn
A very moderate alcohol intake during pregnancy may have a negative association with the risk of having a small for gestational age newborn.
Laser Optics - In utero Optical Coherence Tomography to Evaluate Vasculature Changes in the Murine Embryonic Brain Due to Prenatal Alcohol and Nicotine exposure
This study uses speckle variance optical coherence tomography to evaluate vasculature changes in the murine embryonic brain caused due to prenatal exposure to alcohol and nicotine.
John Jay College of Criminal Justice - Detection of in-utero ethanol exposure via EtG and EtS analysis in umbilical cord and placenta
To date, this is the first method to investigate both minor metabolites of ethanol in term umbilical cord and placenta samples for prenatal ethanol exposure.
Kehitysvammaliitto (Finland) - KANSAINVÄLINEN FASD-PÄIVÄ 9.9.
Kansainvälistä FASD-päivää vietetään joka vuosi 9.9. muistuttamaan yhdeksän kuukauden raittiudesta raskausaikana. Alkoholi on kaikkein merkittävin sikiön kehitystä uhkaava tekijä, johon odottava äiti voi itse vaikuttaa. Kaikista päihteistä juuri alkoholi aiheuttaa eniten sikiövaurioita.
Lifeline | Das Gesundheitsportal (Germany) - Fetales Alkoholsyndrom (FAS): Lebenslange Folgen fürs Baby
In Deutschland ist das Fetale Alkoholsyndrom die häufigste Form einer angeborenen Behinderung – noch vor dem Down-Syndrom. Die irreparable Schädigung kann beim Neugeborenen auftreten, wenn die werdende Mutter in der Schwangerschaft Alkohol konsumiert. Selbst wenige Trinkexzesse reichen dafür aus.
NewSicilia (Italy) - Bandire fumo ed alcol durante l’allattamento
I danni sul feto dovuti all’assunzione di alcol in gravidanza sono noti da tempo. Ora emerge che i bambini allattati al seno da madri che bevono alcol hanno capacità cognitive ridotte.
Inklukoalicia (Slovakia) - 4. interaktívny seminár pre učiteľov o inklúzii
Slovenská komora učiteľov s podporou neziskovej organizácie EDULAB, Vás pozýva na 4. interaktívny seminár pre učiteľov /materských, základných, stredných a špeciálnych škôl a školských zariadení/, ktorý sa uskutoční dňa 6. septembra 2018 o 18:00 v priestoroch EDULAB, Rigeleho 1 v Bratislave.
Hyvä Terveys (Finland) - ”Kysyisin äidiltä, miksi hän joi”
Äidin raskaudenaikainen alkoholinkäyttö uhkaa yhä tuhansien lapsien elämää Suomessa. Mikko on yksi FASD-nuori.