Special Issue on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in IJERPH
„The International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health—IJERPH (ISSN 1660-4601, IF 2.145) is currently running a Special Issue entitled "Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)". Assoc. Prof. Svetlana Popova (from University of Toronto) and Dr. Larry Burd (from North Dakota Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Center) are serving as the Guest Editors for this issue. Based on your expertise in this field, we think that you could make an excellent contribution.“
Voxy (New Zealand) - New Study highlights importance of FASD Awareness Day
Alcohol Healthwatch says more New Zealand women need to know that any amount of alcohol is a risk to the healthy outcome of their baby. A study just released from the University of Auckland shows that even low alcohol exposure can negatively affect normal child development, often before the pregnancy is detected.
Whitehorse Star (Canada) - Public engagement on FASD results released
The Yukon government has released a What We Heard document that summarizes the key findings of its public engagement on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
New Zealand Herald (New Zealand) - Dangers of drinking alcohol during pregnancy raised in foetal alcohol spectrum disorder awareness day
The Whanganui District Health Board is advising pregnant women to go alcohol free for the whole of pregnancy to best prevent foetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD).
Sky News (UK) - Thousands affected by 'hidden epidemic' of foetal alcohol spectrum disorder
At least two percent of people in the UK could be suffering from the long-term effects of their mother drinking alcohol while pregnant.
Lexology (USA) - G+T calls on government to end discrimination against people affected by fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD)
Gilbert + Tobin has worked with people affected by FASD, their carers and NGO’s in this area for a number of years, with many of these organisations throwing their support behind the need for law and policy reform.
Regina Leader-Post (Canada) - Regina groups working to reduce stigma, highlight complexity of FASD
"When he was born he was hard to handle most of the time. He was always crying and now that he's older, he's homeless. He doesn't have a job. He dropped out of school." (Ireland) - Ireland takes aim at prenatal alcohol exposure
Doctors in Ireland were once known to recommend a pint of Guinness as a source of iron for pregnant or nursing women. While that advice has been discredited, drinking remains so ingrained in Irish culture that many women still feel that swapping a beer or cocktail for something nonalcoholic at a social gathering isn’t an option. (New Zealand) - Red shoes and conversing about FASD
This tiny bundle, not even a week old, screaming a frantic, high-pitched wail of pain and panic. And there was nothing any of us could do.
Health24 (South Africa) - SA experts call for more foetal alcohol syndrome awareness
South Africa, which has the world’s highest prevalence of foetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD), is joining other countries to create awareness of the disorder on 9 September – International FASD day. (Ireland) - 'Pregnant women don't know they're harming their babies by drinking' - the truth about Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders are the greatest cause of developmental delay in children - and Dublin foster mother Michelle Savage has seen the heartbreak first-hand, she tells our reporter.
All4Women (South Africa) - SA has the world’s highest rate of foetal alcohol syndrome disorder
Over 11% of children born in South Africa have some level of Foetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorders (FASD), which is 14% higher than the average incidence worldwide. (Switzerland) - Only one in three pregnant women in Switzerland stops drinking
Only a third of pregnant and breastfeeding women are following the Federal Office of Public Health’s guidelines on giving up alcohol completely, a report has found.
Medkit (France) - First study on fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
Public Health France released Tuesday, the hospitalization data for the period 2006-2013. “Fetal alcohol syndrome is the leading cause of mental disability non-genetic and social maladjustment of the child in France, because the alcohol crosses the placenta and is toxic to the baby,” notes François Bourdillon, the director of the public body.
ABC (Australia) - Obstacles remain to diagnosis and early intervention for FASD
Advocacy groups say people living with Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder need support through the NDIS, but the condition remains largely undiagnosed.
Western Cape (South Africa) - WC Health Minister launches Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Awareness Drive
Sunday, 9 September marks Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder Day; a day where we create awareness amongst expectant mothers to avoid the use of alcohol while pregnant.
FARE (Australia) - FASD Awareness Day: Alcohol & pregnancy information must be rigorous and regulated
This International FASD Awareness Day, leading public health body, the Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education (FARE), is calling for further government efforts in the prevention and treatment of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
ADLS - FASD and the Criminal Justice System (live stream, 11 OCTOBER)
People with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) don’t make good decisions due to alcohol exposed brain damage before birth, which makes them vulnerable to ending up in the criminal justice system.
Northwest Strategies – Did you know?
Did you know? There is no safe amount of alcohol to drink while pregnant. But why should this matter if you are not pregnant or not trying to be? Because nearly half of all pregnancies are unplanned. And many women don’t know they’re pregnant right away.
CASATunr - FASD Awareness Month
By Mountain Plains FASD Practice and implementation Center and American Association of Medical Assistants.
TBNewsWatch - Around Town: Annual powwow brings awareness to FASD
AlcoholFreePregnancy - Helen Simposn on FASD for FASD Awareness Month
Visit for more information.
NOFAS-UK FASD Support & Awareness - We Love Superheroes with FASD
Parents and carers share what they love about their young superheroes as part of the NOFAS-UK and E. Herts and Area Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Support Network pilot project, Brain Base: FASD Wellbeing Summer Fun Days, recorded 30 August 2018.
NOFAS-UK FASD Support & Awareness - Advice for Other Young Adults with FASD
Rachel Jackson, a teen with a Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, shares some advice for wellbeing with others who have FASD. This was part of the NOFAS-UK and E. Herts and Area FASD Support Network pilot project, Brain Base: FASD Wellbeing Summer Fun Days, recorded 30 August 2018.
NOFAS-UK FASD Support & Awareness - My Brain, Me and FASD
A booklet from NOFAS-UK specially designed to promote wellbeing for children and young adults with Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD). To order a copy or to download a PDF, please see You will find other resources there as well for school and home.
Castanet News - FASD won't stop him
Carson Holtz talks about FASD.
NOFAS-UK FASD Support & Awareness - 2018 Brain Base: FASD Wellbeing Summer Fun Days - Day Two
Scenes from Day Two (28 August 2018) of the NOFAS-UK and the E. Herts and Area FASD Support Network's pilot project, Brain Base: FASD Wellbeing Summer Fun Days.
Matthew Levins - FASD Day Video
This is a video interview with Shelbey, who lives with FASD. This was produced for FASD Day in Grande Prairie, AB in 2018, by Northwest Peace FASD Network, in partnership with ASLS Grande Praire.
AlcoholFreePregnancy - Dr. Tony Dunn on the ob-gyn's role in preventing FASD
Visit and for more information.
FASD One - CanFASD Issue Papers
Issue papers on „FASD Prevalence in Special Populations“ and „The Prevalence of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder“.
Addiction Biology - Social deficits following embryonic ethanol exposure arise in post‐larval zebrafish
Prenatal alcohol exposure is the leading cause of birth defects, collectively termed fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD). In the United States and Canada, 1 in 100 children will be born with FASD.
Trends & Issues in Crime & Criminal - Diversionary pathways for Aboriginal youth with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder.
This article reports on a study undertaken in three Indigenous communities in the West Kimberley region of Western Australia (WA) intended to develop diversionary strategies for young people with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD).
Europe PMC - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: A Review of Diagnostic Test Accuracy, Clinical and Cost-Effectiveness of Diagnosis and Treatment, and Guidelines
The purpose of this report is to examine the diagnostic test accuracy, clinical utility, and cost-effectiveness of diagnosis and/or assessment of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD), the clinical and costeffectiveness of treatment of FASD, and the evidence-based guidelines associated with diagnosis, assessment, or treatment of FASD in individuals of any age.
Neuropsychopharmacology - CB1R regulates CDK5 signaling and epigenetically controls Rac1 expression contributing to neurobehavioral abnormalities in mice postnatally exposed to ethanol
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) represent a wide array of defects that arise from ethanol exposure during development. However, the underlying molecular mechanisms are limited.
Neurotoxicology - Effects of prenatal ethanol exposure on acoustic characteristics of ultrasonic vocalizations in rat pups
Rat pups produce ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs) on isolation from their dam. Ultrasonic vocalization is a sensitive tool for evaluating social behavior between pups and their dam.
Addiction - Prevalence and safety of acamprosate use in pregnant alcohol dependent women in New South Wales, Australia
The prevalence of acamprosate use in pregnancy in New South Wales, Australia is low. Acamprosate exposure in utero is not clearly associated with poor maternal or neonatal health outcomes.
Neurotoxicology - Early exposure to ethanol is able to affect the memory of adult zebrafish: Possible role of adenosine
The adjustment of adenosine levels through ecto-5′-nucleotidase inhibition appears to be effective at restoring normal adenosine levels and the acquisition of memory in animals exposed to ethanol during the pharyngula stage.
Drug and Alcohol Dependence - Environmental enrichment reverses increased addiction risk caused by prenatal ethanol exposure
Prenatal ethanol exposure (PE) leads to multiple cognitive and behavioral deficits including increased drug addiction risk. Previous studies have shown that rearing environment plays a significant role in addiction propensity.
Disability and the Global South - ‘My granddaughter doesn’t know she has disabilities and we are not going to tell her’: Navigating Intersections of Indigenousness, Disability and ender in Labrador
Drawing from qualitative research and over five years of relationship-building with women in Labrador, Canada, this article explores the intersections of Indigenousness, disability and gender.
Santé publique France (France) - Journée mondiale du SAF : premières estimations nationales des troubles causés par la consommation d’alcool et une campagne nationale
Boire de l’alcool pendant la grossesse est toxique pour le fœtus et peut entraîner diverses complications (retard de croissance, atteintes du système nerveux central, malformations…), dont le syndrome d’alcoolisation fœtale est la forme la plus grave. (Germany) - Alkohol in der Schwangerschaft macht Kinder aggressiv und vergesslich
„Schwanger. Natürlich ohne Alkohol“ steht auf dem Plakat mit dem kugelrunden Babybauch, den die Mutter zärtlich umfasst. „Mein Kind will keinen Alkohol“ lautet der Titel einer anderen Aufklärungskampagne.
Westdeutsche Zeitung (Germany) - Alkohol ist Gift für ungeborene Babys
«Schwanger. Natürlich ohne Alkohol» steht auf dem Plakat mit dem kugelrunden Babybauch, den die Mutter zärtlich umfasst. «Mein Kind will keinen Alkohol» lautet der Titel einer anderen Aufklärungskampagne.
Dziennik Bałtycki (Poland) - 9 września przypada Światowy Dzień Świadomości FASD. Czy wiesz, że picie alkoholu w ciąży szkodzi nienarodzonemu dziecku?
Światowy Dzień Świadomości FASD ma na celu uświadomienie przyszłym rodzicom skutków picia alkoholu w czasie ciąży, jak również zwrócenie uwagi społeczeństwa na występowanie problemu w skali światowej. Data 9 września ma odzwierciedlać 9 miesięcy zdrowej ciąży.
Osservatorio Malattie Rare (Italy) - Sindrome feto-alcolica: può accadere che sia scambiata per un disturbo psichiatrico
Il 9 settembre è la Giornata Mondiale di sensibilizzazione sulla patologia e i disturbi correlati. In Italia, nasce l’Associazione A.I.D.E.F.A.D. - APS, per aiutare i pazienti ad ottenere una corretta diagnosi
L'Unione Sarda (Italy) - Assunzione di alcol in gravidanza: una giornata per parlare di tutti i rischi
Ogni anno, il 9 settembre, si celebra la Giornata mondiale di Sensibilizzazione sui disturbi e le disabilità alla nascita causate dall'assunzione di alcol in gravidanza o nel primo puerperio, e quindi evitabili.
Slobodna Dalmacija (Croatia) - Trudne ste i opustile bi se uz samo gutljaj crvenog vina? Cijeli sutrašnji dan posvećen je razlozima zašto to nikako ne smijete činiti
Ako majka tijekom trudnoće redovito pije alkohol, snosi rizik da će trajno i nepovratno oštetiti fetus, s time da se poremećaji mogu prepoznati odmah nakon rođenja, nedugo nakon njega ili tijekom adolescencije i u odrasloj dobi. U svijetu se stoga svake godine 9. 9. u 9 sati i 9 minuta obilježava Dan fetalnog alkoholnog sindroma (Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Day – FASD).
Promuje Łódzkie (Poland) - Zapal czerwoną lampkę - kampania STOP FASD
W Polsce w 2017 roku urodziło się 403 tysiące dzieci. Według szacunków nawet czworo z nich na każde 1000 urodzeń może być dotkniętych płodowym zespołem alkoholowym (FAS). Reaguj! Zapal czerwoną lampkę.