
Thursday, October 26, 2023

Alcohol News - 43/2023

Yle (Finland) - Government aims to legalise alcohol home deliveries
Consumers will be able to have alcoholic drinks delivered to their homes from shops and restaurants, if the government's plans are implemented.
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Australian Medical Association (Australia) - Calls for clearer labels on health risks of alcohol
The AMA has joined the Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education for stronger labels on alcohol products to warn consumers of health risks associated with excessive consumption.

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HCPLive - Alcohol Consumption Increases Risk of Visual Impairment in Patients with Open-Angle Glaucoma
Alcohol abstinence may be a lifestyle change worth considering for patients with newly diagnosed open-angle glaucoma (OAG), according to findings from a retrospective cohort study of Korean patients.
Read more (UK) - The problem of alcohol misuse in dentistry
Jade Campbell discusses the problem of alcohol misuse amongst both patients and dental professionals, and the benefits of taking part in Sober October.
Read more (New Zealand) - Timely talk about 'Big Alcohol', friendship and living sober
When broadcaster and author Guyon Espiner took to the stage to discuss his book probing how our drinking culture is influenced by the government and big business, he couldn’t have known how timely his stop in Nelson was.
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University of Stirling (UK) - Art chronicles alcohol and homelessness study as researchers seek innovative way to share findings
A unique art event took place this week in Glasgow chronicling the findings of a research study into the effects of managed alcohol programmes during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Government of Nunavut (Canada) - Gjoa Haven to remain a prohibited community for alcohol
In a plebiscite held on October 23, Gjoa Haven residents voted to continue the current prohibited alcohol control system in their community. Only 155 voters, or 40 per cent of voters, were in favour of moving towards a restricted quantities system.
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Psychiatric Times - Understanding Alcohol Misuse in Women
“Alcohol misuse in women is becoming an increasingly important topic because it used to be thought of as recently as 50 years ago as a men’s disorder. But epidemiological surveys have shown that gender gaps and alcohol consumption and alcohol-related harms are narrowing for women and men—such that alcohol is growing women’s health issue.”
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Portugal Resident (Portugal) - Alcohol dependence in Portugal increases 50% in decade
Alcohol dependence in Portugal has increased by almost 50% in the last decade, yet demand for treatment for alcohol-related disorders remains stable, an official at the Portuguese Society of Alcohology (SPA) has revealed – arguing, that greater intervention is needed.
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South African Government (South Africa) - Social Development on 7th Biennial Global Alcohol Policy Conference
The Global Alcohol Policy Alliance (GAPA), the South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC), the Southern African Alcohol Policy Alliance (SAAPA), and the Department of Social Development confirmed that all preparations have been completed for the 7th Biennial Global Alcohol Policy Conference as the Global Community descends on the Mother City to chart a way forward to reduce alcohol harm.
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ABC (Australia) - Liver disease is on the rise, and women are more at risk than they think
Alcohol cost Frances her friends, her family and a career — and on more than one occasion, it almost took her life.
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Irish Examiner (Ireland) - Almost 1 million people in Ireland grew up with a problem drinker in the home
Research has found that 25% of adults in Ireland — almost 1 million people — experienced living with a problem drinker as a child, according to Alcohol Action Ireland (AAI).
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Morocco World News (Morocco) - Morocco to Raise Alcohol Tax to Ease Economic Challenges
This tax adjustment is expected to generate additional revenue for the state budget, which has been under considerable strain due to recent global crises.
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University of Otago (New Zealand) - Strong public support for alcohol policy action
There is considerable support from New Zealanders for government to take policy action to reduce people’s exposure to alcohol and dietary cancer risk factors in their environment, new research from the University of Otago shows.
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Medscape - The Sobering Facts About Alcohol and Cancer
There is an urgent need to raise global awareness about the direct link between alcohol consumption and cancer risk.
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FARE Australia - “I plan to shout about the link between alcohol and breast cancer … it might save a life”
Since February 2022, I’ve battled breast cancer. I’d never joined the dots between this and my background of heavy drinking until I was undergoing chemotherapy and threw myself into the research.
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NordAN (Denmark) - New campaign sheds light on addiction's impact on families in Denmark
The Relatives Network - Addiction Portal (Pårørende Netværket - Misbrugsportalen), a nationwide advisory organisation that supports families affected by addiction and their relatives, has launched the #YouOrMe campaign for weeks 41 and 42.
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AlcoholAndCancer (Estonia) - Majority unaware of alcohol's cancer risks, Estonian study reveals
The Estonian National Institute for Health Development (TAI) started an awareness campaign on October 2nd, alerting the public to the fact that alcohol consumption increases the risk of at least seven different cancers: oral, pharyngeal, laryngeal, oesophagal, liver, colorectal, and breast cancer in women.
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AlcoholAndCancer - The silent carcinogen: Europe's uneasy relationship with alcohol and cancer knowledge
In a study recently published in the European Journal of Public Health, Dr. Daša Kokole and her colleagues from the World Health Organization highlighted the public's understanding of the relationship between alcohol and cancer in the European Union and the UK.
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Sunday, October 22, 2023

FASD News - 42/2023

NordAN (Finland) - Thesis: Challenges faced by young adults exposed to prenatal substance use
Niina-Maria Nissinen's doctoral dissertation provides information on secondary disorders, such as educational challenges, long-term financial assistance problems, and mental health issues experienced by young people exposed to substances during pregnancy.
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The Courier (UK) - Fife foster child Ruby’s ‘superpower’ achievements despite foetal alcohol syndrome disabilities
Taken into care as a tot, she was later diagnosed with foetal alcohol syndrome which has caused learning disabilities. But the Glenrothes teen has overcome adversity to become a talented athlete and inspiration to her peers.
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The Chronicle-Journal (Canada) - People with FASD not suffering victims, event hears
Myles Himmelreich grew up knowing he had fetal alcohol spectrum disorder but didn’t understand what it meant. It wasn’t until his 20s when he started attending conferences on the disorder that he developed a true understanding of how it affected him.
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Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASDs) have a profound impact on individuals and families living with the condition. Even in today’s society, many are ignorant of the condition and the potential impacts of drinking alcohol during pregnancy.

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FASD United (USA) - State Advocacy That Hits Home: An Interview with Debbie Raymond
For five years in a row, Debbie Raymond has obtained an FASD proclamation in her small town, Prosser, in Washington state: “This was my hometown and the town I raised my children in for over 15 years until they were both out of school.”
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Have you had a chance to see Barbie, Greta Gerwig’s joyously pink extravaganza of a film? Maybe you enjoyed time out with a girlfriend, your sister, or your daughter. Maybe, as I did, you found yourself with tears streaming down your face during America Ferrera’s powerful monologue.
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FASD Awareness - Brian Roberts Webinar - Understanding & Caring for Individuals with FASD. - FASD Webinar #20
Brian is one of the UK’s leading independent consultants and trainers on supporting vulnerable and traumatised children and young people.
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FASD United - FASD United Congressional Briefing, 2023
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Justice For Orphans - The Adoption & Foster Care Journey Podcast - Ep. 398 Essential FASD Supports with Nate Sheets
Welcome to The Adoption & Foster Care Journey—a podcast to encourage, educate and equip you to care for children in crisis through adoption, foster care and kinship care.
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9 News Australia - Pregnancy warnings to be mandatory on alcohol products
Alcohol products will now have pregnancy warnings on them, as health advocates want more warnings such as cancer and liver disease.
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Goodfellow Unit - Substance use in pregnancy: Mental Health & Addictions Day 2023
Our specialists will cover a wide range of topics, from youth mental health to chronic pain and substance abuse throughout the years. The aim is to provide clinical updates and guidance supporting excellence in practice on the issues faced in general practice.
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CanFASD - New Issue Paper: Employment and FASD
FASD is recognized as one of the most common developmental disabilities in Canada and the US. Underemployment is a major concern for many people with FASD. The lifelong difficulties people with FASD experience that impact their daily living, including the ability to find and maintain meaningful employment.
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Fasd Success Show - #136 Too Cool for School: The No-BS Guide to Getting Educators on Your Side
Ever sat in a meeting with your child's teacher and felt like you're speaking two different languages? No, it's not just you. The struggle to get educators on the same page when it comes to FASD is real, and the stakes are high.
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CanFASD - New resource on FASD and mental health just launched
Yesterday was World Mental Health Day. The objective is to raise awareness of mental health issues and to encourage efforts that support mental health. In light of this event, we are excited to release the FASD and Mental Health Resource and Practice Guide.
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Journal of Language and Communication Disorders - Comparing narrative storytelling ability in individuals with autism and fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
While many aspects of narrative discourse in the autism and FASD groups were similar to each other and to the comparison group, we observed group differences on global measures of narrative production and significant individual variability within groups, suggesting that narrative abilities considered at an individual level may provide important clinical information for intervention planning.
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Maternal and Child Health Journal - Combining Physician Expertise and Women’s Lived Experience to Educate Health Professionals about Preventing Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
Combining physicians’ expertise with mothers’ personal stories of lived experiences of FASDs directed at residents, who are more reflective and open at this phase of their careers, moved them from a fact-based to an empathy-based approach to learning that is critical to address the stigma surrounding women who may be using alcohol or struggling with an AUD during pregnancy.
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Children and Youth Services Review - Transitions into Adulthood for People with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: A Scoping Review of Promising Practices
Recommendations from included studies highlighted the importance of programs and supports that demonstrate an understanding of FASD and emphasize relationship-building, the benefits of obtaining an FASD diagnosis, the notable gap in services for individuals who have transitioned to adulthood, and the importance of consistent advocates in the lives of youth with FASD.
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Birth Defects Research - Increased incidence of renal and urinary tract anomalies among individuals with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD)
RUTA occurred more frequently among patients with FASD compared to the control group, and decreased kidney size was also demonstrated among patients with FASD. However, impaired kidney function and the risk of hypertension were not observed.
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Europe PMC - H - 50 Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders and the Criminal Justice System: a Case Study.
In the case of Starwars, the referral question sought to establish an MSE-Offense. Considering the probable prenatal alcohol exposure, established behavioral deficits, neurodevelopmental disorder, and cognitive profile - Starwars' ADHD and probable Alcohol- Related Neurodevelopmental Disorder, may have significantly impacted Starwars' ability to appreciate the nature and quality or wrongfulness of his actions.
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Children and Youth Services Review - Parent views on the educational experience of students with Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders: Advocacy, Inclusion, and collaboration
School-based teams are encouraged challenge their thinking of inclusive practices beyond legal requirements and advocate for practices that embody building a systems perspective which values family voice as a central tenant of change.
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Pediatric Research - Breastfeeding and neurodevelopment in infants with prenatal alcohol exposure
There was a significant joint effect of PAE and breastfeeding on infant neurodevelopment at six and 12 months. Breastfeeding may provide distinct benefits to infants exposed to high levels of PAE.
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bioRxiv - The impact of prenatal alcohol and synthetic cannabinoid exposure on behavioral adaptations in adolescent offspring and alcohol self-administration in adulthood
Prenatal exposure to alcohol or cannabinoids can produce enduring neurobiological, cognitive, and behavioral changes in the offspring.
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Drug and Alcohol Review - Uptake of mandated pregnancy warnings in the Australian alcoholic ready-to-drink beverage market
Two years into the three-year implementation period for the mandatory pregnancy warning, only around one-third of the assessed RTD products exhibited compliance.
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Human Brain Mapping - Examining the effects of prenatal alcohol exposure on performance of the sustained attention to response task in children with an FASD
These findings show that children 8–12 years old with an FASD diagnosis have decreased amplitudes in BA44 during SART random order, and that these deficits are associated with multiple behavioral measures.
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AIDS and Behavior - Effects of Maternal HIV Infection and Alcohol Use in Pregnancy on Birth Outcomes in Uganda
Alcohol use and HIV infection are prevalent in sub-Saharan Africa (sSA), and both are associated with low birth weight. Yet, few studies have evaluated the combined effects of maternal HIV infection and alcohol use on birth outcomes.
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Journal of Clinical Medicine - Impaired Executive Functioning Associated with Alcohol-Related Neurocognitive Disorder including Korsakoff’s Syndrome
Findings suggest equivalent levels of executive function in ARCI and KS patients. Our results highlight executive function as a significant hallmark of alcohol-induced neurocognitive disorder and stipulate the importance of early assessment and evaluation of skills to guide treatment.
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Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology - The interaction of genetic sex and prenatal alcohol exposure on health across the lifespan
Understanding how sex and PAE interact to affect offspring health outcomes across the lifespan is critical for identifying the full complement of PAE-associated secondary conditions, and for refining targeted interventions to improve the quality of life for individuals with PAE.
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Canadian Graduate Journal of Sociology and Criminology - ‘Now what?’: An examination of ongoing gaps post-diagnosis for justice-involved youth with FASD
We aim to highlight areas for further consideration when working with justice-involved youth with FASD, namely, gaps in early assessment and implementation of supports, needs to increase parent and caregiver capacity to maintain residential stability, and efforts to support desistance from crime in the context of an FASD diagnosis.
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Landratsamt Bodenseekreis (Germany) - Fetale Alkoholspektrumstörungen (FASD): Digitaler Austausch für Fachkräfte am 26. Oktober
Fachkräfte aus der Jugendhilfe, dem Gesundheitswesen, der Suchthilfe und Justiz lädt das Landratsamt Bodenseekreis am Donnerstag, 26. Oktober 2023 von 14 bis 17 Uhr zu einem digitalen Austausch zum Thema Fetale Alkoholspektrumstörungen (FASD) ein.
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Naczelna Izba Pielęgniarek i Położnych (Poland) - BEZPŁATNY WEBINAR: „FASD – PERSPEKTYWA PSYCHOLOGA” 26 PAŹDZIERNIKA GODZ. 17:00
Spektrum Płodowych Zaburzeń Alkoholowych (FASD) jako wynik ekspozycji płodu na alkohol wiąże się z zaburzeniami strukturalnymi i funkcjonalnymi OUN.
Read more (Poland) - Kobieta wypija lampkę wina, a płód pływa w alkoholu. Czym jest FASD?
Picie alkoholu w ciąży to problem wstydliwy i zamiatany pod dywan. Także przez lekarzy. Czy odpowiedzialność za zdrowie dziecka spoczywa wyłącznie na kobiecie?
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Stuttgarter Nachrichten (Germany) - Angst vor dem eigenen Sohn
Als Sonja und Volker Jannis adoptieren, wissen sie nicht, dass er ein alkoholgeschädigtes Kind ist. Mit Einsetzen der Pubertät wird er immer aggressiver.
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Human Life International – Polska (Poland) - Nie ma bezpiecznej dawki alkoholu w ciąży. Historia Asi z zespołem FASD
Nazywane są „niewidzialnymi dziećmi”. Niewidzialnymi, bo nie zauważono ich przed urodzeniem, gdy ich matki sięgały po lampkę czerwonego wina, po kilka łyków piwa czy kieliszek wódki – pierwszy „za mamę”, drugi „za dzidziusia”.
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Thursday, October 19, 2023

Alcohol News - 42/2023

NordAN (Sweden) - Sweden: 85 per cent are unaware that alcohol increases the risk of developing breast cancer
85 per cent of Swedes are not aware that alcohol increases the risk of breast cancer. Moreover, few know that even low levels of alcohol consumption increase the risk. This is revealed by a new survey by Novus, released in conjunction with International Breast Cancer Awareness Month occurring in October.
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Medical News Today - Drinking less alcohol linked to healthier brain in new study
A new study reports that reducing drinking – whether that means abstaining completely or just cutting back – is good for the brain health of people who have alcohol use disorder.
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CBS News - Researchers studying link between breast cancer and alcohol
Researchers at Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center in Baltimore, Maryland are studying the link between breast cancer and alcohol. Drinking could increase the chances of cancer for women of all ages, but scientists are now trying to pinpoint why and who might be most impacted.
Read more (Australia) - Health groups call for graphic warning labels on alcoholic beverages
Australians could soon see confronting health warnings printed on liquor bottles after the federal government confirmed it was seeking advice on new ways to raise awareness about high risks of alcohol consumption.
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GOV.UK (UK) - Government seeks views on improving alcohol treatment services
Public consultation launched on first UK-wide guidelines for clinical treatment of harmful drinking and alcohol dependence.
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ERR News (Latvia) - Latvia takes plunge on raising its alcohol and tobacco excise duties
Latvia plans to gradually phase in alcohol and tobacco excise hikes over the course of three years, ETV news show "Aktuaalne kaamera" (AK) reported Thursday, though its finance ministry says the hope is that this will not reverse the current situation and make Latvia the most expensive of the three Baltic states, in this product sector.
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POLITICO (UK) - Alcohol a ‘frequent factor’ in rule-breaching behavior in Westminster, complaints body finds
The drinking culture in Westminster has come under attack in a report from a parliamentary watchdog. In its fifth annual report summarizing the last year, the Independent Complaints and Grievance Scheme — the U.K. parliament’s official complaints system — said that the “culture of drinking in Westminster” was a “frequent factor” in conduct-breaching incidents in the parliamentary bars, at external events, and in post-work socializing.
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Belfast Telegraph (Northern Ireland) - Alcohol watchdog warns of dangers of ‘bottomless brunch’ and issues guidance to NI venues
The head of an alcohol watchdog has hit out at the trend of ‘bottomless brunches’ for promoting excessive alcohol consumption after nine complaints were made about the promotion in Northern Ireland.
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The Irish Independent (Ireland) - ‘Alarming’ – almost half of drivers in road crashes this year were not tested in hospital for alcohol or drugs
Almost half of injured drivers involved in serious or fatal collisions were not tested for intoxicants in hospitals this year.
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UBC Faculty of Medicine (Canada) - New Canadian guideline for treating high-risk drinking, alcohol use disorder
The first-ever Canadian guideline for treating high-risk drinking and alcohol use disorder (AUD) has been published by the BC Centre on Substance Use (BCCSU), a UBC Faculty of Medicine research centre housed within Providence Health Care and Providence Research.
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Think Global Health (Philippines) - The Philippines’s Blind Spot for Alcohol
espite the cost and harm alcohol consumption causes in the Philippines, alcohol companies there are deeply intertwined with the national government in decades-old relationships that only deepened during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Population Europe - Fathers’ parental leave protects against alcohol-related morbidity
New study shows a substantial reduction in alcohol-related hospitalisation rates within the two years after birth for fathers of children born following the "Father's quota" implementation in Sweden.
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NordAN (Finland) - Thesis: Challenges faced by young adults exposed to prenatal substance use
Niina-Maria Nissinen's doctoral dissertation provides information on secondary disorders, such as educational challenges, long-term financial assistance problems, and mental health issues experienced by young people exposed to substances during pregnancy.
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IAS Blog - There’s no such thing as ‘good quality’ alcohol
We are used to thinking about quality in the products we choose to buy, whether its clothing, food, or alcohol. But is there any truth to this when it comes to alcohol, or is it simply a marketing ploy by the alcohol industry?
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Thursday, October 12, 2023

Alcohol News - 41/2023 (Latvia) - Latvian Radio outlines planned alcohol marketing limitations
Latvian Radio has been addressing Latvia's drinking problem in its series "Zeme, kur dzer" (Land that drinks). Drinking is also encouraged by alcohol advertising and various marketing measures that encourage not just to buy, but to buy more. In its newest story on October 12, Latvian Radio summarizes limitations on marketing that are planned to be introduced.
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European Commission - 3.6 deaths per 100 000 people due to alcohol in 2020
In 2020, there were 193 893 deaths in the EU resulting from mental and behavioural disorders, representing 3.7% of all deaths in the EU. Mental and behavioural disorders include dementia, schizophrenia, and also disorders related to psychoactive substance use, such as alcohol or drug dependence.
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YLE (Finland) - State alcohol monopoly sees sales dip – even for non-alcoholic beverages
Alko reported a 2.4 percent decline in September sales, with the sharpest drop in alcohol-free drinks and the steepest rise in rosé wines.
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Herald.Wales (Wales) - Nurses join academics to raise awareness around alcohol-related brain damage
Nurses at a West Midlands NHS Trust have been working with University of South Wales (USW) academics to introduce a new way of treating patients for the little-known condition alcohol-related brain damage (ARBD).
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South African Government (South Africa) - South Africa hosts 7th Global Alcohol Policy Conference, 24 to 26 Oct
South Africa will host the 7th Global Alcohol Policy Conference scheduled to take place from the 24 – 26 October 2023 at the Cape Town Convention Centre, in Cape Town, South Africa. The conference will be held under the theme: “Investing in people before profits: building momentum towards the Framework Convention on Alcohol Control”. The biennial gathering aims to emphasise the need for proactive steps at both national and especially global levels to address alcohol harms.
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European Anti-Fraud Office - Around 6 million litres of illicit alcoholic drinks seized
Customs and police authorities in Europe have seized about 6 million litres of illicit alcoholic beverages, wine and beer in a targeted action led by the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF). OLAF’s targeted action was part of Europol-Interpol operation OPSON XII.
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LSM (Latvia) - Government to hike alcohol tax every year on March 1st
On Monday, October 9, the Cabinet reviewed amendments to the Excise Tax Law which foresee steadily raising excise tax rates on alcoholic drinks, and tobacco products – including vaping– from 2024 to 2026.
Read more - Did the COVID-19 pandemic increase drunkness among people with a history of alcohol use disorder?
The ongoing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, caused by a rapid outbreak of severe acute respiratory disease coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2), has claimed more than 6.9 million lives worldwide.
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CBC (Canada) - Quebec rejects coroner's recommendation to look at .05 blood alcohol limit
A Quebec coroner is recommending the province study reducing the legal blood-alcohol concentration for drivers to .05, but Quebec's transport minister says lowering the limit is not in the plans.
Read more - Parental leave reduces alcohol-related hospitalizations in fathers, study finds
Men who have been on parental leave have a significantly reduced risk of being hospitalized due to alcohol consumption. This is shown by a study published in Addiction from researchers at the Department of Public Health Sciences, Stockholm University.
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SciTechDaily - Scientific Study Challenges the “Holding Your Liquor” Myth
A recent study revealed that drinkers with alcohol use disorder show equivalent motor and cognitive impairments as light drinkers when consuming their usual alcohol amounts, challenging the idea of “holding your liquor.”
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The Journal (Ireland) - Alcohol Action express disappointment as no new measures for booze announced in Budget 2024
NO NEW MEASURES have been announced on alcohol, beit to reduce or increase excise duties, in this year’s budget.
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FARE Australia - Community and women’s safety organisations want higher standards to prevent harm from rapid alcohol delivery
Community and women’s safety organisations want higher standards to prevent harm from the online sale and rapid delivery of alcohol, as new polling shows Queenslanders support measures like penalties for companies delivering alcohol products to children and people who are intoxicated.
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NordAN - NordAN 2023 resolution: Upholding the alcohol retail monopoly system in nordic alcohol policy
The Nordic Alcohol and Drug Policy Network (NordAN), a collaborative civil society body committed to fostering evidence-based alcohol and drug policies across the Nordic countries, recognising the critical role the Nordic Alcohol Policy plays as a cornerstone of the respected Nordic welfare state model, globally praised for its dedication to social equality, public health, and a high standard of living.
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NordAN (Norway) - Norway: Six organizations send clear message to health minister
In a collective plea to Health Minister Ingvild Kjerkol, organizations Actis, RIO, Wayback, Marborg, Ivareta, and A-larm demand strengthened aftercare in the upcoming prevention and treatment reform.
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Sunday, October 8, 2023

FASD News - 40/2023

NOFASD Australia - Content for International Newsletters calling for EOIs for the “Three-Minute Thesis”
Are you a researcher looking for an opportunity to showcase your FASD research internationally?

NOFASD Australia invites you to apply to participate in the “Three-Minute Thesis” session at The FASD Forum ’24 virtual conference on 3rd and 4th May 2024. 

During this session, the researchers selected as finalists will summarise their work in dynamic, fast-paced, presentations of just three minutes. This is an opportunity for international researchers to gain insight into other current research and for parents, caregivers and individuals with lived experience of FASD to hear about promising global FASD research conveyed in ‘laymen’s terms’ via the concise three-minute research summary. Awards will also eba given for this session.

Please note that due to the various time differences, and to avoid any internet issues, we will be pre-recording each speaker to ensure that all presentations run smoothly and that the transitions between presenters are seamless.

Interested researchers should contact as soon as possible noting that they would like to be provided with the EOI submission pack for the “Three-Minute Thesis” session. The closing date for EOIs to be submitted to NOFASD is 8th December. 2023.


The Fostering Network (UK) - Seeking support for children and young people with FASD in the UK
It's a challenge to navigate a diagnosis of FASD in the NHS – a condition that remains poorly understood. It is a challenge for professionals who work in the system, and even more complex for families and individuals themselves.
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ABC (Australia) - FASD assessment delays leave vulnerable WA children missing out on vital help in detention
Some of WA's most vulnerable children are missing out on appropriate support because of a crippling shortage of child health professionals.
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EurekAlert! - First experimental study to propose a therapy to correct memory deficit caused by disorders in the fetal alcohol spectrum
Research conducted in a mouse model identifies the neurobiological mechanism responsible for alterations in the memory of young individuals exposed to alcohol during pregnancy and lactation.
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Croakey Health Media (Australia) - Amid a sea of red shoes, awareness is growing about risks of drinking alcohol while pregnant and breastfeeding
Many activities during FASD Awareness Month have highlighted the progress that is being made to prevent Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, according to Caterina Giorgi, CEO of the Foundation for Alcohol Research & Education (FARE).
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ITVX (UK) - Clinic opens in Jersey to help children with Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
A new clinic has opened in Jersey to help islanders who are impacted by Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). FASD is a neurodevelopmental condition which is caused when a person is exposed to alcohol before birth.
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Eileen Devine - The Brain First approach will change how you parent
I vividly remember a time in my life, nearly a decade ago, where there were frequent and intense waves of stress, anxiety, concern, sadness, grief, and confusion for me as a parent.
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FASD Hub (UK) - Adults and Young People with FASD
Are you over 16 and have a history of pre-natal alcohol exposure? I am leading our work with Adults and Young People with FASD & want to hear from you! Take part in our survey and help our future work on topics that matter to you the most. It is open to everyone across Scotland and across the UK!
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Adopt for Life - From a youth with FASD
My daughter is 8 years old and has FASD. She also has a sibling with FASD. When learning about the Adopt4Life campaign she asked to be able to have her voice included. The following are her answers about both living with FASD and a having a sibling with the same diagnoses.
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FASD Awareness - RJ Formanek - Flying with Broken Wings - FASD Webinar #19
Having not received an FASD diagnosis until his late forties, RJ Formanek was startled to find how many of the strategies he had used throughout life were a result of FASD. RJ found that the sharing of these strategies proved a helpful educational tool and that, along with founding the Facebook support group “Flying With Broken Wings”, gives him a unique insight into living with Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, which he shares freely.
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Health Nexus Santé - FASD and Cannabis
Cannabis use is a common strategy for FASD individuals to ease the mental, physical, and emotional FASD-related effects. Still, there is no evidence about its impact on FASD-associated symptoms. This ongoing study seeks to describe cannabis use and its positive and negative effects in adults with FASD.
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FASD-CAN - FASD-CAN Hui 2023 Recordings
Our Hui was held in Kirikiriroa / Hamilton at the Distinction Hotel, over the weekend of the 9/10 of September – an appropriate date, since September 9 is, of course, International FASD Awareness Day.
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The Florida Center For Early Childhood - FASD Awareness Month Wrap-Up 2023
A heartfelt thanks goes out to our dedicated FASD caregivers, tireless advocates, and invaluable community partners. Together, we successfully organized eight Run FASD 5ks throughout Florida, with an impressive turnout of 200 individuals! Considering that just a couple of years ago we began with a modest gathering of 30, this growth is amazing to witness.
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National FASD - Jo's #FASDGiveMe5 Facts
Here's Jo with her #FASDGiveMe5 facts for FASD Awareness Month.
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Creating a family - Advocating For Your Child with Prenatal Substance Exposure
Do you suspect or know that your child was prenatally exposed to alcohol or drugs? Join us to learn the best ways to advocate for your child with prenatal substance exposure, including how to get diagnosed. Our guest is Jenn Wisdahl, the Chief Operating Officer of FASD United and proud parent to 3 young adults with FASD. Jenn leads the FASD United federal legislative and policy agenda.
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Alcohol Forum Ireland - FASDcare: Understanding the Experiences and Needs of Family Caregivers of People With Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) in Ireland
This report shines a light on the lives of families in Ireland raising a child/children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders. Its’ subject matter relates to what is most likely one of the most stigmatized of all health issues and one that we are only slowly beginning to acknowledge and understand here in Ireland.
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Girls, Women, Alcohol, and Pregnancy - Working with the Media: Creating Resources for Journalists
Translating knowledge about alcohol, alcohol use in pregnancy, and FASD remains a tricky task. In 2013, at the International Conference on FASD in Vancouver, a panel addressed how the science of alcohol use during pregnancy is translated into messages by the public health and media, and provided tips for media advocacy.
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Illuminate Colorado - Staying FASD Informed and Involved Beyond September
Throughout September, we have explored some of the ways we can support families impacted by Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD), including things you can learn, be, do, and say.
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NOFASD Australia Podcast - #34 FASD in an Early Childhood Setting with Christine and Sophie
Kurt is joined by Christine Brooks; an experienced teacher, NOFASD board member and carer of a child with FASD, and also Sophie; a biological mother of a child with FASD.
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Human brain mapping - Examining the effects of prenatal alcohol exposure on performance of the sustained attention to response task in children with an FASD
These findings show that children 8-12 years old with an FASD diagnosis have decreased amplitudes in BA44 during SART random order, and that these deficits are associated with multiple behavioral measures.
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Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology - Lived experience of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: A qualitative scoping review
FASD affects individuals, caregivers, and families on a daily basis; and they require improved support and funding.
Read more - Alcohol Consumption Assessed by a Biomarker and Self-Reported Drinking in a Sample of Pregnant Women in the South of Europe: A Comparative Study
The prevalence of self-reported alcohol consumption (questionnaire) was 20.7% and real consumption (metabolite analysis) was 20.2%. In 16.8% of pregnant women who declared not consuming alcohol during their pregnancy a noticeable consumption was detected according to the metabolite testing.
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bioRxiv - Monitoring lasting changes to brain tissue integrity through mechanical properties following adolescent exercise intervention in a rat model of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
This is the first application of MRE to measure changes in brain mechanical properties in a rodent model of FASD. MRE successfully captured alcohol-related changes to forebrain stiffness and damping ratio in adolescence.
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Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research - Exploring resource implications and models of care for assessment and diagnosis of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: A scoping review
This study provides important preliminary insights into the resource implications and models of care involved in the diagnostic assessment of FASD.
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Canadian Graduate Journal of Sociology and Criminology - ‘Now what?’: An examination of ongoing gaps post-diagnosis for justice-involved youth with FASD
We aim to highlight areas for further consideration when working with justice-involved youth with FASD, namely, gaps in early assessment and implementation of supports, needs to increase parent and caregiver capacity to maintain residential stability, and efforts to support desistance from crime in the context of an FASD diagnosis.
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Journal of Clinical Medicine - Significance of Selected Environmental and Biological Factors on the Risk of FASD in Women Who Drink Alcohol during Pregnancy
Prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE), which refers to alcohol consumption by pregnant women, is associated with the risk of numerous severe complications during fetal development.
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Nutrients - Alterations in Placental Inflammation-Related Gene Expression Partially Mediate the Effects of Prenatal Alcohol Consumption on Maternal Iron Homeostasis
These findings suggest that placental inflammation may be partly responsible for the differences in alcohol-related iron homeostasis patterns between pregnant and non-pregnant adults.
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Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research - Maternal and paternal risk factors for fetal alcohol spectrum disorders: Alcohol and other drug use as proximal influences
Differences in FASD risk emerged from the examination of multiple proximal variables of maternal alcohol and tobacco use, reflecting increased FASD risk at greater levels of maternal alcohol consumption.
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Cells - Neuroimmune Interactions in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: Potential Therapeutic Targets and Intervention Strategies
This review emphasizes the role of EVs in the context of neuron–glia interactions during prenatal alcohol exposure. Finally, some potential applications involving nutritional, pharmacological, cell-based, and exosome-based therapies in the treatment of FASD are discussed.
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FASD Cerebellum Review - Recent Breakthroughs in Understanding the Cerebellum's Role in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review
Exposure to alcohol during fetal development can lead to structural and functional abnormalities in the cerebellum, a brain region responsible for motor coordination, balance, and specific cognitive functions. In this systematic review, we comprehensively analyze a vast body of research conducted on vertebrate animals and humans over the past 13 years.
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Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology - The interaction of genetic sex and prenatal alcohol exposure on health across the lifespan
Understanding how sex and PAE interact to affect offspring health outcomes across the lifespan is critical for identifying the full complement of PAE-associated secondary conditions, and for refining targeted interventions to improve the quality of life for individuals with PAE.
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Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs - Cumulative risk factors for injuries and poisoning requiring hospital care in youth with prenatal substance exposure: A longitudinal controlled cohort study
Hospital care for injury and poisoning is more common in youth with PSE, but this is largely explained by the related postnatal child and maternal factors.
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Alcohol consumption during pregnancy can harm not only the mother’s health but can also cause several health problems for the newborn, therefore health education and prevention actions are essential.
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Europe PMC - Interconnections between unintended pregnancy, alcohol and other drug use, and pregnancy, birth, infant, childhood, and socio-economic outcomes: a scoping review
Unintended pregnancy (UIP) and substance use disorder (SUD) share underlying root causes with similar potential impacts for women and their offspring in pregnancy, birth and beyond.
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Alcohol Clinical and Experimental Research - Factors to be considered as part of a holistic assessment for fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: A scoping review
We undertook a scoping review to identify the factors outside of current fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) diagnostic criteria to be considered as part of a holistic assessment process.
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Gmina Wiązowna (Poland) - Wrzesień miesiącem zaburzeń FASD/FAS. Zachowuj abstynencje w ciąży
Miesiąc wrzesień na całym świecie jest w sposób szczególny poświęcony rozpowszechnianiu wiedzy o Spektrum Płodowych Zaburzeń Alkoholowych (FASD). Data wydarzenia nie jest przypadkowa - cyfra 9 nawiązuje do dziewięciu miesięcy ciąży.
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Opolska360 (Poland) - Wystarczy odrobina, by obciążyć dziecko na całe życie. „Pół szklanki piwa jak ocean”
Tego jednego małego piwa absolutnie trzeba sobie odmówić – podkreśla Barbara Słomian, dyrektor Katolickiego Ośrodka Adopcyjnego i Opiekuńczego w Opolu oraz organizatorka konferencji „Świat bez FASD”, która odbyła się w Opolu pod auspicjami Diecezjalnej Fundacji Ochrony Życia.
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Kehitysvammaliitto (Finland) - SOSIAALINEN MEDIA JA FASD
Kesä oli ja meni, ihan liian nopeasti. Siinä kaikki kesästä, nyt keskityn syksyyn. Ihan tuo syksyn aloitus ei kuitenkaan hyvin lähtenyt käyntiin, sillä sairastuin nyt kolmannen kerran koronaan ja se vei mun voinnin tosi huonoksi. Paskaa tuuria mutta tässä tätä nyt koitetaan parannella, oivoi.
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Wochenblatt Reporter (Germany) - Wanderausstellung ZERO! & Fachtag zum Thema FASD
Jedes Jahr werden in Deutschland zwischen 10.000 und 20.000 Babys mit fetalen Alkoholschäden geboren, 3000 davon mit dem FAS-Vollbild. Die Dunkelziffer ist bei weitem höher (Quelle: Institut für Therapieforschung).
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Portal Hortolândia (Brazil) - Por que álcool e gravidez não combinam
A Síndrome Alcoólica Fetal (SAF), doença grave e irreversível, compromete o desenvolvimento cerebral de bebês e provoca anomalias congênitas, problemas cardíacos e fenda do palato, entre outras.
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DV (Iceland) - Fósturskaði af völdum áfengis algengari en talið var
Alkóhól er lífshættulegt börnum á marga vegu. Tölur sýna að 25% dauðsfalla barna af völdum vanrækslu má rekja til drykkju á heimilinu. Þau sem lifa af búa við margs konar andlegar áskoranir og þurfa mikinn félagslegan stuðning.
Read more (Germany) - FASD – Alkohol während der Schwangerschaft | Alpha & Omega
Wenn Frauen während der Schwangerschaft Alkohol trinken, riskieren sie schwere

 Behinderungen für ihr Kind. Denn: Alkohol kommt ungefiltert im Mutterleib an.
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Afasaf Fasd (Spain) - Afasaf ConNecta_Vivir como ocupación. Estrategias ocupacionales para el día a día con Aina Gaya
Sesión informativa que ofrecerá una aproximación práctica a algunas estrategias y herramientas desde la Terapia Ocupacional para las personas afectadas por SAF/TEAF y sus familiares. Como productos de apoyo, diarios ocupacionales o segmentación de actividades.
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