NOFASD Australia - Content for
International Newsletters calling for EOIs for the “Three-Minute Thesis”
Are you a researcher looking for an opportunity to showcase your FASD
research internationally?
NOFASD Australia invites you to apply to
participate in the “Three-Minute Thesis” session at The FASD Forum ’24 virtual
conference on 3rd and 4th May 2024.
During this session, the researchers selected
as finalists will summarise their work in dynamic, fast-paced, presentations of
just three minutes. This is an opportunity for international researchers to
gain insight into other current research and for parents, caregivers and
individuals with lived experience of FASD to hear about promising global FASD
research conveyed in ‘laymen’s terms’ via the concise three-minute research
summary. Awards will also eba given for this session.
Please note that due to the various time
differences, and to avoid any internet issues, we will be pre-recording each
speaker to ensure that all presentations run smoothly and that the transitions
between presenters are seamless.
researchers should contact as soon as possible noting
that they would like to be provided with the EOI submission pack for the
“Three-Minute Thesis” session. The closing date for EOIs to be submitted to
NOFASD is 8th December. 2023.
The Fostering Network (UK) -
support for children and young people with FASD in the UK
It's a challenge to navigate a diagnosis of FASD in the NHS – a condition
that remains poorly understood. It is a challenge for professionals who work in
the system, and even more complex for families and individuals themselves.
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ABC (Australia) - FASD assessment delays
leave vulnerable WA children missing out on vital help in detention
Some of WA's most vulnerable children are missing out on appropriate
support because of a crippling shortage of child health professionals.
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EurekAlert! - First experimental study to
propose a therapy to correct memory deficit caused by disorders in the fetal
alcohol spectrum
Research conducted in a mouse model identifies the neurobiological
mechanism responsible for alterations in the memory of young individuals
exposed to alcohol during pregnancy and lactation.
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Croakey Health Media (Australia) - Amid a
sea of red shoes, awareness is growing about risks of drinking alcohol while
pregnant and breastfeeding
Many activities during FASD Awareness Month have highlighted the progress
that is being made to prevent Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, according to
Caterina Giorgi, CEO of the Foundation for Alcohol Research & Education
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ITVX (UK) - Clinic opens in Jersey to help
children with Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
A new clinic has opened in Jersey to help islanders who are impacted by
Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). FASD is a neurodevelopmental condition
which is caused when a person is exposed to alcohol before birth.
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Eileen Devine - The Brain First approach
will change how you parent
I vividly remember a time in my life, nearly a decade ago, where there were
frequent and intense waves of stress, anxiety, concern, sadness, grief, and
confusion for me as a parent.
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FASD Hub (UK) - Adults and Young People
with FASD
Are you over 16 and have a history of pre-natal alcohol exposure? I am
leading our work with Adults and Young People with FASD & want to hear from
you! Take part in our survey and help our future work on topics that matter to
you the most. It is open to everyone across Scotland and across the UK!
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Adopt for Life - From a youth with FASD
My daughter is 8 years old and has FASD. She also has a sibling with FASD.
When learning about the Adopt4Life campaign she asked to be able to have her
voice included. The following are her answers about both living with FASD and a
having a sibling with the same diagnoses.
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FASD Awareness - RJ Formanek - Flying with Broken Wings - FASD Webinar #19
Having not received an FASD diagnosis until his late forties, RJ Formanek
was startled to find how many of the strategies he had used throughout life
were a result of FASD. RJ found that the sharing of these strategies proved a
helpful educational tool and that, along with founding the Facebook support
group “Flying With Broken Wings”, gives him a unique insight into living with
Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, which he shares freely.
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Health Nexus Santé - FASD and Cannabis
Cannabis use is a common strategy for FASD individuals to ease the mental,
physical, and emotional FASD-related effects. Still, there is no evidence about
its impact on FASD-associated symptoms. This ongoing study seeks to describe
cannabis use and its positive and negative effects in adults with FASD.
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FASD-CAN - FASD-CAN Hui 2023 Recordings
Our Hui was held in Kirikiriroa / Hamilton at the Distinction Hotel, over
the weekend of the 9/10 of September – an appropriate date, since September 9
is, of course, International FASD Awareness Day.
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The Florida Center For Early Childhood - FASD
Awareness Month Wrap-Up 2023
A heartfelt thanks goes out to our dedicated FASD caregivers, tireless
advocates, and invaluable community partners. Together, we successfully
organized eight Run FASD 5ks throughout Florida, with an impressive turnout of
200 individuals! Considering that just a couple of years ago we began with a
modest gathering of 30, this growth is amazing to witness.
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National FASD - Jo's #FASDGiveMe5 Facts
Here's Jo with her #FASDGiveMe5 facts for FASD Awareness Month.
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Creating a family - Advocating For Your
Child with Prenatal Substance Exposure
Do you suspect or know that your child was prenatally exposed to alcohol or
drugs? Join us to learn the best ways to advocate for your child with prenatal
substance exposure, including how to get diagnosed. Our guest is Jenn Wisdahl,
the Chief Operating Officer of FASD United and proud parent to 3 young adults
with FASD. Jenn leads the FASD United federal legislative and policy agenda.
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Alcohol Forum Ireland - FASDcare:
Understanding the Experiences and Needs of Family Caregivers of People With
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) in Ireland
This report shines a light on
the lives of families in Ireland raising a child/children with Fetal Alcohol
Spectrum Disorders. Its’ subject matter relates to what is most likely one of
the most stigmatized of all health issues and one that we are only slowly
beginning to acknowledge and understand here in Ireland.
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Girls, Women, Alcohol,
and Pregnancy - Working with the Media: Creating Resources for Journalists
Translating knowledge about alcohol, alcohol use in pregnancy, and FASD
remains a tricky task. In 2013, at the International Conference on FASD in
Vancouver, a panel addressed how the science of alcohol use during pregnancy is
translated into messages by the public health and media, and provided tips for
media advocacy.
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Illuminate Colorado - Staying
FASD Informed and Involved Beyond September
Throughout September, we have explored some of the ways we can support families
impacted by Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD), including things you can
learn, be, do, and say.
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NOFASD Australia
Podcast - #34 FASD in an Early Childhood Setting with Christine and Sophie
Kurt is joined by Christine Brooks; an experienced teacher, NOFASD board
member and carer of a child with FASD, and also Sophie; a biological mother of
a child with FASD.
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Human brain mapping - Examining the effects of prenatal alcohol exposure on
performance of the sustained attention to response task in children with an
These findings show that children 8-12 years old with an FASD diagnosis have
decreased amplitudes in BA44 during SART random order, and that these deficits
are associated with multiple behavioral measures.
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Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology - Lived
experience of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: A qualitative scoping review
FASD affects individuals, caregivers, and families on a daily basis; and they
require improved support and funding.
Read more - Alcohol Consumption
Assessed by a Biomarker and Self-Reported Drinking in a Sample of Pregnant
Women in the South of Europe: A Comparative Study
The prevalence of self-reported alcohol consumption (questionnaire) was 20.7%
and real consumption (metabolite analysis) was 20.2%. In 16.8% of pregnant
women who declared not consuming alcohol during their pregnancy a noticeable
consumption was detected according to the metabolite testing.
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bioRxiv - Monitoring lasting changes to
brain tissue integrity through mechanical properties following adolescent
exercise intervention in a rat model of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
This is the first application of MRE to measure changes in brain mechanical
properties in a rodent model of FASD. MRE successfully captured alcohol-related
changes to forebrain stiffness and damping ratio in adolescence.
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Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research - Exploring
resource implications and models of care for assessment and diagnosis of fetal
alcohol spectrum disorder: A scoping review
This study provides important preliminary insights into the resource
implications and models of care involved in the diagnostic assessment of FASD.
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Canadian Graduate Journal of Sociology and
Criminology - ‘Now what?’: An examination of ongoing gaps post-diagnosis for
justice-involved youth with FASD
We aim to highlight areas for further consideration when working with justice-involved
youth with FASD, namely, gaps in early assessment and implementation of
supports, needs to increase parent and caregiver capacity to maintain
residential stability, and efforts to support desistance from crime in the
context of an FASD diagnosis.
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Journal of Clinical Medicine - Significance
of Selected Environmental and Biological Factors on the Risk of FASD in Women
Who Drink Alcohol during Pregnancy
Prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE), which refers to alcohol consumption by pregnant
women, is associated with the risk of numerous severe complications during
fetal development.
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Nutrients - Alterations in Placental
Inflammation-Related Gene Expression Partially Mediate the Effects of Prenatal
Alcohol Consumption on Maternal Iron Homeostasis
These findings suggest that placental inflammation may be partly responsible
for the differences in alcohol-related iron homeostasis patterns between
pregnant and non-pregnant adults.
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Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research - Maternal
and paternal risk factors for fetal alcohol spectrum disorders: Alcohol and
other drug use as proximal influences
Differences in FASD risk emerged from the examination of multiple proximal
variables of maternal alcohol and tobacco use, reflecting increased FASD risk
at greater levels of maternal alcohol consumption.
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Cells - Neuroimmune Interactions in Fetal
Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: Potential Therapeutic Targets and Intervention
This review emphasizes the role of EVs in the context of neuron–glia
interactions during prenatal alcohol exposure. Finally, some potential
applications involving nutritional, pharmacological, cell-based, and
exosome-based therapies in the treatment of FASD are discussed.
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FASD Cerebellum Review - Recent
Breakthroughs in Understanding the Cerebellum's Role in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum
Disorder: A Systematic Review
Exposure to alcohol during fetal development can lead to structural and
functional abnormalities in the cerebellum, a brain region responsible for
motor coordination, balance, and specific cognitive functions. In this
systematic review, we comprehensively analyze a vast body of research conducted
on vertebrate animals and humans over the past 13 years.
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Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology - The
interaction of genetic sex and prenatal alcohol exposure on health across the
Understanding how sex and PAE interact to affect offspring health outcomes
across the lifespan is critical for identifying the full complement of
PAE-associated secondary conditions, and for refining targeted interventions to
improve the quality of life for individuals with PAE.
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Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs - Cumulative
risk factors for injuries and poisoning requiring hospital care in youth with
prenatal substance exposure: A longitudinal controlled cohort study
Hospital care for injury and poisoning is more common in youth with PSE, but
this is largely explained by the related postnatal child and maternal factors.
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Health and Society - PERSPECTIVES ON
Alcohol consumption during pregnancy can harm not only the mother’s health but
can also cause several health problems for the newborn, therefore health
education and prevention actions are essential.
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Europe PMC - Interconnections between
unintended pregnancy, alcohol and other drug use, and pregnancy, birth, infant,
childhood, and socio-economic outcomes: a scoping review
Unintended pregnancy (UIP) and substance use disorder (SUD) share underlying
root causes with similar potential impacts for women and their offspring in
pregnancy, birth and beyond.
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Alcohol Clinical and Experimental Research - Factors
to be considered as part of a holistic assessment for fetal alcohol spectrum
disorder: A scoping review
We undertook a scoping review to identify the factors outside of current
fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) diagnostic criteria to be considered as
part of a holistic assessment process.
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Gmina Wiązowna (Poland) - Wrzesień miesiącem zaburzeń FASD/FAS. Zachowuj
abstynencje w ciąży
Miesiąc wrzesień na całym świecie jest w sposób szczególny poświęcony
rozpowszechnianiu wiedzy o Spektrum Płodowych Zaburzeń Alkoholowych (FASD).
Data wydarzenia nie jest przypadkowa - cyfra 9 nawiązuje do dziewięciu miesięcy
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Opolska360 (Poland) - Wystarczy odrobina,
by obciążyć dziecko na całe życie. „Pół szklanki piwa jak ocean”
Tego jednego małego piwa absolutnie trzeba sobie odmówić – podkreśla Barbara
Słomian, dyrektor Katolickiego Ośrodka Adopcyjnego i Opiekuńczego w Opolu oraz
organizatorka konferencji „Świat bez FASD”, która odbyła się w Opolu pod auspicjami
Diecezjalnej Fundacji Ochrony Życia.
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Kehitysvammaliitto (Finland) - SOSIAALINEN
Kesä oli ja meni, ihan liian nopeasti. Siinä kaikki kesästä, nyt keskityn
syksyyn. Ihan tuo syksyn aloitus ei kuitenkaan hyvin lähtenyt käyntiin, sillä
sairastuin nyt kolmannen kerran koronaan ja se vei mun voinnin tosi huonoksi.
Paskaa tuuria mutta tässä tätä nyt koitetaan parannella, oivoi.
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Wochenblatt Reporter (Germany) - Wanderausstellung
ZERO! & Fachtag zum Thema FASD
Jedes Jahr werden in Deutschland zwischen 10.000 und 20.000 Babys mit fetalen
Alkoholschäden geboren, 3000 davon mit dem FAS-Vollbild. Die Dunkelziffer ist
bei weitem höher (Quelle: Institut für Therapieforschung).
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Portal Hortolândia (Brazil) - Por que
álcool e gravidez não combinam
A Síndrome Alcoólica Fetal (SAF), doença grave e irreversível, compromete o
desenvolvimento cerebral de bebês e provoca anomalias congênitas, problemas
cardíacos e fenda do palato, entre outras.
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DV (Iceland) - Fósturskaði af völdum
áfengis algengari en talið var
Alkóhól er lífshættulegt börnum á marga vegu. Tölur sýna að 25% dauðsfalla
barna af völdum vanrækslu má rekja til drykkju á heimilinu. Þau sem lifa af búa
við margs konar andlegar áskoranir og þurfa mikinn félagslegan stuðning.
Read more (Germany) - FASD –
Alkohol während der Schwangerschaft | Alpha & Omega
Wenn Frauen während der Schwangerschaft Alkohol trinken, riskieren sie schwere
Behinderungen für ihr Kind. Denn: Alkohol
kommt ungefiltert im Mutterleib an.
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Afasaf Fasd (Spain) - Afasaf ConNecta_Vivir como ocupación. Estrategias
ocupacionales para el día a día con Aina Gaya
Sesión informativa que ofrecerá una aproximación práctica a algunas estrategias
y herramientas desde la Terapia Ocupacional para las personas afectadas por
SAF/TEAF y sus familiares. Como productos de apoyo, diarios ocupacionales o
segmentación de actividades.
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