
Thursday, October 31, 2019

Alcohol News - 44/2019

Medical News Today - Alcohol intake and reduced brain volume: What explains the link?
Excessive alcohol consumption carries many risks, including heart and liver problems, a higher risk of cancer, and even brain damage.
McKnight's Long Term Care News - Common medications mixed with alcohol may increase falls risk
Some common medications may interact with alcohol, making seniors more vulnerable to falls, according to a new study from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland.
Healthline - How Marijuana Use Can Increase Your Risk for an Alcohol Overdose
If you use alcohol along with other drugs, you may be increasing your risk for an alcohol overdose, researchers say.
East Africa Monitor (Uganda) - Uganda finally taking a stand for effective alcohol regulation
In a long-overdue move, Ugandan authorities have approved the National Alcohol Control Policy in a bid to curb alcohol abuse nationwide. With Ugandans among the highest consumers of alcohol in Africa— more than one-fifth of the population engages in binge drinking—and the alcohol industry pushing back against effective regulation at every turn, such a public health crackdown by Kampala will be no small undertaking.
The RiotACT (Australia) – Students consuming less alcohol but binge-drinking attitudes unchanged
Canberra university students are drinking less than they were three years ago, but attitudes towards binge drinking haven’t changed according to a new report released yesterday (30 October).
Science Daily - Years of education may impact drinking behavior and risk of alcohol dependence
Higher educational attainment -- spending more years in education -- may impact people's drinking behavior and reduce their risk of alcohol dependence, according to a new study.
The Daily Cardinal (USA) - City study shows correlation between alcohol-dense areas, police presence
A recent City of Madison study on the density of alcohol-selling establishments revealed a higher use of city resources associated with alcohol-dense areas.
BBC News - Cancer risk 30 times higher for smokers who drink, research suggests
Smokers who drink alcohol are 30 times more likely to get mouth or throat cancer than those who use tobacco or alcohol alone, new guidance suggests.
BBC News (UK) - Public alcohol ban by-law bid gathers 'mixed' response in Borders
A study into proposals for by-laws banning the consumption of alcohol in public places in the Borders has received a "mixed" response.
The Brussels Times (EU) - EU households spend more on alcohol and narotics than governments on the environment
The average EU household spent more on narcotics and alcohol throughout 2017 than EU governments did on environmental protection, new Eurostat figures show.
HospiMedica - Frequent Alcohol Consumption Linked to AF Risk
A new study reveals that people who imbibe small amounts of alcohol almost every day are more at risk of developing atrial fibrillation (AF) than occasional binge drinkers.
The Irish Sun (Ireland) - Alcohol major factor in three quarters of road deaths in off-peak hours, Road Safety Authority say
ALCOHOL was a major factor in 75 per cent of deaths on the roads in off-peak hours, research has revealed.
A new study by the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute reveals the financial magnitude of adult binge drinking in Wisconsin.
ABC News (Australia) - Older people out-drink younger Australians on a regular basis
A 53-year-old mother out-drinking her 19-year-old son may be surprising, but new data shows this is a common trend for Australia's older generations.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

FASD News - 43/2019

The Advocate (Australia) - Senate inquiry into Foetal Alchol Spectrum Disorder hoped to instigate change
A mother raising national awareness about foetal alcohol spectrum disorder says governments must acknowledge FASD as a widespread social issue before more children are born with this preventable condition.
The Sector (Australia) - UQ researcher heads to Canada to study major cause of child psychological issues
University of Queensland (UQ) Associate Professor Deborah Askew will use her newly awarded Churchill Fellowship to visit urban First Nations communities in Canada and Alaska to learn more about a major cause of child psychological issues – fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD).
Independent Online (South Africa) - SA's cheap alcohol leaves Western Cape battling Foetal Alcohol Syndrome
South Africa’s “incredibly cheap” alcohol pricing and weekend binge drinking by women working on farms are some of the factors blamed for the prevalence of Foetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder (FASD) across the province. (New Zealand) - Alcohol firms 'nudge' women to drink during pregnancy, according to study
Big booze companies are spreading misinformation about how safe alcohol is to drink while pregnant, a new study has found. (Canada) - Should alcohol products on P.E.I. come with warnings about drinking and pregnancy?
Two fetal alcohol spectrum disorder experts from Australia say their country is moving in the right direction when it comes to preventing the disorder.
Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News - Epigenetic Targets Described for Treating Alcohol Abuse and Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Researchers at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, and the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, have shown how acetate that is produced when the liver breaks down alcohol travels to the brain, where it is involved in epigenetic processes that impact on the expression of genes involved in learning and memory.
Mirage News - Alcohol industry-funded websites fail to give full evidence on key risks of alcohol consumption in pregnancy
Alcohol industry-funded bodies may increase health risk to pregnant women by disseminating misinformation on their websites, according to a new study published in the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs.
Guardian - Why men should stop drinking alcohol six months before trying for baby
Men should quit alcohol six months before trying for a baby to protect them from congenital heart diseases, scientists warn.
Science Daily - Consuming alcohol leads to epigenetic changes in brain memory centers
New research revealed a surprising pathway that shows alcohol byproducts travel to the brain to promote addiction memory. They show how acetate travels to the brain's learning system and directly alters proteins the regulate DNA function, impacting how some genes are expressed and ultimately affecting how mice behave when given environmental cues to consume alcohol. (South Africa) - South Africa: Foetal Alcohol Syndrome - 'Not Enough Support for Rural Women'
With high levels of Foetal Alcohol Syndrome in the Western Cape's rural areas, questions were raised on Tuesday about what the provincial Department of Social Development was doing to help vulnerable women and communities.
CanFASD (Canada) - Let’s Make FASD Part of the Conversation This Election
Federal election campaigns are currently underway in Canada and candidates across the nation are campaigning fiercely for your vote. There are many social, political, and environmental issues that are currently impacting Canada, as well as the rest of the world.

FASD Hub Australia - Training & Support
A look at the strengths, challenges and hopes for young Australians living with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
Drymester GMHSC - #DRYMESTER FASD The Signs and Symptoms
#DRYMESTER Drinking any amount of alcohol can cause difficulties during pregnancy. This could result in Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), causing lifelong disabilities for your child.
Program Lead CAPCCPNPNetwork - Network Webinar Archive - FASD, October 2019
Archived Webinar of the Ontario Network of CAPC/CPNP Projects
originally presented: October 4, 2019 Title: Importance of Discussing Alcohol and Birth Control
Penn Medicine News - Drinking to Remember: Consuming Alcohol Leads to Epigenetic Changes in Brain Memory Centers
Penn study of mouse models show clear implications for new targets to treat alcohol abuse syndrome and fetal alcohol syndrome

Rural and remote Health - Overcoming the challenges of caring for a child with foetal alcohol spectrum disorder: a Pilbara community perspective.
The caregivers in this study have gained valuable knowledge and wisdom through caring for a child with FASD that can benefit health professionals and the broader community.
Expansion of risk‐based prevention strategies for fetal alcohol spectrum disorder in the US and Canada would be economically efficient and worthwhile investment for society.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: Fixing Our Aim to Aim for the Fix
FASD continues to be an enigma. Prevalence rates are high, but rates of diagnosis are low. FASD poses a huge clinical and public health burden, yet it receives only modest attention from clinicians.
bioRxiv - Genetic and bioinformatic approaches to characterize ethanol teratogenesis
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) describes the full range of defects that result from prenatal alcohol exposure. The clinical diagnosis of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) is the most severe outcome, characterized by facial dysmorphism and neurological deficits.
bioRxiv - A reduction in convergent extension underlies susceptibility to midfacial hypoplasia in the ethanol-sensitive mutant, vangl2
Consistent with an indirect model, a critical source of Shh signaling that separates the developing eye field into bilateral eyes, allowing the expansion of the midface, becomes mispositioned in ethanol-exposed vangl2 mutants.
BMJ open - Jandu Yani U ‘For All Families’ Triple P—positive parenting program in remote Australian Aboriginal communities: a study protocol for a community intervention trial
The population-based (Lililwan) study of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) revealed a high prevalence of FASD in the remote communities of the Fitzroy Valley, Western Australia (WA) and confirmed anecdotal reports from families and teachers that challenging child behaviours were a significant concern. - The impact of traumatic childhood experiences on cognitive and behavioural functioning in children with foetal alcohol spectrum disorders
Prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) can cause lasting physical damage to the developing foetus including the brain. This brain damage can manifest as cognitive dysfunction and behavioural difficulties, which can be diagnosed as foetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD). - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: Developing a Case for Prevention
Children with FASD have many deficiencies, there are also many hidden strengths that can be analyzed and improved upon. FASD also is able to be looked at from a wide variety of angles, including an ecological perspective and though Piaget?s Theory of Cognitive Development.
Drug metabolism reviews - Quantifying fetal alcohol exposure by meconium fatty acid ethyl esters (FAEE); association with adverse fetal outcomes and population estimates of fetal alcohol exposure
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) describes the wide range of adverse physical, behavioral and cognitive effects resulting from ethanol exposure during embryonic and fetal development.
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research - Spatial Navigation in Children and Young Adults with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
Rodent studies have consistently shown that prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) impairs performance on the Morris water maze (MWM), a test of spatial navigation. A previous study comparing boys with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) to controls found poorer performance on the virtual water maze (VWM), a human analogue of the MWM.
Frontiers in Pharmacology - Prenatal Ethanol Exposure Misregulates Genes Involved In Iron Homeostasis Promoting A Mal-Adaptation Of Iron Dependent Hippocampal Synaptic Transmission And Plasticity.
Prenatal ethanol exposure (PAE) induces behavioral maladptations in offspring, including a deficit in memory formation which is part of the umbrella sign of Fetal Alcohol spectrum disorder. - Experiences of health care professionals regarding management of fetal alcohol syndrome in the Khomas region of Namibia
The purpose of this study was to explore and describe the experiences of health care professionals regarding the management of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) in the Khomas Region of Namibia. - From evidence to awareness, from epidemiological studies to government action and activity
From the first time international FASD-day was celebrated in South Africa in 1999 many researchers and organisations have worked on putting the spotlight on this public health concern. - The effects of moderate prenatal ethanol exposure on anxiety in a rodent model.
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders encompass a range of behavioral and structural consequences following exposure to ethanol in utero. The goal of this study was to develop a rodent model of voluntary ethanol consumption during pregnancy. - Prenatal alcohol exposure disrupts Shh pathway and primary cilia genes in the mouse neural tube
Neurulation-stage alcohol exposure (NAE; embryonic day [E] 8-10) is associated with midline craniofacial and CNS defects that likely arise from disruption of morphogen pathways, such as Sonic hedgehog (Shh).
Journal of studies on alcohol and Drugs - Adverse Health Outcomes Associated With Fetal Alcohol Exposure: A Systematic Review Focused on Cardio–Renal Outcomes
The purpose of this study was to undertake a comprehensive review to identify all the available preclinical and clinical literature investigating cardiovascular and renal outcomes in offspring with prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE).
Research in Developmental Disabilities - A fetal alcohol spectrum disorder diagnostic service and beyond: Outcomes for families
Given the global need for standardised FASD diagnostic procedures and accurate reporting of prevalence rates, the current study provides a contribution to the emerging diagnostic FASD literature, and insight into families’ experiences who have children diagnosed with FASD.

DELFI (Lithuania) - Likus pusmečiui iki kūdikio pradėjimo, vyrai turėtų atsisakyti šio įpročio
Ne tik moterys turėtų nustoti vartoti alkoholį prieš pastodamos – naujas tyrimas rodo, kad prieš pradedant kūdikį, vyrai irgi turėtų nevartoti alkoholio, rašoma tinklalapyje
Ärzte Zeitung (Germany) - Besser keinen Alkohol bei Kinderwunsch!
Wirkt sich Alkoholkonsum vor der Befruchtung negativ auf das Ungeborene aus? Das haben chinesische Forscher untersucht. (Spain) - Identifican la clave de las recaídas en el alcoholismo
Los resultados del estudio son útiles para el posible tratamiento del trastorno por consumo de alcohol y, además, podrían tener implicaciones para comprender y combatir el síndrome de alcoholismo fetal
Cinque Quotidiano (Italy) - Salute, pediatri Cipe Lazio: campagna no-alcol in gravidanza in piazza a Roma
La campagna “No-alcol in gravidanza” sbarca in “Salute in piazza”, la giornata di sensibilizzazione e informazione sui temi legati al benessere e al vivere sani.
Ketju (Finland) - Enemmän huomiota FASD-lapsiin
”Muistan, millaista oli olla lapsi. Joitakin asioita muistan jopa ajalta, jolloin olin neljävuotias. Lapsena minusta tuntui usein, että aikuiset eivät ymmärrä lapsia aivan kuin he olisivat unohtaneet, millaista lapsen elämä on”, kertoo tuore lapsiasiavaltuutettu Elina Pekkarinen.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Alcohol News - 43/2019

The Conversation AU (Australia) - How big alcohol is trying to fool us into thinking drinking is safer than it really is
The alcohol industry has labelled the current guidelines (two standard drinks per day and four in any heavy episode of drinking) as harsh, and voiced concern the guidelines may be tightened further.
Medical News Today - Atrial fibrillation: Daily alcoholic drink riskier than binge drinking
A new study suggests that drinking small amounts of alcohol frequently rather than having infrequent bouts of binge drinking is more likely to increase the risk of developing atrial fibrillation (A-fib), a condition in which the heart beats irregularly.
The Economist (UK) - Alcohol firms promote moderate drinking, but it would ruin them
Of all the substances people intoxicate themselves with, alcohol is the least restricted and causes the most harm. Many illegal drugs are more dangerous to those who use them, but are relatively hard to obtain, which limits their impact.
BBC - Can drinking red wine ever be good for us?
Want to boost your health? Eating more fruits and vegetables, and exercising, remain the best and most proven ways to do it – not pouring yourself a glass of wine.
Inverse - Scientists now know how alcohol tricks your brain into craving more alcohol
By the end of the evening, the taste of alcohol fades, but traces of the memories formed with a drink in hand linger on for years. The exact content of those memories might be hazy the next day, but the smells, sounds and sites of a familiar bar can be enough to trigger a strong alcohol craving that emanates from deep in the brain. Now scientists have an idea of why these memories feel so strong.
Around 25 shops and liquor stores in the Red Light District will not be allowed to sell alcohol on Wednesday afternoon in the run-up to the Champions League match between Ajax and Chelsea. Bars will be allowed to serve alcohol, but only for consumption in the bar. The municipality of Amsterdam hopes to prevent problems caused by drunk football fans, Het Parool reports.
Cancer Network - Cancer Atlas Points to Global Burden of Alcohol as Carcinogen
Some 4.2% of all cancer deaths were caused by alcohol consumption, according to the third edition of Cancer Altas, a report co-penned by the American Cancer Society (ACS), the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC), and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).
Medical Xpress - Global alcohol marketing treaty could reduce drinking harm
A Massey University researcher is calling for an international convention to control alcohol marketing similar to the one that has been used to help reduce tobacco harm worldwide.
ABC News (Australia) - Alcohol-related domestic violence and assaults drop dramatically one year on from floor price introduction
There has been a 26 per cent decrease in alcohol-related assaults in the Northern Territory since it introduced the country's first alcohol floor price and rolled out a range of new measures.
YLE News (Finland) - Alko runs afoul of law, ends wine tasting courses
State-owned alcohol monopoly retailer Alko has indefinitely suspended its public wine tasting courses. The decision follows a probe into the sessions by the National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health, Valvira, earlier this autumn.
Edinburgh News (Scotland) - Call to hide alcohol from view in shops, just like cigarettes
SHOPS should be required to screen alcohol from public view just like cigarettes, Edinburgh’s deputy council leader Cammy Day has said.
Irish Examiner (Ireland) - Young people changing Ireland's relationship with alcohol says community group
Young people are calling time on Ireland's problematic relationship with alcohol. Today marks the first anniversary of the Public Health Alcohol Act, and a group are delivering a message to "Enact the Act." (New Zealand) - Kiwi experts call for global clamp-down on big alcohol's sport sponsorship
The Rugby World Cup is "saturated" with booze sponsors but alcohol has no place in international or local sport, experts say. - Harm to Others from Drinking: Harm to Others from Drinking: Patterns in Nine Societies
The perception and attribution of problems related to alcohol consumption are sensitive to cultural contexts and change over time. Sometimes drinking may be related to an event (for example, a cart overturning in a ditch) that is not even recognized as caused by alcohol consumption.
IAS (UK) - Alcohol & marketing: IAS conference & report on gender stereotypes
This week the Institute of Alcohol Studies (IAS) held a conference on Alcohol & marketing: protecting the vulnerable with a range of presentations, audio , and animations available to download.
The New York Times - How Drinking Less Solved a Lot of Problems
Though I come from a family of beer drinkers, I was never much into drinking. I rarely drank as a teenager, and even into my 20s, drinking didn’t play a big part in my life, other than the fruity cocktails I enjoyed on occasion.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Alcohol News - 42/2019

BBC News (Wales) - Welsh minimum alcohol price set for March 2020
A law setting a minimum alcohol price in Wales will come into force on 2 March, under Welsh Government plans.
The Guardian - Alcohol industry 'puts pregnant women at risk', researchers say
Alcohol firms and bodies they fund are encouraging women to drink in pregnancy – putting their unborn child in danger – by publishing false and misleading information about the risks involved, new research claims.
Medical Xpress - Alcohol preloading leads to increased intoxication
People who preload alcohol before a night out drink more than they predict and are more intoxicated at the end of the night a Griffith University study has found.
Irish Examiner (Ireland) - Alcohol a factor in more than half of fatal fires
Long-awaited minimum unit pricing will help reduce the risk of fire deaths, says Alcohol Action Ireland. (Ireland) - Minister to seek approval on minimum pricing for alcohol
The Minister for Health has confirmed that he will seek Cabinet approval on the minimum unit price of alcohol by the end of the year.
The Conversation CA (Canada) - Canada needs an Alcohol Act to address the damage caused by this deadly carcinogen
With the opioid overdose crisis, concern about teens using electronic cigarettes and our fascination with the legalization of cannabis, our most dangerous legal drug continues to be ignored by Canadian policy-makers.
Washington Post (USA) - Bill would require new vehicles to have alcohol detectors to fight drunken driving
A new push is underway for federal legislation that would require new U.S. vehicles to have alcohol-detecting devices that stop drunk drivers before they get on the road. - Alcohol firms 'nudge' women to drink during pregnancy, according to study
Big booze companies are spreading misinformation about how safe alcohol is to drink while pregnant, a new study has found.
The Independent (UK) - Alcohol tax cuts cause nearly 2,000 extra deaths in seven years, study finds
Cuts in alcohol tax have led to nearly 2,000 extra deaths and more than 100,000 extra crimes in England in seven years, according to new research.
Contemporary Obgyn (USA) - Older women are consuming more alcohol
A new study indicates that binge drinking is becoming more prevalent among middle-aged women and clinicians need to do a better job of screening their patients for the condition. The results were presented at the North American Menopause Society 2019 Annual Meeting.
GMA - Babies at higher risk of heart defects if dad drinks alcohol before conception: Study
Does a dad's drinking matter as much as a mom's before conception? Researchers in China believe that a father's alcohol intake may actually affect a future child more than a mother's.
The Brussels Times (Belgium) - New measure banning alcohol consumption in central Brussels announced
The mayor of Brussels, Philippe Close, announced on Monday the introduction of a new measure to counter alcohol consumption in central Brussels.
AsiaOne (Hng Kong) - 'One day at a time': How a Hong Kong alcoholic gave up booze
"They call it 'the great remover': it removes everything that makes you happy," says Norm (not his real name) on the insidiousness of alcohol addiction.
GhanaWeb (Ghana) - Government urged to increase taxes on tobacco and alcohol in 2020 Budget
Stakeholders fighting against the spread of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) in the country are proposing an increment in taxes on tobacco, cigarette, alcohol and other sugar-sweetened products to increase their prices so as to make them unattractive for consumption.
University of Victoria (Finland) - New report - Finnish alcohol policy at the crossroads
A new study, commissioned by the Finnish alcohol monopoly, Alko and led by researchers at CISUR and a team of international experts, was released today, titled Finnish alcohol policy at the crossroads: The health, safety and economic consequences of alternative systems to manage the retail sale of alcohol.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Alcohol News - 40/2019

Medical Xpress - Fathers-to-be should avoid alcohol six months before conception
Aspiring parents should both avoid drinking alcohol prior to conception to protect against congenital heart defects, according to research published today in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, a journal of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC).
BBC News (Russia) - Russian alcohol consumption down 43%, WHO report says
Russian alcohol consumption decreased by 43% from 2003 to 2016, a World Health Organization (WHO) report says.
ERR News (Estonia) - Paper: 15 stores to close if Tallinn's alcohol restrictions change
Plans put forward by Tallinn mayor Mihhail Kõlvart to further restrict selling alcohol around schools could see the closure of 15 stores, Postimees reported on Wednesday morning.
BBC News (England) - One in 10 children 11-15 had drunk alcohol in previous week - NHS survey
Barrow-in-Furness is struggling to cope with underage drinking. More children are admitted to hospital for alcohol consumption here than anywhere else in England.
The Scotsman (Scotland) - Alcohol minimum pricing rules have not hurt Scots retailers, says report
A report on the economic impact of minimum unit pricing (MUP), commissioned by NHS Health Scotland, found that the policy led to a drop in sales of alcoholic drinks in the nine months following its introduction last May.
HuffPost UK - Mixing Cocaine And Alcohol Is More Dangerous Than You Think – Here's Why
Doctors have issued a warning about the “deadly combination” of cocaine and alcohol, after the BBC’s Victoria Derbyshire programme revealed there were at least 13 “self-inflicted” deaths linked to the drug combination in England in 2018.
EURACTIV (EU) - Alcohol could cause new EU health chief headache
The European spirits industry has called on Stella Kyriakides, EU Commissioner-designate for health, to revive the European Alcohol and Health Forum, which has been inactive since 2015 after twenty public health NGOs decided to pull out.
EurekAlert - Sexual minority women more likely to smoke while drinking alcohol than heterosexual women
The study, published recently in Substance Use & Misuse, sought to identify patterns of same-day alcohol and tobacco use, and the settings in which concurrent use is more likely to occur for lesbian, bisexual and heterosexual women. (Ireland) - Alcohol may be banned on Irish flights to curb disruptive behaviour
The Irish Aviation Authority has said that it is considering banned the sale of alcohol on flights could be considered as a way to reduce the level of incidents of disruptive passenger behaviour on flights.
TheMayorEU (Austria) - Mattersburg bans alcohol consumption in public
The city council of the Austrian town of Mattersburg recently unanimously approved a decision to ban alcohol consumption in public spaces, and more specifically at the Europa Park, at the city’s main square, at playgrounds and in the areas surround the Jewish cemetery.
CTV News (Canada) - Worrying rise in alcohol-related harm among women, CAMH says
Health experts are calling for tighter alcohol regulations amid a worrying rise in alcohol-related short and long-term harm, especially among women. (Ireland) - Majority of Oberstown children had drug and alcohol issues
Almost three quarters of children detained at Oberstown had substance misuse problems with drugs and or alcohol prior to their detention.
Peeblesshire News (UK) - NHS Borders officials say alcohol and pregnancy "don't mix"
TO mark Foetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorders Awareness last month, Borders Alcohol and Drugs Partnership (ADP) are hoping to inform more people about the condition.
India Today (India) - 75% youths consume alcohol before turning 21, claims survey
As many as 1,000 youths in the age group of 16 to 21 years, from cities including Mumbai, Pune, Delhi, Kolkata, Rajasthan, were surveyed. - Alcohol and “Deaths of Despair”
In 2015, Princeton University economists Anne Case, Ph.D., and Angus Deaton, Ph.D., reported something unexpected. After decreasing since the end of World War II, rates of death began to increase in the United States for people in some groups.
Crime Report - Drivers’ Alcohol Abuse Can Predict Future Gun Violence: Study
A California study links convictions for driving under the influence of alcohol to a higher risk of a violent crime committed with firearms.
VOA Khmer (Cambodia) - Lack of Alcohol Law and Drinking Age Leaves Cambodian Youths Vulnerable
On one of Phnom Penh’s many rooftop bars that overlook the Mekong and Tonle rivers, Tann Somethea and her friends were enjoying themselves on a recent evening with a few rounds of drinks, as they do several times per week.