
Sunday, April 30, 2017

FASD News - 17/2017

Around the O - Warning labels about drinking while pregnant are working
The paper, published in the Journal of Health Economics, took a deep dive into extensive federal data to probe behavioral changes that likely resulted from point-of-sale warning signs urging women who are pregnant to avoid alcohol.
Independent (Ireland) - 'Adults with foetal alcohol syndrome fill our jails' - doctor calls for more education on drinking while pregnant
More education on the dangers of drinking while pregnant is needed a leading doctor has said, as an estimated 600 babies are born with foetal alcohol syndrome in Ireland each year.
WindSpeaker - Understanding FASD as important as preventing it, says councillor
Empathy and education are two key factors that will make a difference with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), says Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation Councillor Erwin “Dino” Letendre.
Daily Mail (UK) - 'I stopped drinking at 8 weeks pregnant': Six mothers of babies with foetal alcohol syndrome reveal the agony of being branded alcoholics - while struggling to cope with their child's severe behavioural disability
When Natyra Teske was 18 years old, she found out she was eight weeks pregnant. Still in high school in Alberta, Canada, she and her boyfriend were shocked and nervous - but excited.
Futurity: Research News - Intervention for kids with FASD helps parents most
When children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) receive a multi-component intervention, both the children and their parents see the benefits, a new pilot study suggests.
New Zealand Herald (New Zealand) - High price for drinking when pregnant
Families and caregivers struggling to cope with young people affected by foetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) gathered in Whangarei recently to learn more about the disorder, to share their experiences and call for help.
Read more
South China Morning Post - How binge drinking – even if you stop before you’re pregnant – can harm your baby’s life chances
Most expecting parents have heard of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD), which covers a group of conditions that can occur in a person whose mother drank alcohol during pregnancy.
Times Square Chronicles - The Sad Reality of Being Pregnant and Addicted
It is a phenomenon that for many years has not received the much needed attention. Alcohol and substance abuse among pregnant mothers has now become a great spark for controversy in legal and health circles.

AlcoholFreePregnancy - Preventing Secondary Conditions in People with FASD - NOFAS Webinar
People with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) are at increased risk for developing secondary conditions, such as mental health problems, school disruption, trouble with the law, and substance use. Rates of these problems increase in adolescence and adulthood. Secondary conditions are stressful and can be devastating for people with FASD and their families. The outlook can look bleak, and yet, there is hope!
Brianna Carr - Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Y360 - I was a nobody. Skip’s Story. YWAM SF DTS.
Even though fetal alcohol syndrome predicted a life of failure, Skip overcomes his disadvantage through love and pursuing his dreams.

Disability Rights California - Representing Children with FASD: From Foster Care to Juvenile Court (June 22, USA)
Come hear from nationally recognized experts on how prenatal alcohol exposure affects individuals in the juvenile justice system.

PLOS One - Ethanol itself is a holoprosencephaly-inducing teratogen
Mechanisms of ethanol teratogenicity in specific defects are not well understood. Oxidative metabolism of ethanol by alcohol dehydrogenase or cytochrome P450 2E1 has been implicated in some of ethanol’s teratogenic effects, either via production of acetaldehyde or competitive inhibition of retinoic acid synthesis.
Midwifery - Exploration of dietary patterns and alcohol consumption in pregnant women in the UK: A mixed methods study
Those who drink low levels of alcohol during pregnancy may have better quality diets compared to women who report no alcohol consumption.
Alcoholism - Findings from the Families on Track intervention pilot trial for children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders and their families
Individuals with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) are at high risk for costly, debilitating mental health problems and secondary conditions, such as school disruption, trouble with the law, and substance use.
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) are a spectrum of anatomical, developmental and neurobehavioral impairments resulting from ethanol (ETOH) exposure during fetal development.
Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: An Interview with Dr. Shauna Acquavita, Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati
Int J Neurol Brain Disord - Potential Contributions of the Tobacco Nicotine-Derived Nitrosamine Ketone to White Matter Molecular Pathology in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is associated with long-term deficits in cognitive and motor functions. Previous studies linked neurodevelopmental abnormalities to increased oxidative stress and white matter hypotrophy.
Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics - Comorbid Mental Disorders in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: A Systematic Review
A systematic review of published literature to estimate prevalence of comorbid mental disorders in fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs) and compare with general population prevalence estimates.
Toxicology Letters - Ethylglucuronide in the urine as a marker of alcohol consumption during pregnancy: comparison with four alcohol screening questionnaires
Ethyl glucuronide (EtG) is an ethanol metabolite and EtG is used as a biomarker of alcohol drinking. EtG can be detected in the blood and in several biological matrices including urine, hair and nails.
Addictive Behaviors Reports - Alcohol reduction in the first trimester is unrelated to smoking, patient or pregnancy characteristics
The current investigation compares women's pre-pregnancy and first trimester alcohol consumption, examines if women with problem drinking diminish their alcohol intake during pregnancy, and determines if prenatal alcohol reduction is associated with characteristics of pregnancy, patients or smoking.
Alcoholism - Dietary Patterns and Alcohol Consumption During Pregnancy: Secondary Analysis of Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children
Large general population surveys show that heavy regular and episodic alcohol consumption are associated with lower intakes of fruits and vegetables, and higher intakes of processed and fried meat.
American Journal of Preventive Medicine - Preventing Alcohol and Tobacco Exposed Pregnancies: CHOICES Plus in Primary Care
Alcohol and tobacco use are common among U.S. women, yet if used during pregnancy these substances present significant preventable risks to prenatal and perinatal health.
SPIE Proceedings - Prevention of congenital defects induced by prenatal alcohol exposure (Conference Presentation)
Over 500,000 women per year in the United States drink during pregnancy, and 1 in 5 of this population also binge drink. Up to 40% of live-born children with prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) present with congenital heart defects (CHDs) including life-threatening outflow and valvuloseptal anomalies.
Western University - Hippocampal epigenetic changes in a mouse model of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
In this thesis, mice were exposed to ethanol during the third trimester equivalent, the peak of synaptic development. Following this exposure, genome-wide epigenetic and gene expression and changes in the hippocampus were assessed in adult (70 day old) mice.

Školský servis TASR (Slovakia) - Otvorenie vzdelávacieho kurzu - Diagnostika FASD
Pedagogická fakulta Katolíckej univerzity v Ružomberku ako jediný exkluzívny školiteľ v oblasti diagnostiky fetálneho alkoholového syndrómu na Slovensku otvára v októbri 2017 vzdelávací kurz s názvom Diagnostika FASD. (Hungary) - A kortizoltermelés diurnális ritmusának szabályozási zavara prenatális alkoholexpozíciót és kora gyermekkori kedvezőtlen életeseményeket követően
A magzati alkohol spektrum zavarban (FASD, fetal alcohol spectrum disorder) szenvedő gyermekek esetében a prenatális alkoholexpozíció (PAE) egy sor későbbi hatást von maga után, például a központi idegrendszer fejlődésének károsodása folytán központi idegrendszeri zavarokat (pl. értelmi és magatartásproblémák).
Nordwest-Zeitung (Germany) - Wenn werdende Mütter trinken
Der Alkohol schädigt vor allem das zentrale Nervensystem und das Gehirn. Die Folge: Konzentrations- und Lernstörungen oder auch schwere körperliche und geistige Behinderungen.
Wśród Europejek najczęściej w ciąży piją Brytyjki, a najwięcej Włoszki. Co najmniej jedna czwarta pijących ciężarnych Polek wypija nie mniej niż jedno małe piwo w miesiącu. To groźne i dla matki, i dla dziecka! (Germany) - So schädlich ist Alkohol während der Schwangerschaft wirklich
Viele Schwangere wollen nicht auf Alkohol verzichten. Doch dieses Verhalten kann Folgen haben, die für das Kind lebenslanges Leid bedeuten können.
Psychotropes (France) - Un pédiatre nantais « découvreur » du syndrome d’alcoolisation fœtale : le Dr Paul Lemoine (1917-2006)
Paul Lemoine (1917-2006) est réputé avoir décrit en premier le syndrome d’alcoolisation fœtale dans L’Ouest médical en 1968.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Alcohol News - 17/2017

The West Australian - Graphic WA alcohol risk ad hits hard as more choose to drink less
A graphic WA advertisement depicting alcohol spreading in the bloodstream causing cancer has been named the most powerful for making people cut back on their drinking.
WHO Europe (Italy) - Italy’s Alcohol Prevention Day putting the prevention of alcohol-related harm in focus
Since the 1990s, the Mediterranean countries have been successfully reducing alcohol consumption and related harm. This success has been particularly prominent in Italy, where total adult per capita consumption decreased from 12.4 litres in 1990 to 7.6 litres in 2014.
Russia beyond the headlines (Russia) - Do Russians really drink as much as people think they do?
In 2011, a post featuring funny facts (in Russian) about Russia written by a Canadian English teacher who was living in Moscow began to circulate on the internet. Some of these "facts" were questioned by Russians, such as the statement that they do not say "please" or "thank you," but entry number 17 was not contested by anyone: "Russians drink a lot of vodka. It's not a myth."
BreakingNews (Ireland) - 600 babies born with Foetal Alcohol Syndrome every year
Around 600 babies are born with Foetal Alcohol Syndrome in Ireland each year. The disorder can be caused by drinking during pregnancy and can lead to severe brain dysfunction and development.
Medical Xpress - More prime-time ads could kick drunken driving to the curb
Public service announcements about the dangers of drunken driving could change that – but only if more people see those ads, according to a new Cornell study.
Daily Mail (Australia) - 56 per cent of all alcohol consumed is by people drinking at RISKY levels, according to research
Whether it's a glass of wine to help you unwind at the end of the working day, or meeting for a drink (or three) with friends or colleagues at work, alcohol is a regular fixture for many people around the world.
Kellogg Insight (Russia) - How Drinking Beer Is Saving Russian Lives
The World Health Organization has found that every fifth death among Russian men is due to alcohol abuse. This can come in many forms, such as alcohol poisoning, drunk-driving accidents, or a booze-fueled homicide.
Newsweek (USA) - New York lawmakers debate allowing alcohol in movie theaters
In New York, legislators are again set to debate whether alcoholic beverages should be served in movie theaters, after previous attempts at formal legislation fell apart during state budget negotiations.
Hindustan Times - Cold weather, less sun leads to excessive drinking resulting in alcoholic cirrhosis
New European research has found that those who live in colder and less sunny parts of the world are also more likely to have alcoholic cirrhosis, a disease caused by excessive drinking which results in irreversible scarring of the liver.
Baltic Course (Estonia) - Share of alcohol bought by Estonian residents in Latvia hits 10%
Alcoholic beverages bought in Latvia now account for 10 percent of the total amount of alcohol bought by Estonian residents, up from 6 percent in August 2016, it appears from a poll taken by Kantar Emor in March writes LETA/BNS.
Cyprus Mail (Cyprus) - Draft law suggests raising age to buy alcohol
A draft law on raising the minimum age for buying alcoholic drinks from 17 to 18 years was discussed on Monday by the House interior committee after an EU report found Cyprus students ranked 3rd in Europe in alcohol consumption.
NPR - Binge Drinkers Beware: Study Finds Link Between Alcohol And Heart Arrhythmias
Researchers in Germany have found that getting drunk is associated with abnormal heart rhythms. Their study was conducted in a place teeming with potential research subjects. - White wine WARNING: Drinking the alcohol can cause THIS nasty skin condition
WHITE wine severely increases your risk of developing the nasty skin condition which causes stinging and redness on the face, rosacea.
The West Australian (Australia) - Alcohol violence at peak
Latest crime figures show the disturbing trend of the Kimberley being the most violent police district in WA per head of population is continuing. (New Zealand) - New study confirms NZ's 'ladette' problem drinkers
Alco-pop guzzling young women are the new face of New Zealand's drinking problem, a first-of-its-kind study shows.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Alcohol News - 16/2017

XinhuaNet (Russia) - Alcohol, tobacco consumption falls in 2016 in Russia
Russia recorded a decrease in alcohol and tobacco consumption in 2016, Russian newspaper Izvestiya reported on Monday.
YLE News (Finland) - Children's Helpline fields calls about parental alcohol abuse over Easter holiday
Volunteers from the MLL charity's Helpline service say many children phoned or sent messages about their parents' excessive alcohol use over the four-day Easter weekend in Finland.
Daily Mail (UK) - Would YOU buy alcohol for a pregnant woman? Watch what happens when an 'expectant mother' asks passing strangers to do her a favour by buying her booze
Our MailOnline reporter put on a fake belly to play the part of a young pregnant woman and stood outside a convenience store in London.
Pan American Health Organization (WHO) - Regulating marketing of alcohol can help reduce consumption, harm
Countries can improve public health by regulating the marketing of alcoholic beverages to reduce its consumption and related harms, and the Pan American Health Organization has developed new principles for countries to consider in developing these regulations.
Shepparton News (Australia) - Alcohol and water can be fatal combination
A new study has found alcohol may have contributed to hundreds of men drowning in the past decade. (Australia) - Growing alcohol problem affecting middle-aged women on the northern beaches
NEW figures show a higher number of peninsula women are becoming problem drinkers.
Smithsonian (Ireland) - Ireland May End Its Historic Good Friday Alcohol Ban
Over the years, the ban has inspiring many a crafty guide on scouting out a frothy pint. But fortunately for alcohol enthusiasts, Ireland’s dry Good Friday edict may soon come to an end, Susan Hogan reports for The Washington Post.
Science Daily - Think you can handle your alcohol? Study may urge some drinkers to think again
Heavy drinkers develop behavioral tolerance to alcohol over time on some fine motor tasks, but not on more complex tasks, according to a study led by a Veterans Affairs San Diego Healthcare System researcher.
Paris Post Intelligencer (USA) - Underage drinking is a danger to all
Many people do not refer to alcohol as a drug, however, it most certainly is a drug — a very addictive one. Alcohol is the most widely used substance of abuse among America’s youth. The statistics related to underage drinking are astounding.
Irish Times (Ireland) - Alcohol problems cost €1 in €10 spent on healthcare
It is notable the speed and ease with which legislation is proceeding through the Houses of the Oireachtas that will further increase the availability of alcohol.
Medical Daily - Alcoholism Treatment 2017: Alcohol-Dependent Brains Respond To Booze Differently
Modern medicine is moving toward the idea of personalized care catered to an individual's needs; new research suggests such an approach may work for alcoholism. (Ireland) - Half of the population believes drivers shouldn't be banned for having alcohol in their system
PROPOSALS TO CHANGE Ireland’s drink-driving laws have stirred much debate in Leinster House – and across the country – in recent weeks.
TheHealthSite - World Liver Day: Take good care of your liver to live healthy
According to a report released by World Health Organization (WHO) in May 2014, deaths due to liver diseases in India has reached 2.44% of total deaths.
MCXV (Scotland) - Scotland Must Do More To Turn Tide Of Alcohol Harm
A report published last Wednesday by Alcohol Focus Scotland, BMA Scotland, SHAAP and Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol & Drugs contained a comprehensive set of policies aimed at curbing Scotland’s alcohol problem and addressing the associated health inequalities.
TV NZ (New Zealand) - Alcohol ads teach kids that drinking is 'part of being a good New Zealander', researchers suggest
High rates of alcohol ads played during televised sport could lead children to believe drinking is "part of being a good New Zealander", researchers have suggested.
The College Fix (USA) - Survey finds many Spring Breakers regret having random sex, boozing it up
These are some of the responses from a Project Know survey, which recently asked 889 high school and college students who have taken a spring break trip in the past five years about their activities and regrets.
Harvard Health - Binge drinking continues to rise — particularly among women and seniors
Women usually welcome news that the gender gap in pay or leadership positions is closing. But lately we’ve been learning that women are also gaining parity in another respect: alcohol consumption.
Mail Online (UK) - Special report: Binge drinking
Binge-drinking is getting out of control in Britain. One in four adults in Britain are binge drinkers and the UK recently topped a poll as Europe's heaviest alcohol consumers.
Standard Examiner - Alcohol Awareness Month: How to help a loved one with a drinking problem
April is Alcohol Awareness Month, and the experts have one overriding piece of advice for those who have a loved one dealing with an addition: Above all else, take care of yourself.

Monday, April 17, 2017

FASD News - 15/2017 - Study compares alcohol consumption during pregnancy across European countries
A study among over 7000 women in 11 European countries shows the proportion of women in Europe who drink alcohol when they know they are pregnant is lowest in Norway and highest in the UK.
Emporia Gazette - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders discussed
April is the month of the young child, and to open activities, St. Francis Community Services hosted a workshop on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders for community members.
Newcastle Herald (Australia) - New campaign tackles Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders in Hunter's multicultural communities
THE harmful effect of alcohol consumption during pregnancy is the focus of a new prevention campaign targeted at Newcastle’s multicultural communities.
Sioux Falls Argus Leader (USA) - Wanted: An end to health crises killing Native Americans
Fetal alcohol syndrome and higher infant mortality rates plague South Dakota reservations. Shannon County, located on the Pine Ridge reservation, also suffers from higher rates of sexually transmitted diseases, obesity and smoking than the rest of the state, according to county health rankings from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
Policy Options (Canada) - The invisibility of people with developmental disabilities
With the recent federal commitment to increase mental health funding across Canada, we need to turn our attention to people with developmental disabilities – individuals who are currently invisible within Canada’s mental health system. This group has some of the greatest needs for mental health services and supports, yet is rarely acknowledged or targeted in mental health efforts.
ScrollToday (UK) - Drinking during pregnancy? British women drink the most during pregnancy
According to a new survey that was conducted around 11 European countries and included 7,905 women, Britain (28.5 per cent) scored highest in alcohol consumption during pregnancy, followed by Russia (26.5 per cent) and Switzerland (20.9 per cent).
Derry Journal - Women who binge drink BEFORE becoming pregnant ‘more likely’ to have diabetic babies
Women who binge drink before they become pregnant can still harm their babies, warns new research.
US Department of Veteran Affairs (USA) - Alcohol and pregnancy: What women Veterans should know
Increasing numbers of women Veterans of childbearing age are enrolling in VA health care. Consequently, information on optimizing pregnancy outcomes is important for women Veterans, their families, and their providers.

NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY - Epigenetic Mechanisms and Treatments of Fetal Alcohol Exposure-Induced Memory Impairment and Metabolic Dysregulation
In my thesis work, I aimed to identify underlying biological mechanisms of the FAE-induced hippocampus-based cognitive deficits that would lead to identify potential treatment targets to reverse the deficits.
Proceedings of the West Virginia Academy of Science - Alterations in cell cycle progression associated with transcription factor E2F1 in FASD
Phenotypes from alcohol exposure during fetal development, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD), include facial dysmorphology, neurological underdevelopment and cognitive loss.
Proceedings of the West Virginia Academy - Effects of alcohol on Chk2 expression and cellular localization in a model of FASD and adult alcoholism
Fetal alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) are associated with reduced proliferation and loss of large numbers of neural crest stem cells. Previous studies suggest that alcohol increases oxidative stress inducing DNA damage and increasing apoptosis in a p53 independent manor.
Proceedings of the West Virginia Academy - Effects of Alcohol on CHK-1 and Phospho-CHK-1 in Neuronal Stem Cell losses in FASD
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) are associated with changes in proliferation and induced cell losses of neuronal stem cells during development. Alcohol induced oxidative stress has been noted in previous studies to cause chronic genomic instability and DNA damage.
University of British Columbia - Indigenous parents of students with special needs in education : the lived experience
Parents of students with special needs may experience stressors in association with their interaction with the education system. Meetings with multiple professionals can be intimidating, the process of assessment can be confusing, terminology used may be unfamiliar, and realizing their child is having challenges may be upsetting.
Alcoholism - Preventing Alcohol-Exposed Pregnancies: A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Self-Administered Version of Project CHOICES With College Students and Nonstudents
Alcohol-exposed pregnancies (AEPs) are a preventable cause of birth defects and developmental disabilities for which many women are at risk. The initial 5-session Project CHOICES intervention was found to prevent AEPs.
Neuroscience - Neonatal alcohol exposure reduces number of parvalbumin-positive interneurons in the medial prefrontal cortex and impairs passive avoidance acquisition in mice deficits not rescued from exercise
Developmental alcohol exposure causes a host of cognitive and neuroanatomical abnormalities, one of which is impaired executive functioning resulting from medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) damage.
Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry - Harnessing neural stem cells for treating psychiatric symptoms associated with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder and epilepsy
Brain insults with progressive neurodegeneration are inherent in pathological symptoms that represent many psychiatric illnesses. Neural network disruptions characterized by impaired neurogenesis have been recognized to precede, accompany, and possibly even exacerbate the evolution and progression of symptoms of psychiatric disorders.
British Journal of Music Therapy - Music therapy intervention effects in the non declarative memory of children with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome children (FAS)
This study aimed to investigate the effects of music therapy treatment applied to the non declarative memory development in the Fetal Alcohol Syndrome children (FAS).
Paediatric Respiratory Reviews - In utero alcohol effects on foetal, neonatal and childhood lung disease
Maternal alcohol use during pregnancy exposes both premature and term newborns to the toxicity of alcohol and its metabolites. Foetal alcohol exposure adversely effects the lung.

Geboorteafwijkingen door alcoholgebruik tijdens de zwangerschap zijn vermijdbaar. Dat het foetaal alcohol spectrum stoornis (FASD) desondanks voorkomt, is te wijten aan onvoldoende effectieve preventie.
Hyvä Terveys (Finland) - ”Kysyisin äidiltä, miksi hän joi”
Äidin raskaudenaikainen alkoholinkäyttö uhkaa yhä tuhansien lapsien elämää Suomessa. Mikko on yksi FASD-nuori.
Rynek Zdrowia (Poland) - Ostrów Wielkopolski: kara w zawieszeniu dla matki pijanej podczas porodu
Na karę więzienia w zawieszeniu i zakaz picia alkoholu skazał w środę (12 kwietnia) Sąd Rejonowy w Ostrowie Wielkopolskim 33-letnią mieszkankę tego miasta, która mając ponad 3 promile alkoholu urodziła dziecko. Sąd uznał, że zachowanie matki narażało zdrowie i życie noworodka.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Alcohol News - 15/2017

The Local (Italy) - Drinking between meals is on the rise in Italy
Alcohol consumption is on the rise in Italy, with a particularly sharp increase in drinking in between meal times and binge-drinkers.
The Herald (Scotland) - Drinking-cut target to tackle 'devastating' alcohol impact
SCOTS should cut the amount of alcohol they drink by at least 10 per cent over the next decade because of the “devastating impact” alcohol abuse has on public services and communities, according to campaigners. - Study compares alcohol consumption during pregnancy across European countries
A study among over 7000 women in 11 European countries shows the proportion of women in Europe who drink alcohol when they know they are pregnant is lowest in Norway and highest in the UK. (UK) - REVEALED: Boozy Brits spend THIS much on alcohol in pubs, bars and restaurants
BOOZY Brits spent a record £24 billion on drink in pubs, bars and restaurants last year, new figures revealed today.
Evening Standard (UK) - Sale of alcohol to passengers waiting for early morning flights should be banned, government officials say
Calls have been made to ban the sale of alcohol at airports to passengers on early morning flights after a spike in drunken incidents.
Namnews (UK) - UK The Leading Market In Europe For Online Alcohol Sales
Proportionally, more UK consumers are buying alcohol online than in any other market in Europe. The growth is being driven by six key factors and the opportunities for brands are set to continue, according to a new report – How alcohol brands can tap the ecommerce opportunity – from ecommerce analytics firm Profitero, in conjunction with Nielsen.
The Daily Meal (USA) - New Oregon Bill Aims to Ban Alcohol on Public Beaches
If you envisioned a summer filled with day drinking on the beaches in Oregon, you might have to change your plans.
Norway Today (Norway) - FRP wants to push through ‘beer in the park’ before summer
The Progress Party (FRP) and The Conservatives supported by The Liberals wish to amend the law and allow drinking in the park within a few months, the Christian Democrats are protesting.
Miami Herald (USA) - Alcohol abuse leads to 4,300 deaths annually among people under 21
It is common knowledge that the drinking age in the United States is 21. However, by age 13, one third of boys and about one fourth of girls have tasted alcohol. Even scarier, excessive alcohol consumption leads to more than 4,300 deaths annually among people under 21.
ABC Online (Australia) - NT Government promises alcohol policy will cut crime rates as businesses call for crackdown
Northern Territory businesses are calling for the Government to crack down on crime as a new survey has revealed theft and vandalism is costing some hundreds of thousands of dollars.
ABC Online (Australia) - Alcohol may have contributed to the drownings of 500 men over past decade, study finds
A campaign is being launched aimed at changing men's attitudes towards drinking around water, with new figures suggesting alcohol has contributed to the drownings of almost 500 Australian men over the past decade.
EU Reporter (EU) - Curious case of #alcohol labelling in the EU
European case of alcohol labelling is a good example of the results of industry lobby and effects of vested interests. An example where a logical decision is avoided and postponed without any serious explanation. It should be a wake-up call for both European Parliament and Commission to highlight alcohol policy and understand that without decisions, things are not moving along, writes Lauri Beekmann.
The Local Germany (Germany) - 75 billion smokes: report reveals which vices Germans indulge most
A new report shows that Germans are cutting back a bit on smoking traditional cigarettes, but are drinking at an "especially high" rate compared to other countries.
Morocco World News (Morocco) - Alcohol Consumption on the Rise in Morocco
Despite the heavy taxation on alcoholic beverages, consumption is still increasing by leaps and bounds in Morocco.
The Scotsman (Scotland) - Residents go online to show how alcohol impacts communities
Views on whether there are too many supermarkets in Edinburgh selling cut-price price alcohol are being gathered in an anonymous online survey aimed at showing how ordinary communities are affected by booze.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Alcohol News - 14/2017

Herald Scotland (UK) - Minimum unit pricing for alcohol should be introduced across UK if successful in Scotland
Minimum unit pricing for alcohol should be introduced across the UK if it proves a success in Scotland, a Lords committee has urged.
The Register-Guard (USA) - Lawmakers introduce bill that would ban alcohol on Oregon’s beaches
Drinking alcohol on Oregon’s public beaches would become a crime under a bill introduced Tuesday in the state Legislature.
The Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) - Sweeping changes to alcohol tax and regulation urged on Turnbull government
Drinkers would pay far less for a bottle of vodka but much more for cask wine, while booze would be available from supermarkets and corner stores, under major reforms to alcohol regulation being urged on the federal government. (Netherlands) - Dutch pilots call for unruly passenger blacklist, better alcohol controls at Schiphol
Dutch pilots unions are calling for tighter controls on the sale of alcohol at Schiphol airport and a blacklist of passengers who misbehave, reports television programme Brandpunt on Tuesday.
Science Daily (Finland) - Risky alcohol consumption can increase at time of retirement
Every tenth employee increases their alcohol consumption to risky levels at the time of retirement from full-time employment. However, the increase seems to be temporary as risky drinking often decreases during the retirement.
WBUR - How We Doctors Are Failing Our Patients Who Drink Too Much
The middle-aged man in my exam room wasn’t an alcoholic. At least, that’s what he declared to me as I asked him questions about his drinking.
Science Daily - Alcohol abuse even before pregnancy may harm offspring
Mothers who binge drink before they become pregnant may be more likely to have children with high blood sugar and other changes in glucose function that increase their risk of developing diabetes as adults, according to a new study.
KBBI (USA) - Alcohol And Drug Abuse In Alaska Rack Up Annual Cost of Billions
The total costs from alcohol and drug abuse and dependence in Alaska are more than $3 billion per year. Those numbers are according to a new Alaska Mental Health Trust report completed by the McDowell Group.
Irish Independent (Ireland) - Irish teens 'drinking alcohol out of oranges and hairbrushes'
A universal approach is needed to tackle underage drinking as Irish teens resort to sneaking alcohol into hairbrush handles and injecting it into oranges, TD Anne Rabbitte has said.
Medscape - Message About Alcohol Use and CV Risk Should Be 'More Nuanced' Than It Now Is
Moderate intake of alcoholic drinks is associated with a lower risk of only some cardiovascular diseases, not all, compared with either abstinence or heavy drinking, suggests research conducted in the UK.
CBS News (USA) - More older women are drinking hard
More older American women than ever are drinking — and drinking hard, a new study shows.
Harmful drinking is costing the North-east’s public services more than £250 million a year, the Evening Express can reveal today.
EurekAlert (Kenya) - Curbing alcohol to fight HIV could save money in Kenya
Public health research shows that alcohol may be a factor in more than 13 percent of deaths due to infectious diseases, including HIV. Drinking undermines the fight against the virus in two main ways, researchers have found: it makes transmission through risky sex more likely and undermines health by relaxing the rigor with which infected people take virus-suppressing medicine.
Greek Reporter (Greece) - Athens University: Study Shows Greeks Drink Less Alcohol in Excess Compared to EU Average
Athens University’s Mental Health Research Institute carried out a study in June 2015 which showed that two in 10 Greeks claim to have drank alcohol excessively in a one-year period.
Herald Sun (Australia) - New domestic violence laws may ban alcohol from victims homes
WOMEN would be able to ban alcohol from their homes and boozed-up thugs who repeatedly commit domestic violence barred from licensed venues, under a plan put to the State Government. (UK) - Twenty-four hour drinking has led to a surge in violent crime in city centres, police warn
Twenty-four hour drinking has led to a surge in violent crime in towns and cities, police have said as a new report branded measures to tackle the problem a failure.
eNCA (Malawi) - Malawi urged to ban cheap super-strong liquor destroying young lives
Four years ago, Malawian teenager Anthony had ambitions to become a doctor, but in his last year at school he was diagnosed with liver cirrhosis after becoming hooked on cheap, strong liquor.
Public Health Journal - Alcohol and healthy ageing: a challenge for alcohol policy
These findings highlight processes that can result in changes in drinking habits and routines. Whilst these processes can be associated with a reduction or cessation of alcohol use as people age, they can also be associated with increased risk of harmful alcohol consumption.
Knowridge Science Report - How drinking alcohol can raise your cancer risk
Most people know that heavy alcohol drinking can cause health problems. But many people might not know that drinking alcohol can raise their cancer risk.
NorrioNews - Expert says tobacco, alcohol consumption could cause oral cancer
An Associate Professor of Community Dentistry at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH), Dr. Omolara Uti, on Wednesday said that tobacco use and consistent heavy consumption of alcohol could cause oral cancer.

Monday, April 3, 2017

FASD News - 13/2017

Seaforth Huron Expositor (Canada) - Ontario to fund strategy for fetal alcohol brain disorder, says Naqvi
The Ontario government will have a funded, multi-ministerial strategy in place to combat fetal alcohol brain disorder before the end of its current mandate, Ottawa Centre MPP Yasir Naqvi said Saturday.
News24 (South Africa) - Alcohol disorders curbed
Pregnant teenage girls drinking alcohol during pregnancy face the risk of giving birth to babies with foetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD).
Irish Medical News (Ireland) - No register of children with FASDs in Ireland
A national survey of paediatricians in Ireland regarding Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders was published in the March edition of the Irish Medical Journal. The aim of the study was to evaluate self-reported knowledge and practice of doctors working in paediatrics in Ireland with regards to FASDs and alcohol consumption during pregnancy.
Newswise - Children Prenatally Exposed to Alcohol Have Academic Difficulties
Despite greater awareness of the dangers of prenatal exposure to alcohol, the rates of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders remain alarmingly high.
Newshub (New Zealand) - Special education approaching 'crisis point' across New Zealand
New Zealand Principals' Federation (NZPF) president Whetu Cormick is warning that special education is approaching 'crisis point' across New Zealand.
The Copenhagen Post (Denmark) - New research: Danish women top stats for drinking during pregnancy
A new Canadian study that has just been published in the prestigious journal The Lancet Global Health claims that nearly every second Danish woman drinks alcohol during pregnancy.

Treating Sexual Abuse and Trauma with Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults with Developmental Disabilities
A workbook for Clinicians.
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University of British Columbia - Conference Presentations
Please find below the PDFs and video recordings from the conference presentations. These materials are posted with speakers’ consent. If the session you are looking for is not listed below, it means that the speaker did not allow for his/her presentation to be available online.
CBCSaskatchewan - Shutting Down Misconceptions Associated With Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Shanah Mohr says it's heartbreaking when people living with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder are treated differently. Her adopted daughter started showing signs of FASD as a toddler. Now, at eight years old, Shanah says her daughter is doing a lot better... and what helped the most was getting educated about the disorder.
Anderson DDB - Baby Bump Case Video

SPECIAL ISSUE Journal of Pediatric Neuropsychology - Neuropsychological Aspects of Prevention and Intervention for FASD: International Perspectives
Drug and Alcohol Review - Profile of children diagnosed with a fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: A retrospective chart review
The current study demonstrates that with the relevant training and expertise, assessment and diagnosis of FASD can be embedded within the existing health services available in Australia.
Journal of Pediatric Urology - Nocturnal incontinence in children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) in a South African cohort
The problem of incontinence among children with a FASD in South Africa needs to be assessed and considered for clinical management. Future research is necessary to examine problems of incontinence in relation to cognitive and behavioral functioning among children with a FASD, as well as identifying possible causes.
Brain and Behavior - Acute ethanol exposure during late mouse neurodevelopment results in long-term deficits in memory retrieval, but not in social responsiveness
Acute ethanol exposure at P6 in mice leads to mild but long-lasting deficits in long-term spatial memory. Results suggest that even brief acute exposure to high ethanol levels during the third trimester equivalent of human pregnancy may have a permanent negative impact on the neurological functioning of the offspring.
Office of Minority Student Affairs - Plasticity in the PFC Following 5-7-9 Postnatal Alcohol Exposure Using Exercise as an Intervention
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is an umbrella term used to describe the wide range of deficits caused by exposure to alcohol in utero.
Journal of Pediatric Neuropsychology - Neuropsychological Aspects of Prevention and Intervention for FASD: International Perspectives
Although governments around the world are increasingly recognizing the negative impact prenatal alcohol exposure can have on a child’s neurodevelopment, the prevalence of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) remains highly concerning.
Optics and the Brain - Two-photon microscopy of blood brain barrier leakage in a mouse model of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
We demonstrated blood brain barrier leakage associated with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder using two-photon microscopy. Evaluation was enhanced by concurrent imaging with different conjugated dyes and second harmonic generation imaging of collagen.
Alcoholism - Academic Difficulties in Children with Prenatal Alcohol Exposure: Presence, Profile, and Neural Correlates
Alcohol-exposed children demonstrated deficits in academic performance across domains and definitions, with a relative weakness in math functioning. Atypical brain development may contribute to these impairments in academic achievement.
Prevention Science - Concurrent Trajectories of Female Drinking and Smoking Behaviors Throughout Transitions to Pregnancy and Early Parenthood
The purpose of this longitudinal study was to investigate whether there are distinct etiological processes explaining dual usage of alcohol and conventional cigarettes by mothers from preconception through the early parenting years.
Irish Medical Journal - Out of sight, out of mind? A national survey of paediatricians in Ireland regarding Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASDs) are one of the major causes of preventable developmental delay. There is no register of children with FASDs in Ireland. Up to 81% of Irish women report drinking alcohol during the periconceptual period or pregnancy.

FOCUS Online (Germany) - Schwangerschaft und Alkohol – das eine Glas zu viel?
Fachtagung im Landratsamt Straubing- Bogen. (Poland) - Zrozumieć alkoholowy zespół płodowy. Konferencja w SP w Tarnawie Dolnej cieszyła się sporym zainteresowaniem (ZDJĘCIA)
„Zrozumieć FAS. Problemy edukacyjne, emocjonalne i społeczne dzieci z FAS” – konferencja w Szkole Podstawowej w Tarnawie Dolnej poruszyła niezwykle aktualny i ważny temat zespołów chorobowych, które są skutkiem działania alkoholu na płód w okresie prenatalnym.