
Thursday, July 28, 2022

Alcohol News - 30/2022

University of Oxford - Genetic study provides evidence that alcohol accelerates biological aging
The short-term effects of excessive drinking are well known, but to date it has been less certain whether alcohol also accelerates the aging process.

BBC (UK) - Alcohol deaths from pandemic drinking are predicted to rise
Heavy home drinking during the pandemic may have set habits that will lead to rises in alcohol-related deaths and illness in England, forecasters warn.

People with a parent with a history of alcohol problems are at greater risk for showing signs of addiction to highly processed foods, according to a new study.
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ABC News (Australia) - Northern Territory government facing calls to pause new post-intervention alcohol laws
A Northern Territory politician is set to move a motion in parliament calling for the lifting of intervention-era alcohol restrictions to be paused, with the NT government facing immense pressure over the issue.
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Infectious Disease Advisor - Effect of Heavy Alcohol Use on Self-Reported Health Status in Men vs Women With HIV
Heavy alcohol use in women with HIV infection was associated with lower self-reported health status scores, according to results of a longitudinal cohort study published in the American Journal of Medicine Open.
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NZ Herald (New Zealand) - Call for alcohol ban in Christchurch suburb after anti-social behaviour
An alcohol ban in Woolston Village is being investigated after concerns about an increase in anti-social behaviour.
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USA Today - Someone not drinking alcohol? It's none of your business.
Hundreds of reasons can explain why someone chooses not to drink alcohol – but they don’t owe you an explanation.
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Outside Magazine - Alcohol Can Tank HRV, Resting Heart Rate, and Sleep
More and more people are measuring their heart-rate variability using fitness trackers—and seeing those HRV numbers plummet after a few drinks the night before
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Summer is the perfect season for picnics and barbecues. However, when the temperatures rise, you need to be careful and avoid alcohol as it does not mix well with the heat. What are the dangers of alcohol consumption in hot weather?
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NordAN - Should we pay more attention to political youth organisations?
Are the more liberal views of the future generations one of the main drivers why current and long-standing policies are under threat? That was also expressed by Aleksi Sandroos, the chairman of the Finnish Centre Youth, commenting on the decriminalisation of various drugs: “This has become a generational issue. But the future is ours. Either these changes come now or in 20 years’ time, but they will come.”
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Sunday, July 24, 2022

FASD News - 29/2022

SPECIAL: The University of Edinburgh - Training – new courses available!
Course 1:
Introduction to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) will start in September 2022. It will provide participants with a comprehensive introduction to FASD and is suitable for postgraduates with a professional or lay interest in the field. It is also open to health and social care professionals wishing to undertake continuing professional development. Delivered online, primarily through recorded content, interactive online tasks and discussion boards, Introduction to FASD comprises about two hours 'contact' time per week which can be structured around other commitments and will provide an optional foundation to our advanced course in the Assessment and Diagnosis of FASD.
Course 2: The Assessment and Diagnosis of FASD will be available in January 2023 and will explore the core diagnostic criteria of FASD and how assessments undertaken inform this diagnosis, with the emphasis very much on the practical application of the skills taught. Those completing the course will, in conjunction with their existing professional training, be able to formally assess for and diagnose FASD in line with their role in clinical teams.  As such, participation is limited to those students who possess, or are in the process of attaining, a professional qualification that qualifies them to participate in the diagnosis of FASD. Relevant qualifications may include Psychology, Medicine, Nursing, Midwifery, Education, Public Health, Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language Therapy, Social Work.
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The Queen's Nursing Institute Scotland (Scotland) - Women, Alcohol, Pregnancy and FASD
In this first blog of six, Professor Moira Plant shares highlights from her report to be published this summer.
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National Geographic - The overlooked toll of drinking alcohol while pregnant
Estimates suggest up to 5 percent of people in the U.S. have fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. Here's how scientists and activists are working toward better diagnoses and treatments.
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NZ Herald (New Zealand) - Hawke's Bay doctor warns of 'epidemic' in fetal-alcohol härm
Experts think the alcohol industry needs to be targeted as the root cause of a Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) "epidemic" among children.
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National Organisation for FASD - It’s time to sweep away the old myths!
FASD is a frequently undiagnosed and misdiagnosed condition. In order to dispel some of the myths and misunderstandings around FASD, we have a dedicated Mythbuster page on our website.
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CanFASD (Canada) - CanFASD 2021/2022 Annual Report Published
The past year has been full of exciting progress in the FASD community. The CanFASD Network, with help from our partners, published over 25 articles, 13 technical reports, 5 book chapters and participated in over 50 presentations and interviews.
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American Psychological Association - A hidden epidemic of fetal alcohol syndrome
New legislation could help bring awareness and resources to prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
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National Organisation for FASD (UK) - Mandy Craig & Katie Hewitt on ‘The Time is Now’
In September 2021, Sheffield Children’s Safeguarding Partnership hosted the National Dialogue on International FASD Day Conference, chaired by Sheffield’s Director of Public Health and with over 700 people attending to hear professionals, politicians, and experts-by-experience share their knowledge and passion for improving the lives and opportunities of people with FASD.
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The Matilda Centre - Learning with FASD
Learning with FASD is an online portal housing evidence-based resources to assist primary school teaching and support staff to understand and support children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
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The Better Behavior Show with Dr. Nicole Beurkens - Supporting Children with Prenatal Drug and Alcohol Exposure – Brain First
In this episode, Eileen and I discuss parenting through behavior and developmental challenges, with a spotlight on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
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Parent Dashboard - ParentDashboard Presents Event: How to Homeschool with FASD with Natalie Vecchione of FASD Hope
We discuss raising complex kids, Homeschooling, the transition to adulthood and how trades, arts and entrepreneurship are done with complex needs - and how it can all empower your personal journey as a parent.
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Run FASD - What is Run FASD?
Run FASD embodies Strength, Tenacity, Empowerment, Hope, and Vision. A virtual 5k event that can happen at your own pace wherever you are. From September 9th-25th, 2022, Run FASD to bring awareness to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders.
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CanFASD - September 9th is International FASD Day
First celebrated in 1999, FASD day is devoted to raising awareness of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) to improve prevention of FASD and diagnosis and support for individuals with FASD.
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CanFASD - New on CanFASD’s Youtube Channel – A Five-Part International Seminar Series on FASD Prevention
Canada FASD Research Network sponsored a five-part seminar series that brought together 14 researchers from across the globe to share what is known about preventing alcohol use in pregnancy and supporting women’s health.
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Fasd Success Show - #115 Tara Soucie-Noble: A Wife in the FASD Life
If you’ve attended any of my presentations, taken my CKS Coaching Course or followed me for a while you will know one of my sayings is “I’m not a doctor, a lawyer or a social worker,” but my guest today is a social worker and she just happens to be my wife and business partner – Tara Soucie -Noble.
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FASD Hope - 140 - FASD and Speech Therapy - A Conversation with Christian Hancock
In Episode 140, FASD Hope welcomes Christian Hancock, M.S., CCC-SLP , who is the Creator of Communication with Connection, Owner of Heart and Soul Speech and a Board Member of the North Texas FASD Network.
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10 GM - Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) and the criminal justice system
Greater Manchester FASD Network lunchtime learning session for parents and professionals to learn about an aspect of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
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Emory MSACD - Complications of FASD in Adults
For more content like "Complications of FASD in Adults" visit our website at
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Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience - Decreased resting-state alpha peak frequency in children and adolescents with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders or prenatal alcohol exposure
Reduced APF in individuals with an FASD/PAE may represent a long-term deficit and demonstrates the detrimental impact prenatal alcohol exposure can have on neurophysiological processes.
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Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work - We are not doing enough for children with neuro-disabilities
I recently made a submission to the Abuse in Care: Royal Commission of Inquiry on behalf of a young whānau-member survivor who is autistic and lives with Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and mental health issues.
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Neuroscience Informatics - A transcriptome meta-analysis of ethanol embryonic exposure: Implications in neurodevelopment and neuroinflammatory genees
This study aimed to evaluate the impact of ethanol in the differential gene expression (DGE) of embryonic cells and fetal tissues by performing a transcriptome meta-analysis in microarrays datasets publicly available.
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Women's Health - Racial/ethnic variations in alcohol and cigarette use by pregnancy status among 20- to 44-year-old women, NHANES 2001–2018
Women who may become pregnant need interventions and improved policy to prevent alcohol use and smoking. Culturally appropriate alcohol and smoking cessation interventions before pregnancy and improved contraception access are needed.
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Midwifery - WRISK voices: A mixed-methods study of women's experiences of pregnancy-related public health advice and risk messages in the UK
Our research shows the importance of risk communication that respects women's autonomy and trusts them to make decisions about their own pregnancy. We identified a need for a layered approach to risk communication.
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Drug and Alcohol Review - Written information and health professionals are the information sources about alcohol use in pregnancy most often used by pregnant women
Antenatal providers should routinely provide information on alcohol use in pregnancy, including for women least likely to access available information.
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SSRN - Impact of Two Different Rodent Diets on Rat Dam Voluntary Ethanol Consumption, Serum Ethanol Concentrations and Pregnancy Outcome Measures
Recent studies report varying levels of voluntary ethanol consumption by rodents maintained on different commercially available diets.
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Journal of Biomedical Optics - Photonics probing of pup brain tissue and molecular-specific nuclear nanostructure alterations due to fetal alcoholism via light scattering/localization approaches
In particular, we characterize the spatial pup brain structures from the molecular to tissue levels and address the plausible reasons for such as mass density fluctuations in fetal alcoholism.
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Discover Social Science and Health - Prevalence and associated factors of alcohol intake in the first trimester of pregnancy in Dabat district, northwest Ethiopia
The prevalence of alcohol consumption in the first trimester of pregnancy was high in the study area. Pregnant women’s’ sociodemogrphic characteristics and history of stillbirth are associated with alcohol consumption.
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BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth - Planning is not equivalent to preparing, how Dutch women perceive their pregnancy planning in relation to preconceptional lifestyle behaviour change - a cross-sectional study
Despite consciously planning their pregnancy, most women did not adhere to preconceptional lifestyle behaviour recommendations. Women’s health beliefs and overestimation of their health status seem to interfere with actively planning and preparing for pregnancy.
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Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology - Impact of maternal substance use on offspring's cardiovascular health
Substance use (SU) during pregnancy is on the rise, posing significant risks to the developing fetus. The adverse impact of maternal alcohol and nicotine use during the perinatal period on offspring health has been well established, including their associations with adverse cardiovascular health in offspring.
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PLoS one - Binge alcohol drinking before pregnancy is closely associated with the development of macrosomia: Korean pregnancy registry cohort
Together, binge drinking before pregnancy might be an independent risk factor for developing macrosomia. Intensified intervention for drinking alcohol in women who are planning a pregnancy is important and may help prevent macrosomia.
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The Brown University Child and Adolescent Behavior - Fathers are accused by family court when pregnant partners use substances
A new study has found that, in some states, fathers lose their parental rights, and legal orphans are created, when fathers are accused of allowing their pregnant partners to use alcohol or drugs.
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Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and Suicidality: What Does the Literature Tell Us?
This review provides a foundational understanding of suicidality in FASD with important implications for research, policy, and practice. Rates of suicidality across the lifespan are high, underscoring the need for evidence-based approaches to screening, prevention, and treatment.
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Erfurt (Germany) - Interaktive Ausstellung zum Thema Alkohol in der Schwangerschaft in Erfurt eröffnet
Um junge Erfurter Heranwachsende, Eltern und Fachkräfte für die Problematik Fetale Alkoholspektrum-Störung (FASD) zu sensibilisieren, macht vom 12. bis 14. Juli 2022 die Wanderausstellung „Wenn schwanger, dann Zero!“ in der Landeshauptstadt Halt.
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Stiri Diaspora (Romania) - Care sunt consecințele consumului de alcool în timpul sarcinii - studiu științific
Studiile au estimat că tulburările din spectrul alcoolului fetal, sau FASD, afectează între 1 și 5 la sută din populație, deși experții suspectează că prevalența este chiar mai mare.
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Padua Archive - EFFETTI DELL’ALCOL: la relazione tra l’uso di alcol in gravidanza e lo Spettro dei Disordini Feto-Alcolici (FASD)
L'elaborato finale studia la relazione tra l'uso di alcol delle donne in gravidanza e la manifestazione dello Spettro dei Disordini Feto-Alcolici (FASD), un'insieme di disturbi che portano a complicazioni fisiche e neuro-comportamentali.
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Thursday, July 21, 2022

Alcohol News - 29/2022

Global News - ‘Young people should not drink’: World study challenges alcohol guidelines
A study, the first of its kind in the world, has found that people under the age of 40 risk their health if they drink more than a few sips of beer or wine per day, and recommends that young people not drink alcohol at all.
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University of Stirling - Study reveals impact of alcohol packaging on young people
New research from the University of Stirling has highlighted the significant impact that alcohol packaging has on capturing the attention of, and creating appeal amongst, young people.
Read more (UK) - New Problem-Solving Courts to combat drug and alcohol-fuelled crime
Ground-breaking new courts will direct drug and alcohol abusers to tackle their addiction head-on or face tough consequences.
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News-Medical - Childhood loneliness associated with stress and alcohol-related problems in early adulthood
New research has shown that experiencing loneliness as a pre-adolescent child predicts problem drinking years later, in early adulthood.
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National Geographic - The overlooked toll of drinking alcohol while pregnant
Estimates suggest up to 5 percent of people in the U.S. have fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. Here's how scientists and activists are working toward better diagnoses and treatments.
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1News (New Zealand) - Study reveals strong link between alcohol and suicide
A new study reveals a strong link between acute alcohol use and suicide, prompting calls for liquor law reforms and suicide prevention strategies targeting alcohol-related harm.
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Wales Online (Wales) - Brits urged to avoid alcohol as scorching temperatures reach record levels
While many Britons will see the scorching weather as a perfect opportunity to bask in the sunshine with a cold beer or glass of wine, experts are warning against it
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NIAAA (USA) - Deaths involving alcohol increased during the COVID-19 pandemic
Recently researchers at NIAAA used the national death certificate database to assess changes in alcohol-related deaths during the first year of the pandemic. The results, published in JAMA, show that after increasing around 2.2% per year over the previous two decades, deaths involving alcohol jumped 25.5% between 2019 to 2020, totaling 99,107 deaths.
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Alcohol Health Alliance - Can alcohol consumption increase your risk of dementia?
Alcohol consumption can impact our health in different ways; including how our brain functions in both the short and long term. In this blog, Dr Tony Rao, Visiting Clinical Research Fellow, at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, examines the latest evidence of the link between alcohol consumption and dementia.
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IAS Blog - Should we have lower drinking guidelines for younger people?
A new study, published in The Lancet, as part of the Global Burden of Disease project, suggests that health risks associated with alcohol consumption are highest for younger age groups. The authors recommend as a result that we should introduce differential low-risk drinking guidelines, with lower guidelines for younger age groups. This is a strong claim, but does the evidence in the new study back it up?
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Queensland Health - 10 weird things you might not know alcoholic drinks are doing to your body
We all know that drinking alcohol to excess isn’t really part of a healthy lifestyle. Drinking more than the recommended guidelines can put you at risk of developing serious diseases, affect your brain health and make you prone to alcohol-related accidents.
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Thursday, July 14, 2022

Alcohol News - 28/2022

Alcohol Health Alliance (Scotland) - Is minimum unit pricing working in Scotland?
Minimum unit pricing was introduced in Scotland in 2018. A thorough evaluation, led by Public Health Scotland, is underway to look at both the intended and unintended consequences of MUP.  It will publish its final report in 2022. In this blog, Dr Peter Rice, President of the European Alcohol Policy Alliance, examines the evidence so far.
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UNDARK (USA) - Trend in Alcohol-Related Deaths Is Higher in Women
For women, the trend in heavy drinking, as well as related health effects, extends back at least two decades.
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Carnegie Mellon University - Drinking Alone Foreshadows Future Alcohol Problems
A new study has found that drinking alone as an adolescent and young adult can increase the risk of alcohol use disorder later in life, especially for women
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New Westminster Record (Canada) - New West council and MLA support warning labels on alcohol containers
Toys have them, cigarettes have them, so why don’t alcohol containers have warning labels? New Westminster wants that changed
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Morocco World News (Qatar) - Qatar: Stadiums Likely to be Alcohol-Free in World Cup 2022
With the World Cup 2022 in Qatar approaching, stadiums are set to be alcohol-free, meaning football supporters will be required to take only non-alcoholic drinks to their seats.
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Modern Ghana (Ghana) - Alcohol still advertised between the restricted hours of 6.00am-10.00pm — says GhanAPA, calls for stiffer legislation
A Civil Society Organization (CSO), the Alcohol Policy Alliance Ghana (GhanAPA ) is calling on government to take a second look at the current ways in which alcohol products are advertised by traditional and online media organizations.
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Thaiger (Thailand) - Today is National No Alcohol Day in Thailand
“No Alcohol, No Disease, No Covid-19:” is the official motto for this year’s National No Alcohol Day in Thailand, hand-written by Thailand’s Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha.
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Philippine Star (Philippines) - Lawmakers seek to increase legal drinking age to 21, ban PWDs from buying alcohol
Seeing booze as a bane to health and the community, Reps. Eric Yap (Benguet) and Paolo Duterte (Davao City) are seeking to increase the legal drinking age to 21 from 18 and ban persons with disabilities from buying alcohol.
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The Brussels Times (Belgium) - Road police will not scale back alcohol and drug checks after all
After it was previously reported that the federal road police would be cutting back on alcohol and speed checks as a result of budget cuts, it has now been confirmed that this decision was reverted.
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CapeTalk (South Africa) - Alcohol advertising should only happen at point of sale: Lobbyists
Lester Kiewit speaks to Terri-Liza Fortein from the Southern African Alcohol Policy Alliance about changing the legal drinking age.
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Metro UK (Scotland) - Scots with children at home ‘drank more alcohol during lockdown’
People in Scotland who had children at home during lockdown drank more alcohol and ate more junk food, a study shows.
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1News (New Zealand) - Alcohol stores allowing Afterpay, Govt urged to take action
Community groups are calling on the Government to take urgent action after revelations some alcohol stores are allowing customers to use buy now pay later services.
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The Latch - Alcohol’s Effect On Your Mental Health Goes Beyond ‘Hangxiety’
While we all know excessive drinking is in no way good for us, many of us are hazy on the specifics. What’s actually happening to our bodies while we’re drinking, and how do they react after?
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Style Rave - Mental Mondays: How Alcohol May Be Affecting Your Relationship And How To Fix It
Sometimes the pally in a bottle called Ethanol may have proved to be a friend in need during difficult times and the perfect fun time go-to, but could it be the reason you’re picking unnecessary fights with your partner?
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GPFans - Verstappen calls for F1 alcohol limit, condemns fan abuse
Max Verstappen has insisted a "normal human being" would not have acted the way some fans have done at the Austrian Grand Prix after the F1 championship leader learned of "shocking" reports of racist, misogynistic and homophobic abuse.
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Stuff (New Zealand) - 'Disheartening but not surprising': 25% of suicides linked to alcohol
One in four New Zealanders who die by suicide do so with excess blood alcohol – with the figures even worse for Māori and Pasifika, new analysis of coronial data has found.
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The Conversation (South Africa) - Tavern tragedy reinforces need to give priority to tackling underage drinking in South Africa
On 26 June 2022, 21 young people died at the Enyobeni tavern in East London, in South Africa’s Eastern Cape province. The incident refocused public attention on the safety of young people in the country.
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Sunday, July 10, 2022

FASD News - 27/2022

EUFASD 2022 Registration
Early Bird registration ends TODAY
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Brock University - Brock research exploring the gut’s link to mental health in children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
New Brock University-led research is exploring the role gut health plays in the mental health of youth with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
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CTV News - Quebec study finds alcohol and pregnancy something men should be careful about too
While women who are pregnant, or are planning to become pregnant, have known for a long time that they have to be very careful with their alcohol consumption, a new study with contributions from Quebec researchers warns that the same probably applies to men.
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Nutrition Research Institute - The Lifespan Impact of Prenatal Alcohol Exposure
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs) encompass a range of behavioral, cognitive, and physiological impairments that result from prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE).
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This is a foundational book on supporting an individual with FASD by Diane Malbin. As one of the most suggested parenting guides for caregivers of individuals with FASD there are very few reviews for people who may be new parents or caregivers.
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FASD United Policy and Training Center (USA) - California’s SB1016 Continues to Make Progress
We are pleased to report that SB1016, a bill introduced by California State Senator Anthony Portantino, which would add FASD as a qualifying condition for special education services in the State of California under the category of OHI or other health impairment, passed out of the Assembly Education Committee with 100% support on the afternoon of June 29th.
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FASD NL (Canada) - It Broke Our Hearts. We Never Skipped a Beat!
It was Friday afternoon; the sun was shining just as bright as it could. My husband was working, and I was anticipating (with excitement) a visit from a close friend.
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American Psychological Association (USA) - A hidden epidemic of fetal alcohol syndrome
Researchers have found that alcohol use increased sharply during the pandemic, and there is some evidence that those patterns were present among pregnant women as well, said Ira Chasnoff, MD, a pediatrician and fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) researcher at the University of Illinois College of Medicine in Chicago. Experts worry that the trend could result in more babies being born with damage from prenatal alcohol exposure.
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CanFASD - FASD Prevention: An Annotated Bibliography of Articles Published in 2021
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Surrey Place - An Introduction to FASD | Part one: What is FASD?
The first segment of the five part series "An Introduction to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder" will introduce participants to some key features of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and identify some areas that someone with FASD may require support with.
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Surrey Place - An Introduction to FASD | Part three: Communication and Processing
The third segment of the five part series "An Introduction to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder" will focus on supporting communication, and cognitive and auditory processing.
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CanFASD - Destigmatizing Considerations: Preventing FASD, Promoting Women’s Wellness
Research about preventing FASD is advancing across the globe.  We now have research about the many levels of prevention - on awareness building approaches, on safe and respectful conversations about alcohol use with women and their support networks, and on holistic support services for pregnant women and new mothers’ experiences alcohol problems and other health and social concerns.
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DMCNvideos - Lived experiences of adolescents with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
In this podcast, Kelly Skorka discusses her paper 'Lived experiences of adolescents with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder'
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CanFASD - Awareness Raising and Community Development: Preventing FASD, Promoting Women’s Wellness
Research about preventing FASD is advancing across the globe.  We now have research about the many levels of prevention - on awareness building approaches, on safe and respectful conversations about alcohol use with women and their support networks, and on holistic support services for pregnant women and new mothers’ experiences alcohol problems and other health and social concerns.
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Hard Knox Talks - Reality Check: Addiction Interview With FASD Expert, Robbie Seale
Robbie is a mother of 4, 3 of whom are adopted and diagnosed with FASD, is an educator on the topic and host of the FASD Family Life Podcast.
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CanFASD - Holistic Support in Pregnancy & Postpartum: Preventing FASD, Promoting Women’s Wellness
Research about preventing FASD is advancing across the globe.  We now have research about the many levels of prevention - on awareness building approaches, on safe and respectful conversations about alcohol use with women and their support networks, and on holistic support services for pregnant women and new mothers’ experiences alcohol problems and other health and social concerns.
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National FASD - Raja and Neil’s FASD Book Club – Session 1, Introduction
In this virtual book club series, the editors of ‘Prevention, Recognition and Management of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders’, Professor Raja Mukherjee and Dr Neil Aiton, will be leading discussions with the book’s chapter authors.
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CanFASD - Frameworks for FASD Prevention: Preventing FASD, Promoting Women’s Wellness
Research about preventing FASD is advancing across the globe.  We now have research about the many levels of prevention - on awareness building approaches, on safe and respectful conversations about alcohol use with women and their support networks, and on holistic support services for pregnant women and new mothers’ experiences alcohol problems and other health and social concerns.
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CanFASD - Emerging FASD Research in Action: CanFASD Trainee Webinar Part 1
In 2022, eight trainees participated in the CanFASD Trainee Program. Trainees Ella Huber, Sarah Moss, Chantel Ritter, and Devon present on a research project that has recently been completed or is under way.
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CanFASD - Emerging FASD Research in Action: CanFASD Trainee Webinar Part 2
In 2022, eight trainees participated in the CanFASD Trainee Program. Trainees Shae Mulvihill, Celisse Bibr, Kirsten Morrisson, and Vannesa Joly present on a research project that has recently been completed or is under way.
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The raw and the real of FASD - The Raw and the Real of FASD – Introduction
We are starting our Channel, the Raw and the Real of FASD with Tanya and Nadia, two moms of children diagnosed with FASD. We wanted for everyone to know us a little better before we get the fun stuff going :)
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Transform Research Center - The Overrepresentation of Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders in the Child Welfare System
In the general US population, conservative estimates say 1.1-5% of school-aged children have FASD.  In the child welfare system, experts estimate that the rate of FASD is 17 to 19 times higher than in the general population.
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NOFASD Australia - The Criminal Justice System
One of the most comprehensive global studies of a youth detainee population and an Australian first has indicated that the prevalence of FASD in youth detention in Western Australia is 36 percent of detainees, and the presence of severe neurodevelopmental impairment is as high as 89 percent; rates, as noted by the researchers to be the highest in the world.
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ConnectFASD - Fact sheets
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder looks different for every person. The one thing that is held in common is that everyone is unique!
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FASD Hope Podcast - 138 - Season 3 Premiere - FASD Fireworks in Florida - A Conversation with Lindsey Munns
Lindsey Munns is a parent advocate for FASD. She attended the University of Utah, where she got her degree in Community Policy & Consumer Studies. She also studied education, is a TBRI practitioner, and is currently finishing up her FASCETS facilitator certification.
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Silver Lining Conversations - SILVER LININGS – ADVOCATING FOR HOPE
In this episode of Silver Lining Conversations, we feature Natalie Vecchione, a FASD parent advocate, podcaster, author…..and most importantly a wife and homeschool mom of two.
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Fasd Success Show - #113 Talking about Embraced with Joel, Jodee and Justen
You may have heard talk in the FASD world about a new documentary in the making, Embraced: Truth about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. I wanted to find out the details so invited the three principals on the project to talk about it.
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Birth Defects Research - Abnormal growth and morphogenesis of placenta at term is linked to adverse fetal development after perigestational alcohol consumption up to early gestation in mouse
Perigestational alcohol consumption up to early gestation induces at term fetal growth alterations, dysmorphology and defective skeleton, linked to deficient growth and abnormal morphogenesis of placenta, highlighting insight into the prenatal etiology of FASD.
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Neurobiology of Disease - In utero alcohol exposure impairs vessel-associated positioning and differentiation of oligodendrocytes in the developing neocortex
Altogether, these data suggest that alcohol-induced oligo-vascular impairments contribute to the neurodevelopmental issues described in FASD.
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International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - The Alcohol Industry and Social Responsibility: Links to FASD
We consider the place of alcohol in society; the prevalence, social and economic costs of FASD; the ethical notion of alcohol-related harm and then move onto the question of public health partnerships with the industry including the potential conflicts of interests and ethical challenges in such partnerships.
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Scientific Reports - Reduced and delayed myelination and volume of corpus callosum in an animal model of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders partially benefit from voluntary exercise
In line with clinical findings, we have shown that prenatal alcohol exposure leads to hypomyelination of the corpus callosum in adolescence and that the severity of damage is sexually dimorphic. Further, exercise intervention improves corpus callosum growth in alcohol-exposed and control rats in adolescence.
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Brain Sciences - ERK1/2 Signalling Pathway Regulates Tubulin-Binding Cofactor B Expression and Affects Astrocyte Process Formation after Acute Foetal Alcohol Exposure
Foetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs) are a spectrum of neurological disorders whose neurological symptoms, besides the neuronal damage caused by alcohol, may also be associated with neuroglial damage.
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Ethics & Behavior - Beyond the bump: ethical and legal considerations for psychologists providing services to pregnant individuals who use substances
This article presents the ethical and legal issues that may arise in working with this population within the framework of the American Psychological Association’s (APA) Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct (2017).
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ResearchSquare - Effectiveness of brief alcohol interventions for pregnant women: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis
BIs are moderately effective in increasing abstinence during pregnancy and preventing preterm birth. More studies on the effectiveness of BIs are needed from low- and middle-income countries, as well as with younger mothers and with a broader range of ethnic groups.
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Current Nutrition Reports - Pregnancy as a Fundamental Determinant of Child Health: a Review
Maternal diet is potentially a modifiable risk factor for controlling low birth weight, obesity and chronic disease in childhood. Further studies are warranted to refine guidance on dietary restriction and physical activity during pregnancy and determine how MIA and prenatal microbiota can be applied to control childhood diseases arising from programming.
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Health Promotion Practice - Equitable Policies Need Equitable Practices: Alcohol- and Substance-Exposed Pregnancy as a Case Study
There is clear need for more effective public health policies. Coupled with calls for more effective policies, increasing demand to address public health disparities experienced by systemically marginalized and historically oppressed groups emphasizes the long-standing need for policies that improve public health equity.
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International Journal of Molecular Sciences - Exposure to Toxicants Affects Everyone, Especially the Very Young
Toxicology is an incredibly complex and diverse area of biomedical science that includes numerous areas of specialization. The overarching goals for investigators working in all areas of toxicology are to identify and define the exposures to potential toxicants, assess the risks, and mitigate the impacts.
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Scientific Reports - The alcohol dehydrogenase isoenzyme (ADH I) as a marker of intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy
Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP) is an important pregnancy liver disorder. The alterations of different enzymes activity in the hepatocytes in the course of liver diseases are reflected in an increase in the activity of the corresponding enzymes in the blood.
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Badische Zeitung (Germany) - Alkohol in der Schwangerschaft: Wenn ein Kind für die Fehler der Mutter büßen muss
Weil ihre Mutter während der Schwangerschaft getrunken hat, kam Hannah mit einer Fetalen Alkoholspektrumstörung (FASD) zur Welt. In der Öffentlichkeit ist die Krankheit wenig bekannt – was den betroffenen Kindern das Leben erschwert.
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Alles Münster (Germany) - Anna-Lena: „Ich bin anders – ist halt so!“
Serie „Starke Geister oder: Mein FASD ganz normales Leben“ von Iris Brandewiede und Ingrid Hagenhenrich, Folge 4 mit Anna-Lena, Juli 2022
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RCPS w Łodzi (Poland) - FASD - nie ma bezpiecznej dawki - RCPS w Łodzi
FASD - nie ma bezpiecznej dawki!
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Alkoholpolitik (Germany) - Alkohol und Schwangerschaft – auch Männer sollten vorsichtig sein
Während Frauen, die schwanger sind oder eine Schwangerschaft planen, schon seit langem wissen, dass sie mit ihrem Alkoholkonsum aufhören müssen, warnt eine neue Studie mit Beiträgen von Forscher:innen aus Quebec, dass dies wahrscheinlich auch für Männer gilt.
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AIDEFAD (Italy) - Esperienze vissute di adolescenti con FASD
I risultati hanno illustrato le barriere che gli adolescenti hanno sperimentato riguardo al loro funzionamento quotidiano e alla loro indipendenza.
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Thursday, July 7, 2022

Alcohol News - 27/2022

Fatherly (USA) - 10% Of 9- And 10-Year-Olds Are Curious About Trying Alcohol And Tobacco
About 1 in 10 kids aged 9 and 10 are interested in trying alcohol and tobacco, according to a new study. This research shows that parents need to discuss drugs and alcohol with their kids in elementary school — waiting until middle school could be too late.
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Technology Networks - Sex Differences in How Alcohol Affects the Brain Identified
Tucked into the temporal lobe, near the base of our brain, sits a small, almond-shaped region called the amygdala that processes our emotions.
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ABC (Australia) - Zero alcohol drinks industry takes off as more Australians choose booze free lifestyle
For a growing number of people, saying no to alcohol is not a 'Dry July' charity stint, but rather a lasting lifestyle change – and businesses are cashing in on the zero-alcohol trend.
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Government of Ireland (Ireland) - Minister Feighan welcomes publication of National Alcohol Treatment data
Minister for Public Health, Wellbeing, and the National Drugs Strategy, Frank Feighan, welcomes the publication of the National Drug Treatment Reporting System data on Alcohol Treatment for 2021.
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CBC (South Africa) - South African president denounces underage alcohol sales during eulogy for 21 teens
The recent deaths of 21 teenagers in a nightclub tragedy is a crime and South African officials must increase steps to prevent alcohol from being illegally sold to youths, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa said Wednesday.
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VOCM (Canada) - Government Releases Alcohol Action Plan
The provincial government has released an Alcohol Action Plan aimed at reducing the harm caused by the consumption of alcohol.
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News Medical (USA) - Culturally-sensitive interventions could be effective in preventing alcohol-related problems in Latino students
Negative consequences from excessive drinking are well-documented, but little is known about how to tailor interventions to prevent problem drinking by Latino college students, the fastest-growing ethnic minority group on U.S. college campuses.
Read more (Ireland) - More than 50,000 people treated for alcohol as a main problem substance in Ireland since 2015
From 2015 to 2021, a total of 50,304 people treated for alcohol use in Ireland had reported alcohol as the main problem substance, a new report has shown.
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Medical Xpress - Moderating your alcohol by saving drinks for the weekend? A study says there may be risks
That one night out with friends may be more harmful to your health than having a drink every day of the week, new research suggests.
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OECD - Women and Alcohol: Policy options to address problem drinking
In an OECD event on 21 March 2022, policy experts, patients, advocates and industry discussed trends in women’s drinking, their consequences on women’s health and lives, and policy options to address problem drinking.
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European Road Safety Charter - The risks of alcohol, drugs and medicine on road safety
Alcohol, drug and medicine related road accidents are unfortunately a daily occurrence. In Europe, around 25% of all road deaths are related to the consumption of alcohol, and there is still no reliable estimate of how many crashes are drug related.
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IAS Blog - Contents unknown: what alcohol labels aren’t telling us
The Alcohol Health Alliance’s (AHA) latest report shines a light on just how much the alcohol industry is keeping consumers in the dark about what they are drinking.
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NordAN (Sweden) - Systembolaget: Three out of ten adults do not act when children are harmed
A recent Sifo survey, conducted as part of the Childhood Without Hangovers initiative, shows that three out of ten adults say they fail to act when they see a child being harmed by an adult’s alcohol consumption. Men and young adults (25-30 years old) in particular are more likely to say that they do not act.
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