Medical Daily - Health Benefits Of
Alcohol Are Exaggerated And Likely Non-Existent, Suggests Study
Every so often,
research surfaces that highlights the supposed benefits of drinking
alcohol, but a new study suggests these findings are exaggerated;
there is no real connection between alcohol and good health; and even
“moderate drinking” may be detrimental, especially in elderly
The Guardian
(Australia) - Alcohol industry subverting science to prevent
greater regulation, study finds
The alcohol
industry makes claims to governments that contradict and obfuscate
science in an attempt to influence marketing regulations and prevent
more stringent controls on products, an Australian study has found.
Nyasa Times
(Malawi) - Malawi Alcohol Policy Alliance pledges to end alcohol
Despite the ban of
packets of liquor sachets of alcohol there is still a proliferation
of teenagers still struggling to finish their secondary school, says
Malawi Alcohol Policy alliance (MAPA).
K2 Radio (USA) -
Wyoming Bill Would Raise Alcohol Tax to Help Fund Schools
A bill approved by
a committee vote on Wednesday would raise the tax on alcoholic and
malt beverages in Wyoming and direct the majority of revenue
collected toward education funding.
(USA) - New research finds increase in mortality rates caused by
drugs, alcohol and suicide
Nationwide, the
mortality rate from deaths caused by drugs, alcohol and suicide rose
52 percent from 2000 to 2014, according to new research from the
Carsey School of Public Policy at the University of New Hampshire.
Most of the increase was driven by a surge in prescription opioid and
heroin overdoses.
Medical Xpress -
Study finds divorce increases risk for developing alcohol use
Divorce is
causally related to a significant increase in risk for development of
alcohol use disorders, according to a new study conducted by
researchers at Virginia Commonwealth University and Lund University
in Sweden.
ITV News (Wales) -
Thousands of drinkers die without accessing alcohol treatment
Thousands of
people who died from alcohol related causes had no contact with
treatment services, despite repeated hospital admission and A&E
attendance, according to a new report.
Expatica Belguim
(Belgium) - 100,000 forswear alcohol in February
Nearly 100,000
Belgians intend to take part in the "Tournée Minerale"
initiative of the Anti-Cancer Foundation and the Flemish Centre for
Alcohol and Drugs.
Scottish Daily
Record (Scotland) - Alcohol misuse cost West Lothian over £60
Over 1000 people
in West Lothian were admitted to hospital with alcohol related issues
in 2015 with excessive drinking costing the taxpayer an estimated £60
million per year.
Huffington Post
South Africa (South Africa) - Never Mind Dry January, We Should
Probably All Give Up Alcohol
The new
inconvenient truth is that we should probably all give up alcohol -
for good. Most of us will have a friend attempting Dry January,
swerving the demon drink for a month for varying reasons: to live
more healthily, assuage festive guilt, avoid hangovers, save money or
prove their willpower.
News ERR (Estonia)
- Government approves bill restricting alcohol sales, advertising
The Estonian
government on Thursday confirmed a Minister of Health and Labour
Jevgeni Ossinovski's bill making changes to the Alcohol Act and
Advertising Act before sending it on to the Riigikogu. (UK) -
Local alcohol action areas will tackle alcohol related harms
On the 27 January
the Home Office launched a new phase of the programme to tackle
alcohol-related crime and health harms and create a more diverse
night-time economy. The programme initially launched in February 2014
covering 20 areas.
RANZCP (Australia)
- RANZCP calls on the government to act on alcohol-related harms
Increasing the
price of alcohol, limiting the number and density of outlets selling
alcohol and raising the age when you can buy alcohol are among new
recommendations from the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of
Alcohol: it’s no laughing matter
Alcohol abuse has
a large impact on our society, whether it is on the societal, social
or economic level. With her report, Ewa-May Karlsson focuses on
future action and prevention plans for alcohol-related issues at the
EU level with an important contribution from local authorities.
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