
Sunday, January 22, 2017

FASD News - 3/2017

EurekAlert - The global toll of fetal alcohol syndrome
Worldwide, an estimated 119,000 children are born with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) each year, a new study from the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) shows.
Independent Tribune (USA) - NCRC researcher makes breakthrough in fetal alcohol disorder
A North Carolina Research Campus expert and his research has been endorsed by the National Institutes for Health for work in fetal alcohol spectrum disorder.
TVO - How a bracelet is helping first responders understand fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
A new MedicAlert program teaches police and paramedics how to approach people with FASD — and keeps those afflicted with the disorder out of prison.
Fox17 - Drinking alcohol while pregnant causes higher risk of birth defects in babies
When one thinks about a birth defect they may not realize that there are choices individuals can make to help prevent certain conditions in their newborn children.
Miami Herald - Simple steps and newborn screenings can prevent or help treat birth defects
Each January, the March of Dimes, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other national groups come together to focus on birth defects and their prevention during National Birth Defects Prevention Month.

Department of Family Medicine and Community Health - FASD and Occupational Therapy
Marianne Gernetzke, MS, OTR/L describes what an occupational therapist is and the role of an occupational therapist in the life of a patient with FASD.
PARPA - Against FAS
Even a lowest dose of alcohol drunk by a pregnant mother can cause irreversible damage in her child resulting from tendency to negative emotions to physical damage.

The Lancet Global Health - Estimation of national, regional, and global prevalence of alcohol use during pregnancy and fetal alcohol syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Alcohol use during pregnancy is common in many countries and as such, FAS is a relatively prevalent alcohol-related birth defect. More effective prevention strategies targeting alcohol use during pregnancy and surveillance of FAS are urgently needed.
The European Health Psychologist - Understanding Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) and maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) refers to a spectrum of disorders caused by prenatal alcohol consumption. Alcohol consumption during pregnancy and its interference with the development of the fetus and child is complex and highly variable. However, little is known regarding which alcohol consumption patterns most strongly predict FASD.
Maternal and Child Health Journal - Challenges and Progress in Building a Comprehensive Statewide System for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Prevention in Hawai‘i
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) has been a maternal and child public health concern in Hawaiʻi for over the past decade.
Current Opinion in Psychiatry - Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder in Africa
Alcoholism - Differential Recruitment of Brain Regions During Response Inhibition in Children Prenatally Exposed to Alcohol
Response inhibition is a distinct aspect of executive function that is frequently impaired in children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD).
Toxicological Sciences - Mechanisms involved in porcine early embryo survival following ethanol exposure
Alcohol consumption during pregnancy is still a cause of preventable birth defects and developmental disabilities. However, little is known about the impact of ethanol on preimplantation embryos and the molecular mechanisms involved.
Human Molecular Genetics - High dietary folate in pregnant mice leads to pseudo-MTHFR deficiency and altered methyl metabolism, with embryonic growth delay and short-term memory impairment in offspring
Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) generates methyltetrahydrofolate for methylation reactions. Severe MTHFR deficiency results in homocystinuria and neurologic impairment.
East Carlina University - Predicting Length of Treatment Involvement for Substance Using Perinatal Women in an Integrated Inpatient Healthcare Program
Services for perinatal (pregnant and one year postpartum) women are limited, and inpatient settings where women receive substance abuse services specific to the perinatal population, although ideal, are rare in eastern North Carolina.
International Library of Ethics, Law, and the New Medicine - Prenatal Child Protection. Ethics of Pressure and Coercion in Prenatal Care for Addicted Pregnant Women
If pregnant women are unwilling or unable to assume their responsibility for the health and wellbeing of the child they are carrying, prenatal child protection becomes a societal and professional concern.
The Lancet Global Health - High global prevalence of alcohol use during pregnancy and fetal alcohol syndrome indicates need for urgent action
In The Lancet Global Health, Svetlana Popova and colleagues1 report unacceptably high global prevalence rates of alcohol use in pregnancy (9·8%) and fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) (14·6 cases per 10 000 population) and estimate that each year 119 000 children are born with FAS.
Alcoholism - Differentiating the Effects of Familial Risk for Alcohol Dependence and Prenatal Exposure to Alcohol on Offspring Brain Morphology
Offspring with a family history of alcohol dependence (AD) have been shown to have altered structural and functional integrity of corticolimbic brain structures. Similarly, prenatal exposure to alcohol is associated with a variety of structural and functional brain changes.

Hamburger Abendblatt (Germany) - Jede vierte Schwangere trinkt Alkohol
Weltweit trinkt jede zehnte Frau während der Schwangerschaft Alkohol. In Europa betrifft das sogar jede vierte. Das ist das Ergebnis einer Meta-Analyse, über die Forscher jetzt im Fachmagazin "The Lancet Global Health" berichten.
Osservatorio Malattie Rare (Italy) - Sindrome feto-alcolica: in Italia prevalenza della malattia sorprendentemente alta
Secondo uno studio pubblicato su Lancet Global Health, nel mondo circa il 10% delle donne beve alcol in gravidanza, nel nostro Paese si arriva al 50%.
SPIEGEL ONLINE (Germany) - Jede vierte Schwangere in Deutschland trinkt Alkohol
Vielerorts kommen mehr Babys mit Alkoholschäden zur Welt als mit Down-Syndrom. Vor allem in Europa nehmen es Schwangere mit der Abstinenz häufig nicht so genau - und riskieren damit schwere Schäden beim Kind.
Kehitysvammaliitto (Finland) - Kehitysvammaliitto pitäisi väkevämmät alkoholijuomat Alkossa
Kehitysvammaliitto vastustaa alkoholijuomien myynnin laajentamista. Hallituksen esitysluonnoksessa alkoholilain kokonaisuudistukseksi esitetään, että entistä väkevämpiä alkoholijuomia saisi myydä jatkossa myös kaupoissa, kioskeilla ja huoltoasemilla.

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