
Sunday, January 8, 2017

FASD News - 1/2017 (Canada) - New Okanagan clinic aims to help adults with undiagnosed FASD
Organizers of a new clinic opening Thursday in Vernon, B.C., say they want to catch missed diagnoses of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in adults, including inmates at a nearby jail.
Minneapolis Star Tribune - Editorial counterpoint: Prenatal damage to brains is preventable
The editorial “ ‘Stronger brains’ start developing at birth” (Dec. 26) describes an excellent recent forum on the importance of stimulation and enrichment in the first three years of life.
Minneapolis Star Tribune - Spread the word that 'stronger brains' start developing at birth
“The number one predictor for who will be in prison at age 18 is the number of words in their vocabulary at kindergarten,” according to keynote speaker George Halvorson. Halvorson is a former Minnesota health care executive who now chairs the pioneering First 5 California commission, which promotes and supports educational development in a child’s first five years.
KBZK Bozeman News (USA) - More than gourmet dog treats: Montana business raises awareness of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Lissie's Luv Yums in Great Falls uses Treasure State ingredients to create gourmet dog biscuits for four-legged friends. But as MTN's Julianne Dellorso reports in this week's Montana Made, it provides a helping hand for humans, as well.
Daily Herald (USA) - Their Voice: Raising awareness for fetal alcohol syndrome
January is officially National Birth Defects Prevention Month. According to the Center for Disease Control, “every 4.5 minutes a baby is born with a major birth defect in the United States.”
Knowridge Science Report - Teenage binge drinking can affect brain functions in future offspring
Repeated binge drinking during adolescence can affect brain functions in future generations, potentially putting offspring at risk for such conditions as depression, anxiety, and metabolic disorders, a Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine study has found.
Times Record (USA) - As more women drink, some states take action
As the holidays approach, state and local governments are gearing up for a predictable surge in drunken driving and emergency room visits related to binge drinking.
CorrectionsOne - Report: Most Ore. death row inmates suffer significant mental impairments
And executing people with intellectual disabilities is unconstitutional, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 2002, because it amounts to cruel and unusual punishment.
People love to give well meaning and unsolicited advice, particularly when it comes to parenting. I’m fairly certain that folks don’t mean to be insulting or annoying when they tell me that my kids are completely normal and that I just need to relax more.
Edmonton and area Fetal Alcohol Network Society - FASD YEAR IN REVIEW 2016: OUR SACRED BREATH
I thought, for my last post of the year, it would be interesting to review FASD happenings in 2016. At first I thought I wouldn’t find much, but I found it’s been a busy year!

FH Münster - Certificate course for FASD specialist - 3 April 2017 - 16 January 2018
The participants (in German) of the certificate course are to be enabled to work professionally with FASD-infected people in their own working contexts as well as to act as multipliers in their own institution and to advise other specialists and, if appropriate, relatives of patients.
Interprofessional Continuing Education - 7th International Conference on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder - March 1-4, 2017
The 7th International Conference on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder is an advanced level conference that continues to bring together experts from multiple disciplines to share international research.
Alberta Government - Who Cares for the Caregiver? – Registration. January 19, 2017
A presenter from Caregivers Alberta will discuss how family and friends need to first identify they are a caregiver. Understanding why it’s important to be supported and the risks associated with stress is critical.
The Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International - Interprofessional Collaborative Partnerships to Create Healthy Environments: Understanding Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders - 17 March 2017
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) along with Practice Implementation Centers (PICs) and Discipline Specific Workgroups (DSWs) have embarked on an interprofessional collaborative practice project to enhance professional's clinical skill sets for the prevention of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASDs), by employing the expanded use of alcohol screening and brief intervention. This innovative collaboration entails work from 6 disciplines and numerous national partners.
University of Michigan - Challenges in the Diagnosis of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders - March 28, 2017
CHGD 2017 Winter Seminar Series “The First 1,000 Days” features Drs. Sandra Jacobson and Joseph Jacobson, Wayne State University, on Tuesday, March 28, 2017. Drs. Jacobson’s presentation is entitled “Challenges in the Diagnosis of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders.”

Childbirth Classes Online - Effects of alcoholism effects of drinking alcohol while pregnant fetal alcohol syndrome
When a pregnant person drinks alcohol, some of that alcohol easily passes across the placenta to the fetus. People with this condition may have problems with their vision, hearing, memory, attention span, and abilities to learn and communicate. You can prevent fetal alcohol syndrome by avoiding alcohol during pregnancy.
The Arc of Riverside County CA - Dr. Nora Baladerian Sits Down with Arc Riverside To Discuss Advocacy for People with Disabilities
The Arc of Riverside County CA - Arc Riverside Interviews Clara Garcia, Advocate for Children with Disabilities

Journal of Pediatric Neuropsychology - Neuropsychological Aspects of Prevention and Intervention for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders in Australia
A key challenge for Australian clinicians, policy makers and researchers is to collaborate on a coordinated, national response to FASD that is data-driven and aligned with international guidelines and study protocols.
Alcoholism - Cardiac Orienting Response as an Early Indicator of Impairment in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
World Journal of Neurology - Drinking during pregnancy: Potential role of endocannabinoid signaling in fetal alcohol effects
The current discussion will touch upon some of the mechanistic explanations about the role of eCB signaling system in FASD and provide further guidance for future direction.
Scientific Reports - Pre-conception and prenatal alcohol exposure from mothers and fathers drinking and head circumference: results from the Norwegian Mother-Child Study (MoBa)
Although microcephaly is a feature of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, it is currently unknown whether low-to-moderate prenatal alcohol exposure affects head circumference. Small magnitude associations reported in observational studies are likely to be misleading due to confounding and misclassification biases.
Walden University - Referral and Treatment Settings for Pregnant Women
Drug and alcohol addiction in pregnant women is a significant public health issue. The purpose of this study was to assess drug and alcohol addiction in pregnant women and the setting in which they sought service or treatment to determine whether U.S. Census regions and race data could predict the type of addiction service or treatment that pregnant addicts chose.
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Clinical research involving pregnant women - Better Safe Than Sorry: Risk, Stigma, and Research During Pregnancy
Choosing to act within a precautionary paradigm is often the smart choice for pregnant women and for healthcare practitioners and researchers who interact with them.
Earlier studies demonstrated that alcoholism significantly alters electrolyte and trace element homeostasis. However, the existing data on the interplay between maternal alcohol consumption and fetal trace element status are contradictory.
Journal of Drug Issues - Is There an Association With History of Prenatal Exposure to Cocaine and Other Substances?
Research on the association between prenatal substance exposures and adaptive functioning among young adults is limited, with inconsistent conclusions. In a prospective longitudinal study of 138 urban young adults, prenatal substance exposures were identified at birth from maternal self-report, urine screens, and/or infant meconium.
Environmental Epigenetics - Perinatal maternal alcohol consumption and methylation of the dopamine receptor DRD4 in the offspring: the Triple B study
Maternal alcohol use during the perinatal period is a major public health issue, the higher ends of which are associated with foetal alcohol spectrum disorder and a range of adverse health outcomes in the progeny. The underlying molecular mechanisms remain largely unknown but may include the epigenetic disruption of gene activity during development.
Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior - Risk-taking, locomotor activity and dopamine levels in the nucleus accumbens and medial prefrontal cortex in male rats treated prenatally with alcohol
Prenatal alcohol exposure (PA) restricted to days 8–20 of rat gestation reduces the activity of the dopaminergic neurons (DA) in the ventral tegmental area (VTA).
American Family Physician - The CDC's Recommendations to Help Prevent Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs) affect an estimated 2% to 5% of children in the United States.1 Persons with FASDs have lifelong behavioral, intellectual, and physical disabilities that are solely the result of maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy.
Child's Nervous System - Prenatal alcohol–induced neuroapoptosis in rat brain cerebral cortex: protective effect of folic acid and betaine
Alcohol consumption in pregnancy may cause fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) in the infant. This study aims to investigate prenatal alcohol exposure related neuroapoptosis on the cerebral cortex tissues of newborn rats and possible neuroprotective effects of betaine, folic acid, and combined therapy.

Helsinkin Sanomat (Finland) - Äiti joi odotusaikana, Eevaliisa sai elinikäiset vauriot – ”En osaa ajatella, että äiti tuhosi elämäni”
KUN äiti odotti Eevaliisaa ja tämän siskoa, hän joi. Se tuntuu Eevaliisan elämässä vielä yli 30 vuoden kuluttua. ”Kun tulee tunne – ilo, suru tai suuri innostus – yritän pysäyttää sen”, hän kuvailee.
Kölnische Rundschau (Germany) - Wenn Alkohol das Ungeborene schädigt – junge Selbsthilfegruppe in Euskirchen
Ihr Leben hatte sich Petra Eller (Namen aller Mütter und Kinder geändert) einmal ganz anders vorgestellt. Von einer glücklichen Familie hatte sie geträumt, als ihr Mann und sie, damals 28 Jahre alt, ein kleines Baby adoptierten.
Gäubote- Die Herrenberger Zeitung (Germany) - "Schlimmstenfalls reicht ein Rausch zur Unzeit"
Alkohol ist für ungeborene Kinder eines der schlimmsten Gifte, warnt Heike Schöffler. Die Affstätterin leitet eine Selbsthilfegruppe FASD Herrenberg, die sich im Herbst auch für die Öffentlichkeit geöffnet hat. Die Abkürzung FASD steht für Fetal Alkohol Spectrum Disorder - oder übersetzt - für Fetale Alkoholspektrum-Störung.
Khỏe Plus 24h (Vietnam) - Thói quen sinh hoạt của cha ảnh hưởng thế nào đến trẻ?
Theo The Paper, một nghiên cứu phát hiện việc uống rượu của người cha trước khi mang thai con cái sẽ gây những ảnh hưởng tiêu cực cho trẻ khi chào đời; người cha quá già có thể là nguyên nhân khiến trẻ mắc tâm thần phân liệt, chứng tự kỷ và nhiều rủi ro khác.
Malbork1 (Poland) - Konferencja o problemach dzieci
W Szkole Łacińskiej odbyła się konferencja zorganizowana przez Centrum Profilaktyki i Terapii Uzależnień w Malborku pod hasłem: „ Dziecko z FAS/FASD - kontekst medyczny, psychologiczny i społeczny”.

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