ERR (Estonia) - Alcohol Producers Make Pact to Limit TV Advertising
Private television stations and alcohol producers signed an agreement on November 25 to voluntarily limit advertising of alcoholic beverages during times of day when a large share of TV audiences are children and young people.
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The Foreigner (Norway) - Norwegians critical to own drinking culture
Drunk and violent Norwegians in many places are a common sight when going out for the evening in the weekend. A majority blame the nightspots and their own culture, according to a new national inquiry from the Directorate of Health.
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MAD (Denmark) - Danish anti-alcohol campaign: Showing lack of coolness
They are known worldwide for their fondness for beer and their expertise in brewing it. But alongside this familiar facet of their national identity, there is a darker side to the Danish relationship with alcohol. In fact, Denmark has a serious alcohol problem.
Read more (Sweden) - Bridging the world : Alcohol Policy in Transition and Diverging Alcohol Patterns in Sweden
The present dissertation aims at analysing the effects of recent alcohol policy changes. The traditional strict policy in Sweden had focused on high pricing and limited availability to control levels of alcohol consumed and thus alcohol-related harms.
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Fox News (USA) - Alcohol-Laced Whipped Cream Raising Concerns
The alcohol-laced energy drink Four Loko has been stirring up a lot of controversy in the last month, and now there’s another concoction on the market that is raising some eyebrows.
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BusinessWeek (UK) - U.K. Considering Moves to Cut Tobacco And Alcohol Consumption
U.K. Health Secretary Andrew Lansley said he’s looking at ways to cut tobacco and alcohol consumption as he tries to improve public health, with the focus on the poorest people.
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Boston Globe (USA) - Report: Alcohol sends 1,000 young per year to Ers
Boston public health officials says alcohol-related problems are sending nearly 1,000 college-age residents to hospital emergency rooms each year.
Read more (New Zealand) - Alcohol ban call as park erupts
Alcohol may be banned from all public events at Christchurch's Hagley Park after a night of "chaos" at Christmas in the Park.
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BBC News (Wales) - Charity calls for alcohol licensing powers for Wales
Alcohol Concern is calling for powers over the licensing and pricing of alcohol to be devolved to Wales.
Read more (UK) - People power to end 24 hour drinking, says minister
It is up to local people to "reclaim the streets" from drunken yobs and end 24 hour drinking, the minister in charge of tearing up Labour's licensing laws said today.
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BusinessWeek - Girls Who Suffer Child Abuse May Abuse Alcohol as Adults
Women who were sexually or physically abused as children are at increased risk for drinking problems, researchers say.
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The Press Association (Scotland) - Alcohol behind 'most violence'
The head of Scotland's largest police force has said most of the violence in the west of the country is linked to alcohol.
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Medical News Today - Binge Drinking Tied To Double Risk Of Heart Disease
A study that compared the drinking patterns of middle aged men in France to counterparts in Belfast in Northern Ireland, found that binge drinking was linked to nearly double the risk of heart disease, suggesting that Belfast's binge drinking culture, where there is a tendency to drink a lot of alcohol in one day at the weekend, could be fuelling the city's high rate of heart disease.
Read more (Canada) - Bureaucrats face new booze rules
Treasury Board President Stockwell Day announced new rules for hospitality expenses for the public service, including a ban on expensing alcohol other than "situations that are necessary for the rules for protocol."
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ABC Online (Australia) - Thousand of kids living with problem drinkers
New research from the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre shows more than 700,000 children live with parents who drink heavily.
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ABC Online (Australia) - Push to ban alcohol sponsorship in sport
Pubs, bars and brewing companies should be stopped from sponsoring sport, the Northern Territory Law Society says.
Read more - Study Assesses Effectiveness of Mandatory Alcohol Testing Programs
In 1995, the United States implemented mandatory alcohol testing programs for motor carriers. Commercial truck drivers with a blood-alcohol content of .04 or higher are subject to immediate suspension.
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Times of Malta (Malta) - Call for random breathalyser tests
As the festive season approaches, substance abuse agency Sedqa has called for a change in the law to allow the police to carry out random breathalyser tests at road blocks as a way of clamping down on drunk driving.
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Monday, November 29, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
Alcohol News - 47/2010
The Baltic Course (Estonia) - Alcohol advertising volume in Estonian TV channels grows
The amount of alcohol commercials in Estonian TV channels has grown considerably over the past few years but still they form a small amount of all commercial, LETA/National Broadcasting cites a TNS Emor study.
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Wiley Online Library (Finland) - The effects of a large reduction in alcohol prices on hospitalisations related to alcohol: a population-based natural experiment
The results, obtained in a natural experimental setting when trends and seasonal variation had been taken into account, suggest that the reduction in alcohol prices led to increases in alcohol-related hospitalisation in certain population groups, most among 50-69-year-olds, in Finland.
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The Local (Sweden) - Swedish government split on rural booze sales
A government inquiry has proposed that farm stores in Sweden be allowed to sell both locally produced and imported alcoholic products, while critics argue that the state-owned Systembolaget retail monopoly is at risk.
Read more (Sweden/USA) - What Can Florida Learn From Sweden's DUI Laws?
The sometimes lenient treatment of DUI suspects has victims' families in Central Florida demanding changes. It's already happening in Sweden, which is home to the toughest drunk driving laws in the world.
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European Journal of Public Health (Sweden/EU) - Alcohol consumption and harm among elderly Europeans: falling between the cracks
The ageing of Europe means that the absolute number of older Europeans with alcohol use disorders will rise and the consequences of these changes must be considered early. However, little is currently known about the health, social and economic impacts of alcohol consumption by this cohort.
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Daily Mail (UK) - The binge drinkers' by-law: Sale of cheap alcohol to be banned by ten councils
A ground-breaking bylaw that would ban the sale of cheap alcohol across a whole county has been drawn up in a bid to cut hospital admissions.
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ABC Online (Australia) - Surge in demand for alcohol rehab
Alcohol has a grip on Australians and the situation is getting worse, experts say. The warning follows a surge in the number of alcohol-related admissions to one of Sydney's leading drug rehabilitation centres.
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TopNews United States - Increase in Taxes on Alcohol and Tobacco, Currency Levy Could Help Fund Health-Care
As per the World Health Organization, increasing taxes on tobacco and alcohol and imposing levy on foreign exchange transactions could provide funds for the health-care of a number of people across the globe, who cannot afford the same.
Read more (Uganda) - Experts Plan Fight Against Alcohol Abuse
Experts have asked governments and donor agencies to allocate more resources towards research into alcohol and substance abuse, especially in developing countries.
Read more (UK) - Britons now visit pubs 'to eat rather than drink'
British pubgoers are more likely to visit their local to eat rather than drink, as the rise of the gastropub calls time on the traditional "boozer".
Read more (Canada) - Campaign launched to focus on alcohol-facilitated sexual assaults
Edmonton police and SAVE (Sexual Assault Voices of Edmonton) are launching a new marketing campaign they hope will get people talking. The "Don't be that Guy" campaign focuses on the issue of alcohol-facilitated sexual assaults in our city.
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Times of India - Energy drink leads to alcohol dependence
A new research has suggested that college students who frequently consume heavily-caffeinated energy drinks are more likely to become alcohol-dependent.
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ABC Online (Australia) - Alcohol bans linked to drop in stabbings
A trauma surgeon at the Alice Springs Hospital says there has been a significant drop in the number of women being treated for stab wounds and it could be due to increased alcohol restrictions.
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New York Daily News (USA) - Alcohol-related emergency room visits skyrocket in New York: 74,000 in 2009
Heavy boozing has caused a shocking spike in drunken injuries and emergency room visits in New York, a troubling new study says.
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Yorkshire Post (UK) - City's wealthiest most likely to drink excessively says doctor
PEOPLE living in some of Sheffield's wealthiest areas are the most likely to drink alcohol to excessive and dangerous levels, a new report has revealed.
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Times of India - Binge drinking makes men impulsive
A new study has found that adolescents into binge drinking are more likely to engage in risk-taking behaviour.
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CNN (blog) - Teen brain more prone to drug, alcohol damage
Teens may act invincible, but when it comes to drugs and alcohol, they're actually more vulnerable than adults to harmful effects on the brain, researchers said at Neuroscience 2010, the Society for Neuroscience conference in San Diego, California, on Monday.
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Sify - Childhood sexual, physical abuse linked to alcoholism in women
A new research has revealed that women who suffered sexual or physical abuse as children are more likely to abuse alcohol than are others.
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Independent (Ireland) - High prices and advertising curbs help tame teen drinking
The modern-day Irish 15-year-old boy admits to getting drunk more than twice a year but they are behaving better than their older brother.
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Austrian Times (Austria/Germany) - Austria observes German 'drink and ride' debate
Public transport officials in Austria are looking across the border as Germany has become entangled in a heated debate over the possible introduction of a "drink and ride" limit for passengers.
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The amount of alcohol commercials in Estonian TV channels has grown considerably over the past few years but still they form a small amount of all commercial, LETA/National Broadcasting cites a TNS Emor study.
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Wiley Online Library (Finland) - The effects of a large reduction in alcohol prices on hospitalisations related to alcohol: a population-based natural experiment
The results, obtained in a natural experimental setting when trends and seasonal variation had been taken into account, suggest that the reduction in alcohol prices led to increases in alcohol-related hospitalisation in certain population groups, most among 50-69-year-olds, in Finland.
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The Local (Sweden) - Swedish government split on rural booze sales
A government inquiry has proposed that farm stores in Sweden be allowed to sell both locally produced and imported alcoholic products, while critics argue that the state-owned Systembolaget retail monopoly is at risk.
Read more (Sweden/USA) - What Can Florida Learn From Sweden's DUI Laws?
The sometimes lenient treatment of DUI suspects has victims' families in Central Florida demanding changes. It's already happening in Sweden, which is home to the toughest drunk driving laws in the world.
Read more
European Journal of Public Health (Sweden/EU) - Alcohol consumption and harm among elderly Europeans: falling between the cracks
The ageing of Europe means that the absolute number of older Europeans with alcohol use disorders will rise and the consequences of these changes must be considered early. However, little is currently known about the health, social and economic impacts of alcohol consumption by this cohort.
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Daily Mail (UK) - The binge drinkers' by-law: Sale of cheap alcohol to be banned by ten councils
A ground-breaking bylaw that would ban the sale of cheap alcohol across a whole county has been drawn up in a bid to cut hospital admissions.
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ABC Online (Australia) - Surge in demand for alcohol rehab
Alcohol has a grip on Australians and the situation is getting worse, experts say. The warning follows a surge in the number of alcohol-related admissions to one of Sydney's leading drug rehabilitation centres.
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TopNews United States - Increase in Taxes on Alcohol and Tobacco, Currency Levy Could Help Fund Health-Care
As per the World Health Organization, increasing taxes on tobacco and alcohol and imposing levy on foreign exchange transactions could provide funds for the health-care of a number of people across the globe, who cannot afford the same.
Read more (Uganda) - Experts Plan Fight Against Alcohol Abuse
Experts have asked governments and donor agencies to allocate more resources towards research into alcohol and substance abuse, especially in developing countries.
Read more (UK) - Britons now visit pubs 'to eat rather than drink'
British pubgoers are more likely to visit their local to eat rather than drink, as the rise of the gastropub calls time on the traditional "boozer".
Read more (Canada) - Campaign launched to focus on alcohol-facilitated sexual assaults
Edmonton police and SAVE (Sexual Assault Voices of Edmonton) are launching a new marketing campaign they hope will get people talking. The "Don't be that Guy" campaign focuses on the issue of alcohol-facilitated sexual assaults in our city.
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Times of India - Energy drink leads to alcohol dependence
A new research has suggested that college students who frequently consume heavily-caffeinated energy drinks are more likely to become alcohol-dependent.
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ABC Online (Australia) - Alcohol bans linked to drop in stabbings
A trauma surgeon at the Alice Springs Hospital says there has been a significant drop in the number of women being treated for stab wounds and it could be due to increased alcohol restrictions.
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New York Daily News (USA) - Alcohol-related emergency room visits skyrocket in New York: 74,000 in 2009
Heavy boozing has caused a shocking spike in drunken injuries and emergency room visits in New York, a troubling new study says.
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Yorkshire Post (UK) - City's wealthiest most likely to drink excessively says doctor
PEOPLE living in some of Sheffield's wealthiest areas are the most likely to drink alcohol to excessive and dangerous levels, a new report has revealed.
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Times of India - Binge drinking makes men impulsive
A new study has found that adolescents into binge drinking are more likely to engage in risk-taking behaviour.
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CNN (blog) - Teen brain more prone to drug, alcohol damage
Teens may act invincible, but when it comes to drugs and alcohol, they're actually more vulnerable than adults to harmful effects on the brain, researchers said at Neuroscience 2010, the Society for Neuroscience conference in San Diego, California, on Monday.
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Sify - Childhood sexual, physical abuse linked to alcoholism in women
A new research has revealed that women who suffered sexual or physical abuse as children are more likely to abuse alcohol than are others.
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Independent (Ireland) - High prices and advertising curbs help tame teen drinking
The modern-day Irish 15-year-old boy admits to getting drunk more than twice a year but they are behaving better than their older brother.
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Austrian Times (Austria/Germany) - Austria observes German 'drink and ride' debate
Public transport officials in Austria are looking across the border as Germany has become entangled in a heated debate over the possible introduction of a "drink and ride" limit for passengers.
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Monday, November 15, 2010
Alcohol News - 46/2010
The Local (Sweden) - 'Alcolocks' for all new cars: Social Democrats
The Social Democrats have proposed that all new cars sold in Sweden be equipped with ignition locks to prevent a vehicle from starting if the driver is intoxicated.
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Baltic Business News (Estonia) - Estonia's alcohol consumption in 2009 fell to five-year low
Consumption of alcohol in Estonia fell in 2009 to a five-year low of 10.16 litres of pure alcohol per head, the Estonian Institute of Economic Research said.
Read more (Denmark) - New measures to stop alcohol sales to youths
The Alcohol Advertising Board has presented a new set of alcohol marketing guidelines to protect children and young people against alcohol advertisements, reports Berlingske Tidende.
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Finland, the WHO and alcohol: Solid evidence that price DOES matter
In 2004, Finland lifted the prohibition on people bringing cheap alcohol into the country. The results were disastrous and consumption rose by 10%, along with alcohol related illness.
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San Francisco Chronicle - Alcohol and Marijuana Use by Teens Harms Intellect
A new study has been released from The University of New Mexico School of Medicine comparing the mental abilities of teens that abused alcohol and marijuana to those who abstained from drugs.
Read more (New Zealand) - AA supports Government’s focus on drink drivers
The AA is pleased the Government is focussing on repeat and serious drink drivers, who are the people who cause the greatest amount of alcohol-related road trauma.
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Radio New Zealand International (Tonga) - Tonga to tighten controls on alcohol
Tonga is bringing in new laws to try and counter alcohol abuse. The police commander, Chris Kelley, says there’ll be new categories of licences, and this’ll mean bars being separated from restaurants and retailers providing a closed off area housing their alcohol products.
Read more (Scotland) - MSPs reject alcohol minimum pricing
Plans to introduce a minimum price for alcohol have been finally killed off by the Scottish Parliament as MSPs passed legislation aimed at tackling the country’s binge drinking epidemic.
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Sify (Russia) - Alcohol consumption in Russia is double WHO limit
Per capita alcohol consumption in Russia is twice the critical limit set by the World Health Organisation (WHO), an official said Friday.
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Hurriyet Daily News (Turkey) - Cafe owners protest recent tax hike on alcohol in Istanbul
Members of the Beyoğlu Entertainment Venues Association protested Thursday the recent 30 percent tax hike on alcoholic beverages, claiming the government is using the national budget deficit and personal health as excuses to clampdown on alcohol.
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National Institutes of Health (USA) - NIH-supported study finds strategies to reduce college drinking
Highly visible cooperative projects, in which colleges and their surrounding communities target off-campus drinking settings, can reduce harmful alcohol use among college students, according to a report by researchers supported by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), part of the National Institutes of Health.
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The Social Democrats have proposed that all new cars sold in Sweden be equipped with ignition locks to prevent a vehicle from starting if the driver is intoxicated.
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Baltic Business News (Estonia) - Estonia's alcohol consumption in 2009 fell to five-year low
Consumption of alcohol in Estonia fell in 2009 to a five-year low of 10.16 litres of pure alcohol per head, the Estonian Institute of Economic Research said.
Read more (Denmark) - New measures to stop alcohol sales to youths
The Alcohol Advertising Board has presented a new set of alcohol marketing guidelines to protect children and young people against alcohol advertisements, reports Berlingske Tidende.
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Finland, the WHO and alcohol: Solid evidence that price DOES matter
In 2004, Finland lifted the prohibition on people bringing cheap alcohol into the country. The results were disastrous and consumption rose by 10%, along with alcohol related illness.
Read more
San Francisco Chronicle - Alcohol and Marijuana Use by Teens Harms Intellect
A new study has been released from The University of New Mexico School of Medicine comparing the mental abilities of teens that abused alcohol and marijuana to those who abstained from drugs.
Read more (New Zealand) - AA supports Government’s focus on drink drivers
The AA is pleased the Government is focussing on repeat and serious drink drivers, who are the people who cause the greatest amount of alcohol-related road trauma.
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Radio New Zealand International (Tonga) - Tonga to tighten controls on alcohol
Tonga is bringing in new laws to try and counter alcohol abuse. The police commander, Chris Kelley, says there’ll be new categories of licences, and this’ll mean bars being separated from restaurants and retailers providing a closed off area housing their alcohol products.
Read more (Scotland) - MSPs reject alcohol minimum pricing
Plans to introduce a minimum price for alcohol have been finally killed off by the Scottish Parliament as MSPs passed legislation aimed at tackling the country’s binge drinking epidemic.
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Sify (Russia) - Alcohol consumption in Russia is double WHO limit
Per capita alcohol consumption in Russia is twice the critical limit set by the World Health Organisation (WHO), an official said Friday.
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Hurriyet Daily News (Turkey) - Cafe owners protest recent tax hike on alcohol in Istanbul
Members of the Beyoğlu Entertainment Venues Association protested Thursday the recent 30 percent tax hike on alcoholic beverages, claiming the government is using the national budget deficit and personal health as excuses to clampdown on alcohol.
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National Institutes of Health (USA) - NIH-supported study finds strategies to reduce college drinking
Highly visible cooperative projects, in which colleges and their surrounding communities target off-campus drinking settings, can reduce harmful alcohol use among college students, according to a report by researchers supported by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), part of the National Institutes of Health.
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Friday, November 12, 2010
BBC: Scottish minimum pricing alcohol plan defeated
The Scottish government's plans for minimum drink pricing have been defeated at Holyrood, despite a last-minute offer to save the measure.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
ADD: Men of Quality are not afraid of Equality

This was one of the messages that came out of the conference “Reconstructing Manhood?” which took place in Oslo 26-27 October. The conference was the first of its kind in Norway, presenting experiences from engaging men in developing countries to a Norwegian audience.
Read more from ADD website
Monday, November 8, 2010
Alcohol News - 45/2010
The Local (Sweden) - Sweden counts the cost of substance abuse
The cost of drug, alcohol and prescription medicine abuse amounts to 150 billion kronor ($22.4 billion) per annum in Sweden, according to an ongoing government inquiry.
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Views and News from Norway (Norway) - Sales dip at state wine monopoly
For the first time since the 1980s, sales at Norway’s state liquor and wine monopoly Vinmonopolet have declined. Some blame competition from far lower taxes and prices in Sweden, and are calling for an end to tax-free sales at, for example, Norwegian airports.
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Medicine JournalFeeds (Finland) - The effect of survey sampling frame on coverage: the level of and changes in alcohol-related mortality in Finland as a test case
Alcohol-related mortality, and hence probably also alcohol consumption, is on average much higher in the subgroups of populations excluded from survey sampling frames. Due to the small size of the excluded group in the Finnish context, this has only a small effect on population-level estimates.
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CSPNET (USA) - Michigan Bans Caffeinated Alcohol Drinks
The state of Michigan has banned caffeinated alcoholic beverages. The Michigan Liquor Control Commission (MLCC) rescinding the approval of all "alcohol energy drinks." The commission will notify beverage makers via a commission order about the product ban; they will have 30 days to remove these products from the state of Michigan, it said.
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Scotland Courier (Scotland) - Pressure mounts to set minimum price for alcohol
Prominent doctors, publicans, police officers and charity leaders from across Tayside and Fife have thrown their weight behind plans to introduce a minimum price per unit for alcohol in Scotland.
Read more (New Zealand) - MPs to vote on liquor reform
Parliament will vote for the first time this week on legislation cracking down on youth drinking.
Read more (Namibia) - Organisation Fights Alcohol, Drug Abuse
Blue Cross Namibia held a community outreach meeting at Katutura's OD location on Saturday to create awareness on alcohol and drug abuse, an event attended mainly by the youth of that community.
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Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) - Child binge drinking study released
Children who are supplied with alcohol by people other than their parents are up to six times more likely to binge drink, a new study has found.
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ERR News (Estonia) - State Sets Alcohol Consumption Target to Eight Liters
Estonia should set a target to decrease its alcohol consumption to eight liters per person annually, asserted the National Institute for Health, an agency of the Ministry of Social Affairs.
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Morning Advertiser (UK) - Below cost ban on alcohol by May 2012
A ban on the below cost sale of alcohol could come into effect by May 2012, the Government has said.
Read more - Genetic link likely in alcoholism, depression
A Christchurch woman whose parents suffered from alcoholism and whose father also had depression is being treated for both conditions as part of a new study.
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The Australian (Australia) - Sport can't afford to stay under the influence of alcohol
ALCOHOL provides sporting bodies with pots of gold. It also causes them untold angst. It's a dilemma that tugs at the very fibres of sport. How can organisations take money from the same party that inevitably contributes to their players disgracing both themselves and their sport?
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The cost of drug, alcohol and prescription medicine abuse amounts to 150 billion kronor ($22.4 billion) per annum in Sweden, according to an ongoing government inquiry.
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Views and News from Norway (Norway) - Sales dip at state wine monopoly
For the first time since the 1980s, sales at Norway’s state liquor and wine monopoly Vinmonopolet have declined. Some blame competition from far lower taxes and prices in Sweden, and are calling for an end to tax-free sales at, for example, Norwegian airports.
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Medicine JournalFeeds (Finland) - The effect of survey sampling frame on coverage: the level of and changes in alcohol-related mortality in Finland as a test case
Alcohol-related mortality, and hence probably also alcohol consumption, is on average much higher in the subgroups of populations excluded from survey sampling frames. Due to the small size of the excluded group in the Finnish context, this has only a small effect on population-level estimates.
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CSPNET (USA) - Michigan Bans Caffeinated Alcohol Drinks
The state of Michigan has banned caffeinated alcoholic beverages. The Michigan Liquor Control Commission (MLCC) rescinding the approval of all "alcohol energy drinks." The commission will notify beverage makers via a commission order about the product ban; they will have 30 days to remove these products from the state of Michigan, it said.
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Scotland Courier (Scotland) - Pressure mounts to set minimum price for alcohol
Prominent doctors, publicans, police officers and charity leaders from across Tayside and Fife have thrown their weight behind plans to introduce a minimum price per unit for alcohol in Scotland.
Read more (New Zealand) - MPs to vote on liquor reform
Parliament will vote for the first time this week on legislation cracking down on youth drinking.
Read more (Namibia) - Organisation Fights Alcohol, Drug Abuse
Blue Cross Namibia held a community outreach meeting at Katutura's OD location on Saturday to create awareness on alcohol and drug abuse, an event attended mainly by the youth of that community.
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Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) - Child binge drinking study released
Children who are supplied with alcohol by people other than their parents are up to six times more likely to binge drink, a new study has found.
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ERR News (Estonia) - State Sets Alcohol Consumption Target to Eight Liters
Estonia should set a target to decrease its alcohol consumption to eight liters per person annually, asserted the National Institute for Health, an agency of the Ministry of Social Affairs.
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Morning Advertiser (UK) - Below cost ban on alcohol by May 2012
A ban on the below cost sale of alcohol could come into effect by May 2012, the Government has said.
Read more - Genetic link likely in alcoholism, depression
A Christchurch woman whose parents suffered from alcoholism and whose father also had depression is being treated for both conditions as part of a new study.
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The Australian (Australia) - Sport can't afford to stay under the influence of alcohol
ALCOHOL provides sporting bodies with pots of gold. It also causes them untold angst. It's a dilemma that tugs at the very fibres of sport. How can organisations take money from the same party that inevitably contributes to their players disgracing both themselves and their sport?
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Sunday, November 7, 2010
Friday, November 5, 2010
SPECIAL: World media about "The Most Dangerous Drugs"
World media is filled with opinions concerning the recent report according to which the most dangerous drug is alcohol. Here is a small selection of these articles. But first, the controversial list itself:
Time - The Most Dangerous Drugs? Alcohol, Heroin and Crack — in That Order
How often does life really imitate art? Let's imagine that a writer has been commissioned to develop a comedic screenplay about the deeply serious business of how to classify and control drugs. The plot is likely to feature that staple slapstick character “the mad scientist,” and since Hollywood tends to choose Britons to portray its eccentrics and villains, the writer makes the scientist a British professor. What's a good name for a nutty professor? Why not Professor Nutt?
The Portugal News - Portuguese experts agree ‘alcohol is more harmful than drugs’ in wake of controversial UK study
A controversial new study co-authored by a former UK chief drugs advisor which claims alcohol is more harmful than hard drugs like heroin or crack cocaine has been widely backed by Portuguese experts and clinical professionals.
The Guardian - Britain's drugs hypocrisy is a giant self-inflicted wound
A dreary ritual follows any pronouncement from Professor David Nutt, former government drugs adviser and brain chemistry pundit. First, politicians groan. Then civil servants hide. Then newspaper editors run howling back to the dark ages. Nothing happens, absolutely nothing.
The Economist (blog) - A new study suggests alcohol is more harmful than heroin or crack
MOST people would agree that some drugs are worse than others: heroin is probably considered to be more dangerous than marijuana, for instance. Because governments formulate criminal and social policies based upon classifications of harm, a new study published by the Lancet on November 1st makes interesting reading.
Herald Scotland - We have to take a sober look at excessive drinking culture
Alcohol is more damaging to society than heroin, according to the Independent Scientific Committee on Drugs. You bet it is. In Scotland, 93% of men and 87% of women over the age of 16 drink alcohol – as do almost half of 15-year-olds. But we drink with such recklessness that it lands 115 of us in hospital every single day.
BBC News (blog) - Drugs debate hots up
Today sees the publication of two pieces of scientific research that threaten to destabilise further the orthodoxy on drug policy in Britain.
The Independent - Leading article: A welcome injection of science
No wonder they got rid of Professor David Nutt. The man who was the Government's chief adviser on narcotics – until he was sacked by the previous Home Secretary – has produced a new guide to the relative harmfulness of drugs and it runs almost entirely counter to the official classification. Dr Nutt and others have formed a breakaway Independent Scientific Committee on Drugs which has produced the new study.
Toronto Star - Why study says alcohol more dangerous than heroin, cocaine
The former U.K. drug czar has published a study damning alcohol as a more dangerous drug than heroin or crack cocaine and urged governments to radically readjust their targets in the fight on narcotics. One Canadian expert said the study should prompt a new discussion about the dangers of alcohol abuse and a “more rational” consideration of our overall drug policy.
Scotland Courier - David Nutt's alcohol study backed by Scottish groups
Drugs and alcohol charities have thrown their weight behind a controversial new study which claims alcohol is more harmful than heroin. Although the licensed trade said any such comparisons are spurious, SNP politicians claim the research shows the need to introduce minimum pricing for alcohol.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
BBC: 'Alcohol most dangerous drug to society' - Prof Nutt
Alcohol is more harmful than heroin or crack, according to Professor David Nutt, the former UK chief drugs adviser.
Prof Nutt co-authored a report published in medical journal the Lancet which ranks 20 drugs on 16 measures of harm to users and to wider society.
Tobacco and cocaine are judged to be equally harmful, while ecstasy and LSD are among the least damaging.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Alcohol News - 44/2010
The Copenhagen Post (Denmark) - Boozy Copenhagen
Approximately 800 inflatable bottles were floated out on to Peblinge Lake on Monday to represent the consumption of alcohol by Copenhagen residents.
Read more (Denmark) - City council: widespread sale of alcohol to underaged
MPs say upholding alcohol purchase laws is seller’s responsibility Although sales of beer, wine and spirits to anyone under 16 is illegal, 84 percent of the city's 15-year-olds have purchased alcohol at least once within the past month.
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Mmegi Online (Norway/Botswana) - Blue Cross calls for more tax on alcohol
An alcohol policy training manager for Blue Cross Norway has called on the government of Botswana to increase taxation in such a way that the alcohol industry covers all the expenditure created by alcohol consumption.
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New York Daily News - Alcohol is more harmful than heroin or crack: study
Alcohol is even worse than heroin and crack on the list of "most harmful" drugs, according to a new study published in the British medical journal, The Lancet.
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Adelaidenow (Australia) – Flawed stats veil alcohol usage
An article published yesterday by the Medical Journal of Australia argues that the Australian Bureau of Statistics has significantly underestimated alcohol consumption for years, a mistake that undermines alcohol policies.
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White Lake Beacon (USA) - ‘Super’ drunk law starts Sunday with enhanced penalties
Starting Sunday, Michigan's new high blood alcohol content (BAC) drunk driving law takes effect, with enhanced penalties for first-time drivers convicted of operating with a BAC of .17 or higher.
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TVNZ – Study shows link between buying and bingeing
A new study has found that people with off-licence liquor outlets near their home are more likely to be binge-drinkers.
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TheMedGuru - Boozers need help to reduce alcohol consumption over time—study
As per a new research study, heavy drinkers may cut down on their alcohol consumption over the period of time, but even then they cannot really bring it down to the level of an average adult drinker.
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Irish Examiner (Ireland) - Drinks industry calls for 20% cut in alcohol excise duty
A package of stimulus measures to stem the tide of shoppers buying alcohol across the border were unveiled today by alcohol manufacturers and sellers.
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BBC News (Wales) - Drinking banning orders to help tackle drink crime
Magistrates in parts of Wales have new powers to ban people convicted of alcohol-related offences from pubs for up to two years.
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Times LIVE (South Africa) - Minister draws the line on alcohol abuse
Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi wants new laws to regulate South Africa's alcohol industry. Motsoaledi said the plan would be "extensive" and similar to the campaign launched against the tobacco industry which also led to a ban on cigarette advertising.
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Pediatric SuperSite - Drug and alcohol consumption linked to popularity in adolescents
Popular adolescents are more likely to consume larger amounts of alcohol and drugs than their less popular peers, according to study results announced in a press release.
Read more (Kenya) - Cut the Lectures - Alcohol is a Drug - a Ruinous One
Using drugs is dangerous - a social vice that must be stamped out. Experimenters are surveyors and probers, while users are slack-jawed, mouth breathing degenerates.
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The (Sweden) - Efforts to curb youth drinking 'ineffective'
A new report released on Monday has questioned the efficacy of the Swedish government's investment of about 900 million kronor ($135.81 million) over the last 10 years in reducing youth alcohol consumption.
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Hurriyet Daily News (Turkey) - Turkish tourism industry displeased with tax hike on alcohol
Turkish tourism industry representatives have strongly criticized a recent increase in the private consumption tax, or ÖTV, on alcoholic drinks.
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Independent (UK) - Government urged to tackle 'passive drinking'
The Government must tackle the damaging effects of "passive drinking" and give communities greater influence over licensing laws, campaigners said today.
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The Way (UK) - Alcohol puts a Brit in hospital every 7 minutes
A Briton is admitted to hospital with alcohol-related issues every seven minutes, according to official figures. Data from the NHS Information centre highlights that there has been a 54 per cent rise in the number of alcohol-related hospital visits in the past decade, as binge drinking takes its toll on the UK population.
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Herald Scotland (Scotland) - Scots council is first to call time on new liquor licences
New pubs, clubs or off-sales will be banned from opening across a Scottish local authority area in a highly controversial move designed to tackle the area’s chronic alcohol record.
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AOL Health - Alcohol, Flu May Trigger Strokes
Tossing back a few drinks during a night out with friends. Coming down with a cold or the flu. These might seem like harmless and seemingly unrelated events. But they all have something in common: They could raise your risk of having a stroke -- at least temporarily, a new study examining stroke triggers finds.
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Approximately 800 inflatable bottles were floated out on to Peblinge Lake on Monday to represent the consumption of alcohol by Copenhagen residents.
Read more (Denmark) - City council: widespread sale of alcohol to underaged
MPs say upholding alcohol purchase laws is seller’s responsibility Although sales of beer, wine and spirits to anyone under 16 is illegal, 84 percent of the city's 15-year-olds have purchased alcohol at least once within the past month.
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Mmegi Online (Norway/Botswana) - Blue Cross calls for more tax on alcohol
An alcohol policy training manager for Blue Cross Norway has called on the government of Botswana to increase taxation in such a way that the alcohol industry covers all the expenditure created by alcohol consumption.
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New York Daily News - Alcohol is more harmful than heroin or crack: study
Alcohol is even worse than heroin and crack on the list of "most harmful" drugs, according to a new study published in the British medical journal, The Lancet.
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Adelaidenow (Australia) – Flawed stats veil alcohol usage
An article published yesterday by the Medical Journal of Australia argues that the Australian Bureau of Statistics has significantly underestimated alcohol consumption for years, a mistake that undermines alcohol policies.
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White Lake Beacon (USA) - ‘Super’ drunk law starts Sunday with enhanced penalties
Starting Sunday, Michigan's new high blood alcohol content (BAC) drunk driving law takes effect, with enhanced penalties for first-time drivers convicted of operating with a BAC of .17 or higher.
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TVNZ – Study shows link between buying and bingeing
A new study has found that people with off-licence liquor outlets near their home are more likely to be binge-drinkers.
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TheMedGuru - Boozers need help to reduce alcohol consumption over time—study
As per a new research study, heavy drinkers may cut down on their alcohol consumption over the period of time, but even then they cannot really bring it down to the level of an average adult drinker.
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Irish Examiner (Ireland) - Drinks industry calls for 20% cut in alcohol excise duty
A package of stimulus measures to stem the tide of shoppers buying alcohol across the border were unveiled today by alcohol manufacturers and sellers.
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BBC News (Wales) - Drinking banning orders to help tackle drink crime
Magistrates in parts of Wales have new powers to ban people convicted of alcohol-related offences from pubs for up to two years.
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Times LIVE (South Africa) - Minister draws the line on alcohol abuse
Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi wants new laws to regulate South Africa's alcohol industry. Motsoaledi said the plan would be "extensive" and similar to the campaign launched against the tobacco industry which also led to a ban on cigarette advertising.
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Pediatric SuperSite - Drug and alcohol consumption linked to popularity in adolescents
Popular adolescents are more likely to consume larger amounts of alcohol and drugs than their less popular peers, according to study results announced in a press release.
Read more (Kenya) - Cut the Lectures - Alcohol is a Drug - a Ruinous One
Using drugs is dangerous - a social vice that must be stamped out. Experimenters are surveyors and probers, while users are slack-jawed, mouth breathing degenerates.
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The (Sweden) - Efforts to curb youth drinking 'ineffective'
A new report released on Monday has questioned the efficacy of the Swedish government's investment of about 900 million kronor ($135.81 million) over the last 10 years in reducing youth alcohol consumption.
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Hurriyet Daily News (Turkey) - Turkish tourism industry displeased with tax hike on alcohol
Turkish tourism industry representatives have strongly criticized a recent increase in the private consumption tax, or ÖTV, on alcoholic drinks.
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Independent (UK) - Government urged to tackle 'passive drinking'
The Government must tackle the damaging effects of "passive drinking" and give communities greater influence over licensing laws, campaigners said today.
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The Way (UK) - Alcohol puts a Brit in hospital every 7 minutes
A Briton is admitted to hospital with alcohol-related issues every seven minutes, according to official figures. Data from the NHS Information centre highlights that there has been a 54 per cent rise in the number of alcohol-related hospital visits in the past decade, as binge drinking takes its toll on the UK population.
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Herald Scotland (Scotland) - Scots council is first to call time on new liquor licences
New pubs, clubs or off-sales will be banned from opening across a Scottish local authority area in a highly controversial move designed to tackle the area’s chronic alcohol record.
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AOL Health - Alcohol, Flu May Trigger Strokes
Tossing back a few drinks during a night out with friends. Coming down with a cold or the flu. These might seem like harmless and seemingly unrelated events. But they all have something in common: They could raise your risk of having a stroke -- at least temporarily, a new study examining stroke triggers finds.
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