
Sunday, August 28, 2022

FASD News - 34/2022

The Queen's Nursing Institute Scotland - Supporting Community Nurses and Midwives
This is the sixth and final blog in the series presenting key elements from Professor Moira Plant’s forthcoming report. So, what do health professionals want?  More initial education, continuing professional development and other training around alcohol, preconception/interconception health, pregnancy and FASD would be great place to start.
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Salem News - FASD: What is known 50 years later
How far we have come. Over the past 50 years a lot of research has gone into the subject of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. It has since become an umbrella term for a number of conditions: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders.
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Stuff (New Zealand) - 'Stuff all funding' for students and schools facing FASD battle
Pat Newman has watched fetal alcohol spectrum disorder change the landscape of New Zealand classrooms over the past 40 years, but support for students and teachers to deal with it has been sparse.
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The Millstone (Canada) - $500,000 provincial grant helps FASD families and caregivers
On Friday, local MPPs Steve Clark and John Jordan met with members of the Rural FASD Support Network at South Gower Park to hear more about the impact that a $500,000 Youth Opportunities Fund grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) has had.
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Shepparton News (Australia) - ‘That support is missing’: International FASD Awareness Day sends a message
The National Organisation for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Australia chair Cheryl Dedman has met hundreds of people in her role over the past four years.
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Townsbill Bulletin (Australia) - How referral service will help FASDs kids get diagnosed
Townsville children will have greater access to diagnostic assessment for foetal alcohol spectrum disorder as part of a new referral service. See the detail here.
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CNN - Nikolas Cruz's defense says his brain was 'poisoned' by birth mother's addictions in death penalty trial
An attorney for Nikolas Cruz asked jurors Monday to consider the Parkland school shooter's dysfunctional family life and his serious mental health issues when they decide whether to sentence him to death.
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NewsInvasion24 (South Africa) - Pretoria Deputy Minister hosts FASD training for Tavern owners
As part of the 9-9-9 buildup campaign, the Deputy Minister of the Pretoria Department of Social Development, Mme Hendrietta Bogopane-Zulu, who is the District Development Model (DDM) champion of Amajuba will host training sessions on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder (FASD) to educate tavern owners about the dangers associated with alcohol drinking during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
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CanFASD Blog - Issue Paper: FASD and Suicidality
People with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) face complex challenges. When unsupported, many individuals with FASD face challenges with mental health and substance use. One of the most concerning potential outcomes in this population is the risk of suicide.
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ADF (Australia) - Why is FASD diagnosis important?
Being diagnosed is important because it means that the person affected, and their family, can be provided with support. Early diagnosis and support results in better social and physical health.
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Ria Health - How Much Wine Can You Drink While Pregnant? Here Are The Facts
All major medical organizations agree: drinking any alcohol during pregnancy, including wine, can cause fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD). These conditions include birth defects, brain injury, and other disabilities. But there’s good news: if someone does not drink any alcohol during pregnancy, their child will not have an FASD.
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CanFASD blog - The Medium Really is the Message
September 9th is International FASD Day, a day recognized since its inception in 1999 by parent educators Bonnie Buxton, Brian Philcox and Teresa Kellerman.
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The 9th day of the 9th month is globally acknowledged as International FASD Awareness Day, and the whole of September is now known as FASD Awareness Month.
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National FASD - Raja & Neil’s FASD Book Club – Session 3, The Complex Issues Related to Alcohol and Pregnancy
In session 3 of Raja & Neil’s FASD Book Club, Dr Neil Aiton, one of the book’s editors and a specialist in neo-natal care, reviewed his chapter: ‘The Complex Issues Related to Alcohol and Pregnancy: Evidence, Ethics and the Law’.
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CanFASD - Reducing Stigma: Writing and Talking about FASD
The language we use and the ways in which we use it are important. Based on tenets of the Prevention Conversation and the CanFASD Common Messages guide, this webinar gives advice and guidance on how to discuss and write about FASD and alcohol use during pregnancy using a stigma-reducing and strength-based approach.
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Emory MSACD - MSACD FASD Webinar Series Part -2 | Claire Coles, PhD
Claire Coles, PhD | MSACD FASD Webinar Series  Part -2 | To learn more about the risks of drinking alcohol during pregnancy and the prevention of FASDs and other alcohol related birth defects
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Emory MSACD - MSACD FASD Webinar Series Part -1 | Kallio Hunnicutt-Ferguson, PhD, ABPP
Kallio Hunnicutt-Ferguson, PhD, ABPP | MSACD FASD Webinar Series  Part -1 | To learn more about the risks of drinking alcohol during pregnancy and the prevention of FASDs and other alcohol related birth defects
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FASD Hope - 145 - It’s OK to Be You: Living Well with FASD or Other Disabilities with Kenny LaJoy
Welcome to the official book launch of "It's OK to Be You - Living Well with FASD or Other Disabilities" by Kenny LaJoy!  Episode 145 celebrates new author, Kenny LaJoy and his new book, which is a valuable resource for ANYONE in the FASD community, neurodiversity community...and many more!
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Brain Sciences - Dose-Related Reduction in Hippocampal Neuronal Populations in Fetal Alcohol Exposed Vervet Monkeys
This study illustrates that neuroanatomical sequelae of fetal ethanol exposure are dose-responsive and suggests that there may be a threshold for this effect.
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Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology - A-139 Language and Communication Skills in Children with Different Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Diagnoses
Children with FASD have language deficits on objective measures and parent ratings, which should be a focus of intervention.
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Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research - The prevalence of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders in rural communities in South Africa: A third regional sample of child characteristics and maternal risk factors
The prevalence of FASD remained a significant problem in this region, but the severity of physical traits and anomalies within the continuum of FASD is trending downwards.
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Nutrients - Dietary Intake Patterns and Lifestyle Behaviors of Pregnant Women Living in a Manitoba First Nations Community: Implications for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
The findings of this study lay a fundamental premise for the development of community nutrition programs, nutrition education, and nutrition intervention, such as community specific prenatal supplementation. These will assist in ensuring adequate maternal nutrient intake and benefit families and communities in Northern Manitoba with and without alcohol insult.
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Brain and Development - Fetal alcohol syndrome and the risk of neurodevelopmental disorders: A longitudinal cohort study
Tens of thousands of American children with lifetime costs in the billions of US dollars were estimated to be impacted by FAS-associated NDs. These impacts are particularly tragic because FAS is dependent upon lifestyle.
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BMJ Open - Effect of maternal cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption during pregnancy on birth weight and cardiometabolic risk factors in infants, children and adolescents: a systematic review protocol
Tobacco smoking and alcohol consumption during pregnancy are particularly prevalent in low socioeconomic status populations, with an adverse association with birth outcomes and cardiometabolic risk factors.
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BMJ Open - Iterative delivery of an implementation support package to increase and sustain the routine provision of antenatal care addressing alcohol consumption during pregnancy: study protocol for a stepped-wedge cluster trial
Antenatal care addressing alcohol consumption during pregnancy is not routinely delivered in maternity services. Although a number of implementation trials have reported significant increases in such care, the majority of women still did not receive all recommended care elements, and improvements dissipated over time.
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Alcohol - Ethanol sustains phosphorylated tau protein in the cultured neonatal rat hippocampus: Implications for fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
This is the first study to show that EtOH exposure sustains tau Threonine231 phosphorylation in the perinatal hippocampus regardless of total tau expression.
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Pediatric Research - Early developmental trajectory of children with prenatal alcohol and opioid exposure
Observed decline in neurodevelopmental scores during the first 2 years of life emphasizes the importance of a longitudinal approach when evaluating children with prenatal polysubstance exposure.
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Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders - Maternal Alcohol Consumption During Pregnancy and Autism Spectrum Disorder in Offspring: a Meta-analysis
A meta-analysis was performed to evaluate the possible association between maternal alcohol drinking during pregnancy and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in offspring.
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Alcohol - Vinpocetine a PDE1 modulator regulates markers of cerebral health, inflammation, and oxidative stress in a rat model of prenatal alcohol-induced experimental attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
This study provides preliminary analysis and suggests that PDE1 enzyme maybe an important pharmacological tool to study ADHD as a result of PAE.
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Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior - An intergenerational lifespan perspective on the neuroscience of prenatal substance exposure
Prenatal substance exposure has the potential to impact a variety of domains, with neurobiological effects that last throughout the lifespan.
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Osterholz-Scharmbeck. Vom 5. bis 10. September 2022 lädt die Suchtpräventionsfachkraft des Diakonischen Werkes Magdalena Windey Interessierte, Fachkreise und Schulen zu einer interaktiven Ausstellung ins Medienhaus im Campus ein.
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AK Kurier (Germany) - Alkohol in der Schwangerschaft: Infoveranstaltung der Kreisverwaltung
Fetale Alkohol-Spektrum-Störungen sind die häufigste angeborene Behinderung. Die Kreisverwaltung lädt daher zu einem Informationsabend zum Thema "Alkohol in der Schwangerschaft" am Donnerstag, dem 8. September, ein.
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Tää on mun käännekohtien viiminen postaus. Nyt mä haluun palata hetkeks jokaseen postaukseen jokaselt menneeltä kuukaudelta. Mä oon nii ylpee itestäni, ku mietin miten paljon tää vuosi on opettanu mua tän blogin avulla ja oon myös ihmisenä muuttunu varmemmaks.
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Regionalne Centrum Polityki Społecznej w Łodzi  (Poland) - FASD - NIE MA BEZPIECZNEJ DAWKI
Regionalny Punkt Diagnozy i Terapii FASD w Łodzi, oferuje bezpłatną pomoc mieszkańcom województwa łódzkiego w zakresie diagnozy dziecka w kierunku zaburzeń ze spektrum FASD dzieciom  (Spektrum Płodowych Zaburzeń Alkoholowych).
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