
Sunday, May 29, 2022

FASD News - 21/2022

The sixth European Conference on FASD will take place in Arendal, Norway, on September 12 to 14, 2022, with a pre-conference training day on 11 September. Abstracts can still be accepted for posters only until September 1 as space permits. Registration will open soon.


NZ Herald (New Zealand) - Neurological disabilities at the centre of appeal for teenage killer Haami Hanara
Lawyers of teenage killer Haami Hanara say his diagnosis of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder could be the key to determining if he was fit to stand trial for the 2018 murder of Kelly Donner.
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BC Gov News (Canada) - B.C. improves inclusivity for people with developmental disabilities
New provincial funding of nearly $5.3 million means more organizations can focus on creating projects that will make life better for people with developmental disabilities.
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If you trip and fall and skin your knee but are otherwise alright, you have a bad moment.  If you trip and fall and break your arm, you may have a bad day, but not a bad life.
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FASD Hub Scotland - Experiences of young people with FASD: photos, thoughts and words from young people
FASD Hub Scotland is delighted to share the photos and views of young people from this research study by Miranda Eodanable into the lived experiences of young people with FASD. We think our young people are amazing - many thanks to all those who took part.
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National Organisation for FASD (UK) - WPI Students Help Map Out Potential Support Needs for UK Adults and Young Adults with FASD
Over the course of this Spring, Caitlin Bonavita, Grace Casey, and Josie Kim, 3rd year science and engineering university students from the Worcester Polytechnic Institute in the US, have worked together on an informative project with National FASD that begins to shine a light on the need for more to be done in the UK regarding FASD care provisions for adults with FASD.
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CanFASD blog (Canada) - Successful Launch of CanFASD’s Pilot Trainee Program
This year, CanFASD launched and piloted an exciting new program for students and early career researchers and professionals in Canada working in the field of FASD.
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My Life with T - Sharing A Child’s FASD Diagnosis with Them
How do you share difficult life changing news with a young child? That’s a question I’ve been thinking a lot about since we received T’s FASD diagnosis in January.
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When the Adult Leadership Collaborative (ALC) of FASD Changemakers did our second Lay of the Land Survey on Quality of Life for Adults with FASD, I was the one who did all the background research and definitions for quality of life because that was what we thought we were going to try to measure.
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Medical Dialogues – Association Between Alcohol Consumption and Miscarriage Predicted by Genotype
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Dr. John DeGarmo - FASD Part I Webinar
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Regional Training - RSA Diagnosing FASD
Health professionals from the FASD Hub Australia explain  the common, but little understood disease, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) using the 'Australian Guide to the diagnosis of FASD'.
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Rural FASD Support Network - Developmental Trauma by Karen Moore
Karen Moore of the Adoption Council of Ontario shares where developmental trauma comes from, what it is, and how we can support those who have experienced it.
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Kids Brain Health Network - Alex's Story - Fetal Alcohol Resource Program
For Tracy and Eric, adoption always felt like the right choice. They adopted their first two children—daughter Mackenzie and son Alex—in 2010, and their family expanded in 2011 when they adopted their youngest son, Jackson.
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Me & My FASD - Coping Resources
There are lots of things you can do to learn to self-regulate and stay cool. Here are some tools to help you think about what helps you.
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FASD Family Life - Together for FASD - An Atlantic Canada Conference with Audrey McFarlane
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Fasd Success Show - #108 Part 2 of Candid Conversation with Jessica Birch
In Part 1 of my conversation with Jessica Birch, an FASD advocate, and adult on the Spectrum, we covered her advocacy and journey to get a diagnosis. In Part 2 we talk about life after the diagnosis. She gives us insight into how she copes with her symptoms and what you can do as a caregiver to help your loved ones.
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NOFASD Australia - Now that you are 18
a booklet to assist young adults with FASD who need to understand some of the responsibilities that the transition into adulthood entails for them.
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FASD Awareness #BeAware - Caroline Day - Sunday Times Best Selling Author - FASD Webinar #8
FASD Awareness Presents - In Conversation with Caroline Day, Sunday Times Bestselling Author Thursday 19th May 2022 - Webinar #8
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NCFASD Informed – New website
NCFASD, informed in North Carolina and an affiliate of FASD United, announced a new website & also launched a new Facebook page for parents of those with diagnosed or suspected FASD
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SAC County Healthy Beginnings - Healthy Beginnings
Sacramento County Substance Use Prevention and Treatment Service's (SUPT’s) innovative new project focuses on prenatal substance exposure.
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BMC Women's Health - Assessment of alcohol utilization during pregnancy and its associated factors among reproductive women in Mecha Woreda of North Western Ethiopia
The result inferred that there is a high level of alcohol use throughout pregnancy. Due to the differences in the culture and communal means of drinking alcohol, the frequency of alcohol consumption during pregnancy varies among different regional studies and countries.
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Experimental Neurology - The maternal-placental-fetal interface: Adaptations of the HPA axis and immune mediators following maternal stress and prenatal alcohol exposure
This review addresses underlying physiological, cellular, and molecular factors that alter the developing fetal brain stress circuits and responses of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis caused by maternal stress and prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE).
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Alcohol - Proceedings of the 2021 Annual Meeting of the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Study Group
The 2021 meeting of the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Study Group (FASDSG) was titled “Role of Parental Experiences in Offspring Outcomes.”
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Journal of Occupational Science - “Doing together”: Mothers use co-occupation to scaffold the occupational engagement of their children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
South Africa has the highest reported prevalence of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) worldwide. This paper describes the contribution mothers make to engage their children with FASD in occupations through ‘doing together’.
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Human Brain Mapping - Trajectories of brain white matter development in young children with prenatal alcohol exposure
Prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) is associated with alterations to brain white matter microstructure. Previous studies of PAE have demonstrated different findings in young children compared to older children and adolescents, suggesting altered developmental trajectories and highlighting the need for longitudinal research.
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Current Research in Toxicology - The Influence of Maternal Weight and Alcohol Exposure on Infant Physical Characteristics and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes
Higher postpartum maternal weight may be a protective factor but does not eliminate the adverse effects of alcohol on infant growth and dysmorphology.
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Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research - The impact of prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) on gray matter volume and cortical surface area of 2-3 year old children in a South African birth cohort
Findings from this subgroup scanned at age 2 – 3 years build on previously described subcortical volume differences in neonates from this cohort. Findings suggest that PAE persistently affects gray matter development through the critical early years of life.
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Acta Neuropathologica Communications - Oligodendrocyte lineage is severely affected in human alcohol-exposed foetuses
Prenatal alcohol exposure is a major cause of neurobehavioral disabilities. MRI studies in humans have shown that alcohol is associated with white matter microstructural anomalies but these studies focused on myelin abnormalities only after birth.
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Journal of Hypertension - Associations of maternal periconceptional alcohol consumption with offspring prehypertension/hypertension at age 6 years: the Growing Up in Singapore Towards healthy Outcomes prospective mother-offspring cohort study
Maternal self-reported alcohol consumption at least 1.9 g/day prior to pregnancy recognition was associated with increased risk of child prehypertension and rapid kidney growth.
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Maternal and Child Health Journal - Pregnant and Postpartum People with Substance Use Disorders: Understanding the Obstetrical Care Provider’ s Roles and Responsibilities
Peripartum individuals with substance misuse are a high-risk population that challenge clinicians and child welfare specialists alike.
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Supplement Series B: Biomedical Chemistry - Prenatal Exposure to Alcohol Alters TLR4 Mediated Signaling in the Prefrontal Cortex in Rats
Prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) can lead to developmental disorders of the central nervous system (CNS) and mental retardation.
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Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research - High-resolution diffusion tensor imaging identifies hippocampal volume loss without diffusion changes in individuals with prenatal alcohol exposure
Reductions of hippocampal volumes and altered relationships with memory suggest disrupted hippocampal development in PAE.
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Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research - Self-reported alcohol consumption of pregnant women and their partners correlates both before and during pregnancy: A cohort study with 21,472 singleton pregnancies
The self-reported alcohol consumption of pregnant women and their partners was positively correlated both before and during pregnancy, though the correlation declined substantially during pregnancy.
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Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions - Incarcerated pregnant women and substance use a conversation with Thomas P. LeBel, PhD
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West Virginia University - Preconception substance use and risk of unintended pregnancy
Findings of our two studies in a large representative sample of US women suggest that substance and polysubstance use during the preconception period significantly increases the likelihood of unintended pregnancy.
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Theseus (Finland) - Suuntaviivoja vertaistukiryhmien toteuttamiseen sikiöaikana alkoholille altistuneille nuorille ja aikuisille
Opinnäytetyössä tutkittiin sikiöaikana alkoholille altistuneille nuorille (yli 18-vuotiaille) ja aikuisille järjestettävää vertaistukiryhmätoimintaa. Opinnäytetyön viitekehys rakentui ammattilaisen ohjaaman vertaistuen ympärille.
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IKZ Online (Germany) – Hemer: Schwere Folgen durch Alkohol im Mutterleib
„FASD“ – was so harmlos klingt, kann bei Betroffenen und Angehörigen weitreichende Beeinträchtigungen mit sich ziehen: Kinder und Jugendliche mit „FASD“ stellen ihr Umfeld vor besondere Herausforderungen, zeigen Verhaltensauffälligkeiten, mangelnde Impulskontrolle, Vergesslichkeit und kaum Bewusstsein für Regeln sowie soziales Miteinander.
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Süddeutche Zeitung (Germany) - Null Promille in der Schwangerschaft
Auch in Freising klären Fachleute auf, wie gefährlich schon ein bisschen Alkohol für das Ungeborene sein kann. Im Berufsschulzentrum ist ein Medienturm aufgebaut, zudem sind Vorträge geplant.
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Fondacione Umberto Veronesi (Italy) - Alcol in gravidanza: promosse (più o meno) le mamme italiane
Uno studio condotto dall’Istituto Superiore di Sanità rileva che solo lo 0,1% delle donne incinte beve in modo sensibile. L’8,2%, seppur in quantità modeste, consuma comunque bevande alcoliche
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