
Sunday, May 15, 2022

FASD News - 19/2022

The Queen's Nursing Institute Scotland (Scotland) - FASD is becoming more of a concern for community nurses and midwives
In March 2022, the Queen’s Nursing Institute Scotland conducted an online survey about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD). This was a Year 1 activity of Healthier Pregnancies, Better Lives (HPBL) – a QNIS programme supported by Cattanach and The National Lottery Community Fund.
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The Queen's Nursing Institute Scotland (Scotland) - Speaking About Drinking
This second blog in the series has a sharper focus and enables the participating community nurses and midwives across Scotland to speak for themselves through their responses.
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The Queen's Nursing Institute Scotland (Scotland) - What Invisibility Looks Like
This is the third in a series of blogs reporting on what we learned from the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) survey, completed by a cross-section of Scotland’s community nurses and midwives.
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The Queen's Nursing Institute Scotland (Scotland) - Spotlighting a Blind Spot
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) have been a long-standing ‘blind spot’ within Scottish (and British) society, including in its health, education, social work and justice systems.
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Government of Western Australia - $6.1 million boost to Preventing FASD Project to change lives for the better
The McGowan Labor Government is expanding Western Australia's successful Preventing FASD Project with a $6.1 million funding boost to be included in the upcoming State Budget.
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Today Show - Mom of 12 opens up about adopting kids with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
Alicia Dougherty went viral on TikTok after posting a time-lapse video of her next level meal-prepping skills for her family of 10 children.
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RACGP (Australia) - Support for alcohol-free pregnancies
General practitioners, as keystone providers of antenatal care, are a vital source of information and advice about drinking alcohol during pregnancy. Patients who are pregnant or trying to conceive want their GPs to provide clear and consistent advice about alcohol as early as possible in pregnancy.
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Newsroom (New Zealand) - ‘There are no bad kids, only hurt ones’
We must respond, rather than react, to what is happening within our communities and understand why young people are engaged in crime
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Stuff (New Zealand) - How pregnancy warnings got on alcohol products
Scientists knew for decades that alcohol can cause lifelong harm to unborn children, but it took more than 25 years of effort to get effective warning labels on alcohol products in New Zealand and Australia.
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Manitoba FASD Coalition - Students and Schools: Successful Systems
Kirsten Auld Varey and Brigette Kosmac, from Inclusion Support Services in the Winnipeg School Division share how schools can support students with FASD using a lens of presuming competence, purposeful planning, and promoting student advocacy.
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Soft White Underbelly - Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Survivor-Robbie
Soft White Underbelly interview and portrait of Robbie, a survivor of fetal alcohol syndrome in Poca, West Virginia.
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REACH For It! Waterloo Region - FASD-Preparing for Summer Camp
Are you facilitating a camp program for kids with FASD. Learn more about how to make the summer awesome!
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SACCounty Healthy Beginnings - How can prenatal exposure to alcohol affect the child in the long-term?
How can prenatal exposure to alcohol affect the child in the long-term? Children prenatally exposed to alcohol can have serious long-term problems as they grow up.
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SACCounty Healthy Beginnings - How Can a Mother's Drinking During Pregnancy Affect Her Baby's Brain Development?
A mother’s drinking alcohol during pregnancy can affect her baby’s brain development by changing the way a baby’s brain grows and develops. These changes in the brain can have long-lasting and permanent effects on the child – physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially.
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Hamilton FASD Collaborative - Transition to Adulthood 2022
This webinar includes themes and tips for Transition planning.  It also discusses the following important areas: Stable and supportive team; Creating a consistent & structured environment ; Finances (Income and Budgeting); Housing; Medical, mental health & addiction services; Life skills & Community engagement (Education); Employment ; Crisis plan.
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Lakeland Centre for FASD - LCFASD Transitional Housing Program
This video shares the Transitional Housing Program offered by the Lakeland Centre for FASD and look at how it fits in with our Prevention Conversation initiative.
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Colorado Department of Education - Understanding the Brain – FASD
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ConnectFASD - Fact sheets
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ProofAlliance - New Mobile App: Our Children Are Sacred
In order to reduce rates of FASD in Indigenous communities and support families impacted, Proof Alliance has created Our Children Are Sacred.
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Fasd Success Show - #106 Judy Pakozdy Lessons Learned from a 40+ Year FASD Journey
Would you agree the best learning comes from caregivers who have walked the FASD journey? Today, I’m talking with Judy Pakozdy, who has 45 years’ worth of FASD knowledge, training, and caregiving experience.
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The University of British Columbia - SIB: Self Injurious Behaviour
2021 Wall Scholar Anamaria Richardson (Medicine, UBC) was recently featured on the FASD Family Support Podcast about self injurious behaviour in children and youth with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.
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NOFASD Australia - Pregnancy and Alcohol: The Surprising Reality
How much do you know about pregnancy and alcohol? The reality may surprise you. Alcohol exposure while in the womb may cause Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, or FASD, in the unborn child.
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BMC Medical Research Methodology - Minimizing sample bias due to stigmatized behaviours: the representativeness of participants in a cohort study of alcohol in pregnancy
The use of passive consent without disclosure of the specific research focus resulted in a high level of sample provision. There was no evidence that study blinding was breached, and women who provided a sample were more likely to report alcohol consumption.
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NEUROSCIENCE HONORS PAPERS - Dopaminergic Axon Development in Prenatal Alcohol Exposure
This project investigates the impact of prenatal alcohol exposure on dopaminergic axon development. Using both a wildtype mouse and fractalkine receptor knockout mouse, we also consider the role of fractalkine signaling in a vapor alcohol exposure paradigm.
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Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research - Stability and change in the interpretation of facial emotions in fetal alcohol spectrum disorders from childhood to adolescence
Individuals with full FAS have greater difficulty interpreting facial emotions than nonsyndromal HE and healthy controls in both childhood and adolescence. By contrast, RME deficits in individuals with PFAS in childhood represent developmental delay.
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Journal: Handbook of Substance Misuse and Addictions - Prenatal illicit drug and polysubstance exposure and impact on developmental outcome
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South African Journal of Psychology - Fetal alcohol syndrome knowledge and risk behaviors among university students and community residents in Limpopo, South Africa
The Republic of South Africa has the highest documented fetal alcohol syndrome prevalence globally. In the Limpopo province, little is known about students’ or community members’ knowledge of fetal alcohol syndrome or fetal alcohol spectrum disorder rates and risk behaviors.
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Neurotoxicity Research - The Combined Effects of Perinatal Ethanol and Early-Life Stress on Cognition and Risk-Taking Behavior through Oxidative Stress in Rats
In this study, we examined the effect of combined exposure to ethanol and early stress on maternal care, exploratory behavior, memory performances, and oxidative stress in male offspring.
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Midwifery - Women's views and experiences of occasional alcohol consumption during pregnancy: A systematic review of qualitative studies and their recommendations
Our review provides evidence that information on the issue of alcohol consumption during pregnancy should be improved in both qualitative and quantitative terms. However, the reasons for pregnant women's occasional drinking are complex and influenced by a range of socio-cultural factors.
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Nutrients - Prenatal Choline Supplementation Alters One Carbon Metabolites in a Rat Model of Periconceptional Alcohol Exposure
Prenatal alcohol exposure disturbs fetal and placental growth and can alter DNA methylation (DNAm). Supplementation with the methyl donor choline can increase fetal and placental growth and restore DNAm, suggesting converging effects on one-carbon metabolism (1CM).
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Scientific Studies of Reading - Reading Impairment in Adolescents with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
These results are consistent with research showing that reading comprehension in adolescence relies increasingly on linguistic comprehension abilities, especially once word reading becomes automatic and text complexity increases.
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International Journal of Clinical Practice - Prenatal Alcohol Exposure and the Risk of Depression in Offspring: a Meta-Analysis
Prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) has been related to poor consequences of mental health in offspring. However, it remains unknown whether maternal alcohol drinking during pregnancy is associated with depression in the offspring.
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BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth - Practice change intervention to improve antenatal care addressing alcohol consumption during pregnancy: a randomised stepped-wedge controlled trial
The practice change intervention improved the provision of antenatal care addressing alcohol consumption during pregnancy in public maternity services.
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International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - Key Stakeholder Priorities for the Review and Update of the Australian Guide to Diagnosis of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: A Qualitative Descriptive Study
Since the 2016 release of the Australian Guide to the Diagnosis of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), considerable progress has been made in the identification and diagnosis of the disorder. As part of a larger process to review and update the Guide, the aim of this study was to identify review priorities from a broad range of stakeholders involved in the assessment and diagnosis of FASD.
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EpiCentro (Italy) - Consumo di alcol in gravidanza: uno studio ISS
Il 9 e 10 maggio si è svolto il workshop: “Prevenzione, diagnosi precoce e trattamento mirato dello Spettro dei Disturbi Feto Alcolici (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, FASD) e della Sindrome Feto Alcolica (Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, FAS)”.
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Alles Münster (Germany) - „Freiheit – das ist absolut mein Ding!“
An dieser Stelle zeigen sich einmal im Monat starke Persönlichkeiten, deren Einschränkungen der Öffentlichkeit noch weitgehend unbekannt sind. Das Fetale Alkoholsyndrom (kurz FAS, angloamerikanisch auch Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder/ FASD) wird bei vielen Betroffenen erst im späten Jugendalter diagnostiziert.
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La Hora (Guatemala) - Alcoholismo: Las víctimas inocentes
Todos los estudios parecen mostrar que el consumo de alcohol y drogas entre las mujeres ha experimentado un aumento significativo en las últimas décadas.
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Polskie Radio Lublin (Poland) - „Z FAS się nie wyrasta”. Dr Elżbieta Trubiłowicz o alkoholowym zespole płodowym
Co roku w Polsce około tysiąca dzieci na 300 tysięcy urodzeń rodzi się z FAS, czyli Alkoholowym Zespołem Płodowym. To dane, które podaje Śląski Uniwersytet Medyczny w Katowicach.
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Theseus (Finland) - Päihteiden käytön vaikutus sikiöön: opas henkilökunnalle, kuinka raskauden aikainen päihteiden käyttö vaarantaa sikiön kasvun ja kehityksen
Opinnäytetyön aiheeksi valikoitui päihteiden käytön vaikutukset sikiöön ja lapsen kehitykseen. Työssä tarkastellaan raskauden aikaisen päihteiden käytön vaikutuksia sikiön kehitykseen ja sitä, millaisia seuraamuksia päihteiden käytöllä on kasvavalle lapselle.
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