
Sunday, November 24, 2019

FASD News - 47/2019

Cowichan Valley Citizen (Canada) - FASD has huge impact on homelessness
Reading such descriptions leads one to contemplate circumstances leading up to the Lewis Street raid, and the causes for homelessness. One wonders, also, about application of the adage “to turn off the tap as well as to mop the floor”. Provision of housing and other supports is important.
2 Minute Medicine - Developmental assessment at 9 months of age can predict fetal alcohol syndrome
In this prospective cohort study, infants underwent developmental and dysmorphologic assessments at various times throughout early life.
BBC News (UK) - Foetal alcohol spectrum disorder: Mum's fight for diagnosis
An adoptive mum has spoken of her "lonely and isolating" journey to getting a diagnosis for her children's Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. (Canada) - Fetal alcohol disorder advocate calls for inquiry into inmate's death
A Canadian advocate for people with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder is calling for a public inquiry into a recent prison death.
My Yellowknife Now (Canada) - Recent workshop focuses on preventing FASD and reducing harms related to polysubstance use in pregnancy
The Department of Health and Social Services recently hosted a workshop in Yellowknife titled “Doorways to Conversation: Substance Use with Girls and Women in Pregnancy and Beyond” featuring keynote speakers Dr. Nancy Poole and Dr. Lorraine Greaves.
BabyGaga - The Painful Reality Of Living With Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) can have an immense impact on an individual's lifestyle and can also leave a child with lifelong disabilities.
The Irish Sun (Northern-Ireland) - Local heroes from all walks of Northern Ireland life set to be celebrated at SuperValu SuperStars awards night
Brothers Reece and Jordan McNamara from Dromore have been instrumental in helping their parents to set up of local charity FASD Aware NI, which raises awareness of Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders.
This week #DRYMESTER is supporting the annual Alcohol Awareness Week. This year’s theme is ‘Alcohol and Me’, providing a chance for people right across the UK to get thinking about their own drinking.
NOFAS - New Senate Bill Will Help Children and Adults Living with FASD
New legislation to authorize comprehensive Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) support services, public health prevention, and research programs across agencies within the U.S. Departments of Health and Human Services, Education, and Justice has been introduced this week in the U.S. Senate.
Beacon (UK) - How FASD Can Affect Pupil Behaviour (And What You Can Do About It)
Teachers often teach pupils with a range of diagnoses. In fact, it's highly likely you have children with a clinical diagnosis of some form in your classroom.

Healthcare Improvement Scotland - SIGN Guideline on Fetal alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)
The clinical guideline was published in 2019. It is based on what we know from current research. Some parts of the clinical guideline were adapted from the Canadian guideline for diagnosing FASD.
CAMP- A FASD Community - We are CAMP | Summer Camp Video
Learn more about the only summer camp in the nation specialized for children (ages 9 to 18) with FASD! Dates and rates for our 2019 programs to be announced this fall.
ThinkTech Hawaii - The lasting effects of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (Finding Respect in the Chaos)
American Academy of Pediatrics - Alcohol and Pregnancy: It’s Just Not Worth the Risk
There's no guarantee that a baby will be born healthy or grow up healthy. However, there is an absolute guarantee that a child will not have a fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) if a mother does not drink alcohol while pregnant.
All Wales Forum - 'Think brain, not blame' A short film about FASD
This is a short film that offers an introduction to FASD and provides an insight into what life is like for one child who is living with it.
Connecting Foster & Kinship Carers SA CF&KC-SA - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder - Stewart McDougall – CFKC
Researcher Stewart McDougall shares his findings on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and is joined by Alice Wilson who relates some of her experiences of caring for a young person with FASD.
Werry Workforce Whāraurau - Champions’ Forum - Michelle Brewerton, Te Pou o te Whakaaro Nui, FASD
Hosted by Werry Workforce Whāraurau, SPHC: Supporting Parents Healthy Children Champions' Forum 2019
BRAD!BRYAN Multimedia - It’s Not Worth the Risk
This public service announcement aims to raise awareness about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, or FASD. It was created for the Florida Center for Early Childhood, a not-for-profit organization specializing in child development.
Teachers pay teachers - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Pack (FASD) - Child Development
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Pack provides great resources for teaching high school students about the dangers of consuming alcohol while pregnant.

Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research - The impact of paternal alcohol consumption on offspring brain and behavioral development
These results demonstrate that the developmental impact of preconception PatEE is more harmful than previously thought and provide additional insights into the biological mechanisms that may underlie atypical behavior observed in children of alcoholic fathers.
Pediatrics - Early-Life Predictors of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
Assessment of a combination of growth, dysmorphology, and neurobehavioral characteristics allows for accurate identification of most children with FASD as early as 9 to 18 months.
Pediatrics - Early Detection of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: An Elusive but Critical Goal
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) comprise the most common preventable cause of neurodevelopmental disabilities worldwide, with prevalence estimates of 1.1% to 5.0% in the United States and Western Europe1 and 13.6% to 20.9% in South Africa.
Human Brain Mapping - Multivariate models of brain volume for identification of children and adolescents with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) have shown reductions of brain volume associated with prenatal exposure to alcohol.
Alcohol - Maternal Iron Nutriture Modulates Placental Development in a Rat Model of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) causes developmental abnormalities known as fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD). Maternal iron status modulates the severity of these defects in the offspring. Because the placenta is central in supporting fetal development, we investigated if maternal iron status similarly modulates alcohol’s effects in the placenta.
Advances Inpediatric Research - Comparison of the 4-Digit Code, Canadian 2015, Australian 2016 and Hoyme 2016 fetal alcohol spectrum disorder diagnostic guidelines
The needs of individuals with FASD are best met when diagnostic systems provide accurate, validated diagnoses across the lifespan, the full spectrum of outcome, the full continuum of alcohol exposure; and utilize diagnostic nomenclature that accurately reflects the association between outcome and alcohol exposure.
British Journal of Pharmacology - Prenatal and postnatal alcohol exposure increases vulnerability to cocaine addiction in adult mice
Our findings demonstrate that maternal binge‐like alcohol consumption during gestation and lactation alters sensitivity to the reinforcing effects of cocaine in adult offspring mice.
Universitat Duisburg Essen - Substance use and psychiatric comorbidities in adult FASD patients
In Germany, data on adult FASD patients and their mental health are rare. The study aims
to describe substance use patterns and psychiatric comorbidities in adult FASD patients.
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders in a Pacific Southwest City: Maternal and Child Characteristics
Data from this general population sample in a large urban region in the United States demonstrate the variability of expression of FASD and point to risk and protective factors for mothers in this setting.
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research - Prenatal alcohol exposure alters error detection during simple arithmetic processing: An EEG study
Arithmetical error‐related theta activity is altered by PAE and can be used to distinguish between exposed and nonexposed individuals and within diagnostic groups, supporting the use of numerical and quantitative processing patterns to derive a neurocognitive profile that could facilitate diagnosis and treatment of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders.
European Journal of Public Health - Monitoring Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder during the neonatal period in France
This study is the first to produce a national estimate of the frequency of neonatal diagnosis of FAS. It shows a stability of the frequency of pFASD cases recorded over the 2006-2013 period which is certainly underestimated but gives a first minimal estimate of the burden of alcohol use during pregnancy in France.
Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology - Factors associated with atypical brain development in preterm infants: insights from magnetic resonance imaging
Future challenges are to analyse quantitative brain MRI data with collateral biological and environmental data in study designs that support causal inference, and ultimately to use the output of such analyses to stratify infants for clinical trials of therapies designed to improve outcome.
Frontiers in Psychiatry - Parents with Mental and/or Substance Use Disorders and their Children
Families living with parental mental and substance use disorders face considerable biopsychosocial and, oftentimes, socioeconomic challenges, with complex pathways to mitigating risk, enhancing resilience in children and youth, and supporting recovery in adults who are parents.
Nursing Problems - Students’ knowledge about foetal alcohol syndrome and their alcohol drinking habits
It has been shown that the field of study significantly affects the level of knowledge about FAS. Sex significantly influences drinking habits. The type and the amount of alcohol consumed by the students was related with their opinions about abstinence during pregnancy.
European Journal of Public Health - Pregnancy warning labels on alcohol packaging: results of an exploratory study
This study highlights the need for changes to pictogram currently used on alcohol packaging in France. Our results show that recent changes proposed by the French government (a slight increase in the size of the current pictogram) will most likely have little effect on preventing alcohol consumption during pregnancy.
Drug and Alcohol Dependence - Co-use of alcohol, tobacco, and licit and illicit controlled substances among pregnant and non-pregnant women in the United States: Findings from 2006 to 2014 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) data
Co-use of several substances, including and especially of tobacco, alcohol and cannabis, persists among pregnant women in the United States.
Journal of addiction medicine - Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment for Prenatal Alcohol Use and Cigarette Smoking
Healthcare providers report universal screening for prenatal alcohol and cigarette smoking; however, brief intervention and referral to treatment are more limited practices.

Regenbogen (Germany) - Enissa leidet unter ADHS, ADS und FASD - ihr Mutter ist drogenabhängig
Mit ausgestreckten Armen und einem breiten Lächeln werde ich von Heike und Frank empfangen. Dann kommt Enissa um die Ecke in den Hausgang geflitzt und mustert mich mit ihren dunkelbraunen Augen. Aufgeweckt sieht sie aus. Wir verstehen uns auf Anhieb! Sie fragt wer ich sei und als ich ihr sage, dass ich vom Radio komme, werden ihre Augen groß!
BBC Afrique - Leur maman avait bu l'alcool pendant ses grossesses, les enfants en paient le prix
Reece, 11 ans, et son frère Jordan, 10 ans, n'aiment pas le changement. Leur mère, Alison, dit que chaque jour est comme le jour de la marmotte, obligeant la famille McNamara à suivre une routine stricte.
La Vanguardia (Granada) - Conferencia aborda los problemas del consumo de alcohol durante el embarazo
La Escuela Andaluza de Salud Pública (EASP), con sede en Granada y dependiente de la Consejería de Salud y Familias, acogerá los días 22 y 23 de noviembre la I Conferencia Nacional sobre el Trastorno del Espectro Alcohólico Fetal, primera causa de trastorno del neurodesarrollo.
ConSalud (Spain) - La exposición al alcohol en el embarazo aumenta la vulnerabilidad al consumo de cocaína en ratones
Los ratones que han tenido una exposición prenatal al alcohol reportan alteraciones en el circuito de su cerebro que los hace más susceptibles a desarrollar adicción por la cocaína.
Verneri (Finland) - FASD eri ikäkausina
Alkoholille altistunut lapsi saattaa syntyessään kärsiä alkoholin aiheuttamista vieroitusoireista: vastasyntynyt tärisee ja hänellä on kouristuksia.

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