
Sunday, November 10, 2019

FASD News - 45/2019

Newswise - Study Highlights Impact of Drinking in Pregnancy and Informs Regional Prevention Strategies
A recent study in a US Pacific Southwest city estimated that, at a minimum, 2% of first-grade schoolchildren had an FASD. A new report in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research describes the range of FASD among these children and the characteristics of their mothers.
North Carolina Health News (USA) - Does North Carolina do enough to help children affected by a mom’s prenatal alcohol use?
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder is more common than many people think, with as many as one in 20 children affected. Many end up in foster care, special-education classes and often the courts, jails and prisons.
BBC News (Norther Ireland) - Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: The 'heartbreaking' reality
The brothers, from Dromore, in County Down, are living with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD), meaning that exposure to alcohol in the womb has left them with life-long disabilities.
National Institutes of Health - Using both marijuana and alcohol during early pregnancy may increase the likelihood of disrupting fetal development
New preclinical research reported in animal models shows that exposure to compounds found in marijuana called cannabinoids (CBs), which includes cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), during early pregnancy can cause malformations in the developing embryo.
GPSpeak - FASD is forever, so let’s help make it never
Foetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is a lifelong condition where diffuse brain injury is caused by antenatal alcohol use. It is thought that the prevalence of foetal alcohol spectrum disorder may be as high of 2 - 4% of the Australian population.

Although there have been thousands of published articles in FASD in general, there has been limited research specifically on adolescents and adults with FASD or on individuals across the lifespan.

VIDEOS and MATERIALS - FASD Support Program Presentation
The Bar Book Project - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD)
The purpose of this document is to collate published research, the findings of government reports and inquiries and academic commentary in relation to FASD, and the effects this may have on a person’s behaviour; development; physical, mental and social well-being; and links to contact with the criminal justice system.
American Academy of Pediatrics - The Role of Integrated Care in a Medical Home for Patients With a Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
We know going alcohol free during pregnancy might be difficult. Don't worry, we're here to help and support you with resources, tips and advice.
FASD: Learning with Hope - Transitions and the D-word
Usually when we talk about transitions in supporting someone with FASD we talk about the little moments most people take for granted: the getting out of the house and into the car, the getting ready for bed after a busy a day.

Advances in Pediatric Research - Comparison of the 4-Digit Code, Canadian 2015, Australian 2016 and Hoyme 2016 fetal alcohol spectrum disorder diagnostic guidelines
The needs of individuals with FASD are best met when diagnostic systems provide accurate, validated diagnoses across the lifespan, the full spectrum of outcome, the full continuum of alcohol exposure; and utilize diagnostic nomenclature that accurately reflects the association between outcome and alcohol exposure.
Qualitative Health Research - Disability “In-Justice”: The Benefits and Challenges of “Yarning” With Young People Undergoing Diagnostic Assessment for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in a Youth Detention Center
Undertaking research with young people presents an array of methodological challenges. We report the findings from a qualitative study that took place alongside a fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) prevalence study among detainees in Australia.
BMC Health Services Research - A guideline for the prevention and management of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in South Africa
FASD in South Africa deserves urgent attention. Developing a specific policy to guide programmes could enhance and coordinate the efforts towards preventing and managing FASD.
International Journal of Law and Psychiatry - Sex offender treatment professional perceptions of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in the Midwest
Findings suggest there is a strong need to develop educational and training programs that better equip professionals with the skills to assist clients with FASD in treatment settings for inappropriate sexual behavior.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: What does Public Awareness Tell Us about Prevention Programming?
The prevalence of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) does not appear to be diminishing over time. Indeed, recent data suggests that the disorder may be more prevalent than previously thought.
BMJ open - Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders from childhood to adulthood: a Swedish population-based naturalistic cohort study of adoptees from Eastern Europe
Major cognitive impairments, psychiatric morbidity, facial dysmorphology, growth restriction and ophthalmological abnormalities accompanies FASD in adulthood. Recognition of FASD in childhood warrants habilitation across the lifespan.
Cerebral Cortex - Prenatal Exposure to Ethanol Alters Synaptic Activity in Layer V/VI Pyramidal Neurons of the Somatosensory Cortex
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) encompasses a range of cognitive and behavioral deficits, with aberrances in the function of cerebral cortical pyramidal neurons implicated in its pathology.
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience - Deficits in arithmetic error detection in infants with prenatal alcohol exposure: an ERP study
Overall, our research demonstrates that (a) the brain network involved in error detection can be identified and highly specified in TD young infants, and (b) this effect is replicable and can be utilized for studying developmental psychopathology at very early ages.
Neuropharmacology - Alcohol exposure in utero disrupts cortico-striatal coordination required for behavioral flexibility
these findings demonstrate how developmental exposure alters circuit-level activity leading to behavioral deficits and suggest a critical role for coordination of neural timing during behaviors requiring executive function.
IEEE - Cluster Analysis of Alcohol Consumption during Pregnancy in the Safe Passage Study
The resulting cluster analysis was able to characterize alcohol consumption in a comprehensive framework capable of taking into account both quantity and timing of exposure as well as the occurrence of binge drinking.
Pediatric Clinics - Effects of Fetal Substance Exposure on Offspring Substance Use
Prenatal exposure to alcohol and drugs is associated with physical, cognitive, and behavioral problems across the offspring’s lifespan and an increased risk of alcohol and drug use in adolescent and young adult offspring.
Molecular Biology Reports - The protective effect of quercetin in the alcohol-induced liver and lymphoid tissue injuries in newborns
Recently published experimental and clinical studies indicate that oxidative stress leads to the pathogenesis and progression of alcohol-induced tissue injuries.
International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience - Episodic Prenatal Exposure To Ethanol Affects Postnatal Neurogenesis In The Macaque Dentate Gyrus And Visual Recognition Memory
Targeted effects of ethanol on early neural generation (cell cycle and cycle exit) correlate with the timing-dependent degradation in VPC performance and exposure during gastrulation results in notable deficits. These changes evidence a pattern of fetal programming underlying FAS.
BMC Psychiatry - Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: neurodevelopmentally and behaviorally indistinguishable from other neurodevelopmental disorders
The findings question the uniqueness of children with FASD with respect to their neurodevelopmental impairments and behavioral manifestations.
EBSCO - Overcoming the challenges of caring for a child with foetal alcohol spectrum disorder: a Pilbara community perspective
This study aimed to investigate the experiences of caregivers in a remote Australian context. The findings will be valuable to inform programs at the family, community and broader policy levels that can help enhance children's development and wellbeing.

Miten palvelujärjestelmää pitäisi kehittää, jotta se tukisi entistä paremmin henkilöitä, joilla on FASD eli sikiöaikaisen alkoholialtistuksen aiheuttama vamma?
Informationsdienst Wissenschaft (Germany) - Zielgenau helfen, wenn Alkohol das werdende Leben geschädigt hat
Wie kann es gelingen, auf junge Menschen individuell einzugehen, die von der Fetalen Alkoholspektrum-Störung (FASD) betroffen sind? Im Mittelpunkt des Fachtages „FASD – Lernen erlaubt?“ steht am Freitag, 8. November 2019, auf dem Campus Cottbus-Sachsendorf der BTU Cottbus–Senftenberg unter anderem diese Frage. (Germany) - Fetale Alkoholspektrumstörungen (FASD) durch Alkoholkonsum in der Schwangerschaft
Über 10.000 Kinder kommen jährlich wegen mütterlichem Alkoholkonsum in der Schwangerschaft mit Fetalen Alkoholspektrumstörungen (FASD) zur Welt. Die Auswirkungen spüren die Betroffenen oft ein Leben lang.
Slovenske novice (Slovenia) - Bodoči očetje, opustite alkohol
Na otrokov razvoj in zdravje ne vplivajo le materine navade, pomemben je tudi način življenja bodočih očetov.
YLE (Finland) - A-studion ohjelma palkittiin vuoden raittiustekona
Ylen A-studion Oili Orispään toimittama ohjelma Kohdussa myrkytetyt on saanut Raittiuden Ystävät ry:n Vuoden raittiusteko 2019 -tunnustuksen.

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