
Sunday, July 28, 2019

FASD News - 30/2019

Medical Xpress - New studies suggest prenatal marijuana may be capable of causing FASD-like impairment
Whether alone or combined with alcohol, new studies included in Birth Defects Research suggest marijuana exposure may be capable of triggering morphological and behavioral impairments similar to those seen with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD). (Canada) - 'You're not alone': New program helps foster kids with FASD prepare for life on their own
Korry Garvey stands beside him guiding Jordan through a new workout routine. They've paired up as part of a new pilot project that helps support young people with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) who are aging out of the child welfare system.
Canada NewsWire (Canada) - Government of Canada supports projects to address and prevent Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in Canada
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is a significant lifelong developmental disability affecting many Canadians. Individuals with FASD experience some degree of challenges in their daily lives, and need support with motor skills, physical health, learning, memory, attention, emotional regulation and social skills to reach their full potential.
Yahoo Lifestyle (Australia) - Waitress sparks debate after refusing alcohol to a pregnant woman
A waitress has sparked a fierce debate online after admitting she secretly served a woman she thought was pregnant non-alcoholic cocktails. (New Zealand) - Second-hand drinking is damaging, particularly for nearest and dearest
I had a boyfriend once whose friends knew him by two names: his given name, when he was sober, and his alter-ego name, when he was drunk.
The first ‘Fighting for a Future’ Symposium held in 2004 identified six areas that needed action for change and needed further research and support for individuals with FASD.
ABC News - Fetal Alcohol Disorders Often Misdiagnosed as ADHD
Children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) are often initially diagnosed with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, since the two problems can manifest in similar ways, a new study shows.
Thrifty Mommas Tips - Courage and Parenting a Child with FASD
Sometimes I day dream about where I could go if I just left. Maybe for the day, maybe longer. Sometimes I contemplate never returning. Yesterday was one of those days. I love my kids, my family, my husband. But some days the scale tips.

POPFASD - FASD Through a Variety of Lenses - Episode 02 – Myles
Myles Himmelreich is a well-known Canadian motivational speaker on FASD. As a person with FASD, Myles shares his knowledge, experiences, passion and hope both nationally and internationally.
Dana Keim - Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and the Education System
ACE-Aware Scotland - Keynote ACES to Assets 2019 – Dr Gabor Maté – Understanding addiction as a result of trauma
Scotland is in the midst of a growing grassroots movement aimed at increasing public awareness of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). We now have glaring scientific evidence that childhood adversity can create harmful levels of stress, especially if a child is left to manage their responses to that adversity without emotionally reliable relationships.
Cleveland Clinic - Report: 1 in 9 U.S. Women Drink Alcohol while Pregnant
Alcohol exposure during pregnancy can be harmful to a developing baby’s brain. Yet, a recent report shows as many as 1 in 9 U.S. women reported drinking alcohol while pregnant.
LookUp Indiana - Pregnancy and Alcohol Use
Carolyn Warner-Greer, MD FACOG FASAM, explains the risks of alcohol use during pregnancy.
FASD ONE - FASD new brochure 2019

Birth Defects Research - Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders: Mechanisms, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention
This special issue of the Journal is dedicated to the topic of prenatal alcohol exposure and its consequences, mechanisms, and strategies for prevention and treatment. Alcohol is likely the most common teratogenic exposure occurring in pregnancy worldwide.
Birth Defects Research - Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder prevention program: SBIRT's role in averting fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
Empowering obstetricians to assess and improve their own practices of screening brief intervention and referral to treatment (SBIRT) in treating alcohol use disorders (AUDs) and preventing fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is the goal of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologist (ACOG) FASD Prevention Program.
Am Acad Pediatrics - Glutathione supplementation decreases mortality and congenital heart disease in an avian model of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
Decades of public education regarding dire consequences of prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) have not reduced alcohol consumption during pregnancy. PAE can result in fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD).
University of Lethbridge - FASD informed practice in mental health care
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is the leading cause of intellectual disability in Canada, affecting thousands of Canadians each year. It occurs due to prenatal alcohol exposure and results in a variety of cognitive, regulatory, and physical challenges.
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research - Increased maternal care rescues altered reinstatement responding following moderate prenatal alcohol exposure
Together these results demonstrate that even moderate PAE is sufficient to alter control over reward seeking as measured by reinstatement.
DUGIDocs - Introduction on the green page as a tool for quantification of prenatal alcohol exposure in the region of La Garrotxa
The campaigns of the World Health Organization and the Spanish Health Ministry encourage the creation of tools to improve health during pregnancy and the pre-conception period, such as the Green Page.
International journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - 3D-Analysis of Mouth, Nose and Eye Parameters in Children with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is a developmental disorder with severe negative lifetime consequences for the affected person. Numerous diagnostic methods for facial assessment in FAS exist, but most of them are based on subjective evaluations.
Collectively, the work described and presented in this dissertation demonstrates that PAE primes peripheral and spinal neuroimmune responses which lead to allodynia following minor CCI.
ResearchGate - New Approaches to Brief Intervention on Substance Use during Pregnancy
In Canada, the context for providing brief intervention on substance use during pregnancy is shifting with new opportunities for enhancing discussion of alcohol and other substances, due to the introduction of novel nicotine delivery products (e.g., vaping), the legalization of cannabis, and the crisis in the use of prescription pain medication.
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research - Persistent changes in stress‐regulatory genes in pregnant woman or a child with prenatal alcohol exposure
These data suggest that PAE significantly elevates DNA methylation of POMC and PER2 and increases levels of stress hormones.
The Journal for Nurse Practitioners - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: Implications for Primary Care Nurse Practitioners
FASDs are completely preventable when women do not consume alcohol during the prenatal period, and nurse practitioners who provide patient-centered primary care to women are ideally positioned to help in the prevention FASDs.
European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry - Binge drinking during pregnancy and psychosis-like experiences in the child at age 11
The aim of this study was to examine whether the risk of PLEs was likewise elevated in children prenatally exposed to binge drinking.
Scientific reports - Alcohol Consumption During Pregnancy and Risk of Placental Abnormality: The Japan Environment and Children’s Study
This study searched for associations between alcohol consumption and the placental abnormalities of placenta previa, placental abruption, and placenta accreta using the fixed dataset of a large national birth cohort study commencing in 2011 that included 80,020 mothers with a singleton pregnancy.

Westfälische Nachrichten (Germany) - Experten tauschen sich im Kreishaus zwei Tage über FASD aus
„Ein Schluck kann nicht schaden.“ Frauen, die diesem Irrglauben verfallen und in ihrer Schwangerschaft auch nur geringe Mengen Alkohol konsumieren, gefährden die Gesundheit ihres Kindes schon im Mutterleib erheblich. (Poland) - Fascynująca sesja dla mam – zapraszamy!
Gdańszczanki spodziewające się dziecka oraz matki ze swoimi pociechami serdecznie zapraszamy do udziału w niepowtarzalnej, bezpłatnej sesji fotograficznej, która odbędzie się 8 września w godzinach od 10.00 do 14.00, przy molo w Brzeźnie. Już rozpoczęło się przyjmowanie zgłoszeń, do udziału w tym przedsięwzięciu.
Quarks (Germany) - Weibliches Video: Fetales Alkoholsyndrom: Hirnschäden durch Alkohol in Schwangerschaft
Das Trinken von Alkohol während ihrer Schwangerschaft kann dazu führen, dass das Baby einer Frau mit Geburtsfehlern und Entwicklungsstörungen geboren wird. In der Tat ist Alkohol (Bier, Wein oder Schnaps) die Hauptursache vermeidbarer Geburtsfehler und Entwicklungsstörungen in den Vereinigten Staaten.

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