
Sunday, March 31, 2019

FASD News - 13/2019

Science Daily (Germany) - People who don't drink may still suffer harms from alcohol
Harms to people resulting from alcohol consumption by others in Germany in 2014 are assessed in a study published in the open access journal BMC Medicine.
The Western Star (Canada) - Most of Newfoundland and Labrador without access to fetal alcohol assessments: advocacy group
If it’s suspected a child in this province has fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD), chances are they will need to leave the province to get an assessment and diagnosis, according to a provincial advocacy group.
The Guardian - GIFFORD-JONES: Babies should not have to live with consequences of a damaged brain
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms says that all Canadians receive justice. The U.S. Constitution states that “All men are created Equal”. But some children are born who do not receive justice and they will never be equal.
Youngstown Vindicator - Speaker’s message: End drug, alcohol use even before pregnancy
A speaker provided facts about the dangers to babies of fetal exposure to drugs and alcohol that most of the 150 professionals attending had never heard before.
CBC (Canada) - 'You're weird, you're different and nobody wants to be your friend': the loneliness of FASD
Myles Himmelreich says many people don't understand the daily struggles for people living with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder or FASD.

PAHO - Webinar: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD): Epidemiology and Diagnosis (2019-04-10)
On Wednesday, 10 April 2019, PAHO will held the webinar "Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD): Epidemiology and Diagnosis" that will provide an overview of what are fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, current diagnostic criteria, clinical signs, and on how to identify people who could be affected.
dcafs - Understanding and Supporting FASD with Dan Dubovsky (May 30, Canada)
For parents, caregivers and professionals supporting individuals with diagnosed or suspected fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD).
Manitoba FASD Coalition - FASD Info Series
These are FREE sessions sponsored by the Manitoba FASD Coalition and the Manitoba FASD Network.
AADANT - FASD Repetition Repeat and Again Strategies for front line professionals (3 April 2019, Australia)
The workshop highlights practical strategies for professionals when working with FASD cognitive impairments and challenging behaviours.

WELT (Germany) - PASSIVTRINKEN: Schon kleine Mengen Alkohol schädigen das ungeborene Kinder
Auch Nicht-Trinker leiden in vielen Fällen unter den Folgen von Alkoholkonsum: Im Straßenverkehr verursachen betrunkene Autofahrer tödliche Unfälle, bei Gewalttaten spielt oft Alkohol eine Rolle - und trinkende Mütter schädigen ihre ungeborenen Kinder.
HealthEd - Diagnosis of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Interview with Dr Doug Shelton, 2017
CBC Radio - We don't look at [FASD] as we do many other disabilities
Myles Himmelreich, a motivational speaker and consultant on fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, talks to @cbcwhitecoat about his own struggle with FASD.
CanFASD - Annotated Bibliography of Articles Published in 2018
Annually, researchers associated with the Prevention Network Action Team (pNAT) of the CanFASD Research Network search the academic literature for articles related to fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) prevention.
NOFAS-UK (UK) - Kids with FASD are Trying
“Kids with FASD are trying”. How you read that statement matters. Understanding the brain/behavior link in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders leads to better outcomes and happier families. We’re here to help, please contact us.

University of Toronto - Exploring the Existence of a Unique Neurodevelopmental Profile of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
There is a general lack of consensus in the diagnostic criteria of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), which has ultimately resulted in the overlapping of the diagnostic criteria with those of other neurodevelopmental disorders.
Neuroscience of Alcohol - Maternal Separation Stress in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: A Case of Double Whammy
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) are caused by maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy. They result in varied developmental and behavioral deficits.
Neuroscience of Alcohol - Language Lateralization in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
Prenatal alcohol exposure has profoundly negative effects on the brain. Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) results from prenatal alcohol exposure, causing a wide range of physical, behavioral, and cognitive abnormalities, including language impairments.
Neuroscience of Alcohol - Ethanol Exposure During Development, and Brain Oxidative Stress
Ethanol exposure during pregnancy can produce a variety of central nervous system abnormalities in the offspring, resulting in a broad spectrum of cognitive and behavioral impairments that constitute the long-lasting effects observed in fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD).
Neuroscience of Alcohol - Prenatal Alcohol Exposure: Developmental Abnormalities in the Brain
Maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy can significantly impact the developmental trajectory of the offspring, resulting in lifelong alterations to brain anatomy, function, and behavior.
Campbell Collaboration - Protocol: Interventions for improving executive functions in children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD): systematic review and meta-analysis
While recent years have seen an increase in studies assessing interventions designed to improve EF functioning in children with FASD, a critical gap in the literature is the absence of an updated, comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis in the area.
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research - Myelin Water Fraction Imaging of the Brain in Children with Prenatal Alcohol Exposure
Given comparable MRI‐derived myelination fraction measures in PAE relative to controls, white matter alterations shown in other imaging studies, such as diffusion tensor imaging, may reflect micro‐structural anomalies related to axon caliber and density.
Canadian Journal of Bioethics - Stigmatisation, Exaggeration, and Contradiction: An Analysis of Scientific and Clinical Content in Canadian Print Media Discourse About Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD), a complex diagnosis that includes a wide range of neurodevelopmental disabilities, results from exposure to alcohol in the womb.
BMC Medicine - Quantifying harms to others due to alcohol consumption in Germany: a register-based study
The consumption of alcohol increases the risk of drinkers harming others. The extent of alcohol’s morbidity and mortality harms to others in Germany in 2014 was estimated for (1) fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) or fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) among newborns, (2) road traffic fatalities, and (3) interpersonal violence-related deaths.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health - Policymakers’ Perspectives Towards Developing a Guideline to Inform Policy on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: A Qualitative Study
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) has a high prevalence in South Africa, especially among the poor socioeconomic communities. However, there is no specific policy to address FASD.
Future Medicine - DNA-methylation abundantly associates with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder and its subphenotypes
We have detected robust FASD associated differentially methylated positions and differentially methylated regions for FASD in general and for FASD subphenotypes, in other words on growth delay, impaired facial and CNS development.
Neuroscience of Alcohol - Connecting Prenatal Alcohol, Its Metabolite Acetaldehyde, and the Fetal Brain
This chapter reviews the role of acetaldehyde in relation to the established effects of prenatal alcohol exposure.
Neuroscience of Alcohol - Fetal Alcohol Exposure and the Central Nervous Control of Breathing
Consuming alcohol during pregnancy puts the future child at risk for several disturbances including learning and memory, but also somatosensorial impairments.
Neuroscience of Alcohol - Synaptic Plasticity in the Hippocampus and Alcohol Exposure During Brain Development
Alcohol (ethanol) disturbs learning and memory in human, nonhuman primates, and rodents.
Journal of Pediatric Neuropsychology - Questioning Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: a Case Report of Multiple Etiological Factors
A wide range of etiological factors with unconfirmed prenatal alcohol exposure, such as neglect, trauma, and poor school attendance, suggests that FAS may be diagnostically restrictive as it pertains to the broad spectrum of prenatal alcohol effects and common comorbidities.
Our results are the first evidences indicating that in addition to central nerves system effects, fetal alcohol exposure induced alcohol preference in later life could also be produced by altered patterns of DNA methylation in the peripheral gustatory system, via dysregulated expression of oro-sensory-related genes.
Alcohol Clin Exp Res. - Relation Between Oppositional/Conduct Behaviors and Executive Function Among Youth with Histories of Heavy Prenatal Alcohol Exposure.
Youth with heavy prenatal alcohol exposure have high rates of behavioral concerns and psychopathology, including increased oppositional and conduct behaviors. The relation between those concerns and executive function (EF) deficits is unknown.
Neuroscience of Alcohol - Meconium Biomarkers of Prenatal Alcohol Exposure
Alcohol is a well-known teratogen, and its use during pregnancy is associated with a range of neurodevelopmental and behavioral disorders in children (including fetal alcohol spectrum disorders).
Birth defects Research - The association between prenatal alcohol exposure and protein expression in human placenta
These results establish the feasibility of harvesting placental tissue for protein analyses of PAE in a prospective manner.

Deutsches Ärzteblatt (Germany) - Passivtrinken: Tausende Babys werden mit Behinderung geboren
Auch Nichttrinker leiden in vielen Fällen unter den Folgen von Alkoholkonsum: Im Straßenverkehr verursachen betrunkene Autofahrer tödliche Unfälle, bei Gewalttaten spielt oft Alkohol eine Rolle – und trinkende Mütter schädigen ihre ungeborenen Kinder.

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