Science World Report - Sleep Changes
Seen From Fetal Alcohol Exposure May Explain Learning, Mood Problems
Exposure of a
developing brain to binge levels of alcohol results in a permanent
fragmentation in slow-wave sleep, with the extent of the
fragmentation influencing the severity of related cognitive
disorders, according to study authors.
Medical Xpress -
Research pinpoints devastating impacts of fetal alcohol syndrome
Children with
fetal alcohol spectrum disorders are affected by a range of problems,
including anxiety, depression, aggression, delinquency and diminished
learning capacity a new review of evidence reveals.
Whitehorse Star
(Canada) - MP picks up cause for those afflicted with FASD
Yukon MP Larry
Bagnell introduced a private member’s bill last week that would
ensure a change in how individuals with fetal alcohol spectrum
disorder (FASD) are treated in the criminal justice system.
New Zealand Doctor
Online (New Zealand) - NZMA submission on Foetal Alcohol Spectrum
Disorder (FASD) action plan
The NZMA is
calling on the government to take action to modify New Zealand’s
“alcogenic” environment which promotes a culture of excessive
drinking leading to Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
- Let's Talk About It: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: The
missing diagnosis
Tracy used
something called “confabulation,” common in persons with a Fetal
Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), a form of brain damage that occurs
when the mom drinks alcohol during pregnancy. Confabulation is
filling in with what seems logical, because you can't remember what
actually occurred.
Read more
TVNZ (New Zealand)
- 'It makes me feel like my brain's going to burst' - 46,000 Kiwis
suffer from fetal alcohol disorder
And for some
46,000 Kiwis, FASD is a daily battle which the Government will not
recognise as a disability. Seven Sharp spoke to several families with
a child suffering from FASD, including Alex and his mum Jackie, who
drank while pregnant.
Invisible - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum
Disorder (FASD) and the Justice System
This video
features the personal stories of three people with FASD and their
struggles within the justice system. Invisible exposes the myths and
realities of FASD and what experts believe is needed to help
offenders with the disorder.
Journal of
Attention Disorders - Comparing Executive Functioning in Children
and Adolescents With Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders and ADHD A
Fetal alcohol
spectrum disorders (FASD) and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity
Disorder (ADHD) are associated with a range of neurocognitive
impairments. Executive functioning deficits are a hallmark feature of
both disorders.
The Lancet -
Comorbidity of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: a systematic
review and meta-analysis
The high
prevalence of comorbid conditions in individuals with FASD highlights
the importance of assessing prenatal alcohol exposure as a
substantial clinical risk factor for comorbidity. The harmful effects
of alcohol on a developing fetus represent many cases of preventable
disability, and thus, alcohol use during pregnancy should be
recognised as a public health problem globally.
Medicine & Child Neurology - Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
are clearly brain-based
The Lancet - Fetal
alcohol spectrum disorder: complexity from comorbidity
Every day, in the
USA alone, 100–500 children are estimated to be born with fetal
alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD).1 Most will never be diagnosed with
FASD, and those who are will often wait years for a correct
Trends in
Cognitive Sciences - Drinking During Pregnancy and the Developing
Brain: Is Any Amount Safe?
Heavy prenatal
alcohol exposure can have lifelong, disabling effects on brain and
cognition. Unlike animal studies, research on light-to-moderate
drinking in humans demonstrates less consistent impact. Discussions
of negative research findings in popular media underestimate
potential adverse outcomes and complicate decisions about risks
versus benefits of light-to-moderate drinking during pregnancy.
AAPGateways -
Prenatal Alcohol Exposure, FASD, and Child Behavior: A
reveals that FASD and PAE are associated with problematic behavior in
many, but not all domains. This clearly affects families, and should
be considered in clinical practice by providers.
Clinical Case
Studies - The Clinical Application of Applied Behavior Analysis in
a Child With Partial Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
The current case
study describes the longitudinal assessment of a young child
diagnosed with Partial Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and pervasive
developmental disorder–not otherwise specified.
Rynek Zdrowia
(Poland) - Szczecin: pijana matka urodziła pijane dziecko
Szacuje się, że
rocznie w Polsce przychodzi na świat ok. 900 dzieci z FAS (Fetal
Alcohol Syndrome), a dziesięć razy więcej dzieci ma inne
zaburzenia związane z alkoholem opisywane jako poalkoholowe spektrum
wrodzonych zaburzeń rozwojowych - FASD (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum
DocCheck News
(Germany) - FASD trocken reicht nicht
Um fetale
Alkoholspektrumstörungen (FASD) zu vermeiden, reicht es nicht aus,
ab der ärztlich nachgewiesenen Gravidität Hochprozentiges zu
vermeiden. Wissenschaftler des CDC raten sogar Frauen, die schwanger
werden könnten, auf ethanolhaltige Getränke zu verzichten. -
Fötus-Schädigung durch Alkoholkonsum in der Schwangerschaft
keine Körperverletzung
Trinkt eine Frau
während ihrer Schwangerschaft regelmäßig Alkohol, kann das später
geborene Kind wegen erlittener alkoholbedingter Schäden keine
staatliche Opferentschädigung verlangen.
Policlinico News
(Italy) - Alcol, CRARL e FARMACAP firmano un protocollo d’intesa
È stato siglato
lo scorso 24 febbraio un importante protocollo d’intesa fra il
Centro di Riferimento Alcologico della Regione Lazio (CRARL) diretto
dal prof. Mauro Ceccanti e l’Azienda Speciale Farmasociosanitaria
capitolina (FARMACAP), diretta dalla Dott.ssa Simona Laing.
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