
Sunday, November 9, 2014

FASD News - 44/2014

NEWS and ARTICLES (USA) - Foetal alcohol syndrome in US higher than suspected
Although drinking during pregnancy has long been considered taboo, new research suggests that at least 1 in 20 U.S. children may have health or behavioural problems related to pre-birth alcohol exposure.
SBS (Australia) - Indigenous Elders call for caution over FASD
Indigenous welfare groups and Elders have urged the federal government not to stigmatise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders as part of moves to combat Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.
The Australian (Australia) - Void in data as fetal alcohol babies in crisis
FETAL Alcohol Spectrum Disorders are at “crisis levels in many indigenous communities”, according to the Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister, who will use a new report to argue for tougher welfare rules to take control of the disorder.
BBC News - 'Stronger warnings needed' over pregnant women drinking
Campaigners and doctors are calling for stronger warnings about drinking during pregnancy, ahead of a legal test case on foetal alcohol syndrome.
Sydney Morning Herald - Bottle babies: the devastation of foetal alcohol spectrum disorders
No one's sure how many Australians are affected by foetal alcohol spectrum disorders, but the consequences for those who are can be devastating.
Stroud News and Journal - Judges hear pregnancy 'crime' case
The Court of Appeal has reserved its judgment on whether a pregnant woman committed "a crime of violence" against her child when she drank a "grossly excessive" amount of alcohol while pregnant.
Growing Your Baby (USA) - Study ‘1 in 20 U.S. Children May Have Health or Behavioral Problems Related to Alcohol Exposure Before Birth’
Is it safe to drink while you’re pregnant? Studies that have been released over the past couple years have made the answer to this question a little blurry. Some say yes, others absolutely no – and in between you get the ones that say a glass of wine is fine…
The Stir (UK) - Child Sues Mom for Drinking While She Was Pregnant
Can a fetus sue? That's the question a London court will have to decide after a 7-year-old child's guardians have decided to sue the child's mother for allegedly drinking heavily during her pregnancy.

UNSW - Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders - Strategies to address information gaps
Health-care providers and policy makers need accurate and timely data in a useable format to monitor and prevent FASD. There is widespread concern about the lack of information on FASD and the impact this has on health-care planners and providers in managing the problem in a timely and effective way.

Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs - Productivity losses because of morbidity attributable to fetal alcohol spectrum disorder in Canada: a demographic approach
About 0.03% of the Canadian workforce experiences a loss of productivity because of FASD-attributable morbidity, which translates to aggregate losses ranging from $418 million Canadian dollars (CND) to $1.08 billion CND annually.
Birth Defects Research Part C: Embryo Today: Reviews - Neural crest development in fetal alcohol syndrome
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is a leading cause of neurodevelopmental disability. Some affected individuals possess distinctive craniofacial deficits, but many more lack overt facial changes. An understanding of the mechanisms underlying these deficits would inform their diagnostic utility.
Pediatrics - Prevalence and characteristics of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
Total dysmorphology scores differentiate significantly fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) and partial FAS (PFAS) from one another and from unexposed controls. Alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder (ARND) is not as clearly differentiated from controls.
Endocrinology - Fetal Alcohol Exposure Disrupts Metabolic Signaling in Hypothalamic Proopiomelanocortin Neurons via a Circadian Mechanism in Male Mice
Early-life ethanol feeding (ELAF) alters the metabolic function of proopiomelanocortin (POMC)-producing neurons and the circadian expression of clock regulatory genes in the hypothalamus. We investigated whether the circadian mechanisms control the action of ELAF on metabolic signaling genes in POMC neurons.
Prenatal Diagnosis - Dose-response and time-response analysis of total fatty acid ethyl esters in meconium as a biomarker of prenatal alcohol exposure
Little is known on how the dose and timing of exposure co-influence the cumulative concentration of fatty acid ethyl esters (FAEEs) in meconium. The objective of the study was to assess the cumulative concentration of FAEEs in meconium as a biomarker of light, moderate, or heavy prenatal alcohol exposure occurring at either first, second, or third trimesters of pregnancy.
European Journal of Neuroscience - Prenatal alcohol exposure and adolescent stress - unmasking persistent attentional deficits in rats
Prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) can produce a myriad of deficits. Unfortunately, affected individuals may also be exposed to the stress of an adverse home environment, contributing to deficits of attentional processes that are the hallmark of optimal executive function.

Grafschafter Nachrichten (Germany) - Wie Alkohol bei Schwangeren das Kind schädigt
Jährlich werden in Deutschland 4000 bis 5000 Kinder geboren, die geistig und körperlich geschädigt sind, weil die Mütter während der Schwangerschaft Alkohol getrunken haben. Die Kinder leiden am Fetalen Alkoholsyndrom. Hierzu gab es einen Infoabend. (Italy) - BERE ALCOL IN GRAVIDANZA: UNA CAMPAGNA CI RICORDA CHE È UNA PERICOLOSISSIMA ABITUDINE
Bere e fumare in gravidanza sono due comportamenti molto dannosi per la salute del feto; sembrerà banale, sembrerà una cosa ovvia, ma secondo alcune statistiche ancora oggi, ogni anno, 1 bambino su 100 negli States e 1 su 200 in Europa nasce affetto dalla FASD (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders), un termine che racchiude una serie di disturbi e malattie, sia mentali che comportamentali, derivanti dal consumo materno di alcol durante la gestazione.

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