
Friday, September 20, 2024

Alcohol News / 38/2024

University of Colorado - A Sharper Focus on Increased Cancer Risks from Drinking Alcohol
When we hear about health impacts from drinking alcohol, often the conversation focuses on things like deaths or injuries from crashes, risk to a fetus during pregnancy, and liver and heart disease. But alcohol use also increases the risk of several types of cancer – a reality that isn’t as well known by the public.
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The Conversation - People with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder face a heightened risk of homelessness
Canada is in the midst of a housing crisis. A systematic failure to provide decent and affordable housing means far too many people are ending up homeless. Rigid and unresponsive policies perpetuate adversity and fuel stigma that places blame on the individual.
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The New York Times - Deep Links Between Alcohol and Cancer Are Described in New Report
Adults under age 50 have been developing breast cancer and colorectal cancer at increasingly higher rates over the last few decades, and alcohol use may be one factor driving the trend, according to a scientific report published on Wednesday.
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The Conversation - How perpetrators of domestic violence use drugs and alcohol to control their victims
At least three decades of research on the intersection of substance use with domestic and family violence consistently shows the frequency, severity and impact of violence increases in the context of the perpetrator using alcohol and other drugs.
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Medical Xpress - Half of heavier drinkers say calorie labels on alcohol would lead to a change in their drinking habits
Just over half of heavier drinkers in England say they would make changes to their drinking if calorie labels for alcohol were introduced, according to a new study by UCL researchers.
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MedicalNewsToday - Dementia risk rises with any amount of alcohol use, new study suggests
There is no level of alcohol consumption that is not associated with a higher risk of dementia, suggests a new study, contrary to previous findings.
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YLE (Finland) - Government tensions rise over loosening of Finland's alcohol laws
A leading Christian Democrat MP has said that strong wines will not be sold in supermarkets as long as her party is in the governing coalition.
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Catalan News (Spain) - Spain wants to lower blood alcohol limit for all drivers
Spain's Interior Ministry, responsible for public security and internal affairs in Spain, is looking to lower the allowable blood alcohol concentration (BAC) for all drivers.
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Iceland Review (Iceland) - Minister Criticises Hagkaup’s Move into Alcohol Market
Yesterday, the grocery store Hagkaup began selling alcohol online for in-store pickup. The Minister of Finance has expressed concern about the possible implications of this decision on the youth and pointed to legal uncertainties surrounding alcohol sales, RÚV reports.
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BBC (UK) - Small beer: Study calls on government to shrink pints
A sobering discovery has led to Cambridge University academics calling on the government to stop serving beer in pints to reduce Britain’s alcohol intake.
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IAS Blog - Can alcohol control policies reduce family and domestic violence?
Family and domestic violence accounts for nearly half of all assaults in Australia. In New South Wales, the most populous state in Australia, reported rates of family and domestic violence have steadily increased since 2019.
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WCRF – Policy Position: Alcohol and cancer risk
Our new policy position on alcohol recommends: fiscal and pricing policies; restricting availability; mandatory health warning labels; marketing restrictions; and updated national guidance.
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NordAN (Denmark) - New study: Supermarkets tempt shoppers with alcohol while grocery shopping
On average, you encounter alcohol nine times during a trip through the supermarket. The Danish Cancer Society calls for stricter regulation.
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ERR News (Estonia) - Thousands of drunk drivers pass a special program instead of going to jail in Estonia
Instead of going to prison, 4,500 individuals caught driving under the influence in Estonia have participated in a special program where they are subject to medical monitoring and must avoid reoffending.
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Alcohol Awareness (Norway) - Are you on the same page with your teenager?
Av-og-til, a Norwegian organization dedicated to preventing alcohol-related harm, has launched a campaign to encourage parents to have open and honest conversations with their teenagers about alcohol.
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