The Conversation - For decades, mothers have borne the brunt of scrutiny for alcohol use during pregnancy − new research points to dad’s drinking as a significant factor in fetal alcohol syndrome
Men drink more, are more likely to binge drink and are almost four times more likely to develop alcohol use disorder than women, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
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France 24 (South
Africa) - South Africa has highest prevalence of Foetal alcohol spectrum
disorders in the world
South Africa has the highest reported cases of Fetal alcohol spectrum
disorders (FASD) in the world, with a prevalence rate as high as 28 percent.
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Eileen Devine - Three
Things Your Irritability Might Be Masking
This is the sentiment a parent shared with me when we met a few weeks ago.
As she described this ever-present irritability, always bubbling right beneath
the surface throughout her day, she went on to explain the frustration and
shame this feeling also elicits.
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National Child Day - Inclusion
for Young People with FASD
National Child Day is celebrated in Canada on November 20th to acknowledge
the importance of children’s rights and our country’s commitment to upholding
them. This year’s theme is “Inclusion for Every Child.”
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CanFASD - Supporting
Addictions Recovery Among Women and Girls with Complex Needs
This week is National Addictions Awareness Week, and today we’re sharing a
timely study recently published in the journal, Substance Abuse: Research and
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FASD United - The
Triumphs and Troubles of Living with FASD: An Interview with Self-Advocate
People are not just one thing. As we know, living with FASD can lead to
challenges. It can also highlight the unique strengths and positive qualities
of those with them.
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FASD Awareness - Sam Armstrong - EHC Plans, Empower Yourself! - FASD Webinar
Samantha Armstrong has worked in education for 18 years, as a teacher and
SENCO and now for the Specialist Teaching and Learning Service. Her role
involves supporting children with a range of special educational needs who
attend a mainstream education setting - from 3-19 years old age.
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Oklahoma Adoption
Competency Network - Fetal Alcohol Syndrome OACN Lunch and Learn
The Oklahoma Adoption Competency Network (OACN) is a statewide effort to
come together - adoptive parents, adoptees, biological families, and adoption
professionals - doing our best to learn, discuss, and support each and other
and adoptive families in Oklahoma.
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Patricia Kasper, Your
FASD Coach - Current FASD Research with Dr Christie Petrenko
Living with FASD is an educational and human interest show for those living
with the effects of prenatal exposure to alcohol, their loved one and anyone
interested in learning more about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders, brought to
you by someone with both professional and living experience with FASD.
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Patricia Kasper, Your
FASD Coach - Personal Space, Boundaries & Sleep
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Justice For Orphans - JFO
"FASD" 2023
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Patricia Kasper, Your
FASD Coach - A Candid Conversation with Dr. Susan Rich
Living with FASD is an educational and human interest show for those living
with the effects of prenatal exposure to alcohol, their loved one and anyone
interested in learning more about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders, brought to
you by someone with both professional and living experience with FASD.
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Able to Care Podcast -
Understanding Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) - Able To Care Podcast
This months podcast explores Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and how we
can help those living with it.
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Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability - An Australian
online training and support program for caregivers of children and youth with
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: Families linking with families
Specialist FASD caregiver education and support programs are beneficial for
caregivers who care for children and youth with FASD. Further research through
a randomised control trial could establish the efficacy of the program.
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University of
Johannesburg - Rethinking Local Economic Development for Foetal Alcohol
Spectrum Disorder in Renosterberg Municipality
Two towns in the Renosterberg local municipality (RLM) in the Northern Cape
Province of South Africa, Petrusville and Philipstown, have high Foetal Alcohol
Spectrum Disorder (FASD) prevalence rates.
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Journal of Mental
Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities - Polyvictimization and
Impairments in Functioning for Children and Youth with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum
The findings highlight the increased risk of individual and familial
difficulties in children diagnosed with FASD. The limitations and clinical
implications are discussed to inform further research and assist in the
development of trauma-informed clinical interventions.
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Alcohol: Clinical and
Experimental Research - Extension of Community Health Outcomes (ECHO) FASD:
Tele-mentoring program to increase healthcare capacity for fetal alcohol
spectrum disorder (FASD) diagnosis
ECHO FASD is a feasible training method that shows promise to increase
diagnostic capacity across many geographic regions.
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Neuropsychology: Child - Neuropsychological evaluation of children and
adolescents with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders in the Brazilian population
Our results point to the need for more clinical research on FASD in Brazil,
as well as for the standardization and validation of neurodevelopmental
assessment tools for the accurate diagnosis of FASD in Brazil.
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Makerere University - Alcohol
use among pregnant women in post conflict northern Uganda: Prevalence, women’s
experiences and effect of a communication intervention
Policy makers should ensure that interventions aimed at promoting alcohol
abstinence during pregnancy should be implemented alongside other strategies
that address factors that influence pregnant women to drink to achieve maximum
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The Clinical
Neuropsychologist - Questioning cognitive heterogeneity and intellectual
functioning in fetal alcohol spectrum disorders from the Wechsler intelligence
scale for children
Our results question the notion of WISC profile heterogeneity in FASD and
point to working memory and processing speed over-impairment, with global
repercussions but most often preserved elementary reasoning abilities.
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Biological Research - Prenatal
ethanol exposure and changes in fetal neuroendocrine metabolic programming
Prenatal ethanol exposure (PEE) (mainly through maternal alcohol
consumption) has become widespread. However, studies suggest that it can cause
intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) and multi-organ developmental toxicity
in offspring, and susceptibility to various chronic diseases (such as
neuropsychiatric diseases, metabolic syndrome, and related diseases) in adults.
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JAMA Network - Brain
Volume in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Over a 20-Year Span
These findings suggest that a sustained spectrum of brain volume deficits
endured from adolescence into early middle age based on the original severity
of dysmorphia and a diagnostic distinction between fetal alcohol syndrome and
alcohol-related neurodevelopment disorder.
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Prevention Science - Systematic
Review and Meta-analysis of the Relationship Between Exposure to Parental
Substance Use and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Children
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is characterized by
persistent patterns of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness. Among US
children and adolescents aged 3–17 years, 9.4% have a diagnosis of ADHD.
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Journal of Public
Health - Identifying the motives for and against drinking during pregnancy
and motherhood, and factors associated with increased maternal alcohol use
Stress reduction motives may be a risk factor for heavier maternal
drinking, while motives for not drinking seem to be focused on child welfare
and maternal well-being.
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BMC Pregnancy and
Childbirth - Clustering of smoking, alcohol consumption and weight gain in
pregnancy: prevalence, care preferences and associated factors
Around one in eight women reported clustered preventable risk factors
during pregnancy, most of whom would like support to address these risks.
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Alkoholin kokonaiskulutukseen vaikuttavat eniten saatavuus ja hinta. Tästä
syystä Kehitysvammaliitto vastustaa suunniteltuja muutoksia alkoholijuomien
vähittäismyyntiä koskeviin säännöksiin. Alkoholin saatavuuden helpottaminen
lisäisi sikiöaikaisia alkoholivaurioita.
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Landkreis Stade
(Germany) - „FASD ist nicht das Ende“: Pflegeeltern erhalten Unterstützung –
Fachtag in Stade
Alkoholkonsum in der Schwangerschaft wird noch immer verharmlost. Dabei
drohen den Kindern bei einer fetalen Alkoholspektrumsstörung – kurz FASD –
schwerwiegende Folgen.
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021 (Sebia) - Očeve
navike ispijanja alkohola mogu uticati na izgled bebinog lica
Očeve navike pijenja alkohola pre začeća mogu oštetiti lica njihovih beba,
pokazuju istraživanja.
Read more (Croatia) - Alkoholiziranje
budućih očeva loše utječe na fetus?! 'Može dovesti do ovih šokantnih posljedica
na nerođeno dijete'
Stopa rasta bebine glave, usta i čeljusti može biti oštećena kao rezultat
prekomjerne konzumacije alkohola od strane oca
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(Poland) - Robisz to w ciąży? Twoje dziecko przez wiele lat może mieć te
Czy kobiety ciężarne mogą pić alkohol? Naukowcy nie stwierdzili
jednoznacznie, jaka ilość alkoholu w czasie ciąży jest bezpieczna.
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Padua Thesis and
Dissertation Archive (Italy) - Brindisi rischiosi. Indagine sull'uso di
alcol in gravidanza
L’alcol è uno dei fattori di rischio di molte malattie ed è una delle
sostanze psicoattive più utilizzate, con un aumento del consumo negli ultimi
anni soprattutto nelle giovani donne.
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NDR (Germany) - FASD-Ausstellung:
Eine unsichtbare Behinderung sichtbar machen
FASD hat viele Gesichter. Rund 1,6 Millionen Menschen leiden in Deutschland
an der Fetalen Alkoholspektrumsstörung. In Rostock ist nun eine
Foto-Ausstellung von Andreas Ehrig mit Bildern von Betroffenen zu sehen.
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Lääkärilehti (Finland)
- FASD- ja ADHD-diagnoosit uupumisen takana
Paras ja pisin aika ilman uupumusta on ollut neljä vuotta. Opiskelin
tuolloin luovaa alaa. Valmistumisen jälkeen aloitin satunnaiset taidealan työt.
En jaksanut roikkua kauan pätkätöissä ja myös taloudellisista syistä lähdin
muihin töihin.
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