Iriss (UK) - Social work and fetal
alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD)
Given the prevalence, severity and impact of fetal alcohol spectrum
disorders (FASDs) on individuals and communities, there should be better social
work knowledge and understanding of, as well as support for, these disorders
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Kidspot (Australia) - It took 12 years for my son to be
correctly diagnosed with FASD
Wyatt's learning difficulties were attributed to his parent's divorce, then
doctors misdiagnosed him. It took over a decade for Debbie's suspicions over
her son's condition to be proved correct.
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BBC (UK) - How
I found success despite foetal alcohol spectrum disorder
The 39-year-old, who was adopted as a baby - is a parent, has a full time
job at Fife College and leads a programme of support for adopted children for
the charity Adoption UK.
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(Ireland) – Drinking while pregnant: 10% of babies born with FASD
Ireland needs a new education campaign about drinking during pregnancy –
with one in ten babies born with foetal alcohol disorders every year.
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CFJC Today
Kamloops (Canada) - Government’s autism funding model reversal still leaves
out some neurodiverse children: Kamloops advocate
Two weeks ago, the NDP government reversed course on a decision that would
have helped Bonnie McBride and her family, instead, they are still advocating
for proper funding.
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Taproot Edmonton
(Canada) - Toolkit aims to help families of children with neurodevelopmental
Families of children with autism, cerebral palsy, and fetal alcohol
spectrum disorder now have access to a free online resource called the
Neurodevelopmental Disability Navigator Toolkit.
Read more (New
Zealand) - Man with foetal alcohol spectrum disorder has aggravated robbery
jail sentence cut
A young man with foetal alcohol spectrum disorder jailed for robbing an
Auckland bakery has had his time behind bars cut.
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WXPR (USA) - Policing
pregnancy: Wisconsin’s ‘fetal protection’ law, one of the nation’s most
punitive, forces women into treatment or jail
Officials investigate about 400 pregnant people a year for alleged ‘unborn
child abuse’ under Act 292. Critics say that can do more harm than good.
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Our Sacred Breath
Hon. Mohamed-Iqbal Ravalia moved second reading of Bill S-253, an Act
respecting a national framework for fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. Still a
long way to become law, but exciting to see it discussed and making its way
through Senate.
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NOFASD Australia
December is a time of frantic shoppers, once-a-year social visits, flashing
lights, bright decorations, loud and often incessant Christmas carols, and oh
so many expectations
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FASD Awareness - Raja Mukherjee - Internationally acclaimed expert in FASD.
(Webinar #13)
Dr Raja Mukherjee is an Adult Learning Disability Consultant Psychiatrist
for Surrey and Border’s Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, with interest in the
management of developmental disorders across the lifespan.
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FASD United
(formerly NOFAS) - FASD United Policy & Training Center: November 2022
Virtual Forum
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FASD United
(formerly NOFAS) - FASD United Circle of Stars 2022 - Full Event
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Kids Brain Health
Network - Full Chamber Speech—Bill S-253 National Framework for Fetal
Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Bill
Senator Colin Deacon speaks about his stance on Bill S-253 National
Framework for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Bill during its second
reading held last November 15, 2022
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National FASD - Raja
& Neil's FASD Book Club - Session 8, Transition to Adulthood & Avoiding
Secondary Disabilities
ABOUT THIS VIDEO - Raja & Neil’s FASD Book Club – Session 8, Transition
Into Adulthood & Avoiding Secondary Disabilities, with Raja Mukherjee,
filmed 3rd November 2022.
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LINKS Resource
Center - FASD Awareness and Education
If you found this training useful please consider completing our brief
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Love Alaska,
Priceless, & Chosen - EQUIP Training: Learning about FASD
This video is lead by Brighton Brooks a clinician cased out of Fairbanks
Alaska that did their masters work in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.
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Learning with FASD
- Teaching and learning strategies to support primary aged children with
Children affected by FASD can learn and behave differently to neurotypical
children due to the impact of prenatal alcohol exposure.
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NOFASD Australia
Podcast - #16 FASD First Voices Part 4 with CJ Lutke
In this fourth and final episode in this multi-part FASD “First Voices”
mini-series, Kurt’s quest comes to its conclusion when he talks with another
adult who lives with this invisible disability, to learn more about how they
live with FASD
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Institute - Pregnant and Drinking Don’t Mix – At All!
But how do you have that ‘conversation’ with someone who is having a baby
and seems oblivious to the harms of alcohol to her baby?
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Proof Alliance - Hello
and Invitation from the new Executive Director of Proof Alliance
Please make a moment to give to Proof Alliance and light the candle so we
can continue our work to prevent prenatal alcohol exposure and improve outcomes
for people impacted by an FASD throughout Minnesota and beyond.
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Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work - Best practices for justice: Practitioner
views on understanding and helping youth living with fetal alcohol spectrum
disorder (FASD)
Urgent training and practice guidance is required for all professionals
working in the youth justice space. Practice needs to ensure disability rights
are upheld to enable flourishing and participation by young people often on the
margins of society.
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Drug and Alcohol
Review - Midwives' knowledge and perceived barriers to screening alcohol use
among pregnant women in a southwestern US state
More in-depth research and larger samples are needed to explore barriers
(knowledge gaps, limited time with patients, need for additional training) that
hinder midwives' dissemination of abstinence messages to pregnant women and
limit the uptake of validated alcohol screening tools.
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Brain Sciences - Effects
of Genetics and Sex on Acute Gene Expression Changes in the Hippocampus
Following Neonatal Ethanol Exposure in BXD Recombinant Inbred Mouse Strains
These results demonstrate that genetic background and sex are important
factors that affect differential cell death pathways after alcohol exposure
during development that could have long-term consequences.
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With the inclusion of diverse voices from the FASD community in the
co-creation of the content, we argue that the campaign’s style, messaging, and
language more accurately reflected the intended audiences and was made
accessible to a wider demographic, thus strengthening awareness and prevention
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Preprints - Direct
Implications between Prenatal Alcohol Consumption and Gut Microbiome in the
Neurodevelopment of Mice Offspring – Focusing On Foetal Alcoholic Spectrum
In this review we focus on the role of gut microbiota on the
neurodevelopment of mice when ethanol consumption is one of the major stressors
during prenatal period.
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Substance Abuse
Treatment, Prevention, and Policy - Effect of a communication intervention
on alcohol use during pregnancy in post conflict Northern Uganda: a quasi
experimental study
The communication intervention affected some patterns of alcohol use among
pregnant women and not others.
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The Brown
University Child & Adolescent - Maternal use of substances while
pregnant does not affect ADHD symptoms in offspring
A recent study has found that in contrast to some previously published
studies, maternal prenatal substance use with legal substances is not
associated with offspring attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
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Drug and Alcohol Dependence
- Prenatal cocaine exposure and substance use disorder in emerging adulthood
at age 21
PCE may increase risk for SUD in emerging adulthood through childhood
externalizing behaviors and adolescent substance use.
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JCI Insight - Embryonic
alcohol exposure disrupts the ubiquitin-proteasome system
Our studies identify the proteasome as a target of EtOH exposure and
signify that UPS disruptions contribute to craniofacial, neurological, and
endodermal phenotypes in FASDs.
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BMC Pregnancy and
Childbirth - Women’s views on moderate and low alcohol consumption: stages
of the subjective transition from pregnancy to postpartum
Many women express a need for guidance and counselling by health care
professionals at some stages of the transition to motherhood.
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Plos one - Alcohol
use during pregnancy and motherhood: Attitudes and experiences of pregnant
women, mothers, and healthcare professionals
Alcohol is the most used substance by women of childbearing age. Alcohol
exposed pregnancies can have serious consequences to the fetus, and the UK has
one of the highest rates of drinking during pregnancy.
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Brain Sciences - Mechanisms
Underlying Cognitive Impairment Induced by Prenatal Alcohol Exposure
in this review, we aim to provide a comprehensive summary of the recently
reported alterations to various mechanisms following alcohol exposure during
pregnancy, and to draw potential associations with behavioral changes in
affected offspring.
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Journal of Prenatal and Life Sciences - New Insights in Foetal Alcohol
This review shall highlight various effects of alcohol on craniofacial
development, epigenetics, glia, the gamma-aminobutyric system,
neovascularisation and cell death in the developing foetus.
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Journal of
Neurodevelopmental Disorders - Long-term follow-up of a randomized
controlled trial of choline for neurodevelopment in fetal alcohol spectrum
disorder: corpus callosum white matter microstructure and neurocognitive
These preliminary findings, although exploratory at this stage, highlight
potential long-term benefits of choline as a neurodevelopmental intervention
for FASD and suggest that choline may affect white matter development,
representing a potential target of choline in this population.
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FOKUS FAS (Sweden) - Den första svenska FAS-konferensen
Välkommen till två lärorika dagar om alkoholrelaterade fosterskador, FAS/FASD,
och de livslånga konsekvenserna för dem som drabbas. Uppskattningsvis föds
årligen 1000 barn med FASD i Sverige.
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Jasło Nasze
Miasto (Poland) - Fakty o FASD – wystawa profilaktyczna w jasielskiej
Miasto Jasło i Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna w Jaśle zapraszają do
obejrzenia wystawy „Fakty o FASD. Spektrum płodowych zaburzeń alkoholowych –
dowiedz się, zapobiegaj, działaj!”. Ekspozycja będzie czynna do 15 grudnia.
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Oberpfalz TV
(Germany) - Dramatische Folgen bei Alkoholkonsum in der Schwangerschaft
Alkohol in der Schwangerschaft kann bei Menschen zu Behinderungen führen.
Betroffen sind sehr viele Menschen. Daher werden Gesetzesänderungen gefordert.
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Italia (Italy) - Effetti dell’alcol in gravidanza: la sindrome feto-alcolica
La sindrome feto-alcolica (FAS) è una malattia fetale congenita (cioè
presente sin dalla nascita) provocata dal consumo di alcol in gravidanza.
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(Croatia) - Majka koja je pila dok je bila trudna otkrila kako se to
odrazilo na njezinog sina
NATALIE Battaglia prestala je piti alkohol u travnju 2020. U prvoj trudnoći
izbjegavala je alkohol pod svaku cijenu, dok je u drugoj bila puno opuštenija.
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Rundfunk (Germany) - Die Gefahr von Alkohol in der Schwangerschaft: Kinder
mit FASD
Katrin Lepke und ihr Ehemann haben gleich drei Kinder mit FASD adoptiert.
FASD steht für „Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder“ zu Deutsch Fetale Alkohol
Spektrum Störung.
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