
Sunday, November 27, 2022

FASD News - 47/2022

Insider - Less than 1 alcoholic drink a week in pregnancy is enough to change the fetal brain, study suggests
Having less than one alcoholic drink a week during pregnancy is enough to change the fetal brain in ways that can lead to problems once a child is born, like language deficits, new research suggests.
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Love What Matters - It Took 12 Years For My Son To Be Diagnosed With Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Wyatt is our second child, adopted in 2001. He was a happy baby. His sister always doted on him and said, ‘She spoke Wyatt, so he didn’t need to speak.’ It was hard to know if his apparent delays were a result of adoption trauma, or if there was more there we didn’t know about.
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Insider - A mom who drank a few glasses of wine while pregnant had a son with developmental issues. She said the buzz wasn't worth it.
When Natalie Battaglia finally got pregnant with her first child after over a year of trying, she "cherished it like nothing else." That meant avoiding anything that could harm the baby, including alcohol, save for the very occasional half-glass of champagne.
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University of Calgary (Canada) - Collaboration and community support needed to address mental health challenges in children with neurodevelopmental disabilities
This story is the second in a three-part series on how University of Calgary researchers and the United Way are making progress in the areas of raising successful kids, building strong communities and overcoming poverty. Together, we can improve lives in our community.
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ScienceDaily - Brain organoids reveal in detail the harms of prenatal alcohol exposure
No amount of alcohol consumption is safe for a developing fetus. A new study presents in molecular detail how alcohol harms growth and functioning of developing brain organoids.
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Healthline - Drinking During Pregnancy May Change Baby’s Brain Structure
Even small amounts of alcohol can cause changes to a developing baby’s brain structure. That’s the conclusion of a study presented today at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA).
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Medscape UK - Prenatal Alcohol Exposure: Identification Improves Outcomes
Dr Jenny Bennison Summarises the SIGN Guideline on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and Highlights the Role of Primary Care in Identifying Children who are At Risk
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Salford Now (UK) - “I’m parenting a child with an invisible disease” Salford University’s ‘groundbreaking’ research into Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
The University of Salford has received £400,000 of funding for research into children who are affected by their mother drinking whilst pregnant.
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VOCPRI - Virtual Art Exhibition and Competition for Neurodiverse Artists, Their Families, and Caregivers
The London & Regional FASD Conference 2022, sponsored by the Volunteer Organization of CPRI (VOCPRI), is able to showcase the remarkable artistic talent of individuals that identify as neurodiverse.
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CanFASD (Canada) - Substance Use Treatment with People with FASD
It is National Addictions Awareness Week. In celebration, we wanted to share a little bit about a project we are working on to improve substance use treatment in individuals with FASD.
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Our Voices and Life in Wisconsin - Invisible Disabilities & Effects
The problem with hidden disabilities, and their symptoms, is just that, they are hidden. This really is a causation for a plethora of problems not only with the individual suffering, but those around them as those individuals may not recognize that the sufferer is experiencing issues.
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CanFASD - FASD Prevention Seminar Series: Level 3 & 4 Holistic Support in Pregnancy and Postpartum
The third level of the FASD Prevention Model includes specialized prenatal support and the provision of respectful and holistic care and treatment for girls and women who are using alcohol during pregnancy, and have related health, social, and financial concerns.
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Visual TEAF - TEAF: el trastorno ignorado
Video realizado por el programa de TVE la aventura del saber, realizado por Ricardo Olmedo Luque, fruto de un Convenio de colaboración entre el Ministerio de Educación y Radiotelevisión española.
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NLCSW - Understanding Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder FASD
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Taqramiut Nipingat Inc. - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
In this program, we talk with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) advocate Lizzie Aloupa of Quaqtaq. We learn how to prevent FASD and what kind of behaviours might manifest in someone with FASD.
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FASD United (formerly NOFAS) - FASD Self-Advocate Rebecca Tillou at 2022 FASD United Red Shoes Gala
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NordAN - Katarina Wittgard: Absent services for FASD children
Katarina Wittgard, the director of FAS-föreningen in Sweden, describes her experiences with FAS diagnosis and the challenges that arise when necessary aid and resources are not available.
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FASD Hub Scotland - FASD Podcasts & Blogs
We have a wide range of FASD blogs, many of which have been written by members of the FASD Hub team sharing their own lived experience.  Grab a cuppa and read them here via the link below.
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FASD Hub Australia - November Newsletter is out now
November Newsletter is out now! This packed edition includes a special focus on #FASD and the #justice system.
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CanFASD - Substance Use Treatment in FASD Populations
This webinar recording provides an overview of the Substance Use and Addictions in FASD Populations study, detailing the results and outcome of the project. An introduction into the youth centred part of the study will also be provided.
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Emerging Minds - Highlights in child mental health research: October 2022
The monthly research summary provides a selection of recently released papers, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses related to infant and child mental health.
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Office of the Representative for Children and Youth - Hands, not Hurdles: Helping Children with FASD and their Families
Hands, not Hurdles: Helping Children with FASD and their Families is a condensed and easily digestible version of a more in-depth report on FASD released by the Office of the Representative for Children and Youth (RCY) in 2021.
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FASD Awareness - Tristan Casson-Rennie (CEO FASD Ireland) - FASD Webinar #12
Tristan Casson-Rennie is an adoptive parent with his husband Scott, to 3 sons. After many years working in the rail industry Tristan took early retirement in 2014 and swapped roles with Scott to become a stay at home Dad to their newly placed third son, who has FASD.
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National FASD - Raja & Neil's FASD Book Club - Session 7, The Complexity of Attachment Issues in FASD
In this virtual book club series, we’ll be breaking down the research and findings in the book ‘Prevention, Recognition and Management of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders’, written by a range of FASD specialists, and co-edited by Professor Raja Mukherjee and Dr Neil Aiton.
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NOFASD Australia - Caring for Yourself
The first aid ideas have been split into three sections, with each section being a different stage of behaviours from the person living with FASD. Some of the ideas will require preparation and research, but this is a great investment in administering your own first aid.
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The Honestly Adoption - Resources That Transform (Part 10): How To Kickstart Success For FASD Caregivers
The amazing machine of this podcast series we've been hosting called Resources That Transform is steaming along full speed! We've got something special for you....
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Exceptionality Education International - Students with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Inclusive Classroom Practices
The purposes of this scoping review of the research were to locate original studies relating to students with FASD educated in inclusive classroom settings and to “map” data from those studies that reflect teacher observations and classroom practices.
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BMC Oral Health - Access to oral health care for children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: a cross-sectional study
Our findings indicate that children with FASD experience various barriers to accessing oral health care. Social determinants of health were significant variables that increased likelihood of barriers.
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Molecular Psychiatry - Impact of alcohol exposure on neural development and network formation in human cortical organoids
Our findings demonstrate progress in defining the human molecular and cellular phenotypic signatures of prenatal alcohol exposure on functional neurodevelopment, increasing our knowledge for potential therapeutic interventions targeting FASD symptoms.
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Journal of Education, Health and Sport - The effect of prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) on the onset of speech disorders and communication problems in children and adolescents
Studies among adolescents with PAE have shown that they have weaker spoken and written language skills than those without PAE or with low PAE.
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Research in Developmental Disabilities - Knowledge, attitudes, and practices of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder in health, justice, and education professionals: A systematic review
Knowledge, attitudes, and practices towards FASD have been surveyed extensively in healthcare professionals over the last 30 years, but less so with those working in justice and education sectors.
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Physiology & Behavior - The effects of acamprosate on maternal and neonatal outcomes in a mouse model of alcohol use disorders
Overall, we show that prenatal acamprosate exposure was not associated with poor maternal or neonatal health outcomes or impaired neurodevelopment and behaviour.
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Public Health - Maternal alcohol consumption and risk of postpartum depression: a meta-analysis of cohort studies
Maternal alcohol consumption is significantly associated with the risk of developing PPD.
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Current Developmental Disorders Report - Interventions for Persons with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities Involved with the Criminal Justice System: a Scoping Review
Currently evaluated interventions for persons with IDD involved in the criminal justice system include screening tools for identification, diversion to specialized courts, third-person intermediaries, and modifications to existing programs and materials.
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Addiction Biology - Moderate prenatal alcohol exposure produces sex-specific social impairments and attenuates prelimbic excitability and amygdala-cortex modulation of adult social behaviour
Overall, this work identified two mPAE-induced neuroadaptations that last into adulthood and that may underlie the sex-specific vulnerability to mPAE-induced social impairments.
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Archives of Toxicology - Moderate alcohol consumption during pregnancy increases potency of two different drugs (the antifungal fluconazole and the antiepileptic valproate) in inducing craniofacial defects: prediction by the in vitro rat whole embryo culture
The prenatal exposure to ethanol (Eth), fluconazole (FLUCO) and sodium valproate (VPA) is related to effects on development, producing characteristic syndromic pictures.
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Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research - Prenatal exposure to alcohol impairs responses of cerebral arterioles to activation of potassium channels: Role of oxidative stress
PAE induces dysfunction in the ability of specific potassium channels to dilate cerebral arterioles which appears to be mediated by an increase in oxidative stress.
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Psychological Medicine - Maternal adherence to healthy lifestyle and risk of depressive symptoms in the offspring: mediation by offspring lifestyle
Our finding indicates the potential mechanism of intergenerational transmission of healthy lifestyles to reduce the risk of depressive symptoms in offspring.
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Neurotoxicology and Teratology - Associations between prenatal and postnatal substance exposure and salivary C-reactive protein in early childhood
This study expands upon known relations between prenatal and postnatal substance exposure and immunological outcomes in early childhood, underscoring the importance of assessing cannabis exposure during gestation and early life in combination with tobacco exposure.
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Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research - Epigenetic insight of prenatal alcohol exposure on stress axis development: Systematic review with meta-analysis approaches
Our analysis indicated that PAE perturbated the epigenetic machinery to activate corticotrophin-releasing hormone, while it suppressed opioid, glucocorticoid receptors, and circadian clock genes.
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PLoS one - Risky sexual behaviours among Ugandan university students: A pilot study exploring the role of adverse childhood experiences, substance use history, and family environment
The present study demonstrated a gender disparity with males involved in more RSB than females, as has been reported in most previous RSB studies.
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Family & Community Health - Voices of Women With Lived Experience of Substance Use During Pregnancy : A Qualitative Study of Motivators and Barriers to Recruitment and Retention in Research
This study gathered perspectives of persons with lived experience of substance use (eg, alcohol, prescription and illicit opioids, and other illicit substances) during a previous pregnancy to determine facilitators and barriers to research engagement in this vulnerable population.
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Campbell Systematic Reviews - Interventions for improving executive functions in children with foetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD): A systematic review
This review found limited and uncertain evidence for the effectiveness of interventions for improving executive functioning in children with FASD across 8 direct and 13 indirect measures of EF.
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Dagens Nyheter (Sweden) - Små mängder alkohol förändrar fostrets hjärna
Redan små mängder alkohol under graviditeten förändrar fostrets hjärna, visar forskning. Vad förändringarna innebär vet man ännu inte, men forskarna uppmanar gravida kvinnor att avstå alkohol helt och hållet.
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Visual TEAF (Spain) - TEAF: el trastorno ignorado
Video realizado por el programa de TVE la aventura del saber, realizado por Ricardo Olmedo Luque, fruto de un Convenio de colaboración entre el Ministerio de Educación y Radiotelevisión española.
Read more (Poland) - Fakty o FASD – wystawa profilaktyczna w Miejskiej Bibliotece Publicznej w Jaśle
Miasto Jasło i Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna w Jaśle zapraszają do obejrzenia wystawy „Fakty o FASD. Spektrum płodowych zaburzeń alkoholowych – dowiedz się, zapobiegaj, działaj!”.
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Sonntagsblatt (Germany) - Alkohol in der Schwangerschaft kann schlimme Folgen haben – so wird den betroffenen Kindern geholfen
Ein Fünftel der schwangeren Frauen in Deutschland trinkt Alkohol. Was viele nicht wissen: Schon die kleinste Menge kann beim Fötus schwere Schäden verursachen. Für Aufklärung sorgt das FASD Netzwerk Nordbayern.
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LokalPlus (Germany) - Interaktive Ausstellung „Wenn schwanger, dann ZERO!“ in Olpe
In Deutschland werden jährlich schätzungsweise rund 10.000 Kinder geboren, die unter einer Form der Fetalen Alkoholspektrum-Störung (FASD) leiden.
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Milleunadonna (Italy) - Alcol in gravidanza: tutti i gravi rischi a cui vanno incontro la mamma e il feto
In Italia si stima che circa una donna su tre consumi alcol durante la gravidanza. È convinzione comune che bere moderatamente vino, birra, aperitivi alcolici, amari o superalcolici non sia dannoso per il feto.
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PAHO - L’alcool, la grossesse et le trouble du spectre de l’alcoolisation fœtale
Cette fiche d’information résume les risques de la consommation d’alcool pendant la grossesse.
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Kim Kreus (Finland) - Minä ja FASD osa 2, miten FASD löydettiin? Kysykää lisää, niin vastaan seuraavalla videolla.
Tällä toisella videolla kerron tarkemmin kuinka FASD löydös kohdallani tapahtui. Ilman @Kehitysvammaliitto a en olisi selvinnyt. Toki matkani on vasta alussa, mutta vihdoin suunta on oikea ja jo nyt moni asia on paremmin.
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SCHWANGER? NULL PROMILLE! (Germany) - 10 Jahre schwanger ohne Alkohol – ein kurzer Rückblick auf den Trend beim Alkoholkonsum
Das Fetale Alkoholsyndrom (FAS) ist in Deutschland immer noch die häufigste, nicht genetische Behinderung bei Neugeborenen – obwohl das Syndrom sich leicht vermeiden lässt.
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popNAD (Sweden) - Medfødte alkoholskader kan have livslange konsekvenser
Alkohol er et lovligt og socialt accepteret rusmiddel i de nordiske lande, og indtages i alle sociale lag af samfundet. Ud fra et forsigtighedsprincip fraråder de nordiske sundhedsmyndigheder dog brugen af alkohol under graviditet, da der ikke er fastlagt nogen sikker nedre grænse for indtagelse af alkohol under graviditet.
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Thursday, November 24, 2022

Alcohol News - 47/2022

NordAN - NordAN resolution 2022: Alcohol and family life
The effects of alcohol are not limited to just the person who drinks it but also their family members. Alcohol use in the family can lead to stress, relationship problems, conflicts, unpredictability and even violence that can cause lasting emotional trauma.
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New Zealand Doctor (New Zealand) - Celebrations as Auckland moves to clean up alcohol product advertising
Communities across Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland can celebrate, with new local rules kicking in to remove alcohol product advertising from the face of bottle stores.
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Al Jazeera - For some fans, World Cup alcohol ban brings relief
“Qatar is an Islamic country, and alcohol is ‘haram’ [forbidden] in our religion. All we ask is for the world to show some ‘ehtaram’ (respect) for our culture,” he told Al Jazeera on Monday, a day after the opening match of the tournament.
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Euronews - Drinking small amounts of alcohol during pregnancy is enough to alter a baby’s brain, study finds
Drinking even small amounts of alcohol during pregnancy can change a baby’s brain structure and delay its brain development, according to a new study.
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South Wales Guardian (Wales) - Minimum pricing ‘effective’ in reducing alcohol consumption
MINIMUM unit pricing - which was introduced in Wales in March 2020 - has been effective in reducing alcohol consumption in, according to a report.
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ASU News - Study shows violating intentions related to drinking predicts future alcohol problems in young adults
Drinking to excess is bad for your health and was recently identified as a leading cause of death among Americans aged 20 to 49 years.
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ScienceDaily - Local alcohol availability related to child maltreatment
The number of stores selling alcohol in a neighborhood is linked to cases of child abuse and neglect in the same area, a new study suggests.
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TheMayor.EU (Belgium) - Antwerp's municipal memes aim to correct public opinion on students and alcohol
The City of Antwerp (Belgium) has conducted a study in tandem with the University of Antwerp on student drinking. As a city with a large student population, young people suffer from a public perception that they drink and binge drink all the time.
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CBS Sports - NFL issues memo threatening 'significant discipline' for violations of league's alcohol policy
The NFL prohibits alcohol on team planes or buses. But the Commanders had beer on the team plane Monday, and the league is reviewing what took place in the early-morning hours of Friday with the Tennessee Titans.
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The Independent (UK) - Make it illegal for five-year-olds to drink alcohol, says doctor
Children should no longer be allowed to drink alcohol at home from the age of five, a lecturer in health education has said.
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New Mexico In Depth (Mexico) - Politics trumps health in state’s response to alcohol crisis
In February 2021, as New Mexico lawmakers considered landmark legislation to loosen restrictions on alcohol sales, the state’s alcohol epidemiologist Annaliese Mayette set out to assess the bill.
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The Citizen (South Africa) - Crime stats a clear indication ‘alcohol has a direct impact on certain crimes’
The increase in the recent crime statistics is a clear indication liquor has a direct and large impact on certain crimes, the portfolio committee on police said.
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Dominican Today (Dominican Republic) - Ministry of the Interior and Police cancel the measure that restricts alcohol consumption and sale in Santo Domingo
After two weeks of issuing the resolution that prohibited the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages beginning at midnight in Santo Domingo and some municipalities throughout the Dominican Republic, the Ministry of the Interior and Police repealed the measure on Tuesday, after reaching an agreement with nightclub owners.
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Medical Xpress (USA) - Legalizing marijuana in US states may lead to increases in alcohol consumption
A trio of researchers, two with the University of Pittsburgh, the other with William Patterson University, has found evidence showing that alcohol consumption rises among young people in the United States when marijuana use is legalized.
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ABC (Australia) - Drug, alcohol and smoking addiction costing Australia billions, new report shows
Only in the harsh light of sobriety could Melbourne man Benn Veenker really understand the cost his addiction had on his family and friends.
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NordAN (Finland) - Survey: business interests have too much influence on alcohol policy
Citizens seem to be well aware of the strong influence of the trade and alcohol industry in alcohol policy decisions. People feel that researched information, consultation with experts and concern for people's health should be the most important factors guiding alcohol policy decisions. This was the subject of a Kantar Public survey* of 1 138 respondents between August and September. The survey was commissioned by the Finnish Association for Substance Abuse Prevention (EHYT).
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Thursday, November 17, 2022

Alcohol News - 46/2022

The Scottish Government (Scotland) - Further action to reduce alcohol-related härm
Alcohol companies could face tighter restrictions on advertising in order to protect society’s most vulnerable, under new proposals which have been set out today.
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World Health Organization (Africa) - Policy, system and practice response to alcohol consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic in seven countries of the WHO African Region
This Snapshot describes and synthesizes the policy changes in alcohol policies, systems and practices adopted by seven African countries in response to the COVID-19 pandemic: Botswana, Eswatini, Kenya, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa and Zimbabwe.
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Daily Express - Alcohol can lead to permanent vision loss by damaging optic nerve - how much is too much?
It is widely known that alcohol - a type of drink consumed by millions in the UK - can have a negative impact on our health. Not only can it cause liver damage and raise blood pressure, it can also affect your mental wellbeing and sleep pattern. And one expert shared how drinking too much could even lead to vision loss.
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CTV News Ottawa (Canada) - Cancer warning labels on alcohol would not reinvent wheel, Senator says
A Canadian Senator has introduced legislation that, if passed, would require warning labels on alcohol similar to those on cigarettes, cautioning consumers about a link with cancer.
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Psychiatric Times (USA) - Survey Finds 1 in 7 Physicians Uses Alcohol or Drugs on the Job to Cope With Stress
One out of seven physicians admitted consuming alcohol or controlled substances while working to cope with occupational stresses, according to a new survey.
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RSPH - Guest blog: Alcohol intake and the risk of cancer
Alcohol consumption is linked to seven types of cancer, including breast and bowel cancer. As part of Alcohol Awareness Week, Rachel Clark from the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) looks at the scientific evidence on alcohol and cancer and comments on what can be done to support the population.
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Public Health Scotland (Scotland) - Report highlights the impact of Minimum Unit Pricing on alcohol products and prices
Public Health Scotland (PHS) today published a report which evaluates the price and range of alcohol products in the Scottish off-trade sector in the 12 months following the implementation of Minimum Unit Pricing of alcohol (MUP).
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IAS (UK) - New IAS report on alcohol’s impact on a sustainable futuure
IAS is pleased to announce the publication of a new report: People, Planet, or Profit: alcohol’s impact on a sustainable future.
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Newswise - Teens Who Perceive Their Friends Posting Drinking-Related Content Online Report Higher Recent Alcohol Use — But Their Perceptions of Peers are Inaccurate
Teens who perceived their friends posted alcohol-related content on social media reported drinking more than those who weren’t exposed to such posts, a new study has found.
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NordAN (Sweden) - More extensive alcohol habits in metropolitan municipalities
Alcohol habits differ between groups. Differences can be seen, for example, between groups with different levels of education and with Swedish and foreign backgrounds.
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Ohio State University - Exploring the Role of Social Networking Sites in Alcohol Consumption among College Students: Which Platforms Have the Greatest Influence?
Among college students, alcohol consumption is a significant social and public health issue. Alcohol consumption has been correlated with increased risk of accidental death, assault, and sexual assault.
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ABC (Australia) - Talkback: why do we ignore the health risks of alcohol?
It's been estimated that alcohol is a factor in one in ten cases of breast cancer, yet women in some age groups are increasing, not decreasing, their alcohol consumption.
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Thursday, November 10, 2022

Alcohol News - 45/2022

NPR (Poland) - A Polish leader's comments about women and alcohol use draw an instant backlash
A women's rights group in Poland on Monday urged people to demonstrate after the country's ruling party leader claimed that Poland's low birthrate is partly caused by young women drinking too much alcohol.
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WHO - A public health perspective on alcohol establishments: licensing, density and locations
In off-premise establishments that sell other goods along with alcohol, customers are more likely to “bundle” the purchase of alcohol with their other shopping. The consumption-related harm associated with off-premise establishments tend to cover a large area, while acute harm occurs close to places where people drink alcohol.
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1News (New Zealand) - Alcohol harm reduction laws 'long overdue' – advocate
Laws to limit the harms of alcohol in communities are a step in the "right direction" but there's still more work to be done, advocates say.
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India Today (India) - Over 77% women say better shops, offers, discounts led to higher sales of alcohol in Delhi
The alcohol consumption in women living in the national capital increased by 37 per cent since Covid-19 pandemic. More than 77 per cent agreed that better retail shops, buy-one-get-one offers and discounts made alcohol buying more attractive.
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Harvard Gazette - Alcohol, sleep, and politics
A new study validates the impact major political events can have on sleep and how it affects the public’s collective mood, well-being, and alcohol consumption.
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Medical News Today - Possible links between alcohol and hemorrhoids
Alcohol is a diuretic, which increases a person’s urine production. This can lead to dehydration and increase the likelihood of constipation. People with constipation are more likely to strain during bowel movements. Straining is one of the major causes of hemorrhoids.
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NL Times (Netherlands) - Dutch MP's want to ban buy-now-pay-later on online alcohol sales
A majority in parliament wants to ban buy-now-pay-later options when buying alcohol online. Various parties plan to discuss the topic with State Secretary Maarten van Ooijen (Prevention) on Tuesday, RTL Nieuws reports.
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The Herald (Scotland) - Affluent Scots most likely to exceed 'safe' alcohol limit
Almost a quarter of those from the poorest areas (24%) said they didn’t drink alcohol, compared to 12% in the most affluent areas.
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Medical News Today - Moderate to heavy drinking linked to increased stroke risk in young adults
In a new study, researchers analyzed the relationship between alcohol consumption and stroke risk among young adults in Korea.
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News Medical - Parental discord linked to children's genetic risk for alcohol problems
Parents can transmit a genetic risk for alcohol problems to their children not only directly, but also indirectly via genetically influenced aspects of the home environment, such as marital discord or divorce, according to a Rutgers researcher.
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ADF - Understanding alcohol and our immune system
Our immune system helps keep us healthy. But drinking can weaken this system, leaving us vulnerable to infections and diseases.
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University College London - Problem drinking linked to increased risk of suicide and self-harm
The study, published in BJPsych Open, did not identify a clear association with levels of alcohol consumption and risk of suicide or self-harm, other than among those with ‘probable dependence’ (the highest consumption level); rather, they identified signs of alcohol negatively impacting people’s lives as risk factors.
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Express - Even a light daily tipple is linked to an increased risk of bowel cancer, study suggests
While most often associated with liver disease, alcohol can also increase your risk of one of the most common cancers in the UK.
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A Torrens University Australia study has found that many women are unaware of the link between alcohol and cancer.
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Sunday, November 6, 2022

FASD News - 44/2022

National Indigenous Times (Australia) - The Roebourne foetal alcohol disorder sufferer turning disability into opportunity for local mob
For 43-year-old Ieramagadu (Roebourne) woman Rachel Samson, her diagnosis of foetal alcohol spectrum disorder opened the door to work and putting smiles on the faces of mob in the Pilbara.
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Vitalité Health Network (Canada) - New Brunswick Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Centre of Excellence Dream Catcher service delivery model: An Innovative Approach presented to the Legislative Assembly
The New Brunswick Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Centre of Excellence’s Dream Catcher model was presented to the Legislative Assembly on October 18, 2022 at the request of the members of the Select Committee on Accessibility in New Brunswick.
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Girls, Women, Alcohol, and Pregnancy - Every Moment Matters – An evidence-based FASD prevention campaign for Australia
Every Moment Matters is a nation-wide health promotion campaign launched in Australia which shares the latest evidence-based information about alcohol during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
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CanFASD (Canada) - CanFASD Celebrates Open Access Week 2022
Open access to information has the power to transform the way knowledge is shared. Open access is the free, immediate, online access to scholarly research.
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SHAAP (Scotland) - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder : It’s not all about the face!
In this blog post, Dr Christopher Steer looks at the history of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, how the diagnosis has progressed beyond the physical characteristics of the individual and highlights the importance of raising awareness, providing support and offering training in the future.
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NOFASD Australia - Through Different Eyes
“Through Different Eyes” has been developed with the knowledge that evidence shows that individuals with a neurodevelopmental disorder such as FASD who receive appropriate support at an early age will have better long-term outcomes than those whose disability goes unrecognised and unsupported.
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CanFASD - FASD and Sexuality: The Importance of Sexual Health
This webinar recording provides an overview of sexuality and fetal alcohol spectrum disorder while giving a summary of relevant literature and identifying gaps for future research.
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FASDHub Scotland - Kenny LaJoy "Living well with FASD" Wednesday Webinar
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Rural FASD Support Network - FASD Awareness Day at Parliament Hill
On Oct 20, 22 individuals impacted by FASD and their caregivers from Rural FASD and sponsored by MP Scott Reid met with Parliamentarians, Senators, representatives from the Nishnawbe Aski Nation, researchers and service providers.
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The Matilda Centre - Learning with FASD: Building Capacity: The Case of Supporting Students Impacted by FASD
This webinar is for primary school teaching and support staff who are interested how school communities can build capacity to address diverse needs of all students.
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FASD Hope - 163 - Be Still - Our Final Episode
Episode 163 is our FINAL episode of FASD Hope. For over two years, we have been blessed to be a voice for giving IMPORTANT guests a platform to share their journeys, experience, research, clinical work, legislative activity, philanthropy and inspiration for the FASD Community!
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Caregiverdoc – UNSEEN
Many parent caregivers for children or adults who are disabled or medically complex are exhausted and isolated. Their mental and physical struggle is a public health crisis that costs us all. The “Unseen” documentary gives an unfiltered, honest glimpse into their lives to enable a change for millions of caregivers and their families.
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FASD Hope - 162 - The Families and The Kids That We’ve Left Behind - A Conversation with Best Selling Author, Andrew Bridge
Leaving foster care at eighteen, Andrew Bridge attended Wesleyan University, then graduated from Harvard Law School and he was awarded a Fulbright Fellowship.
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Fasd Success Show - #130 Michelle Trager Powerful Parenting from Afar
When Michelle and her husband adopted their son, they were told he may have issues in school because of his international adoption background – but no one mentioned FASD. Despite hitting all his early milestones, his challenges escalated as he got older.
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FASD Family Life - FASD World Tour: New Zealand Research into Caregiver Stress and Resilience
Welcome to Season 4, episode 8 of the FASD Family Life Podcast. the show for families by families raising children and youth with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.
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FoothillsFAS - Ten Brain Domains (Functions) Affected by FASD
Alcohol affects the growth and formation of the brain, and this is often seen in an individual's behavior and development.  The following brain functions or domains are evaluated by a diagnostic team during an FASD assessment.
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National FASD - Raja & Neil's FASD Book Club - Session 5, How FASD Presents Across the Lifespan
In session 5 of Raja & Neil’s FASD Book Club, Prof. Hanlon-Dearman discussed her chapter, ‘How FASD Presents Across the Lifespan’.
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Gloria, an impulsive, naïve and likeable teen with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), tries to keep her family together while their mother’s addictions threaten a move to foster care.
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CanFASD - Guidelines for talking and writing about FASD
CanFASD strongly believes that all language and messaging should promote respect, dignity, and human worth for people with FASD, people who are pregnant, and their support systems.
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National FASD - Social care workers
Social workers are the primary profession to work with children and young people who are affected by their family’s alcohol and substance use and that they, therefore, require mandatory training in FASD.
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Archives of Disease in Childhood - Assessing maternal alcohol consumption in pregnancy: does phosphatidylethanol measured from day 5 newborn blood spot cards have any value? An observational, population-based study
Prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) places children at risk of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) but ascertainment of PAE is problematic. Early intervention for children at risk of FASD may help mitigate long-term difficulties.
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HELDA - Effects of in vitro alcohol exposure on endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm during gastrulation
The results show that the number of genes with alcohol-induced differential expression is considerably higher in hESCs than in the germ layers indicating that undifferentiated hESCs are more susceptible to alcohol than differentiating cells, which is in agreement with findings from previous studies.
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University of East Anglia - Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD): the parent perspective on education and implications for educational psychologists (EPs)
This study gathered the voice of adoptive parents and foster carers who parent a child with a confirmed diagnosis of foetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD).
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Research in Developmental Disabilities - Adaptive behavior, sleep, and physical activity in adolescents with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
Adolescents with FASD experience considerable challenges with regards to sleep and adaptive behavior. Physical activity, particularly organized sport, may provide opportunities for the improvement of adaptive behavior in this population.
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Nutrients - Mediating and Moderating Effects of Iron Homeostasis Alterations on Fetal Alcohol-Related Growth and Neurobehavioral Deficits
Given that early iron deficiency and PAE both lead to growth restriction and deficits in recognition memory and processing speed, we hypothesized that PAE-related iron homeostasis alterations may mediate and/or moderate effects of PAE on growth and neurobehavior.
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JCPP Advances - Prenatal alcohol exposure and child sleep problems: A family-based quasi-experimental study
There is a moderate association between maternal hazardous drinking during pregnancy and offspring sleep problems up to age three. This association is explained by risk factors differing between families and does not reflect a cause-effect relationship.
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Heliyon - Dose-related shifts in proteome and function of extracellular vesicles secreted by fetal neural stem cells following chronic alcohol exposure
Accumulating evidence indicates that extracellular vesicles (EVs) mediate endocrine functions and also pathogenic effects of neurodevelopmental perturbagens like ethanol.
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Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research - Alcohol-related dysmorphic features as predictors of neurodevelopmental delay in infants and preschool-aged children: Results from a birth cohort in Ukraine
Predictive analysis based on dysmorphic features and measures of growth performed modestly in this sample. As these features are reliably measurable at an earlier age than neurodevelopment, their inclusion in predictive models should be further explored and validated in different settings and populations.
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Midwifery - Differential effectiveness of a practice change intervention to improve antenatal care addressing alcohol consumption during pregnancy: Exploratory subgroup analyses within a randomised stepped-wedge controlled trial
These exploratory results suggest that the intervention may have had similar effects between different subgroups of women and types and location of services, with the exception of women who were non-Aboriginal and women who had not consumed alcohol, for whom the intervention was potentially more effective.
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Circulation - Transcriptomic Expression Changes in Embryonic Mouse Hearts Following Single-Dose Maternal Binge Alcohol Consumption: Implications for Congenital Heart Defects
These results suggest that Wnt7a and related signaling pathway genes are disrupted by alcohol action in the embryonic heart, thereby opening new avenues for investigation into molecular underpinnings of alcohol-induced congenital heart defects.
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Campbell Collaboration - Interventions for improving executive functions in children with foetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD)
This review found limited evidence for the effectiveness of interventions designed to improve executive functioning (EF) in children with prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE).
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Kehitysvammaliitto (Finland) - VOIKO FASD IHMINEN JÄÄDÄ YKSIN?
Hejsan hopsan falleralleraa! Nyt oon ollu taas hetken Suomessa, mutta ennen kun mä häippäsen uusiks maailmalle, ni kerkiän täsä välissä avautumaan vähän meijän FASDien herkästä alttiudesta syrjäytymiseen.
Read more (Germany) - „Woher haben Sie das alkoholgeschädigte Kind?“
Michael und Kerstin Fuhrmann aus Solz haben drei Pflegekinder, die mit einer Alkohol-Schädigung geboren wurden.
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Niezależna (Poland) - Pijesz alkohol w czasie ciąży? To poważny błąd. Sprawdź, czym to grozi
O ile dorosła osoba ma w pełni wykształcone narządy, w tym wątrobę, która przynajmniej do czasu radzi sobie z tą trucizną, jaką jest alkohol etylowy, to dziecko w łonie matki jest wobec alkoholu bezbronne. Jaki jest najczęstszy skutek drinków alkoholowych wypijanych w ciąży? Niewidzialne na początku zaburzenia neurorozwojowe.
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WAZ (Germany) - Alkohol in der Schwangerschaft: Tim bezahlt dafür lebenslang
Lange war eine Gelsenkirchener Adoptivmutter ratlos, warum ihr Sohn eingeschränkt ist. Dann die Antwort: Es war der Alkoholkonsum seiner Mutter.
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Chaos im Kopf Podcast (Germany) - Geschwister von Pflege- oder Adoptivkindern mit FASD
Mein Gast in dieser Episode ist Uli Altmann. Sie ist absoluter Seminar-Profi. Sie gibt auch Seminare zu FASD.
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37 Grad (Germany) - Betrunken im Mutterleib: So lebt Beni mit dem Fetalen Alkoholsyndrom I 37 Grad
Als Grundschüler gilt Beni als verhaltensauffällig, unerzogen und unkontrollierbar. Bis er mit der Fetalen Alkohol-Spektrum-Störung diagnostiziert wird.
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W ciąży bez alkoholu (Poland) - Ogólnopolska kampania edukacyjno – profilaktyczna
Głównym celem kampanii jest zmniejszenie liczby kobiet pijących alkohol w czasie ciąży, promocja całkowitej abstynencji w tym okresie oraz zwiększenie wiedzy o negatywnym wpływie alkoholu na rozwijające się w łonie matki dziecko.
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AIDEFAD (Italy) - Una storia (clinica) di FASD
Si è venuto a creare un vero e proprio cortocircuito nella relazione medico-paziente che si auto-alimentava in una continua reiterazione di dinamiche.
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Thursday, November 3, 2022

Alcohol News - 44/2022

CNN (USA) - 1 in 5 deaths of US adults 20 to 49 is from excessive drinking, study shows
A beer, glass of wine or cocktail may feel so common place that you don’t even think about pouring another, but a new study suggested it may be important for everyone to be mindful of their alcohol use.
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Health Policy Watch - New Initiative to Tackle Alcohol Harms Will Focus on Taxation
A $15 million initiative to address the harms of alcohol consumption through policy change was launched Tuesday, roughly doubling the total global spending on mitigating the effects of alcohol.
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The Conversation (New Zealand) - Why New Zealand must consider restricting alcohol sponsorship of broadcast sports as part of a wider law reform
For those concerned about the public health impacts of alcohol, the government’s recent policy announcement was perhaps a little “glass half empty” to be cause for outright celebration.
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Euronews (France) - Sacre-bleu! non-alcoholic drinks gain popularity in France
In Normandy, north of France, Valérie de Sutter grows juniper berries, an ingredient commonly used in gin. But this isn't just any gin, it's alcohol-free.
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The New York Times (USA) - Alcohol Deaths Claim Lives of Working-Age Americans
An estimated one in eight deaths of Americans ages 20 to 64 in the years 2015-19 was the result of injuries or illness caused by excessive alcohol use, according to a new study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
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1News (New Zealand) - Anti-alcohol harm campaigners welcome Govt's reform plan
A group battling the spread of liquor outlets in South Auckland says new law reforms proposed by the Government are desperately needed to reduce the impact of alcohol.
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RACGP (Australia) - Why some women question the link between alcohol and breast cancer
Participants in a recent study said they take health warnings related to the issue with ‘a pinch of salt’ for a number of reasons.
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Brno Daily (Czech Republic) - Czech Children Are Exposed to Alcohol Since Childhood
Czech children’s experience with alcohol starts at an early age. Some children have already encountered it at less than two years of age.
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Erudera (USA) - US College Students Experience 102 Alcohol-Related Consequences During Their Studies, Including Blacking Out
College students in the United States experience 102 alcohol-related consequences, among which blacking out or missing school or work, a study by the Pennsylvania State University has found.
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Irish Examiner (Ireland) - Schools urged to halt training of teachers about alcohol funded by the drink Industry
Schools are to be urged to avoid sending their teachers to training developed by Drinkaware, an organisation that receives most of its funding through donations from the alcohol industry.
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ScienceDaily - Study identifies alcohol risk factors for acute stroke
A global study, co-led by University of Galway, into causes of stroke has found that high and moderate alcohol consumption was associated with increased odds of stroke.
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The Mirror (UK) - Fears of booze 'timebomb' as almost 10,000 British troops treated for alcohol abuse
Troops claimed they were 'drinking to cope' with the pressure of military life or to 'fit in' with the culture. Some 800 women have received treatment for drink problems
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Mirage News - Study links Problem drinking to increased risk of suicide and self-harm
Problematic alcohol use is associated with increased odds of suicide or self-harm, according to a new study led by UCL researchers.
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The Well (USA) - Vague warning labels hide dangers of alcohol
You know drinking alcohol isn’t the best thing for your health, but just how bad is it? After all, in the United States, two thirds of adults report some degree of alcohol use.
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NordAN (Latvia) - Latvia: Plan to reduce alcohol and drug abuse: better targeted prevention and quality care services
A plan for reducing the use of alcoholic beverages and narcotic substances for the next 3 years was considered and approved, which envisages the creation of more targeted prevention and higher quality healthcare and social support services that are widely available to people.
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