EUFASD - EUFASD 2022 Registration is Open
Welcome to EUFASD 2022! in the charming town of Arendal in Southern Norway!
The first Regional Competence Center for children with prenatal alcohol/drug
exposure in the Nordic countries is proud to host this exciting cutting-edge
conference for the first time in Norway.
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University of Eastern Finland (Finland) - Pregnant
women’s drinking correlates with their partner’s drinking
Pregnant women’s use of alcohol correlates with that of their partner, a
new study from the University of Eastern Finland and Kuopio University Hospital
shows. Paying attention to both parents’ use of alcohol may help to prevent
drinking during pregnancy, as well as foetal exposure to the adverse effects of
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Stuff (New Zealand)
- Disabled and criminalised: FASD families continue to suffer in the justice
At the hands of her son, Kylie endured horrific violence, but when he was
brought before the courts for his actions, she became his defender.
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SaltWire (Canada)
- GRANT FROST: A golden opportunity to address gaps for kids with FASD in
Atlantic Canada
"As far as we know (to date, at least), FASD only occurs when a woman
consumes alcohol while pregnant," writes Grant Frost. "That statement
brings forward, for many, a clear notion of 'What kind of a mother …' we are
talking about here, and results in a somewhat shameful collective turning of
our backs."
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Government of New
Brunswick (Canada) - Funding for expansion of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum
Disorder Centre of Excellence
The government has earmarked $800,000 to increase capacity at the Fetal
Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Centre of Excellence in Dieppe.
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FASDHub Scotland - Introduction to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)
This short video was created in advance of the Royal College of Paediatrics
and Child Health (RCPCH) annual conference on 28th June 2022 to accompany the
seminar 'FASD hear me: Voice of the individual' presented by Aliy Brown, FASD
Services Manager for FASD Hub Scotland, Dr Patricia Jackson, pediatrician from
Edinburgh University, and joined virtually by Barbara Ogston, FASD Project Lead
for FASD Hub Scotland.
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Programs Specialized Services - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)
Learn about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). What causes it? What
are the effects? How can it be prevented?
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Kids Brain Health
Network - ABLE2’s Fetal Alcohol Resource Program – A stakeholder-driven
project to support children with FASD
The Fetal Alcohol Resource Program (FARP) at ABLE2 is a stakeholder-driven
program created in response to an identified need in the community to support
children/youth with FASD, and their caregivers.
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Fasd Success Show
- #109 Olga and Serhii: A New Chapter for this FASD Family From Ukraine
Life as an FASD Caregiver is challenging enough – but what about when you
have to leave everything you have ever known, first to seek immediate safety,
then as a refugee to another country, and then apply as a refugee yet again –
all in the space of three months, while raising two daughters, one with FASD.
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Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology - Lived experiences of
adolescents with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
Findings illustrated the barriers adolescents experienced regarding their
daily functioning and independence. Additionally, incorporating strengths into
daily activities appeared to reduce anxiety and improve participation, and
adolescents desired for their unique characteristics to be recognized and
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Journal of
Intellectual Disabilities - Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Towards
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in New Zealand Educators: An Online Survey
There is a need to improve workforce capacity and develop guidelines that
address the needs of front-of-line staff working with children with FASD in
education settings.
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Journal of
Pediatric Neuropsychology - Identification of Seminal Physical Features of
Prenatal Alcohol Exposure by Child Psychologists
This study demonstrated that child psychologists, blind to PAE history,
could be reliably trained to assess the physical features of children with PAE.
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Clinical and Experimental Research - Facial imaging to screen for fetal
alcohol spectrum disorder: A scoping review
This scoping review describes the current state of evidence regarding the
use of facial imaging being as a screening tool for FASD at a community level.
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Preprints with
The Lancet - Heavy Prenatal Alcohol Exposure and Risk of Morbidities Not
Previously Identified: A Danish Nationwide Cohort Study from 1996 to 2018
In addition to the 428 previously suggested FASD-related comorbidities, we
found 719 conditions with an incidence of ≥ 0·1% among children with prenatal
heavy alcohol exposure of which 32 had a standardized risk difference ≥ 1·0%
and 143 conditions had a crude absolute risk ratio ≥ 2·5.
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Children's Health
Care - Longitudinal effect of prenatal polydrug use and birthweight status
on pediatric growth
Maternal drug use causes low birthweight but less is known about
longer-term pediatric growth. The purpose of this analysis was to
longitudinally measure anthropometric growth among children exposed to drugs in
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European Journal
of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology - Periconceptual and
prenatal alcohol consumption and neurodevelopment at age two and five years
We did not find strong evidence of associations between pre-pregnancy and
early pregnancy maternal alcohol consumption and adverse neurodevelopmental
outcomes at age two and five years overall.
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Comillas - Alcohol and pregnancy – contributions from an international
research team.
Alcohol consumption during pregnancy is a worldwide public health problem,
considered as a risk factor for development while associated with a set of
physical, neurological and behavioral consequences in children exposed in
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British Journal
of Midwifery - Fetal alcohol screening and ethics
George F Winter explores maternal alcohol consumption and the moral and
clinical influences that govern advice on drinking alcohol during pregnancy
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Drug and Alcohol
Dependence - Health care provider decision-making around prenatal substance
use reporting
Many of the factors that influence physician decision-making in reporting
pregnant/birthing people who use AOD to CPS are outside the control of
individual physicians and require social, structural, and policy changes.
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Texto &
the study made it possible to advance in the contexts of the vulnerability
of these pregnant women. Recognizing these contexts makes it possible to
formulate strategies to reduce harm and damages to maternal and fetal health
related to drug use during pregnancy, leading to a favorable gestational
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Fondazione Umberto Veronesi (Italy) - Alcol in gravidanza: effetti dannosi
sul bambino difficili da identificare
Claudio ha passato trentotto anni della sua vita consapevole che qualcosa
non andasse, incapace di capirne il perché. “Sono matto, e non posso far altro
che subire questo appellativo”, è arrivato a ripetersi all’età di dodici anni.
Poi è arrivata la diagnosi di FASD (spettro dei disordini feto alcolici).
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TERPPALEISKIS! Hei nyt eletään jo kesäkuuta, hyväne aika nää kuukaudet
menee nopiaa. Mul jäi toukokuun postaus kokonaan välistä, koska meikäläisel iski
korona. Ja ei muuten ollu ihan mikään pien sairastettava, vieläki mul on pientä
jälkitautii yllä.
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(Finland) - FASD-webinaari 19.3.2021: Perustietoa FASDista
Webinaarissa kerrotaan FASDista ja miten se ilmenee.
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(Finland) - FASD-webinaari 19.3.2021: FASD koulumaailmassa
Webinaarissa kerrotaan, miten FASD ilmenee oppimisessa ja annetaan vinkkejä
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(Finland) - FASD-webinaari 19.3.2021 -yhdistelmä: Perustietoa FASDista ja
FASD koulumaailmassa
Webinaarissa kerrotaan FASDista ja miten se ilmenee arjessa ja oppimisessa
sekä annetaan vinkkejä opetukseen.
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