
Sunday, April 24, 2022

FASD News - 16/2022 (USA) - One drink can hurt your child for a lifetime: Stacey Reid
While our nation tries to make sense of a pandemic, a chronic health disorder continues unabated and practically undetected.
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Yahoo News (USA) - New Orlando clinic helping identify, support children with fetal alcohol syndrome
A first of its kind clinic in Central Florida is helping diagnose what doctors consider an ‘invisible disability’ at birth, impacting as many as one in 20 children.
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Disability Scoop - How Families Are Advocating For Children With Disabilities In Foster Care
Sheri Louie fell in love with Kristina the moment she saw her at the group home for medically fragile children in Fresno.
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Psychiatry Advisor - Substance Exposure During Pregnancy May Alter Placental Serotonin Expression
A study found evidence that prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) and exposure to medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) may perturb serotonin expression patterns, which has the potential to affect brain development and health across the lifespan of the child. These findings were published in Experimental Neurology.
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QNI Scotland (Scotland) - FASD is becoming more of a concern for community nurses and midwives
In March 2022, the Queen’s Nursing Institute Scotland conducted an online survey about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD). This was a Year 1 activity of Healthier Pregnancies, Better Lives (HPBL) – a QNIS programme supported by Cattanach and The National Lottery Community Fund. All community nurses and midwives anywhere in Scotland were eligible to participate in this survey.
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CanFASD - April 23rd is World Book Day!
Celebrate World Book Day this Saturday by reading a little more about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder! World Book Day was created by UNESCO as a worldwide celebration of books and reading. This year they are celebrating its 25th anniversary.
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FASD Hub Australia - Frequently asked questions about alcohol and pregnancy
We've answered some common questions around alcohol, pregnancy, and fetal alcohol spectrum disorder.
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Hidden Disabilities - FASD with Tristan Casson-Rennie and Jan Griffin
Raising awareness of the dangers of drinking alcohol during pregnancy and removing the stigma associated with foetal alcohol specturm disorder (FASD) in order that the families can seek the correct support is something that both Jan and Tristan are passionate about.
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Adopt4LifeON - Snack and Chat: Support for Older Caregivers of Adults with FASD
Nancy Lockwood, FASD Consultant with over 25 years experience joined us to talk about Support for Older Caregivers of Adults with FASD. We discussed challenges, positives, support groups and resources.
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FASD Awareness #BeAware - Nick Barratt - Positive Behavioural Support - FASD Webinar#7
This is Webinar#7 in the series on FASD. In this webinar Nick Barratt Director of Nick Barratt Behaviour Change Consultancy, a Behavioural Analyst talks about some of the behaviours and strategies to support individuals and families living with FASD using Positive Behavioural Support.
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FASDHub Scotland - Wednesday Webinar: Fetal Alcohol Advisory, Support & Training (FAAST) Team
Join Dr. Jennifer Shields (Clinical Psychologist) from the FAAST Team and Aliy Brown (FASD Project Manager) as they discuss diagnosis of FASD in Scotland.
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Spotlight on FASD - Podcast Season 4, Episode 10 - FASD Family Life and FASD Hope
Todays episode is a lovely chat that Clare enjoyed on the FASD Family Life Podcast with our friends, the Women of FASD Podcasting, Robbie Seale host of FASD Family Life and Natalie Vecchione host of FASD Hope.
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Association pour la santé publique du Québec - Alcool during pregnancy : language disorders in children | ASPQ
The Association pour la santé publique du Québec (ASPQ) is launching its first awareness campaign on abstaining from alcohol during pregnancy and on fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD).
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Journeys to Belonging - Episode 96 with guest Donnie Winokur
My guest this week is Donnie Winokur. She shares her thoughts about #belonging and advocacy for #FASD as a parent who educated herself about her son's diagnosis and needs.
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FASD Caregiver Success - FASD Success Show Short - New Research with Dr. Catherine Lebel
Do you still get people telling you that there isn't any evidence about the effects of low-level prenatal alcohol exposure? If so, then you want to check out this FASD Success Short with Jeff and Dr. Catherine Lebel - because there is evidence.
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Fasd Success Show - #104 Dr. Catherine Lebel: New Study on low levels of prenatal alcohol exposure
We know prenatal alcohol exposure is a risk factor for FASD. We have studies on high levels of prenatal alcohol exposure - but what about low levels? Up until now, we have not had a study to share showing how low levels of prenatal alcohol exposure can affect the brain and behaviour.
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Morning Focus - FASD Ireland Opens New Offices In Ennis
An organisation which works to prevent Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder has established its headquarters in Clare.
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Adoptive and Foster Family Coalition of New York - 33rd Annual Conference - Workshop Presenter Interview: Rebecca Tillou
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American Academy of Pediatrics - Web-based FASD Toolkit
We've assembled resources related to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) to raise awareness of individuals with an FASD, promote screening for prenatal exposure to alcohol and encourage referral for diagnostic evaluations for an FASD.
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Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior - Prenatal and adolescent alcohol exposure programs immunity across the lifespan: CNS-mediated regulation
Recognizing that alcohol consumption across the entire body, we argue in favor of integrative, whole-organism approaches toward understanding alcohol effects on immune function, and highlight the need for more work specifically examining long-lasting effects of early developmental exposure to alcohol (prenatal and adolescent periods) on host immunity.
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International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - Is Public Health Response to the Phenomenon of Alcohol Use during Pregnancy Adequate to the Polish Women’s Needs?
Due to the risks it poses to a child’s health, drinking alcohol during pregnancy is a serious problem that the public health sector is struggling to deal with. The reasons why women who do not have alcohol problems do not give up drinking alcohol completely during pregnancy are still poorly understood. And the knowledge available about them does not translate into communication strategies in Poland.
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Current Developmental Disorders Report - Toward a Strengths-Based Cognitive Profile of Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: Implications for Intervention
Identifying areas of relative strength provides promising avenues for intervention. Future research should explore areas of intact functioning and relative strength among children with FASD more explicitly, alongside areas of difficulty.
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International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - Influence of COMT (rs4680) and DRD2 (rs1076560, rs1800497) Gene Polymorphisms on Safety and Efficacy of Methylphenidate Treatment in Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
The MPH treatment is effective in ADHD independent of FASD, although the ADHD-FASD variant requires higher doses to be successful. These results may help in optimization and individualization in child psychiatry.
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Pediatric Research - Prenatal smoking and drinking are associated with altered newborn autonomic functions
These findings highlight potential ANS pathways through which prenatal drinking and smoking may contribute to neurodevelopment outcomes.
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Journal of Affective Disorders - Mood and neurotic disorders among youth with prenatal substance exposure: A longitudinal register-based cohort study
Mood and neurotic disorders are more common following prenatal exposure to substances and interlinked with significant adversities in the postnatal caregiving environment and OHC.
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Nutrients - Gestational Iron Supplementation Improves Fetal Outcomes in a Rat Model of Prenatal Alcohol Exposure
These data show that gestational iron supplementation improves select fetal outcomes in prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) including brain weight and hematology, suggesting that this may be a clinically feasible approach to improve prenatal iron status and fetal outcomes in alcohol-exposed pregnancies.
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Journal of Medical Internet Research - Effectiveness of Digital Interventions for Preventing Alcohol Consumption in Pregnancy: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Overall, our review highlights the potential for digital interventions to prevent alcohol consumption among pregnant women and women planning to become pregnant.
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Birth Defects Research - The pro-apoptotic Bax gene modifies susceptibility to craniofacial dysmorphology following gastrulation-stage alcohol exposure
Overall, these experiments identify that Bax is a primary teratogenic mechanism of gastrulation-stage alcohol exposure.
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International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - Sex, Gender, and Alcohol Use: Implications for Women and Low-Risk Drinking Guidelines
We conclude that supporting and expanding the development of sex- and gender-specific low-risk drinking guidelines offers more nuanced and educative information to clinicians and consumers and will particularly benefit women and girls.
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Neurotoxicity Research - Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant, and Antiapoptotic Action of Metformin Attenuates Ethanol Neurotoxicity in the Animal Model of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
Fetal alcohol exposure has permanent effects on the brain structure, leading to functional deficits in several aspects of behavior, including learning and memory.
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Clinical Psychology Review - Aggressive behaviour and violence in children and adolescents with FASD: A synthesizing review
Interpretation and response to behaviour is predicated on understanding. However, our present understanding of aggressive behaviour, especially for complex and vulnerable populations is limited.
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Kehitysvammaliitto (Finland) - KÄÄNNEKOHTIA – FASD & ULKONÄKÖPAINEET
Mä tiedän, et oon erilainen ku normaalit ihmiset. Oon ollu pienestä tytöstä saakka kovaääninen ja menevä tapaus myös ADHD:n takia. Käytin sitä paljon hyväkseni ja aloin tehostaa sitä tilanteis, misä mä halusin huomiota. Ja sit ku tulee vaikeuksii, ni syytän kaikesta ekana FASDia, koska sen taakse on helpoin kätkeytyä.
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RMF24 (Poland) - Dziecko z FASD w rodzinie adopcyjnej. Krakowski szpital zapewnia wsparcie
Rodzice adopcyjni dzieci z FASD mogą liczyć na kompleksowe wsparcie specjalistów ze Szpitala Dziecięcego im. św. Ludwika w Krakowie. Placówka jest najbardziej zaawansowanym ośrodkiem w Polsce zajmującym się diagnostyką i leczeniem dzieci z Płodowym Zespołem Alkoholowym.
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Redattore Sociale (Italy) - Ucraina, gli effetti della guerra sui bambini con disturbi da esposizione fetale all’alcol
Olga Bolshova e sua figlia Stephanie sono arrivate a Varsavia da Kiev i primi di aprile, dopo un tragitto tutt’altro che lineare.
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