
Friday, April 29, 2022

Alcohol News - 17/2022

NordAN (Denmark) - DENMARK: Strong support for raising the age limit for buying alcohol to 18
Six out of 10 Danes support the government’s proposal to raise the age limit for buying alcohol to 18. There is thus strong support for the government’s proposal and the line taken by the Danish Health Authority in its new recommendations on young people’s drinking habits.
Read more (Latvia) - Alcohol culprit for one in three injuries in Latvia: emergency service
Latvian Radio continued its ongoing exploration of Latvia's problems with alcohol consumption April 27 with a look at tragedies that could have been prevented had alcohol not been used.
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Medical News Today - Is alcohol bad for your hair?
Occasionally drinking alcohol is not bad for hair. However, regular alcohol consumption through drinking or using certain alcohol-containing hair products may have negative effects on the hair.
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Conde Nast Traveler (USA) - American Airlines’ Flight Attendants Are Asking for a Two-Drink Alcohol Limit in Economy
Air travel is booming once again, with airlines expanding their route networks and restoring in-flight perks, like three-course meals and onboard cocktails. But there's one airline that is still limiting booze for fliers in coach.
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National Law Review - The Metaverse: Alcohol Beverage Industry’s Next Marketing Frontier?
The metaverse is widely regarded as the next frontier in digital commerce, with businesses across industries spending millions of dollars buying digital real estate and investing in platforms to be market leaders.
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Monash University - Living Labs: New research findings show stigma around alcohol and other drugs harms a major barrier for patients in their care journey towards ageing well
Why does it take an individual suffering from alcohol and other drugs (AOD) harms up to 18 years to seek care? A question A/Prof Suzanne Nielsen and her Living Labs research team are looking to understand in order to help our communities connect sooner with the AOD treatment system.
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Stuff (New Zealand) - Waikato heavy drinking stats fuel argument for Hamilton to develop a Local Alcohol Policy
More than half of all Pasifika male drinkers and more than one in four Māori male drinkers in the Waikato District Health Board region say they engage in heavy episodic drinking at least weekly.
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Expats (Czech Republic) - Is giving kids non-alcoholic beer harmless? Czech experts say it's risky
In cultures where wine is the spirit of choice, tradition dictates that even the smallest members of the family take the occasional sip. The idea being that teaching children about imbibing moderate amounts early on will lead to healthy consumption later.
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The Brussels Times (Belgium) - One-third of scooter accidents linked to alcohol
As electric scooters become ubiquitous in cities and a practical alternative to public transport, accidents relating to their use are on the up. One-third of these are down to riding under the influence of alcohol.
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Fox4News (USA) - Your Healthy Family: One in 10 Americans in recovery from alcohol or drug abuse
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says the number of people who are dying from addiction keeps rising. It says overdose deaths increased by nearly 29 percent in 2021. But three quarters of addicts recover.
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New York Post (USA) - NY eyes facial recognition to ‘card’ for alcohol, cigarettes, e-cigs
The New York State Senate is moving forward with proposed legislation that would allow bars and restaurants to use facial recognition or fingerprint scanners to verify someone’s age before they buy alcohol, tobacco or electronic cigarettes.
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Sunday, April 24, 2022

FASD News - 16/2022 (USA) - One drink can hurt your child for a lifetime: Stacey Reid
While our nation tries to make sense of a pandemic, a chronic health disorder continues unabated and practically undetected.
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Yahoo News (USA) - New Orlando clinic helping identify, support children with fetal alcohol syndrome
A first of its kind clinic in Central Florida is helping diagnose what doctors consider an ‘invisible disability’ at birth, impacting as many as one in 20 children.
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Disability Scoop - How Families Are Advocating For Children With Disabilities In Foster Care
Sheri Louie fell in love with Kristina the moment she saw her at the group home for medically fragile children in Fresno.
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Psychiatry Advisor - Substance Exposure During Pregnancy May Alter Placental Serotonin Expression
A study found evidence that prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) and exposure to medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) may perturb serotonin expression patterns, which has the potential to affect brain development and health across the lifespan of the child. These findings were published in Experimental Neurology.
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QNI Scotland (Scotland) - FASD is becoming more of a concern for community nurses and midwives
In March 2022, the Queen’s Nursing Institute Scotland conducted an online survey about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD). This was a Year 1 activity of Healthier Pregnancies, Better Lives (HPBL) – a QNIS programme supported by Cattanach and The National Lottery Community Fund. All community nurses and midwives anywhere in Scotland were eligible to participate in this survey.
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CanFASD - April 23rd is World Book Day!
Celebrate World Book Day this Saturday by reading a little more about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder! World Book Day was created by UNESCO as a worldwide celebration of books and reading. This year they are celebrating its 25th anniversary.
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FASD Hub Australia - Frequently asked questions about alcohol and pregnancy
We've answered some common questions around alcohol, pregnancy, and fetal alcohol spectrum disorder.
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Hidden Disabilities - FASD with Tristan Casson-Rennie and Jan Griffin
Raising awareness of the dangers of drinking alcohol during pregnancy and removing the stigma associated with foetal alcohol specturm disorder (FASD) in order that the families can seek the correct support is something that both Jan and Tristan are passionate about.
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Adopt4LifeON - Snack and Chat: Support for Older Caregivers of Adults with FASD
Nancy Lockwood, FASD Consultant with over 25 years experience joined us to talk about Support for Older Caregivers of Adults with FASD. We discussed challenges, positives, support groups and resources.
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FASD Awareness #BeAware - Nick Barratt - Positive Behavioural Support - FASD Webinar#7
This is Webinar#7 in the series on FASD. In this webinar Nick Barratt Director of Nick Barratt Behaviour Change Consultancy, a Behavioural Analyst talks about some of the behaviours and strategies to support individuals and families living with FASD using Positive Behavioural Support.
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FASDHub Scotland - Wednesday Webinar: Fetal Alcohol Advisory, Support & Training (FAAST) Team
Join Dr. Jennifer Shields (Clinical Psychologist) from the FAAST Team and Aliy Brown (FASD Project Manager) as they discuss diagnosis of FASD in Scotland.
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Spotlight on FASD - Podcast Season 4, Episode 10 - FASD Family Life and FASD Hope
Todays episode is a lovely chat that Clare enjoyed on the FASD Family Life Podcast with our friends, the Women of FASD Podcasting, Robbie Seale host of FASD Family Life and Natalie Vecchione host of FASD Hope.
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Association pour la santé publique du Québec - Alcool during pregnancy : language disorders in children | ASPQ
The Association pour la santé publique du Québec (ASPQ) is launching its first awareness campaign on abstaining from alcohol during pregnancy and on fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD).
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Journeys to Belonging - Episode 96 with guest Donnie Winokur
My guest this week is Donnie Winokur. She shares her thoughts about #belonging and advocacy for #FASD as a parent who educated herself about her son's diagnosis and needs.
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FASD Caregiver Success - FASD Success Show Short - New Research with Dr. Catherine Lebel
Do you still get people telling you that there isn't any evidence about the effects of low-level prenatal alcohol exposure? If so, then you want to check out this FASD Success Short with Jeff and Dr. Catherine Lebel - because there is evidence.
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Fasd Success Show - #104 Dr. Catherine Lebel: New Study on low levels of prenatal alcohol exposure
We know prenatal alcohol exposure is a risk factor for FASD. We have studies on high levels of prenatal alcohol exposure - but what about low levels? Up until now, we have not had a study to share showing how low levels of prenatal alcohol exposure can affect the brain and behaviour.
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Morning Focus - FASD Ireland Opens New Offices In Ennis
An organisation which works to prevent Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder has established its headquarters in Clare.
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Adoptive and Foster Family Coalition of New York - 33rd Annual Conference - Workshop Presenter Interview: Rebecca Tillou
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American Academy of Pediatrics - Web-based FASD Toolkit
We've assembled resources related to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) to raise awareness of individuals with an FASD, promote screening for prenatal exposure to alcohol and encourage referral for diagnostic evaluations for an FASD.
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Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior - Prenatal and adolescent alcohol exposure programs immunity across the lifespan: CNS-mediated regulation
Recognizing that alcohol consumption across the entire body, we argue in favor of integrative, whole-organism approaches toward understanding alcohol effects on immune function, and highlight the need for more work specifically examining long-lasting effects of early developmental exposure to alcohol (prenatal and adolescent periods) on host immunity.
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International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - Is Public Health Response to the Phenomenon of Alcohol Use during Pregnancy Adequate to the Polish Women’s Needs?
Due to the risks it poses to a child’s health, drinking alcohol during pregnancy is a serious problem that the public health sector is struggling to deal with. The reasons why women who do not have alcohol problems do not give up drinking alcohol completely during pregnancy are still poorly understood. And the knowledge available about them does not translate into communication strategies in Poland.
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Current Developmental Disorders Report - Toward a Strengths-Based Cognitive Profile of Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: Implications for Intervention
Identifying areas of relative strength provides promising avenues for intervention. Future research should explore areas of intact functioning and relative strength among children with FASD more explicitly, alongside areas of difficulty.
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International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - Influence of COMT (rs4680) and DRD2 (rs1076560, rs1800497) Gene Polymorphisms on Safety and Efficacy of Methylphenidate Treatment in Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
The MPH treatment is effective in ADHD independent of FASD, although the ADHD-FASD variant requires higher doses to be successful. These results may help in optimization and individualization in child psychiatry.
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Pediatric Research - Prenatal smoking and drinking are associated with altered newborn autonomic functions
These findings highlight potential ANS pathways through which prenatal drinking and smoking may contribute to neurodevelopment outcomes.
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Journal of Affective Disorders - Mood and neurotic disorders among youth with prenatal substance exposure: A longitudinal register-based cohort study
Mood and neurotic disorders are more common following prenatal exposure to substances and interlinked with significant adversities in the postnatal caregiving environment and OHC.
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Nutrients - Gestational Iron Supplementation Improves Fetal Outcomes in a Rat Model of Prenatal Alcohol Exposure
These data show that gestational iron supplementation improves select fetal outcomes in prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) including brain weight and hematology, suggesting that this may be a clinically feasible approach to improve prenatal iron status and fetal outcomes in alcohol-exposed pregnancies.
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Journal of Medical Internet Research - Effectiveness of Digital Interventions for Preventing Alcohol Consumption in Pregnancy: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Overall, our review highlights the potential for digital interventions to prevent alcohol consumption among pregnant women and women planning to become pregnant.
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Birth Defects Research - The pro-apoptotic Bax gene modifies susceptibility to craniofacial dysmorphology following gastrulation-stage alcohol exposure
Overall, these experiments identify that Bax is a primary teratogenic mechanism of gastrulation-stage alcohol exposure.
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International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - Sex, Gender, and Alcohol Use: Implications for Women and Low-Risk Drinking Guidelines
We conclude that supporting and expanding the development of sex- and gender-specific low-risk drinking guidelines offers more nuanced and educative information to clinicians and consumers and will particularly benefit women and girls.
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Neurotoxicity Research - Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant, and Antiapoptotic Action of Metformin Attenuates Ethanol Neurotoxicity in the Animal Model of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
Fetal alcohol exposure has permanent effects on the brain structure, leading to functional deficits in several aspects of behavior, including learning and memory.
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Clinical Psychology Review - Aggressive behaviour and violence in children and adolescents with FASD: A synthesizing review
Interpretation and response to behaviour is predicated on understanding. However, our present understanding of aggressive behaviour, especially for complex and vulnerable populations is limited.
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Kehitysvammaliitto (Finland) - KÄÄNNEKOHTIA – FASD & ULKONÄKÖPAINEET
Mä tiedän, et oon erilainen ku normaalit ihmiset. Oon ollu pienestä tytöstä saakka kovaääninen ja menevä tapaus myös ADHD:n takia. Käytin sitä paljon hyväkseni ja aloin tehostaa sitä tilanteis, misä mä halusin huomiota. Ja sit ku tulee vaikeuksii, ni syytän kaikesta ekana FASDia, koska sen taakse on helpoin kätkeytyä.
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RMF24 (Poland) - Dziecko z FASD w rodzinie adopcyjnej. Krakowski szpital zapewnia wsparcie
Rodzice adopcyjni dzieci z FASD mogą liczyć na kompleksowe wsparcie specjalistów ze Szpitala Dziecięcego im. św. Ludwika w Krakowie. Placówka jest najbardziej zaawansowanym ośrodkiem w Polsce zajmującym się diagnostyką i leczeniem dzieci z Płodowym Zespołem Alkoholowym.
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Redattore Sociale (Italy) - Ucraina, gli effetti della guerra sui bambini con disturbi da esposizione fetale all’alcol
Olga Bolshova e sua figlia Stephanie sono arrivate a Varsavia da Kiev i primi di aprile, dopo un tragitto tutt’altro che lineare.
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Thursday, April 21, 2022

Alcohol News - 16/2022

Global News (Canada) - Southern Alberta town council votes to keep long-standing alcohol ban in place
The Town of Raymond has decided to stay ‘dry’ and uphold its longtime prohibition of alcohol sales. After several weeks of public engagement, members of council defeated a motion on Tuesday that would have allowed licensed restaurants in the community for the first time.
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Wales Online (UK) - Alcohol price hikes could hit UK partygoers heading to Spain for boozy break
Time could be called on binge drinking for UK holidaymakers in Spain with the country pushing to implement European Union tax rises on alcohol. Health professionals are urging Spanish government officials to increase the price of alcoholic drinks and raise the legal drinking age, in a draft bill aimed at preventing underage drinking.
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Wired - The End of Alcohol
Glamorous influencers are blending science and superstition to help people “change their relationship to drinking.” Did I miss out by getting sober the old-fashioned way?
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NZ Herald (New Zealand) - Te Puke: Alcohol sale rules changed, booze ban extended
New times for when alcohol can be sold and a ban on public alcohol consumption in urban Te Puke are among changes to alcohol rules and regulations for the Western Bay.
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The Mandarin (Australia) - Research commissioned into alcohol availability and domestic violence
The Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority in New South Wales has commissioned research to determine what links exist between the availability of alcohol and domestic violence.
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PsyPost - Emotional abuse during childhood is linked to alcohol-related problems in later life through increased insomnia
A recent study suggests that children who suffer emotional abuse go on to experience increased insomnia, and in turn, more alcohol-related problems during adulthood. The researchers behind the study suggest that addressing childhood trauma may be one avenue of treatment for dysregulated drinking. The findings were published in the journal Addictive Behaviors Reports.
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Food and Wine Magazine (USA) - Alcohol Brands Shouldn't Be Making 'Clean' Health Claims, TTB Says
The United States has a history of being a bit stricter with alcohol than other products — dating back to Prohibition when the government banned booze entirely. As such, unlike other drinks, alcoholic beverages are overseen by the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) which has to approve product labels — and sometimes, packaging can run afoul of these rules with, for example, references to drugs.
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ABC (Australia) - The vicious cycle of alcohol and anxiety
Anxiety and alcohol misuse are a common pairing. How do the two egg each other on and what can be done to halt the cycle?
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Majorca Daily Bulletin (Balearic Islands) - Is it last orders for cheap booze in the Balearics?
A quick cheap caña and a tapa could be coming to an end in Majorca and across the rest of Spain if the European Commission has its way.
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Tribune Online (Nigeria) - Diet Rich In Fruits And Vegetables, Alcohol Abstinence Can Prevent Heart Failure — Experts
A diet rich in fruits and vegetables and reduced alcohol intake have been declared as low-cost interventions to significantly reduce blood pressure and hence prevent heart attack in individuals with hypertension in Nigeria, a study has said.
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“There are multiple reasons why people were drinking more and why we’re now seeing additional morbidity and mortality related to alcohol,” says Margie Skeer, an associate professor of public health and community medicine at Tufts University School of Medicine.
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International Agency for Research on Cancer - The Cancers Attributable to Alcohol website
The Cancers Attributable to Alcohol website is part of the Global Cancer Observatory (GCO) and aims to provide estimates of the preventable cancer burden using a standardized analytical approach for all countries. At least 1 in every 25 new cancer cases results from alcohol consumption, with 740 000 new cancer cases in 2020 attributable to alcohol consumption; these findings underline the need for continued prevention efforts.
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Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Types of Drinking Patterns

It’s Alcohol Awareness Month, and the best way to raise awareness is to educate yourself about alcoholism and its role in your life and the life of your loved one. There are no single causes of alcoholism, and there are several signs alluding to the fact that someone has a problem.

You’ve come to the right place if you wish to educate yourself. Find out the information you need to learn during Alcohol Awareness Month 2022 by reading our guide below.

Types of Drinking Patterns

People who suffer from an alcohol use disorder suffer from specific drinking patterns. Each pattern is different and has its own set of characteristics.

To better help your loved one, you need to know the different drinking patterns.

Read further from No Matter What Recovery

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Alcohol News - 15/2022

NordAN (Finland) - THL: Alko’s exclusivity scheme reduces alcohol harm, so it’s worth maintaining
In THL’s view, Alko’s single rights system should be maintained. This is based on public health grounds. “The current exclusive rights system is the most responsible way to sell alcohol in terms of the well-being, health and safety of the population,” says Markku Tervahauta, Director General of THL.
Read more (UK) - Extra funding for drug and alcohol treatment: 2022 to 2023
Information about new funding to local councils to help them improve their drug and alcohol treatment and recovery systems.
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Newstalk (UK) – Tobacco-style health warnings can make drinking less appealing to young people
Tobacco-style health warnings on alcohol products can make drinking less appealing and socially acceptable to young people, according to new study.
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University of Stirling - Prominent health warnings on alcohol products make drinking “unappealing”, new study finds
Young adult drinkers are more likely to perceive alcohol products as “unappealing” and “socially unacceptable” if they display prominent health warnings, according to new research.
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MJA Insight - Tracking how alcohol companies target young people online
FOR nearly 20 years, alcohol marketers have been at the forefront of using digital and social media platforms to promote and distribute alcohol. Platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube and TikTok are part of the marketing machinery of alcohol brands, retailers and venues. Yet, the promotion, advertising and retail happening on these platforms remains unregulated and opaque.
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Newswise - How Did the Early Stages of the Pandemic Affect Alcohol Use in Different Countries?
A review of studies exploring changes in alcohol use during the COVID-19 pandemic has revealed an increase in problematic alcohol use in some countries.
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Good Morning America (USA) - Alcohol linked to greater risk of cancer in women: What to know
From sayings like "mommy juice" and "rosé all day" to happy hours, drinking is part of American culture, particularly for women. One thing that is less discussed though is alcohol's link to cancer, and how that impacts women.
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American College of Emergency Physicians (USA) - Emergency Physicians Warn of the Dangers of Unsafe Alcohol Consumption
During Alcohol Awareness Month, the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) urges everyone to recognize the signs that being overly intoxicated has become a medical emergency and to avoid consuming unsafe amounts of alcohol.
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U Today (Netherlands) - New alcohol policy: no prohibition, but awareness
The UT does not want a ban on alcohol, but it does want to reduce problematic consumption through information, awareness and normalization of alcohol-free alternatives. This is stated in the new ‘Policy on Responsible Alcohol Consumption’, drawn up by Campus & Facility Management and the Student Union.
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UC Davis Health - Study shows need to increase screening for unhealthy alcohol use during primary care visits
A new study shows screening for unhealthy alcohol consumption by patients using a validated questionnaire is rarely performed during primary care visits.
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Paul Cairney - Using policy theories to interpret public health case studies: the example of a minimum unit price for alcohol
There are strong links between the study of public health and public policy. For example, public health scholars often draw on policy theories to help explain (often low amounts of) policy change to foster population health or reduce health inequalities.
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Sunday, April 10, 2022

FASD News - 14/2022

FASD United (USA) - Support HR4151/S2238 The FASD Respect Act
I’m writing in support of  The FASD Respect Act (HR4151/S2238). Congress first addressed Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) as Fetal Alcohol Syndrome in 1998.
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Cumnock Chronicle (UK) - FASD affects 12,000 individuals in Ayrshire and Arran
Ayr, Carrick and Cumnock MP Allan Dorans has recently met with the founders of Oshay’s to discuss the vital work they are doing to bring attention to Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
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NZ Herald (New Zealand) - Hazardous heavy drinking culture must change say experts
Health experts are warning Te Tai Tokerau's hazardous drinking culture is having disastrous long-term impacts on generations of whānau and needs urgent attention.
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CTV News (Canada) - Impact of #winemom on motherhood alcohol consumption
A Sudbury researcher is using art to bring attention to science and research findings around alcohol consumption in motherhood.
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BC Gov News (Canada) - Grants boost community services for children and youth with support needs
Grant funding for Vancouver Foundation will support its work with respite service providers to extend respite services to families of children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD).
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Health Imaging - Even low levels of prenatal alcohol exposure affect brain development, MRI scans show
Even small amounts of prenatal alcohol exposure can cause structural brain alterations in children, a new study published in JAMA Network Open shows.
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Hospital Pharmacy Europe - Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders: A brief overview
FASD is a common disorder that often is unrecognised and might present with one of many comorbid presentations. Recognition and management are the key to changing the trajectory of people’s lives
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Adulting With FASD - Manipu What?
I have been thinking about this topic lately, and I just read a post about a teenager with an FASD, and how he was manipulated by his “friend” to go into a store with a fake $100 dollar bill and make a purchase.
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Adoption UK (UK) - The Time is Now
What an incredible two weeks it’s been in the world of FASD. First the publication of the long-awaited NICE quality standards for England and Wales, then the launch of a major new report, The Time is Now, resulting from nine roundtables with over 60 participants including paediatricians, psychiatrists, GPs, commissioners, public health experts, researchers, and leaders from the third sector.
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Red Shoes Rock – Why do we say DEVELOPMENTAL FLUIDITY with FASD?
Development is variable as we grow – when you first learned to ride a bike you fell off – when you first learn to walk you had to get back up… When you first learn to spell you forget…. when you first learn to read – you stumble on words
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Mamamia (Australia) - 'At 35, I had my miracle baby. But I couldn't stop drinking.'
Even as a young child, Ange never really felt like she fit in. By the time she reached her 20s, she found alcohol to be "an excellent social lubricant".
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The Matilda Centre - Learning with FASD: Evidence-based Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder resources for primary educators
This webinar is for primary school teaching and support staff who are interested in Learning with FASD, an online portal housing evidence-based resources to assist primary educators to understanding and support children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in Australian schools.
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PreventionInstitute1 - FASD and Prenatal Development by Soumya Mishra and Ana Andrade
This presentation provides an overview of what FASD is, how alcohol might affect the development of the fetus, and why stigma is a huge barrier to FASD prevention.
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PreventionInstitute1 - Revitalizing Culture and Healing: Catalyzing Action on FASD Prevention by Lindsay Wolfson
This presentation introduces collaboratively developed principles for community-led, community-driven FASD prevention; some ways in which Indigenous communities have implemented wellness and FASD prevention programs; and opportunities to further integrate trauma-informed and stigma-reducing support into FASD prevention efforts.
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POPFASD - Get Ready, Do, Done
Executive Function is a set of mental skills and it includes the ability to plan and organize materials and complete tasks.
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Maryland Addiction Consultation Service - Alcohol and Pregnancy
Presenter: MACS for MOMs Medical Director, Christopher Welsh, MD
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FASD Family Life - Research & Resources Edition: WRaP 2.0 - FASD Coaching Partnership Project with Cathy Cross
With more than 20 years lived experience I know it can be a struggle to find resources and research to support you, your family, and your child with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.
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Wired Differently - #010 A message for parents raising children with FASD
It's human nature not to want others to judge us for how we think or to have a different point of view than most people. This is exactly what happened to me after having released my first episodes, I stopped because I didn’t want to be judged by others.
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FASD Hope - 123 - The FASD Forum ’22 - NOFASD Australia
Episode 123 is a BONUS EPISODE and welcomes back Louise Gray, CEO and Sophie Harrington, COO of NOFASD Australia to announce the first-ever FASD Forum '22 - Virtual FASD Conference.
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FASD Hope - 124 - The FAS Project- Netherlands - A Conversation with Luke Schut and Dami
Episode 124 highlights “The FAS Project Netherlands” with Luke Schut (Project Coordinator) and Dami Munter (Foster Mother & Parent Advocate).
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Fasd Success Show - #101 Sandra Butcher on NICE and The Time is Now
My guest today, Sandra Butcher, the Chief Executive of the National Organization for FASD (U.K.) said it best: Every victory for FASD in any part of the world is a victory for all of us.
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Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research - Magnitude comparison and automaticity in number processing in adolescents with prenatal alcohol exposure: An event-related potentials study
These findings suggest that magnitude comparison in alcohol-exposed individuals may be mediated by recruitment of alternative neural pathways that are likely to be inefficient when number processing becomes more challenging.
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Malta Medical Students' Association - Foetal alcohol spectrum disorders and imaging : a brief review
Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) refers to the collection of features seen as a result of prenatal alcohol exposure by the mother. FASD can be considered as an acquired brain injury, predominantly affecting neurocognitive development, amongst other organ systems.
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Alcohol - Purkinje cell-specific deletion of CREB worsens alcohol-induced cerebellar neuronal losses and motor deficits
Disruption of a single gene (CREB) in a single neuronal population (Purkinje cells) greatly increases the vulnerability of that cell population to alcohol-induced cell death and worsens alcohol-induced brain dysfunction.
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American Journal of Medical Genetics - Characteristic physical traits of first-grade children in the United States with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) and associated alcohol and drug exposures
We compared growth, physical features, and minor anomalies in 131 first-grade children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) to those of a representative comparison group of typically developing children from the same populations (n = 1212).
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Nutrients - Aging-Related Behavioral, Adiposity, and Glucose Impairments and Their Association following Prenatal Alcohol Exposure in the C57BL/6J Mouse
People that experience prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) may have behavioral and metabolic impairments, and it is unclear whether these remain stable or change with age. We assessed behavioral and metabolic endpoints across the lifespan in a mouse model of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD).
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Clinical Psychology Review - Aggressive behaviour and violence in children and adolescents with FASD: A synthesizing review
Interpretation and response to behaviour is predicated on understanding. However, our present understanding of aggressive behaviour, especially for complex and vulnerable populations is limited.
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Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research - Prenatal ethanol exposure impairs sensory processing and habituation of visual stimuli, effects normalized by postnatal environmental enrichment
Prenatal ethanol exposure increases responding to contingent light-onset and impairs the long-term habituation process. The PE-induced deficits could be ameliorated by rearing in the enriched environment and increasing the duration and frequency of exposure to light-onset.
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Journal of Behavioral and Brain Science - Neurobiology of Neuronal Network Alteration in Intellectual Disability Related to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
The molecular and cellular mechanisms by which alcohol produces its deleterious effects on neuronal networks are only now beginning to be understood. This review focused on alcohol-induced neurobiological alterations on neuronal network components underlying information processing, for further understanding of intellectual disability related to FASD.
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JAMA Network Open - Evaluation of Brain Alterations and Behavior in Children With Low Levels of Prenatal Alcohol Exposure
In this cross-sectional study, children with low levels of PAE had lower FA and more behavioral problems compared with a well-matched control group. These results suggest that PAE, even in small amounts, has a measurable effect on brain structure in children.
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Experimental Neurology - Effects of prenatal opioid and alcohol exposures on immune and serotonin factors in human placenta
This study provides the first evidence that PAE may inhibit SERT expression while simultaneously promoting increased TPH1 protein expression in human placenta.
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Research Society and Development - Fetal alcoholic syndrome and consequences on child neurodevelopment: a literature review
The Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder occurs due to the consumption of alcohol by the mother during the gestational period and constitutes, currently, a serious problem, as it contributes to the appearance of a series of inborn defects in the child, especially with regard to child neurodevelopment.
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Midwifery - “Now, with a bit more knowledge, I understand why I'm asking those questions.” Midwives’ perspectives on their role in the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership's programme to Reduce Alcohol Exposed Pregnancies (AEP)
To understand midwives’ perspectives regarding the effect of a programme of activities aimed at reducing alcohol exposed pregnancies at two NHS Trusts in XX. The programme included new protocols for screening, a referral pathway for specialist support and alcohol training for midwives.
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UC San Diego Electronic Theses and Dissertations - Breastfeeding and Neurodevelopment in infants exposed to alcohol during pregnancy
This study aims to identify if the association between breastfeeding and infant neurodevelopment is modified by pattern of PAE.
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The present study used evidence-based dentistry (EBD) to identify clinical studies that described the effects of alcohol on fetal craniofacial development and qualitatively analyze the results found via this systematic review.
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Cureus - Trend Analysis of Substance Use Disorder During Pregnancy
The current trends necessitate a further assessment and implementation of comprehensive community-based treatment programs tailored to the most frequent regional SUD presentations, which could aid in mitigating drug use during pregnancy.
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BMC Health Services Research - Enhancing clinician participation in quality improvement training: implementation and impact of an evidence-based initiative to maximise antenatal clinician participation in training regarding women’s alcohol consumption during pregnancy
A training initiative based on evidence-based principles resulted in almost all clinicians receiving some training and 69% participating in at least 1 h of training. Variability between professions suggests training needs to be tailored to such groups.
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The University of Western Ontario - Motives for Caregivers of Children with FASD Who Connect with a Caregiver to Caregiver Mentor
This qualitative study explored motives of caregivers for children and youth with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) who connected with caregiver to caregiver mentors.
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Alles Münster (Germany) - Starke Geister
An dieser Stelle zeigen sich einmal im Monat starke Persönlichkeiten, deren Einschränkungen der Öffentlichkeit noch weitgehend unbekannt sind. Das „Fetale Alkoholsyndrom“, kurz FAS, wird in Deutschland erst von wenigen Fachleuten erkannt und diagnostiziert.
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Zdrave Zpravy (Czech Republic) - Pro těhotné neexistuje bezpečné množství alkoholu
Pro těhotné a kojící ženy neexistuje bezpečné množství alkoholu. Nenarozené dítě přijímá alkohol placentou z krve matky, navíc ho vylučuje dvakrát pomaleji. Alkohol vážně poškozuje zdravý vývoj plodu, a to i v minimálním množství.
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WDR (Germany) - Fetales Alkoholsyndrom: Die Folgen von Alkohol in der Schwangerschaft
Sie hatten bereits vier eigene Kinder, als Anja gemeinsam mit ihrem Mann beschloss, ein weiteres Kind aufzunehmen, als Pflegeeltern. Sie bewarben sich beim Jugendamt und bekamen einen Säugling vermittelt.
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Thursday, April 7, 2022

Alcohol News - 14/2022 (Norway) - Norwegian Directorate of Health recommends that alcoholic beverages be marked with a cancer warning
The Directorate has been looking into the matter since July last year and has now delivered its letter of recommendation to the Ministry of Health and Care Services.
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NZ Herald (New Zealand) - Urgent call for Govt regulation on alcohol, cigarettes and vape products sold through delivery services
Doctors are calling for urgent Government regulation on alcohol, cigarettes and vape products sold through online delivery services like Uber Eats.
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News Medical - Gender influences how people cope with alcohol use disorder, study suggests
A qualitative study conducted by researchers at the University of São Paulo's School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities (EACH-USP) in Brazil suggests that gender influences how people suffering from alcohol use disorder cope with their condition.
Read more (UK) - Alcohol tags helping thousands of offenders stay sober
More than 97% of offenders on sobriety tags have stayed off alcohol, a year after they were introduced in England following a successful pilot in Wales.
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Best Life - Drinking Like This After 40 Could Be an Early Sign of Dementia, Study Says
Previous research has confirmed that lifelong alcohol abuse is one of the risk factors for dementia, but for those who start drinking heavily later in life, there could be a different association.
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Insider - 6 tell-tale physical traits of a heavy alcohol drinker, according to experts — from brittle hair to skin blotches
Now a clinical psychologist who works with people with addictions, Utter knows alcohol use disorder falls on a spectrum. While some people with it do look like those bar patrons, many look perfectly healthy.
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CBC (Canada) - One of Alberta's last dry communities could soon see pours of alcohol
About a half-hour's drive from Lethbridge, Alta., is the town of Raymond, a community known for the accomplishments of its high school sports teams, its religious traditions and as the home of the first stampede rodeo in the country.
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Vanguard News - More alcohol you drink, less brain you have
The more alcohol a person drinks, the less brain volume that person has according to new research. The study says alcohol consumption even at levels most would consider modest may pose risks to the brain.
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Xinhua (Mongolia) - Mongolian president issues decree on reducing alcohol misuse
Mongolian President Ukhnaa Khurelsukh on Tuesday issued a decree on reducing alcohol misuse.
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Global News (Canada) - Canadian craft alcohol producers seeking excise tax relief in new budget
Canadian craft alcohol producers are hoping excise tax changes are brewing in the federal finance minister’s office.
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Health Imaging - Even low levels of prenatal alcohol exposure affect brain development, MRI scans show
Even small amounts of prenatal alcohol exposure can cause structural brain alterations in children, a new study published in JAMA Network Open shows.
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