
Sunday, March 6, 2022

FASD News - 9/2022

Smithsonian Magazine - New Tools May Help Diagnose Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
By the time kids diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder meet with clinical psychologist Mary O’Connor, they have often been taking multiple medications or unusually high doses of stimulants like Ritalin.
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Irish Mirror (Ireland) - 'The dangers of drinking during pregnancy need to be taken more seriously'
Up to one in 30 children could have symptoms of Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, such as learning difficulties, writes Dr Miriam Stoppard, and the topic has been overlooked for far too long
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Women´s Health (Australia) - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: 3 Mothers Share Their Experiences
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) the leading non-genetic developmental disability in Australia, caused by drinking alcoholduring pregnancy.
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Free Press Journal  - World Birth Defect Day: Around 8 million babies are affected; Causes and some precautions to be taken
Every year March 3 is marked as World Birth Defect day to increase awareness about birth defects in general public. Birth defects are not uncommon; 3-6 percent babies born (roughly around 8 million per year) have some birth defects.
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Pennsylvania Pressroom (USA) - Department Of Drug And Alcohol Programs Visits Grant Recipient Counseling Management Services, Discusses Importance Of Pregnancy Support Services For Individuals With Substance Use Disorder
Today, Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs (DDAP) Secretary Jen Smith visited Counseling Management Services (CMS) to highlight the importance of supportive services to address the needs of pregnant and postpartum women with substance use disorder (SUD).
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Stuff (New Zealand) – Forsaken: New Zealand’s shameful mismanagement of FASD
Disordered investigates the epidemic of FASD in New Zealand. It’s available on Stuff from Monday March 7. Made with the support of NZ On Air.
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University of New England - The Hidden Epidemic: Exploring Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
This workshop will offer information about the origins and scope of FASD, its cognitive and physical impacts, and the effectiveness of early identification and interdisciplinary intervention.
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This is a journey that we want you all to be a part of. The idea of a GoFundMe is generally one of charity and helping those in need. This road trip is all about bringing education to the kids of today.
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FASD Awareness #BeAware - FASD- A Political Journey with Bill Esterson (MP)- Webinar #5
We are delighted to be able to welcome Bill onto our Webinar series to discuss his journey advocating for FASD at Parliamentary level, and to understand better the processes involved in bringing about change.
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Shelley Kenow Special Education Consultant - #nolimits Episode 78 - Shannon Iacobacci FASD expert
This is a 2 part series on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.  In this episode Shannon educates us on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).  This is an extrememly informative episode about a sensitive and very underdiagnosed subject.
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I-START - Understanding FASD
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Our Stories. Our Health. - We Have the Proof ft. Sara Messelt
Sara Messelt, Executive Director of Proof Alliance, joins Hayley to talk about fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD), stigma, and meeting people where they are. FASD might be a new term for you, but Proof is working hard to expand awareness and understanding of how being born with an FASD might impact a child and how we can work as a society to support kids with FASD and reduce the stigma.
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Brain Research Bulletin - The effect of astaxanthin treatment on the rat model of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD)
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) caused by mother’s exposure to alcohol during pregnancy is a congenital neurological disease of the fetus resulting in fetal developmental and intellectual disabilities, cognitive impairment, and coordination disorder.
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EBioMedicine - Modulatory role of prenatal alcohol exposure and adolescent stress on the response to arthritis challenge in adult female rats
These findings demonstrate that PAE alters the severity and course of arthritis, highlighting the potential immunomodulatory impact of adverse prenatal exposures.
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Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology - Motor skills and intelligence in children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
The findings confirm that motor abilities and intelligence should be assessed separately when investigating an FASD diagnosis. Intelligence scores should not be used to estimate motor abilities, nor should they dictate when motor testing be completed.
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BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth - Pre-pregnancy lifestyle characteristics and risk of miscarriage: the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health
We observed a modest increased risk of miscarriage according to obesity and risky alcohol intake prior to pregnancy. There was no evidence of a dose-response relationship with smoking, and the association between smoking and risk of miscarriage was attenuated after accounting for induced abortions.
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Alcohol Research Current Reviews - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: Awareness to Insight in Just 50 Years
This article is part of a Festschrift commemorating the 50th anniversary of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA). Established in 1970, first as part of the National Institute of Mental Health and later as an independent institute of the National Institutes of Health, NIAAA today is the world’s largest funding agency for alcohol research.
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Journal of Substance Use - Alcohol and tobacco use among preconception women in India
Findings suggest that preconception women of reproductive age who use alcohol and tobacco should be strongly encouraged and supported to quit alcohol and tobacco use before pregnancy for preventing adverse birth outcomes.
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Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research - Compromised interhemispheric transfer of information partially mediates cognitive function deficits in adolescents with fetal alcohol syndrome
This study provides evidence of compromised interhemispheric transfer of information in adolescents with FAS, while those with PFAS or heavy exposed nonsyndromal individuals are apparently spared.
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Women should be advised to abstain from alcohol in pregnancy because of the lack of research and mixed results regarding light to moderate alcohol consumption.
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University of Lagos - Prevalence of Substance Abuse by Pregnant Women Attending Traditional Birth Attendant (TBA) Clinics in a Semi-Urban Region in South-West Nigeria
Our study showed that participants had low awareness that substances such as analgesia, anxiolytics and caffeine were substances that could be abused and as such abused them based on peer recommendation, and the presence of nausea and pain.
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Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research - Prenatal alcohol exposure and mental health at midlife: A preliminary report on two longitudinal cohorts
PAE is associated with greater rates of mental health disorders in middle adulthood. These outcomes appear to result from multiple stressors that affect individuals made vulnerable by their early alcohol exposure.
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Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science - Development of the Heart Muscle after Antenatal Ethanol Intoxication during the Neonatal Period
The study showed that antenatal ethanol intoxication has a pronounced effect on the postnatal development of the heart muscle during the neonatal period, which manifests itself at the cellular and subcellular levels.
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Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research - Gag-like proteins: Novel mediators of prenatal alcohol exposure in neural development
Collectively, GLPs present in NSCs and their EVs may confer apoptosis resistance within the NSC niche and contribute to the abnormal maturation induced by ethanol.
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Psychiatry Research - Prenatal tobacco and alcohol exposures and the risk of anxiety symptoms in young adulthood: A population-based cohort study
The findings of this study suggest that an association between prenatal tobacco exposure and risk of anxiety symptoms remains apparent into young adulthood.
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rbb24 (Germany) - "Ich bin meiner Mutter nicht böse"
Antonia kann sich schlecht konzentrieren und ist vergesslich. Das hat einen Grund: Sie ist das Kind alkoholkranker Eltern, ihre Mutter trank auch in der Schwangerschaft. Für Antonia wird das lebenslange Auswirkungen haben.
Read more (Italy) - Bere alcol in gravidanza: problemi per il nascituro anche in piccole quantità
Bere alcol in gravidanza non è mai una buona idea. Non esiste la certezza che, anche piccole quantità di alcol, siano innocue per il feto
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NTNU (Norway) - Ruseksponerte barn: Hvordan påvirker prenatal alkoholeksponering barns grovmotoriske utvikling fra fødsel til 6 år?
Denne litteraturstudien viser at lav til moderat grad av prenatal alkoholeksponering ikke har en signifikant påvirkning på grovmotoriske utvikling i aldersgruppen fra fødsel til seks år, men enkelte funn tyder på at det kan være svak korrelasjon.
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Fundacja FASCYNACJE (Poland) - Wychodząc naprzeciw aktualnym potrzebom przygotowaliśmy dla Państwa bezpłatne szkolenie, na które serdecznie zapraszamy. Szkolenie zorientowane na pytania dziecięce odnośnie wojny i konstruowanie odpowiedzi, które wyjaśnią, wytłumaczą, a nie przestraszą.
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