DW (South Africa)
- World in Progress: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome affects millions of kids in
South Africa
When pregnant women drink alcohol, the impact on their babies' health can
be severe. In South Africa, more than ten percent of kids suffer from Fetal
Alcohol symptome - the highest figure worldwide.
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Irish Examiner
(Ireland) - Foetal alcohol syndrome survey is 'first of its kind'
A survey is being conducted to establish the experience of people living
with or caring for someone with foetal alcohol spectrum disorder in Ireland.
The move coincides with the introduction of minimum unit pricing for alcohol in
recent days and against a backdrop of an estimated 600 babies a year being born
here with FASD.
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True North
(Canada) - Theresa Tam advises “pregnant people” not to drink alcohol
Chief Public Health Officer of Canada Theresa Tam has recommended “pregnant
people” avoid drinking alcohol to prevent fetal alcohol syndrome instead of
simply referring to pregnant women.
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Insider - Is
it okay to have an occasional glass of wine while pregnant? Here's what the
experts say
There are many parts of your life that may change during pregnancy,
including your drinking habits. Official recommendations are to not drink while
pregnant, yet as many as 10% of pregnant people say they have consumed alcohol
at some point in their pregnancy.
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The Goa Spotlight
- No, it is not safe to drink alcohol during pregnancy.
A few days ago, the doctor specializing in Aesthetic Medicine Carla Barber
assured from his Instagram profile -where he gathers almost a million
followers- that his gynecologist allowed him to “take one or two glasses of
wine a week ” while she is pregnant.
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Association of
American Universities - Thriving while living with fetal alcohol spectrum
disorders (FASD)
Rothfuss’s 11-year-old son Heratio (whose last name his mother asked to
withhold) has fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)—brain damage sustained in utero and
traceable to pre-natal alcohol consumption.
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Vernon Morning
Star (Canada) - WorkBC, FASD Okanagan help man overcome challenges
J.J. settles into a wooden chair and folds his hands at his waist. As he
looks about the small meeting room, a sense of calm washes over him. He’s
comfortable here. “I’ve been proving people wrong my entire life,” J.J. says
from the FASD Okanagan meeting room.
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People with FASD are disproportionately represented in our legal and
justice systems, both as victims and perpetrators. It is important that
professionals are aware of this, and are working toward an FASD-informed
justice system.
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The Project - Hidden
Epidemic Of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Despite all the warnings, more than 50% of women still consume alcohol
during pregnancy. Health experts warn it’s causing a hidden epidemic in
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EUFASD Alliance -
FASD in the classroom
Marta Astals Vizcaino is FASD Psychologist and Researcher at Hospital
Clinic de Barcelona. FASD Unit coordinator at Barnaclínic (Hospital Clinic de
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Rural FASD
Support Network - Dr Anik Gosselin - Mental Health and FASD
Dr. Gosselin shares how she diagnoses and supports individuals with FASD
transition from a jail setting into the local community.
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Spotlight on FASD
- Podcast Season 4, Episode 5 - FASD and Firesetting Behaviours
We're back in conversation with Jerrod Brown, exploring FASD and
Firesetting Behaviours. With Clare Devanney Glynn and Jessica Rutherford.
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Spotlight on FASD
- Podcast Season 4, Episode 6 - FASD and Sexually Inappropriate Behaviours
Continuing our series of conversations with Jerrod Brown, this time we're
exploring FASD and Sexualised Behaviours.
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Wonderland Child
& Family Services - Prenatal Substance Exposure Informational Webinar
Learn more about prenatal substance exposure and its impact on our community.
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Spotlight on FASD
- Podcast Season 4, Episode 7 - Prevalence of FASD in the UK
This week we're chatting with Professor Penny Cook from Salford University,
Principal Investigator of the UK's first FASD prevalence study. Penny shares
with us how the study evolved, the challenges faced along the way and what the
findings mean for the future of FASD in the UK.
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Fasd Success Show
- #090 Dr. Peter Choate: Trauma, FASD and Prevention
You know me. I’m a geek at heart. And I always say although I do know a lot
about FASD, I’m not a doctor, a social worker, or a lawyer. That’s why I’m
excited to bring you Dr. Peter Choate, a social worker, who has influenced my
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Sciences & the Law - Rates and implications of fetal alcohol spectrum
disorder among released offenders with mental disorder in Canada
We found the FASD group to have more than six impaired brain domains,
greater than the other groups, and a higher prevalence of ADHD.
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Research in
Developmental Disabilities - Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders screening
tools: A systematic review
Results highlight the vast differences in the screening approaches
performance characteristics, and diagnostic criteria linked to FASD screening
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Journal of
Pediatric Neuropsychology - The Association Between Performance-Based
Measures and Caregiver Ratings of Executive Functioning Among Children with
Prenatal Alcohol Exposure
The results of this study suggest that tests and caregiver ratings of
executive functioning may not measure the same construct or other factors may
be impacting the strength and significance of the relationship. Directions for
future research and clinical implications are provided.
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Healthcare - Understanding
the Relationship between Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and Criminal
Justice: A Systematic Review
In conclusion, it should be pointed out that FASD entails high public
health costs, both regarding the support measures provided to the affected
individual and to their family, as well as the cost and social impact of any
criminal offenses committed.
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Neuropsychology - Parental interaction style, child engagement, and emerging
executive function in fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD)
Children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) are known to
experience cognitive and neurobehavioral difficulties, including in areas of
executive function and social skills development.
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Sciences and the Law - Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) and youth
firesetting: A call on criminal justice, emergency responder, and fire
prevention specialists to become informed
This article will outline key behavioral symptoms of FASD as well as
provide first responders with suggestions as to how to best support individuals
when FASD is suspected.
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Sensors - Pilot
Study on Analysis of Electroencephalography Signals from Children with FASD
with the Implementation of Naive Bayesian Classifiers
In this paper Naive Bayesian classifiers were applied for the purpose of
differentiation between the EEG signals recorded from children with Fetal
Alcohol Syndrome Disorders (FASD) and healthy ones.
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Drug and Alcohol
Review - Why do women consume alcohol during pregnancy or while
Individual beliefs, knowledge/advice, culture and personal circumstances
influence alcohol use in pregnancy. Data are limited for reasons surrounding
alcohol use while breastfeeding.
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Journal of the
American Heart Association - Association of Alcohol Use Diagnostic Codes in
Pregnancy and Offspring Conotruncal and Endocardial Cushion Heart Defects
Alcohol‐related diagnostic codes in pregnancy were associated with an
increased risk of an offspring with a CHD, with a particular risk for
endocardial cushion and conotruncal defects. The mechanistic basis for this
phenotypic enrichment requires further investigation.
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Speech, Language
and Hearing - The orofacial, oromotor, speech, and voice characteristics of
adolescents in youth detention: a comparison of groups with and without
prenatal alcohol exposure
We identified high prevalence of orofacial, oromotor, speech, and voice
anomalies among adolescents in youth detention. We discuss our findings in
relation to our use of non-standardized assessment methods, assessment with
Aboriginal young peoples, youth detention populations broadly being high-risk
for health and developmental conditions, and the implications of the anomalies
for the adolescents.
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Available at SSRN
- Early Effects of Prenatal Alcohol Exposure on the Developing Human Brain
Quantitative fetal neuroimaging can sensitively detect toxin-related
alterations of human brain growth at early time-points even in structurally
grossly normal-appearing fetal brains.
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sciences & the law - The imperfect fit: Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
as the basis to commit individuals involuntarily as sexually violent
This article provides a framework for identifying, assessing, and deciding
whether individuals with the FASD diagnosis suffer from the legally defined
mental disorder that is necessary to indefinitely confine individuals as SVP.
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Research - Family reflections: parents and caregivers of people with FASD:
what research do we need?
These professionals, like us, were interpreting his behavioral differences
as purposeful and psychologically motivated. They, like us, didn’t consider
that his behavioral differences were examples of “can’t” do it, vs. “won’t.”
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Järjestämme 25.1.2022 klo 10-15 FASD-nuoren siivet kantamaan -webinaarin.
Tapahtuma on maksuton. Kyeseessä on koko FASD-verkoston 5-vuotiswebinaari.
Aiheena on nuoruus ja aikuisuuteen tukeminen. Mukana puhumassa ovat mm.
nuorisopsykiatrian erikoislääkäri Mikaela Blomqvist-Lyytikäinen ja FT,
neuropsykologi Åse Fagerlund.
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(Poland) - Lampka wina na zdrowie? Lepiej się zastanów, skutki mogą być
Alkohol w ciąży to zawsze temat wzbudzający dużo emocji. Każda z przyszłych
mam zna kogoś, kto twierdzi, że lampka czerwonego wina raz w tygodniu jest
wręcz wskazana.
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Fortschr Neurol
Psychiatr (Germany) - Fetale Alkoholspektrum-Störungen im Erwachsenenalter –
Ergebnisse aus einer diagnostischen Sprechstunde
Im Rahmen einer multiprofessionellen standardisierten Diagnostik ist die
FASD Abklärung auch im Erwachsenenalter möglich und nötig. Die Entwicklung
standardisierter und spezifischer Diagnosekriterien für Erwachsene ist
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