
Sunday, January 30, 2022

FASD News - 4/2022

Emergency Live - Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: What It Is, What Consequences It Has On The Child
Fetal alcohol syndrome is a condition in a child that results from alcohol exposure during the mother’s pregnancy.
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The Good Men Project - SNL, Disabilities Are Not a Punchline
This is the question that hundreds of thousands of people in America are asking right now about one of Saturday Night Lives episodes: Winter Formal.
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Medscape - Survey Shows More Women Drinking During Pregnancy
More pregnant Americans indulged ― and overindulged ―- in alcohol from 2018 to 2020 than in previous years, but researchers found no sharp increase associated with the first wave of COVID-19 lockdowns, according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
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University of Toronto - Researchers shed light on how fetal alcohol exposure increases risk of development disorders
Researchers at the University of Toronto’s Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy have uncovered mechanisms that help to explain how the breast cancer 1 susceptibility protein (BRCA1), best known for its role in suppression of breast cancer, helps to prevent developmental disorders and how alcohol exposure may increase the risk of these disorders.
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Simple Health - Does Drinking Impact Your Chances of Getting Pregnant? Here’s What to Know
You’re eating well, exercising regularly, and feeling as Zen as your favorite yoga teacher — all excellent lifestyle choices that can help increase your chances of getting pregnant. But is that nightly glass of wine helping or hurting your fertility?
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National FASD - Help Fight SNL’s FASD Prejudice
On Saturday 15th January 2022, the American sketch show, Saturday Night Live (SNL) aired a skit called “Winter Formal” in the US. In the skit, a boy is mocked for various character traits and marketed as a sexual deterrent for hire to parents of teenage girls.
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Mum Central - What I Wish I Knew about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)
Parenting, in general, is hard work. It is challenging but also rewarding, especially as a biological mother to a teenage son with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
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Creating a Family - Establishing Daily Routines for a Child with Prenatal Exposure
Parenting a child with prenatal exposure often requires additional scaffolding to help them learn the daily routines we take for granted. Establishing consistent daily routines for your child with prenatal exposure gives repetitive experiential learning that supports him as he acquires the skills to grow to adulthood.
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HRI Portal (Canada) - Canada Needs a Coordinated Plan to Address its Leading Developmental Disability
Canada is a world leader in research on fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, North America’s leading developmental disability. However, this research is not being put into place at a national level. The Canada FASD Research Network is calling on the Government of Canada to develop a national strategy to address the extraordinary complexities of this disability.
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CanFASD (Canada) - Let’s Talk About Stigma, Mental Health, and FASD
Today is Bell Let’s Talk Day, an annual campaign to raise awareness of mental illness and raise funds for mental health initiatives. Today, Bell Canada will donate money to various mental health programs.
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National FASD - 2022: The Tipping Point for FASD
Happy New Year! 2021 was a hugely positive year for FASD, gathering yet more momentum for progress. With that in mind, at National FASD we’re starting 2022 with a lot of excitement.
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EUFASD Alliance - Gro Lohaugen Families living with FASD
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FASD Hub Scotland - Understanding FASD - Adoption Zooms
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FASD Success - #092 Dan Dubovsky: Best Tips for Advocacy, Self Care and Arguing
Today’s guest likely needs no introduction, as he has been a fixture and looked up to as an expert, sharing his story, teaching, and advocating in the FASD world for 35 years – but it wasn’t always that way.
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The Adoption and Fostering Podcast - Wednesday Webcast - Tris Casson-Rennie from FASD Ireland
In this episode we speak about why FASD IRL was started, the work that they do and the plans for the future.
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B.C.'s Representative for Children and Youth - FASD with Myles Himmelreich
Raising awareness around FASD as a disorder that can affect anyone from any culture, society or background is an important step in removing the shame and stigma faced by children with FASD and their families.
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The Walk & Talk products are a way for medical assistants to maximize the limited time they have with patients during appointments.
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Human relationships are the heart of schooling. The interactions that take place between students and teachers and among students are more central to student success than any method of teaching literacy, or science, or math.
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Clinical Epigenetics - Association of prenatal alcohol exposure with offspring DNA methylation in mammals: a systematic review of the evidence
Considering heterogeneity in study design and potential for bias, evidence for an association between PAE and offspring DNA methylation was inconclusive.
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BMJ Open - Early detection of Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander infants at high risk of adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes at 12 months corrected age: LEAP-CP prospective cohort study protocol
Neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD), including cerebral palsy (CP), autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and foetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD), are characterised by impaired development of the early central nervous system, impacting cognitive and/or physical function.
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Translational Psychiatry - Activation of the anterior cingulate cortex ameliorates anxiety in a preclinical model of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
Altogether, this study demonstrated that reduced excitation in the ACC is a cause of anxiety in the PAE mice, providing critical insights into the ACC–BLA neural circuit as a potential target for treating anxiety in FASD patients.
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Promotion Journal of Australia - Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder resources for educators: A scoping review
Children with foetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) can experience neurodevelopmental, physical, psychological and behavioural impairments that can result in a disrupted school experience.
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Neuroimage: Reports - Impact of prenatal alcohol exposure on intracortical myelination and deep white matter in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
White matter alterations have been reported in children with prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) and in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD); however, as children with PAE often present with ADHD, covert PAE may have contributed to previous ADHD findings.
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Neurochemical Research - Neuroprotective Effects of Crocin Against Ethanol Neurotoxicity in the Animal Model of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
Several experimental and clinical findings suggest that ethanol consumption during pregnancy activates an oxidative-inflammatory cascade followed by wide apoptotic neurodegeneration within several brain areas, including the hippocampus.
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Drug and Alcohol Dependence - Prenatal alcohol exposure and offspring subsequent alcohol use: A systematic review
The findings of this review suggest a positive link between prenatal alcohol exposure and offspring’s subsequent alcohol use. However, further mechanistic studies that allow stronger causal inference are warranted to further elucidate specific causal pathways.
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Preventive Medicine - Effect of maternal alcohol consumption during the pre-pregnancy/early-pregnancy period on congenital heart disease: A prospective cohort study in Central China
Our study supports the need for continued efforts for public health messages surrounding the potential risks of alcohol consumption prior to or during pregnancy.
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Addiction Biology - Prenatal opioid exposure reprograms the behavioural response to future alcohol reward
As the opioid crisis has continued to grow, so has the number of infants exposed to opioids during the prenatal period. A growing concern is that prenatal exposure to opioids may induce persistent neurological changes that increase the propensity for future addictions.
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Behavioural Sciences - Rates and implications of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder among released offenders with mental disorder in Canada
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is prevalent among individuals involved in the justice system. However, many of the characteristics of justice-involved individuals with FASD remain unknown.
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Frontiers in Psychology - Responding to the Unique Complexities of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is a multifaceted disability, characterized not only by brain- and body-based challenges, but also high rates of environmental adversity, lifelong difficulties with daily living, and distinct sociocultural considerations.
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La Ginecologia e ostetricia di Belluno ha preso parte come centro satellite allo Studio osservazionale, prospettico, trasversale FASD, FAS: “Prevenzione, diagnosi  precoce e trattamento mirato dello spettro dei disturbi feto alcolici (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, FASD) e della sindrome feto alcolica (Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, FAS)” promosso dall’ISS Istituto Superiore di Sanità a livello nazionale.
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Thursday, January 27, 2022

Alcohol News - 4/2022

In a new policy brief, the World Heart Federation (WHF) is challenging the widespread notion that drinking moderate amounts of alcohol can decrease the risk of heart disease, and calling for urgent and decisive action to tackle the unprecedented rise in alcohol-related death and disability worldwide.
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Oxford Population Health - New genetic study confirms that alcohol is a direct cause of cancer
New data from a large-scale genetic study led by Oxford Population Health confirms that alcohol directly causes cancer.
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ERR News (Estonia) - Alcohol sales fall in South Estonia
Against the backdrop of general price increases and large energy bills, alcohol sales in South Estonia have fallen.
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SciTechDaily - Cannabis Combined With Alcohol Make Driving Especially Dangerous
New research published today (January 27, 2022) in the scientific journal Addiction has found that cannabis combined with alcohol is more detrimental to driving performance than either used in isolation. This meta-analysis merged the findings of 57 studies representing about 1,725 participants.
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News Medical - Alcohol use decreases steadily among men, but problem drinking increases during the pandemic
Alcohol consumption during the coronavirus pandemic declined among men, while it remained steady among women, according to a new RAND Corporation study.
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BBC (UK) - Newcastle University finds poor areas spent more on alcohol in lockdown
Lockdown alcohol consumption increased most among heavy drinkers, those in deprived communities and people in the north of England, research has shown.
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ABC (Australia) - Katie drinks more than she should. Research shows more middle-aged women are doing the same
Katie (not her real name) says most nights she drinks half a bottle of wine on the couch to unwind after a long day juggling two young kids with full-time work.
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EurekAlert (Brazil) - Scientific study points to direct link to alcohol and drug use in 31% of hospitalizations
A recent study found that 31.4% of trauma patients tested at Latin America’s largest hospital complex had consumed psychoactive substances. Alcohol was used by 23%, cocaine by 12%, and marijuana by 5%. Traces of more than one drug were detected in 9% of the blood samples.
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The Conversation - Heavy drinkers increased their alcohol consumption the most during lockdown – new research
When the UK was placed into its first COVID lockdown in March 2020, many of us may have been tempted to reach for a drink. The country was about to enter an extraordinary period, with no idea of what would happen next, how bad things might get or when it might end. It was unheard of. It was worrying. It was huge.
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Belfast Telegraph (Northern Ireland) - NI alcohol-specific deaths reaches highest level on record in 2020 figures
The number of annual alcohol-specific deaths in Northern Ireland has reached the highest level on record, with over 350 according to the latest statistics released.
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Limerick Post (Ireland) - More babies born with drug and alcohol addictions
LIMERICK campaigner and Aontú National Secretary Sarah Beasley has called on the government to examine the impact lockdown has had on drug and alcohol addiction.
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Buzz (Ireland) - Alcohol pricing: What it’s like to live in a Scandi drink monopoly
Minimum unit pricing for alcohol caused a stir across the country when introduced earlier this month. For the government and public health advisers, it's a vital step in curbing our world-leading drinking habits. Others argue it's a “nanny state” overreach which hits the poorest hardest.
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The San Diego Union-Tribune - Opinion: Women are drinking more than ever. Here’s what ads don’t tell us — but should.
Women are targeted by alcohol marketing at all ages, and unfortunately, the tactics are working.
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Daily Maverick - New report shows liquor industry is working against WHO efforts to curb alcohol abuse
Alcohol causes serious harm to millions of people, and the World Health Organization’s plan to mitigate this is being undermined by the industry lobbying against and spreading misinformation about proposed new alcohol policies.
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Thursday, January 20, 2022

Alcohol News - 3/2022

LRT (Lithuania) - Lithuanian parliament thwarts moves to loosen restrictions on alcohol sales
The Lithuanian parliament voted on Tuesday to reject proposals on liberalising the rules on alcohol sales.
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Reuters (Norway) - Norway eases COVID rules, allows some alcohol serving to resume
The Norwegian government will partly reverse a ban on serving alcohol in bars and restaurants, one of several policy changes as it seeks to relax COVID-19 restrictions, the prime minister said on Thursday.
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World Highways (France) - Drink driving dangers in Malaysia and France
Drink driving and poor attitudes to the offence are causing additional risks for road users in countries as far apart as Malaysia and France.
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Good Magazine (New Zealand) - Dermatologists warn summer alcohol consumption may increase the risk of Melanoma
Alcohol and the sun could prove a lethal combination in developing skin cancer, with tattoos also proving an additional risk factor for the deadly disease, according to a leading melanoma expert.
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The Guardian - UK pupils taught about alcohol with ‘misleading’ industry-funded Resources
Schools are using “misleading and biased” information materials funded by the alcohol industry to educate pupils as young as nine about drinking, according to a study.
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CNN - How Dry January's continued presence reflects society's evolving -- and divisive -- relationship with alcohol
Ditch meat for a month with Veganuary. Start that new gym membership, or try this new diet. The onslaught of demands to "start the new year right" seems endless.
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EU Science Hub - Cancer in Europe: 5 things the data tells us
Over the last century, Europeans have been living longer, healthier lives with big advances in medical treatments, social conditions and in our understanding about health in general.
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EurekAlert - Alcohol purchasing patterns of British households changed in COVID-19 lockdowns
A new study of British households finds that, while overall alcohol purchases did not change after COVID-19 lockdown measures began in 2020, purchases did increase for households in socially disadvantaged areas and for households that normally buy more alcohol.
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SJSU Blogs - How Alcohol and Stress Impact Parenting During a Pandemic
Raising children during the pandemic isn’t easy. Combine that with the effects of alcohol, and it could lead to a more punitive approach to parenting, according to one San José State University researcher.
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RTE (Ireland) - Why alcohol and the workplace are a toxic cocktail
Opinion: as Boris Johnson and the UK government are finding out, drinking in the workplace comes with many dangers and costs.
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Irish Examiner (Ireland) - 10% of motorists admit driving after a night out while possibly being over blood-alcohol limit
Around 1 in 10 motorists admit they have driven the day after a night out over the past year while possibly being over the legal blood-alcohol limit.
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Kenosha News (USA) - History of anti-drunk driving advocacy
The year 2022 marks 40 years of tracking alcohol-related driving trends and major changes to how the United States legally and socially tolerated drunk driving.
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Sunday, January 16, 2022

FASD News - 2/2022

DW (South Africa) - World in Progress: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome affects millions of kids in South Africa
When pregnant women drink alcohol, the impact on their babies' health can be severe. In South Africa, more than ten percent of kids suffer from Fetal Alcohol symptome - the highest figure worldwide.
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Irish Examiner (Ireland) - Foetal alcohol syndrome survey is 'first of its kind'
A survey is being conducted to establish the experience of people living with or caring for someone with foetal alcohol spectrum disorder in Ireland. The move coincides with the introduction of minimum unit pricing for alcohol in recent days and against a backdrop of an estimated 600 babies a year being born here with FASD.
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True North (Canada) - Theresa Tam advises “pregnant people” not to drink alcohol
Chief Public Health Officer of Canada Theresa Tam has recommended “pregnant people” avoid drinking alcohol to prevent fetal alcohol syndrome instead of simply referring to pregnant women.
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Insider - Is it okay to have an occasional glass of wine while pregnant? Here's what the experts say
There are many parts of your life that may change during pregnancy, including your drinking habits. Official recommendations are to not drink while pregnant, yet as many as 10% of pregnant people say they have consumed alcohol at some point in their pregnancy.
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The Goa Spotlight - No, it is not safe to drink alcohol during pregnancy.
A few days ago, the doctor specializing in Aesthetic Medicine Carla Barber assured from his Instagram profile -where he gathers almost a million followers- that his gynecologist allowed him to “take one or two glasses of wine a week ” while she is pregnant.
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Association of American Universities - Thriving while living with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD)
Rothfuss’s 11-year-old son Heratio (whose last name his mother asked to withhold) has fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)—brain damage sustained in utero and traceable to pre-natal alcohol consumption.
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Vernon Morning Star (Canada) - WorkBC, FASD Okanagan help man overcome challenges
J.J. settles into a wooden chair and folds his hands at his waist. As he looks about the small meeting room, a sense of calm washes over him. He’s comfortable here. “I’ve been proving people wrong my entire life,” J.J. says from the FASD Okanagan meeting room.
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People with FASD are disproportionately represented in our legal and justice systems, both as victims and perpetrators. It is important that professionals are aware of this, and are working toward an FASD-informed justice system.
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The Project - Hidden Epidemic Of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Despite all the warnings, more than 50% of women still consume alcohol during pregnancy. Health experts warn it’s causing a hidden epidemic in children.
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EUFASD Alliance - FASD in the classroom
Marta Astals Vizcaino is FASD Psychologist and Researcher at Hospital Clinic de Barcelona. FASD Unit coordinator at Barnaclínic (Hospital Clinic de Barcelona).
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Rural FASD Support Network - Dr Anik Gosselin - Mental Health and FASD
Dr. Gosselin shares how she diagnoses and supports individuals with FASD transition from a jail setting into the local community.
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Spotlight on FASD - Podcast Season 4, Episode 5 - FASD and Firesetting Behaviours
We're back in conversation with Jerrod Brown, exploring FASD and Firesetting Behaviours. With Clare Devanney Glynn and Jessica Rutherford.
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Spotlight on FASD - Podcast Season 4, Episode 6 - FASD and Sexually Inappropriate Behaviours
Continuing our series of conversations with Jerrod Brown, this time we're exploring FASD and Sexualised Behaviours.
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Wonderland Child & Family Services - Prenatal Substance Exposure Informational Webinar
Learn more about prenatal substance exposure and its impact on our community.
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Spotlight on FASD - Podcast Season 4, Episode 7 - Prevalence of FASD in the UK
This week we're chatting with Professor Penny Cook from Salford University, Principal Investigator of the UK's first FASD prevalence study. Penny shares with us how the study evolved, the challenges faced along the way and what the findings mean for the future of FASD in the UK.
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Fasd Success Show - #090 Dr. Peter Choate: Trauma, FASD and Prevention
You know me. I’m a geek at heart. And I always say although I do know a lot about FASD, I’m not a doctor, a social worker, or a lawyer. That’s why I’m excited to bring you Dr. Peter Choate, a social worker, who has influenced my work.
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Sciences & the Law - Rates and implications of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder among released offenders with mental disorder in Canada
We found the FASD group to have more than six impaired brain domains, greater than the other groups, and a higher prevalence of ADHD.
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Research in Developmental Disabilities - Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders screening tools: A systematic review
Results highlight the vast differences in the screening approaches performance characteristics, and diagnostic criteria linked to FASD screening tools.
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Journal of Pediatric Neuropsychology - The Association Between Performance-Based Measures and Caregiver Ratings of Executive Functioning Among Children with Prenatal Alcohol Exposure
The results of this study suggest that tests and caregiver ratings of executive functioning may not measure the same construct or other factors may be impacting the strength and significance of the relationship. Directions for future research and clinical implications are provided.
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Healthcare - Understanding the Relationship between Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and Criminal Justice: A Systematic Review
In conclusion, it should be pointed out that FASD entails high public health costs, both regarding the support measures provided to the affected individual and to their family, as well as the cost and social impact of any criminal offenses committed.
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Child Neuropsychology - Parental interaction style, child engagement, and emerging executive function in fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD)
Children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) are known to experience cognitive and neurobehavioral difficulties, including in areas of executive function and social skills development.
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Behavioral Sciences and the Law - Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) and youth firesetting: A call on criminal justice, emergency responder, and fire prevention specialists to become informed
This article will outline key behavioral symptoms of FASD as well as provide first responders with suggestions as to how to best support individuals when FASD is suspected.
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Sensors - Pilot Study on Analysis of Electroencephalography Signals from Children with FASD with the Implementation of Naive Bayesian Classifiers
In this paper Naive Bayesian classifiers were applied for the purpose of differentiation between the EEG signals recorded from children with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorders (FASD) and healthy ones.
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Drug and Alcohol Review - Why do women consume alcohol during pregnancy or while breastfeeding?
Individual beliefs, knowledge/advice, culture and personal circumstances influence alcohol use in pregnancy. Data are limited for reasons surrounding alcohol use while breastfeeding.
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Journal of the American Heart Association - Association of Alcohol Use Diagnostic Codes in Pregnancy and Offspring Conotruncal and Endocardial Cushion Heart Defects
Alcohol‐related diagnostic codes in pregnancy were associated with an increased risk of an offspring with a CHD, with a particular risk for endocardial cushion and conotruncal defects. The mechanistic basis for this phenotypic enrichment requires further investigation.
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Speech, Language and Hearing - The orofacial, oromotor, speech, and voice characteristics of adolescents in youth detention: a comparison of groups with and without prenatal alcohol exposure
We identified high prevalence of orofacial, oromotor, speech, and voice anomalies among adolescents in youth detention. We discuss our findings in relation to our use of non-standardized assessment methods, assessment with Aboriginal young peoples, youth detention populations broadly being high-risk for health and developmental conditions, and the implications of the anomalies for the adolescents.
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Available at SSRN - Early Effects of Prenatal Alcohol Exposure on the Developing Human Brain
Quantitative fetal neuroimaging can sensitively detect toxin-related alterations of human brain growth at early time-points even in structurally grossly normal-appearing fetal brains.
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Behavioral sciences & the law - The imperfect fit: Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder as the basis to commit individuals involuntarily as sexually violent predators/persons
This article provides a framework for identifying, assessing, and deciding whether individuals with the FASD diagnosis suffer from the legally defined mental disorder that is necessary to indefinitely confine individuals as SVP.
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Pediatric Research - Family reflections: parents and caregivers of people with FASD: what research do we need?
These professionals, like us, were interpreting his behavioral differences as purposeful and psychologically motivated. They, like us, didn’t consider that his behavioral differences were examples of “can’t” do it, vs. “won’t.”
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Kehitysvammaliitto (Finland) - FASD-NUOREN SIIVET KANTAMAAN -WEBINAARI 25.1.2022
Järjestämme 25.1.2022 klo 10-15 FASD-nuoren siivet kantamaan -webinaarin. Tapahtuma on maksuton. Kyeseessä on koko FASD-verkoston 5-vuotiswebinaari. Aiheena on nuoruus ja aikuisuuteen tukeminen. Mukana puhumassa ovat mm. nuorisopsykiatrian erikoislääkäri Mikaela Blomqvist-Lyytikäinen ja FT, neuropsykologi Åse Fagerlund.
Read more (Poland) - Lampka wina na zdrowie? Lepiej się zastanów, skutki mogą być dramatyczne
Alkohol w ciąży to zawsze temat wzbudzający dużo emocji. Każda z przyszłych mam zna kogoś, kto twierdzi, że lampka czerwonego wina raz w tygodniu jest wręcz wskazana.
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Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr (Germany) - Fetale Alkoholspektrum-Störungen im Erwachsenenalter – Ergebnisse aus einer diagnostischen Sprechstunde
Im Rahmen einer multiprofessionellen standardisierten Diagnostik ist die FASD Abklärung auch im Erwachsenenalter möglich und nötig. Die Entwicklung standardisierter und spezifischer Diagnosekriterien für Erwachsene ist sinnvoll.
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Thursday, January 13, 2022

Alcohol News - 2/2022

YLE News (Finland) - Grocery stores report decline in Christmas alcohol sales
Despite Covid restrictions tightening across Finland over the Christmas holidays, alcohol sales declined in grocery stores compared to last year.
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WHO - Summary: Reducing the harm from alcohol by regulating cross-border alcohol marketing, advertising and promotion
At its 146th session in February 2020, the Executive Board requested the Director-General to develop an action plan (2022–2030) that would effectively implement the Global strategy to reduce the harmful use of alcohol as a public health priority, in consultation with Member States and relevant stakeholders, for consideration by the Seventy-fifth World Health Assembly, through the Executive Board at its 150th session in 2022.
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Delish - Brett Phillips Isn't An Alcoholic, But Still Gave Up Drinking
I really respect people when they say they don't do something everyone else does or something that feels like it's a part of the cultural norm. I think it’s the level of discipline.
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The Guardian (UK) - Drink-spiking is at ‘epidemic’ levels in UK, campaigners tell MPs
Drink- and drug-spiking has reached “epidemic” levels in the UK and is now so common it can happen to anyone, campaigners have told a new parliamentary inquiry into the problem.
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The Lancet - Digging deeper into alcohol-related deaths
According to the latest data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS), deaths from alcohol-specific causes in the UK have increased from 11·8 per 100 000 people in 2019 to 14·0 per 100 000 people in 2020.
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Baltic News Network (Latvia) - Narcotics gradually replace smoking and alcohol among teenagers
Teenagers in Latvia smoke and drink alcohol less when compared to previous years. Use of narcotics, however, remains widely spread, according to data from the European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs (ESPAD) as mentioned in Latvian Ministry of Welfare report On the State of Children in the Country in 2019-2020.
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The Denvel Challenge (USA) - Alcohol abuse on the rise among women with young children, study says
Research at the end of 2021 found women are abusing alcohol more than men. A federally-funded study from RTI International found that moms with children under 5 saw alcohol consumption increase by a startling 323% — the highest of any group.
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CBC (Canada) - Alcohol should have cancer warning labels, say doctors and researchers pushing to raise awareness of risk
It's not a secret, but it may as well be. Few Canadians know the truth, and few may want to hear it: Alcohol, any amount of alcohol, can cause cancer. There is no safe amount, and the calls to inform Canadians are growing.
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5 Pillars (Turkey) - Turkey raises taxes on alcohol leading to a drop in consumption
Turkey has significantly increased taxes on alcohol as part of a response to a 19-year high level of inflation of 36.1 percent recorded last month.
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EurekAlert - Binge drinking linked to first episodes of heart rhythm disorder
New Year’s Day, Super Bowl Sunday and other days when more people consume more alcohol are also associated with more emergency room visits for atrial fibrillation, an often-deadly heart rhythm disorder, reported a new study led by UC San Francisco.
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ITV (Wales) - Are young people in Wales turning their backs on alcohol?
Four young people in Wales have spoken out about their decision to stay sober as a recent study shows more and more people in their age group are cutting back on alcohol.
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Psychology Today - The Deceptive Promise of Alcohol
There is a quiet revolution taking place. Sobriety has come out of the closet and into the daylight. Two decades ago, when I first stopped drinking, it was a dirty secret, not something you ever shouted about. A person’s struggle with alcohol was very private and was on a need-to-know basis.
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LabOnline - Alcohol consumption may increase risk of melanoma
Alcohol and the sun could prove a lethal combination in developing skin cancer, according to Molemap dermatologist Dr Niyati Sharma.
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Otago Daily Times (New Zealand) - High cost of booze injuries in Christchurch
Ongoing treatment for alcohol-related injuries has cost ACC almost $3.5 million in Christchurch since 2016, with the number of new claims also reaching a five-year high.
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Alcohol Health Alliance (UK) - I lost my son to alcohol addiction – something could have been done sooner
Sadly, there are 70 alcohol-related deaths in the UK every day. This has a devastating impact on the families and friends left behind. In this blog, one mother shares what it was like to lose her son to alcohol addiction.
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Thursday, January 6, 2022

Alcohol News - 1/2022

Breaking News (Ireland) - Minimum unit alcohol pricing comes into effect in Ireland
Minimum unit alcohol pricing comes into effect in Ireland from Tuesday. The controversial measure sees Ireland become one of only a small number of countries worldwide to introduce a legal floor price for the cost of alcoholic drinks.
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Alcohol Action Ireland, the national independent advocate for reducing alcohol harm, today welcomes the introduction of Minimum Unit Pricing (MUP) for all alcohol products from tomorrow, 4th January.
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The Irish Times (Ireland) - Alcohol price controls will boost health, help hospitals and save lives
Minimum unit pricing (MUP), a central pillar of Ireland’s public health approach to reducing alcohol use across society, comes into effect on January 4th.
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The Guardian - Easy wins: cutting down on alcohol – ‘your heart, liver, stomach and brain will thank you’
Sometimes on a Monday or a Tuesday after work, I could really do with a G&T. Or a solitary chilled beer. Sometimes it’s just that kind of night.
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CBC (Canada) - Alcohol can cause cancer, so why don't most Canadians know that?
Alcohol is one of the top three causes of preventable cancer, so why aren’t Canadians being informed about the risks? Health experts say it's time to put warning labels on alcohol — something the industry has pushed back against.
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DW (Germany) - The choices we make: No alcohol
Is there a life after alcohol? Yes, there certainly is. Sofia stopped drinking a year ago. Andrea made the decision to quit alcohol in 2010. They talked us through the process of realizing their drinking habit was in fact life-threatening.
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CNN - Worried about your drinking? Here's how to check it
There are lots of great reasons to decide to go "dry" in January and give up alcohol. Perhaps you imbibed a bit too much over the holidays, or want to start a diet or exercise routine and can't afford the calories or the zap in energy and motivation that drinking can bring.
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Oncology Nurse Advisor - Review of Alcohol Consumption and Outcomes in Survivors of Breast Cancer
Findings from a recent study indicate that survivors of breast cancer may be at risk of cancer-related adverse events while following current guidelines that advise a safe limit of alcohol consumption of up to 1 drink per day.
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WTOP - Doctor: Alcohol could boost cancer risk
If one of your New Year’s resolutions is to cut back on your alcohol, here’s some extra incentive for that plan: It could lower your risk of getting cancer.
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Harvard Health Publishing - Thinking of trying Dry January? Steps for success
Let’s file this under unsurprising news: many American adults report drinking more since the pandemic began in March 2020, according to a survey on alcohol use in the time of COVID-19.
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The Atlantic - The Truth About Prohibition
The temperance movement wasn’t an example of American exceptionalism; it was a globe-spanning network of activists and politicians who tilted not against sin but against economic exploitation.
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