
Sunday, November 28, 2021

FASD News 47/2021

CTV News Edmonton (Canada) - Alberta to spend $5M on supports for students with FASD
The Alberta government will be allocating $5 million over five years to educators to get the tools and skills needed to assist students with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD).
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Daily Record (UK) - Charity launches in Ayrshire for children exposed to alcohol in the womb
A charity which will support children with Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) has launched its new pioneering centre in Ayr.
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New Era Newspaper - Mental health conversations - Are you drinking alcohol during pregnancy?
Many pregnant women worldwide may consume alcohol during pregnancy without really knowing the risk it has on the developing fetus. American research published in 2020, indicates that expectant mothers between the ages of 18 to 44 have seen an increase in alcohol use and binge drinking from 2011 to 2018.
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CTV News Winnipeg - University of Winnipeg research could help with understanding brain diseases and disorders
New research on the human brain out of the University of Winnipeg could end up changing how doctors can diagnose and treat central nervous system disorders.
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STV News (Scotland) - Hub to support families affected by Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
A hub in Ayr providing support to children and families affected by Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder has opened its doors.
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Surrey Place (Canada) - FASD Diagnostic Clinic: Impact Beyond COVID-19
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) affects approximately 4% of Canadians. It impacts more people in Canada than autism spectrum disorder, cerebral palsy and Down syndrome combined.
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FASD Awareness #BeAware - Shushma Jain - Insights, strategies & home-schooling a child with FASD
In this third webinar we are delighted to welcome author Shushma Jain. Shushma is a writer, blogger, home-educator and parent to a child who has SEN.
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Susan Wendel - FASD Diagnosis, Intervention, & Prevention
Read more - The Conceivables
The Conceivables are characters in their very own comic strips, originally created by university students with input from other young people.
Read more - National FASD Christmas Cards
Pack of 10 National FASD Christmas cards. A wonderful Christmas scene adorned with baubles decorated with self portraits from young people living with FASD. These cards are being sold at cost.
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FASD Network Sask – FASD and the body (Infographic)
FASD is an invisible disability (we can’t see the disability) so many people don’t understand that it impacts an individual’s whole body, often leading to a lifetime of health issues and chronic pain.
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CanFASD – Improvinf Mental Health and Substance Use Outcomes for Individuals with FASD (Infographic)
We need more interventions directly targeting mental health and substance use challenges among individuals w/ FASD!
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NOFASD Australia - #23 The FASD Brain with Gilberto Spencer
Kurt is joined by Gilberto Spencer, FASD Advocate, Brain Coach, Mentor and Podcaster. They chat about his FASD symptoms, the events leading up to his diagnosis and the release of his podcast series; “The FASD Brain”.
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Dove Medical Press - Substance Use in Pregnancy: Identifying Stigma and Improving Care
To combat stigma when working with substance-using pregnant people throughout the peripartum period, caregivers should utilize a trauma-informed approach that incorporates harm reduction and motivational interviewing with a focus on building trust, enhancing self-efficacy, and strengthening the personal skills and resources needed to optimize health of the parent-baby dyad.
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Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research - Development and validation of a postnatal risk score that identifies children with prenatal alcohol exposure
The risk score significantly distinguished alcohol-exposed from control subjects and correlated with important cognitive outcomes. It has significant clinical potential and could be easily deployed in clinical settings.
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Forum Ortodontyczne/Orthodontic Forum - Dental and orthodontic evaluation of children and adolescents with Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) – a review of the literatuure
Children with FASD should receive institutional preventive and therapeutic care, which will allow for systematic control of the oral health status and malocclusions.
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Behavioral Sciences & The Law - Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder and Interviewing : a systematic review highlighting clinical and legal implications and recommendations
Individuals with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) are estimated to be nineteen times more likely to encounter the criminal justice system (CJS) in comparison to individuals without FASD.
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BMC Pediatrics - Utilization of psychotropic medications in children with FASD: a retrospective review
The prescription algorithm is promising but requires further refinement to accommodate the range of presentations in children with FASD.
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The Journal of Pediatrics - Ear Abnormalities among Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Our findings highlight the importance of examining the ears during assessment for FASD, and the need for public health messaging regarding the harms of PAE.
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Tijdschrift voor psychiatrie - Early detection of risk for antisocial behaviour: towards moral bio enhancement?
We conclude that in the absence of effective interventions, broad social prevention is preferable to prevention based on screening for individual risk factors.
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International Journal of Mental Health and Addictions - Perspectives of Policymakers and Service Providers on Why Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Remain Unabated in South Africa: a Qualitative Study
The study findings suggest a cascade effect within the different levels of the ecological model highlighting the need for a holistic and systemic approach to preventing FASD in SA.
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Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy - Alcohol use during pregnancy in post-conflict northern Uganda: pregnant women’s experiences and provider perceptions
Pregnant mothers in post-conflict northern Uganda regard alcohol as a remedy to some of the social, economic and health challenges they face.
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Experimental Neurology - Potential roles of imprinted genes in the teratogenic effects of alcohol on the placenta, somatic growth, and the developing brain
In this review, we summarize the growing body of literature characterizing prenatal alcohol-related alterations in imprinted gene methylation and/or expression and discuss potential mechanistic roles for these alterations in the teratogenic effects of prenatal alcohol exposure.
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The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry - Suicidality and Associated Factors Among Individuals Assessed for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Across the Lifespan in Canada: Suicidabilité et facteurs associés chez les personnes évaluées pour les troubles du spectre de l'alcoolisation fœtale de durée de vie au Canada
With this study, we contribute to the emerging evidence of elevated risk of suicidality among individuals with PAE/FASD and improve our understanding of factors that may exacerbate this risk.
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Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproduction - A current view on the teratogenic effects of alcohol during pregnancy. Possible preventive measures
From the analysis of domestic and foreign literature, it can be concluded that the problem of preventing fetal alcohol syndrome is an urgent and unexplored problem in Russia.
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Edinburgh Research Archive - Behavioral profile of children with prenatal alcohol exposure and kinship and foster carers’ experiences of wellbeing and parenting stress
Children’s exposure to alcohol in pregnancy is a known risk factor for the development of life-long cognitive and neurobehavioural difficulties, collectively known as Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASDs).
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Genes - Prenatal Adversity Alters the Epigenetic Profile of the Prefrontal Cortex: Sexually Dimorphic Effects of Prenatal Alcohol Exposure and Food-Related Stress
Prenatal adversity or stress can have long-term consequences on developmental trajectories and health outcomes. Although the biological mechanisms underlying these effects are poorly understood, epigenetic modifications, such as DNA methylation, have the potential to link early-life environments to alterations in physiological systems, with long-term functional implications.
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Circulation - Epigenetic Regulation of Notch Signaling by Prenatal Alcohol Exposure Impacts Cardiac Outflow Tract Defect Development
Acute PAE induces hyperacetylation in the SHF and inhibits Notch signaling by restricting NICD translocation. Lack of Notch signaling reduces SHF viability and prevents elongation of the developing OFT.
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Gazeta Krakowska (Poland) - Jesteś w ciąży? Nie pij alkoholu! Szpital dziecięcy im św. Ludwika zaprasza na terapię dla pacjentów z FASD
Centrum Leczenia i Diagnostyki FASD przy Szpitalu Dziecięcym im. św. Ludwika w Krakowie to jeden z najbardziej zaawansowanych ośrodków w Polsce, zajmujący się kompleksową diagnostyką i leczeniem dzieci z Płodowym Zespołem Alkoholowym (FASD).
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Kompas Health (Indonesia) - Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) atau Sindrom Alkohol Janin
Fetal alcohol syndrome atau sindrom alkohol janin adalah suatu kondisi pada anak yang dihasilkan dari paparan alkohol selama kehamilan.
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MTV Uutiset (Finland) - Vuoden raittiusteko -tunnustus MTV Uutiset Liven lähetykselle: Äidin raskaudenaikainen juominen vaikuttaa yhä Eevaliisan elämään
Raittiuden Ystävät ry on tänään palkinnyt MTV Uutiset Liven tuotannon Vuoden raittiusteko -tunnustuksella. Haastattelussa helsinkiläinen Eevaliisa Nwogun kertoi elämästään FASD:in, eli alkoholin aiheuttamien sikiövaurioiden kanssa. Äidin raskaudenaikainen juominen vaikuttaa Nwogun arkeen vielä aikuisenakin.
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Mediuutiset (Finland) - Sikiöaikainen altistus alkoholille voi näkyä ikävällä tavalla lapsen aivoissa vielä kouluiässäkin
Väitöstutkimuksen mukaan alkoholi voi haitata myös silmän kehitystä kaikissa raskauden vaiheissa. Sikiöaikaiseen alkoholialtistukseen liittyykin melko usein erilaisia silmämuutoksia.
Read more (Italy) - Alcol in gravidanza: un nemico infido
È molto pericoloso assumere alcolici in gravidanza, Anche berne in minime quantità può provocare un aborto, un parto prematuro o la nascita di un neonato sottopeso.
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FASmisja (Poland) - Najmłodsza FASD Edukatorka
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