
Thursday, April 29, 2021

Alcohol News - 17/2021

BBC (Australia) - Facebook: Smoking and alcohol ads 'target Australian children'
Facebook approved adverts targeting teenage children interested in gambling, smoking and extreme weight loss, a report says.
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EurekAlert - Alcohol and sexist attitudes combine to increase male violence towards women
Researchers have long known that problem drinking increases a man's likelihood of being violent towards his wife or girlfriend, but a new study published today by the scientific journal Addiction suggests that this relationship between drinking and violence is also affected by the man's attitude toward women's equality; that is, toxic masculinity also plays a role.
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Penn State University - Parents more lenient about alcohol with teens who experience puberty early
Parents of teens who went through puberty early may be more lenient when it comes to letting them consume alcohol, according to a new Penn State study. But the researchers said that even if adolescents appear more mature, drinking alcohol is still not safe for them.
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Macau Business (China) - Alcohol-related traffic accidents drop after China criminalizes drunk driving
Alcohol-related traffic accidents with casualties have dropped by more than 20,000 in the 10 years since China criminalized drunk driving in 2011, compared with the 2000 to 2010 period.
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CBC (Canada) - Torontonians won't be allowed to drink alcohol in parks this summer as committee quashes motion
A motion that would've allowed legal drinking in city parks was sent back to staff for further study by a unanimous economic and community development committee Tuesday, with Coun. James Pasternak calling it a "terrible idea" that's inappropriate, unenforceable and a "gross violation of public advice."
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Stylist - Sober Curious: Ruby Warrington on how to drink less alcohol in social situations
Worried about the pressure to drink socially now the world is re-opening? Ruby Warrington, the author of the book Sober Curious, has some advice that will help you reduce your alcohol intake in social situations.
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The New York Times (USA) - New York State Will Stop Requiring That Food Must Be Ordered With Alcohol
The leaders of the New York State Legislature said Tuesday they would move on the next day to suspend a  pandemic directive that required customers to order food when purchasing alcohol at bars and restaurants.
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BNN (Lithuania) - Lithuania’s high alcohol consumption drops, tough restrictions to be reviewed
Lithuanians were some years ago the world’s heaviest drinking nation. This prompted legislators to increase the legal drinking age to 20, reduce alcohol sales hours and to ban the advertising of alcohol. The current members of the Seimas seek to ease the restrictions, Lithuanian public broadcaster LRT reports.
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The Independent - Is social media really increasing drinking in children and young adults? The picture is far from clear
Alcohol remains part of our culture and we are duty bound to protect those vulnerable to its effects, writes Tony Rao. But there is still much more that we need to know about how social media influences drinking in children and younger people.
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Scoop (New Zealand) - Kiwis Want Bigger Fines For Drunk And Disorderly Behaviour
Almost three-quarters (74%) of New Zealanders support tougher penalties for drunk and disorderly behaviour according to industry research. Furthermore, nearly two-thirds (65%) support on-the-spot fines minor alcohol-related offences, says the NZ Alcohol Beverages Council (NZABC).
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British Liver Trust (UK) - ITV reports on the alarming rise in alcohol-related deaths in the UK
Tonight ITV highlighted the alarming rise in alcohol-related deaths in the UK since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. The British Liver Trust are aware that many people have been drinking more alcohol since March 2020 when the first lockdown began.
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Abt Associates - Why We Need To Talk About Women and Alcohol
Scroll through Instagram or other social networks and you might see regular posts from women sharing their favorite wines or expressing need for a mommy happy hour.
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Thursday, April 22, 2021

Alcohol News - 16/2021

News ERR (Estonia) - Survey: Estonians buying less alcohol in Latvia
The share of Estonians buying alcohol in Latvia fell to 23 percent in 2020 - the lowest in four years, a study from the Estonian Institute of Economic Research (EKI) shows. However, there are now concerns rising fuel taxes may send drivers over the border.
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WHO Europe - Reducing harm due to alcohol: success stories from 3 countries
The WHO-recommended “best buys” for alcohol policy can easily help countries to reduce health harms related to alcohol consumption. But according to the new WHO/Europe report “Making the WHO European Region SAFER. Developments in alcohol control policies, 2010–2019”, not many Member States use these measures. Experience from Lithuania, Scotland and the Russian Federation shows how effective they can be when countries choose to implement them.
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The New York Times (USA) - How Bad Is Our Pandemic Drinking Problem?
Even before the pandemic began, some Americans were drinking significantly more alcohol than they had in decades past — with damaging consequences.
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Health Central - 10 Ways to Cut Back on Booze
THE LAST YEAR has been stressful, to say the least. If you've been turning to alcohol to relax and, well, not freak completely out, you're not alone: The frequency and amount of alcohol consumption more than doubled in 2020 compared to 2018, according to the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
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Wisconsin Public Radio (USA) - More Drinking During The Pandemic Adds To Long-Term Rise In Alcohol Use
New research shows alcohol abuse has gotten more common over the last 20 years, and more people reported frequent drinking during the pandemic. We talk about factors behind the trend and how to recognize when our own drinking gets excessive.
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Ohio State News - How more alcohol availability hurts finances for some people
A new study provides the best evidence to date that an increase in the availability of alcohol is linked to more financial troubles among the disadvantaged. The study used a unique data set in Sweden to find that when Saturday alcohol sales were introduced in some counties, the result was higher credit demand, more financial default and increased dependence on welfare among low-income people in those counties.
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My Science Work - Alcohol, domestic violence and pandemic, the losing trio
With the arrival of warmer weather, alcohol consumption is likely to increase. But this year will be different from the others, deprived as we are of bar terraces because of the pandemic, which offers an unfortunate but unique opportunity to better understand the extent to which alcohol consumption affects violence.
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New Zealand Doctor (New Zealand) - Alcohol Action NZ applauds the new health reforms
Alcohol Action NZ applauds the major structural changes to the health sector announced today by the government, because they herald a change to the sale and purchase of alcohol.
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The Phnom Penh Post (Cambodia) - NGO wants end to alcohol advertising
The government should take the temporary ban on alcoholic drink advertising a step further and make the ruling permanent as it endangers the public’s health, a local NGO suggested.
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Mail and Guardian (South Africa) - Alcohol lobby’s data is wobbly
A recently released five-page “report”, funded by and on behalf of the alcohol industry, purports to reveal new data that counters current analyses that the bans on the sale of alcohol have led to a decrease in trauma cases in South African hospitals.
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The Seattle Times (USA) - What’s behind America’s growth in alcohol consumption?
American deaths from misuse of substances, including alcohol, have increased over the past two decades, but not uniformly across various demographic groups.
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Cardiff University (UK) - Price of food may influence decision to buy alcohol, new UK research suggests
People consume less alcohol as the price of food increases, suggesting this may influence the decision to buy it, a new study led by Cardiff University has found.
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CBC (Canada) - Pandemic's stress and loneliness create dangerous cocktail for alcohol abuse
Some alcoholism treatment centres say the pandemic has seen more people looking for a cure to their woes at the bottom of a glass.
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Health Research Board (Ireland) - New HRB overview presents latest research on alcohol consumption, harm and policy in Ireland
A new report from the Health Research Board (HRB) presents an overview of alcohol consumption and harm in Ireland, analysing trends and assessing the impact of policy changes over time.
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BC Gov News (Canada) - Minister’s statement on fetal alcohol spectrum disorder report
I am committed to working across government and with community partners, advocates, guardians and families to improve services for children and youth with FASD. It is only when we work together that we can best support the needs of families, children and youth.
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Sunday, April 18, 2021

FASD News - 14/2021

The Sidney Morning Herald (Australia) - ‘No intention’: Reynolds dumps draft proposals to cut diagnosis-based NDIS funding
New National Disability Insurance Scheme Minister Linda Reynolds says she has “no intention of excluding Australians from the scheme” on the basis of their diagnosis, appearing to dump radical reforms drafted under the previous minister Stuart Robert.
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Aldergrove Star (Canada) - Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder gets ‘meagre’ support compared to other conditions: B.C. report
Children and teens with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder need to be included in the Ministry of Children and Family Development program that helps support youth with special needs, according to a report released Thursday (April 15) by by the Representative for Children and Youth.
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BabyGaga - Fetus Exposed To Alcohol At Higher Risk For Congenital Disorders
A new study finds that even small amounts of alcohol during pregnancy raises the risk of babies having congenital disorders.
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Representative for Children and Youth (Canada) - Excluded: Increasing Understanding, Support and Inclusion for Children with FASD and their Families
The provincial government should take both immediate and long-term action to improve supports and services to children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) and their families, recommends a report released today by B.C.’s Representative for Children and Youth.
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We MUST meet our children where they’re at so they can explore the gifts in them. Learn their interests, support their interests, and nurture their growth.
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CanFASD - Article Summary: Self Care for Caregivers
This is a summary of the recent article Self-care in caregivers of children with FASD: How do caregivers care for themselves, and what are the benefits and obstacles for doing so? that is featured in CanFASD’s Top FASD Articles of 2020. For a complete understanding of the subject matter, read the full paper (not available open access).
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Me and My FASD - Calming Cards
A set of cards with suggestions from more than 70 young people with FASD about what  helps them to stay calm. Use these cards to plan strategies that will help you too.
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Kinship Care Advice Service for Scotland - An introduction to FASD
FASD Hub Scotland's presentation on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) - a condition commonly affecting kinship families where there is a history of addiction.
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COCABerksVideo - Alcohol Awareness Month PSA – FASD
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Rural FASD Support Network - Ontario Funding options for people with FASD
Marian and Shannon, our local FASD Workers from Kids Inclusive, share the different funding options caregivers should explore with their FASD worker.
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MRPA Maryland Resource Parent Association - MRPA First Tuesday with Barb Clark of NACAC, Topic: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder
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UMNPediatrics - "Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders in Children and Adolescents...", by Christopher Boys, PhD, LP
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders in Children and Adolescents:  Where are We at and Where are We Going?
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Pennsylvania Care Partnership - FASD RESOURCES
Resources for families, community, educators, care providers, and juvenile justice around Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.
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Buzzsprout - FASD Family Life
FASD Family Life is a podcast for families by families raising children and youth with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. The podcast host is Robbie Seale, FASD educator, advocate, and mother of four children with FASD.
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Fasd Success Show - Bonus Episode - All About Insight
I’ve never done this before, a bonus episode of the show. I didn’t plan on creating one, it just turned into one. Here, let me give you some insight. 
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Fasd Success Show - The FASD Justice League: Doctors McLachlan and Flannigan
In the 1996 landmark study by Dr. Anne Streissguth, it was revealed that up to 60% of individuals with FASD will have contact with the justice system.
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CanFASD - Common Messages

The purpose of this document is to assist those writing and talking about FASD – and the issues related to the disability – to use the same language, statistics, and framing of topics. The intended outcome, over time, will be an improved understanding by the reader/listener with consistent and respectful FASD messaging.
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NHS Education for Scotland - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) e-learning resource
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is both the most common and the most overlooked neurodevelopmental condition in most OECD countries.
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Reflections: Narratives of Professional Helping - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: One Minute to Midnight
This reflection focuses on my experiences as a social worker working with individuals with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs) and their families for almost 40 years.
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ResearchGate - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and Cognitive Function in Children: A Meta-Analysis and Computational Model
This meta-analysis examines 46 studies comparing 2,307 participants across a range of functional statuses.
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Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience - Functional connectivity of the attention networks is altered and relates to neuropsychological outcomes in children with prenatal alcohol exposure
Increased intra-network together with reduced internetwork FC suggests inefficient network specialization and impaired long-range FC among attention network regions after PAE.
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Illinois Wesleyan University - Effects of Alcohol on the Skeletal Development of the Chicken Embryo
Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), which is specifically characterized by growth and mental retardation, craniofacial malformations, and heart and neural defects, is caused by exposure to alcohol during embryonic or fetal development.
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REDAKCIJOS SKILTIS - Alcohol abuse in pregnancy: maternal characteristics, physical and health indices of their newborns (according to Lithuanian medical data of births)
Alcohol abuse complicated the course and outcomes of pregnancy: women who consumed it have had increased morbidity, miscarriages, or stillbirths, and their newborns were 4 times more often premature

and had lower average indices of physical status than the general population.
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The University of New Mexico - Moderate Prenatal Alcohol Exposure Increases Toll-Like Receptors Activity Detectable in Umbilical Cord Blood at Birth
These results support that even moderate PAE may alter the developing immune system, with alterations in cytokine expression that have the potential to impact lifelong immunological reactions.
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Radio ESKA (Poland) - Dzieci z FAS/FASD z szansą na terapię. MCPS kontynuuje pilotażwy programm
Mazowieckie Centrum Polityki Społecznej zdecydowało się kontynuować pilotażowy projekt specjalnego poradnictwa dla rodzin z dziećmi z FAS/FASD.
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ARA (Spain) - Formació als cossos policials de Catalunya sobre la SAF
Afasaf-Fasd, l’associació de famílies afectades per SAF/TEAF (síndrome alcohòlica fetal o trastorn de l’espectre alcohòlic fetal), ha iniciat un programa de col·laboració amb els Mossos d’Esquadra –obert a la resta de cossos policials de Catalunya– per a la difusió i formació dels agents sobre els trets de comportament dels afectats per aquests trastorns.
Read more (France) - Le syndrome d'alcoolisation fœtale et les troubles causés par l'alcoolisation fœtale
Le SAF est dû à la seule consommation d'alcool par la mère pendant la grossesse. Il touche tous les groupes socio-économiques, toutes les ethnies et donc tous les pays à travers le globe.
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DNP-Der Neurologe & Psychiater (Germany) - Herausforderung FASD-Diagnostik im Erwachsenenalter
Obwohl fetale Alkoholspektrumstörungen die gesamte Lebensspanne über bestehen, sind störungsspezifische Angebote zur Diagnostik und Therapie bei Erwachsenen rar.
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Canal 21 (Spain) - Els Mossos es formen per detectar la síndrome alcohòlica fetal
La síndrome alcohòlica fetal (SAF) és una afectació que provoca anomalies físiques, mentals, conductuals i cognitives a persones que han estat exposades a l’alcohol durant la gestació de l’embaràs.
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Thursday, April 8, 2021

Alcohol News - 14/2021

La Trobe University - 'Mummy Wine' culture on social media is not just a fun meme and may be doing harm
Women are judged as parents in a way that men are not and Facebook pages with names such as 'Mummy Needs Wine', 'Mummy Drinks Wine and Swears', and 'Mummy Needs a Vodka'  offer women a connection to other mothers facing stresses of parenthood but Aussie experts say these sites may also have a darker side.
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Harvard Health - Women, alcohol, and COVID-19
Excessive alcohol use is a common response to coping with stress. Alcohol use increased following the September 11th terrorist attacks and Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. The COVID-19 pandemic is following this same path.
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Policy Options (Canada) - COVID-19 shows us why Canada needs a federal alcohol act
Alcohol misuse accounts for 38 per cent of all health care costs. Canadians are drinking more. This is a perfect policy window to implement an act.
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WSTM (USA) - Alcohol-related liver disease on the rise, primarily in young women
Over the past year, doctors are seeing more cases of liver disease linked to alcohol addiction. This coincides with a spike in alcohol sales and more cases surfacing in younger women.
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Medical News Bulletin - The true costs of excessive alcohol consumption
While no one would argue that drinking alcohol is healthy, there’s a big difference between enjoying the occasional drink or social evening and developing a dependency. Unfortunately, those lines easily become blurred for some, and it can be challenging for someone to recognize that shift in their behavior.
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Helsinki Times (Finland) - Finland’s alcohol consumption decreases but ecstasy-related deaths continue to rise: Today’s news roundup
According to the latest statistics from the Finnish Institute of Health and Welfare (THL), alcohol consumption in the country dropped significantly last year, with per capita consumption reaching a record low.
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Anadolu Agency (France) - France bans alcohol, large public gatherings to fight COVID
French Prime Minister Jean Castex said Thursday that consumption of alcohol in outdoor public spaces and gatherings of more than six people on riverbanks or in squares will be banned as part of the limited nationwide lockdown to be imposed to prevent a surge in COVID-19 infections.
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Northwestern Medicine - How Alcohol Impacts the Brain
While having a drink from time to time is unlikely to cause health problems, moderate or heavy drinking can impact the brain. And, alcohol abuse can cause deficits over time.
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Alcohol and Cancer – Alcohol and breast cancer
Alcohol consumption increases risk for breast cancer, as demonstrated by a large body of research. The more one drinks, the higher the risk, and even light drinking increases risk. Research on interactions between alcohol consumption and other lifestyle and demographic factors reveals more complicated results.
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Sunday, April 4, 2021

FASD News - 13/2021

Mirage News (Australia) - FARE and NOFASD raise concern about reports on exclusion of FASD from NDIS eligibility
The Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education (FARE) and the National Organisation for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (NOFASD) have called on the Australian Government to immediately confirm that people with FASD will not have their access to the NDIS restricted further.
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CBC (Canada) - Advocacy group says people with developmental disabilities should be prioritized for COVID-19 vaccine
Alberta's next phase of the coronavirus vaccine rollout is underway and more than 945,000 Albertans with underlying health conditions are eligible to book their vaccination appointment.
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The Queens Nursing Institute Scotland - Hiding in Plain Sight
I was recently invited to work with QNIS to help plan a five-year programme that will address Scotland’s longstanding blind spots around both preconception health and FASD.
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On 9 September 2019, International FASD Awareness Day, an inquiry was referred to the Senate Community Affairs References Committee into effective approaches to prevention and diagnosis of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and strategies for optimising life outcomes for people with FASD.
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National Organisation for FASD (UK) - Announcing the Me and My FASD Break it Down Board
The National Organisation for FASD is pleased to launch an all-new resource to help young people with FASD break down situations, explore strategies that help and focus on their strengths.
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MediaPlanet - The Importance of Early Diagnosis and Intervention for Kids with FASD
Based on recent epidemiological studies, it’s estimated that there are over one million people with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in Canada, making this one of the leading causes of developmental disability in the country.
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The International Journal of Birth and Parent Education - Australian report on FASD
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is a preventable permanent disability. A Senate committee in Australia has found that FASD is still not well understood or recognised and has highlighted a critical need for prevalence data and a robust study of its economic and social impact.
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PRObono Australia - ‘Just a draft’ still means it was – or is – in the mix
The leaking of draft changes to the NDIS strikes a blow not just to those potentially affected, but at the very heart of what could, and should, be a life and society-changing scheme, writes Adam Schickerling from brain injury peak body, Synapse.
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OhioMHAS - Screening, Referral, and Diagnosis of FASD
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Thrive Children's Centre - FASD: What is Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder?
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Thrive Children's Centre - FASD: Impulsivity
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Thrive Children's Centre - FASD: Sleep
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Thrive Children's Centre - FASD: Lying
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Ring Productions - FASD & Educational Accommodations
Individuals that are diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder face many challenges at home, in the community, and in the classroom. This video is a first-hand account of how appropriate supports and accommodations can improve the daily life of an individual living with FASD in an educational setting.
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My guest is Aubrey. She is the CEO of CSH Collab. Her company is a “collaborate of advocates and educators for neurodiversity” She shares more details about why she decided to create a company and who all she supports and what she does to support them.
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Me and My FASD - Fun with straws
Sometimes using straws helps people with FASD.  If you have a straw at home you can try some activities.
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Julie Kurtz - Dr. Kathryn Page on the Intersection of Trauma and FASD
Dr. Kathryn Page has worked in a variety of mental health, child welfare, juvenile justice, and educational settings over the years—all leading to her current focus on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders.
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Courthouse Libraries BC - Understanding FASD: Re-Balancing the Wheel Healing from the Heart
In this 1.5-hr presentation, Lori Cox and Noel Milliea from the Eastern Door Centre and Nogemag Healing Lodge speak about their experience working with people with FASD.
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Kirstie Henderson - FASD Parent and Carer
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CanChild - Indigenous Family Engagement in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Research
Students of the Family Engagement in Research course developed a webinar that aims to enhance Indigenous family engagement in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) research.
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AKCenterForResourceFamilies - FASD Across the Lifespan: Session 2 Infant Learning and Early Intervention
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David Balog - Understanding the Brain: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (Healing the Brain Book 5)
The brain is a lifelong work in progress. Development takes place most rapidly before birth, maintains a furious pace in infancy and continues briskly through childhood and adolescence, but never ceases altogether.
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Attachment Theory in Action - Eileen Devine - The Intersection of Attachment and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders - Part 2
Karen welcomes Eileen Devine back to the show for the conclusion of their two-part discussion on the intersection of attachment and fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. Part two will be released on Tuesday, December 22nd.
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FASD Hub Australia - 'Research to drive practice and behaviour change'
We invited five early and mid-career researchers to share their work within the theme 'Research to drive practice and behaviour change' at a webinar on 25 March, 2021.
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The Alcohol and Other Drugs Knowledge Centre – Grog in pregnancy videos - partners, women and men
In these videos community members share information with one another about drinking alcohol and Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD).
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FASD Success - #060 Vanessa Hrvatin: Journalist and FASD Champion
When you think of media coverage for FASD what stories immediately come to your mind? Is it a respectful and honest piece or is it stereotypical and sensationalized? Do you know how feature stories are pitched, decided, and developed? 
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Department of Justice Canada - Exploring the Use of Restorative Justice Practices with Adult Offenders with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
There are serious concerns about the vulnerability and needs of individuals with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) in the criminal justice system (CJS). FASD, a diagnostic term used to describe the impacts of prenatal alcohol exposure on the brain and body, is a lifelong disability.
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Anales de Pediatria - Neurocognitive and behavioral profile of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
A neurocognitive and behavioral profile specific for FASD has not been defined and all the symptoms are common to other etiologies. The aim of this work is to review the neuropsychological profile in the diagnosis of TEAF.
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Nutrients - The Effectiveness of Smoking Cessation, Alcohol Reduction, Diet and Physical Activity Interventions in Improving Maternal and Infant Health Outcomes: A Systematic Review of Meta-Analyses
Diet, physical activity, smoking and alcohol behaviour-change interventions delivered in pregnancy aim to prevent adverse pregnancy outcomes. This review reports a synthesis of evidence from meta-analyses on the effectiveness of interventions at reducing risk of adverse health outcomes.
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WALDEN DISSERTATIONS AND DOCTORAL STUDIES - Multiple Case Analysis Exploration of Prenatal Substance Exposure on Juvenile Adjudicative Competence
This study promotes positive social change by providing insight into the neurological and cognitive factors that affect adolescents’ psycholegal abilities when there is prenatal substance exposure. Juveniles with prenatal substance exposure are a vulnerable population that needs protective measures to ensure their constitutional rights.
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Exploratio - Maternal, Fetal, and Long-term Effects of Substance Abuse During Pregnancy
Substance abuse has continued to be a major public health concern for many years. Over the past couple decades, the rates for addiction have increased drastically, affecting many more women than before.
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Neurotoxicity Research - Neuroimaging of Supraventricular Frontal White Matter in Children with Familial Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Due to Prenatal Alcohol Exposure
These findings suggest white matter differences between the PAE and familial etiologies of ADHD. Abnormalities detected by magnetic resonance spectroscopy and diffusion tensor imaging co-localize in supraventricular white matter and are relevant to executive function symptoms of ADHD.
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Oxford Research Encyclopedia - Substance Use and Use Disorders in Pregnancy in Two Cultural Contexts: The United States and Afghanistan
Women in all countries use substances, and for some women, such use continues during pregnancy. When substance use impairs life functioning and becomes a use disorder, regardless of the type of substance, effective treatments are available (e.g., medication to treat opioid and alcohol use disorders and behavioral approaches to treat tobacco, stimulant, and other substances).
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Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing - Scoping Review of the Associations Between Perinatal Substance Use and Perinatal Depression and Anxiety
There is a paucity of published research on co-occurring PSU and PDA. However, polysubstance use appears to be associated with the greatest risk for PDA. It is essential to address PSU and PDA together to better understand the effects on maternal and infant outcomes.
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Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry - Development and validation of a method for the simultaneous analysis of fatty acid ethyl esters, ethyl sulfate and ethyl glucuronide in neonatal meconium: application in two cases of alcohol consumption during pregnancy
The method proved to be sensitive, specific, simple and fast and allowed for the reduction of the amount of organic solvent used for extraction compared to other published data while higher recoveries were obtained. The method was used for analysis of meconium samples in two cases of mothers who were consuming alcohol during pregnancy.
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Psychopharmacology - Neural mechanisms of sexual decision-making in women with alcohol use disorder
Visual sexual cues produced reactivity like that previously demonstrated for alcohol cues, suggesting a shared or domain-general mechanism for alcohol and sexual cue reactivity in women with AUD.
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International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - “The Problem Is that We Hear a Bit of Everything . . . ”: A Qualitative Systematic Review of Factors Associated with Alcohol Use, Reduction, and Abstinence in Pregnancy
The impact of structural and systemic factors on prenatal alcohol use was largely absent in the included studies, instead focusing on individual choice. This silence risks perpetuating stigma and highlights the criticality of addressing intersecting structural and systemic factors in supporting maternal and fetal health.
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FAS Portalen (Sweden) - Efterlängtat boksläpp för ökad kunskap om FASD
Boken Medfödda alkoholskador hos barn släpps 25 mars! Boken är den första om FASD/FAS på svenska och vänder sig till yrkesverksamma inom vård, pedagogisk verksamhet och socialtjänst samt till studerande inom dessa utbildningar.
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InfoWire (Poland) - FAS i FASD – jakie konsekwencje dla dziecka ma ekspozycja na alkohol w okresie płodowym?
O skali problemu, jakim są alkoholowy zespół płodowy (FAS) i spektrum płodowych zaburzeń alkoholowych, oraz o różnicach w definicji i obrazie klinicznym obu zaburzeń opowiedział w programie “Oblicza Medycyny” prof. dr hab. n. med. Marcin Wojnar, kierownik Katedry i Kliniki Psychiatrycznej Warszawskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego.
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Iltalehti (Finland) - Moni voi olla tietämättään FASD-aikuinen – tässä lista oireista, jotka saavat hälytyskellot soimaan
Suomessa syntyy joka vuosi satoja lapsia, joita äidin alkoholinkäyttö on vaurioittanut pysyvästi jo ennen syntymää. Heilä on muutamia hyvn tyypillisiä oireita.
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24Live (Italy) - La prima tesi sulla FASD in Scienze del Servizio Sociale è di una barcellonese
L’ha discussa da remoto per l’Università degli Studi di Messina, la tesi su un argomento letto per la prima volta sulla nostra testata giornalistica
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Thursday, April 1, 2021

Alcohol News - 13/2021

popNAD (Denmark/Finland) - Children with parental alcohol problems have an increased risk of not attaining a secondary education
Parental alcohol problems increase the children’s risk of early school leaving in Denmark and Finland. Children with parental alcohol problems are also more likely to have other problems in their family, such as financial difficulties, psychiatric disorders and divorce, which are related to school drop-out.
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Cancer Council WA (Australia) - Ineffective alcohol advertising watchdog says it was ok to stay in and drink up during pandemic
Twelve months since Australia first went into lockdown, Cancer Council has released a report demonstrating how industry codes failed to protect the community from harmful alcohol advertising during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Read more (UK) - Sobriety tags launched in England to tackle alcohol-fuelled crime
Sobriety tags and drinking bans aimed at reducing alcohol-fuelled crimes launch in England today (Wednesday 31 March), following a successful rollout in Wales.
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NBC Boston (USA) - Being Away From Others Led to Spike in Alcohol, Drug Consumption
The pandemic led us away from people, with more working at home and fewer social gatherings.
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Stuff (New Zealand) - Public health experts, DHBs call for alcohol law change to protect young Kiwis
Auckland’s public health body and three district health boards are calling for a revision of the laws around alcohol promotion, as they say the status quo is “failing to keep young people safe”.
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CBS News (USA) - Post-lockdown consumers reach for alcohol-free drinks to avoid hangovers
Restaurants and bars in the U.S. are reopening and Americans who have been cooped up for more than a year are relishing socializing in person again. What's different, though, is that watering-hole patrons are increasingly consuming alcohol-free cocktails, wine and beer, after lockdown fueled an uptick in alcohol sales in the early months of the pandemic.
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Sidney Morning Herald (Australia) - Parliament has a drinking problem so it’s time to consider a booze ban
Removing alcohol from Parliament won’t solve its toxic culture, but it should be part of the approach.
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Dutch News (Netherlands) - Parks closed, alcohol banned as youngsters flock to the sunshine
Alcohol has been banned in the popular Sonsbeek park in Arnhem while outdoor spaces in other cities have been closed to the public as people flock outside to take advantage of the spring sunshine.
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News Post Leader (UK) - Calls for tighter restrictions on cheap alcohol
A health leader preparing to step down has again hit out at the price of alcohol and the effects it has on communities.
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The Local Spain (Spain) - ‘Alcohol tourism’: Footage of drunk foreign tourists in Spain riles locked-down locals
Images of drunk foreign tourists shouting in the streets and police raiding illegal parties in Madrid at a time when locals are not allowed to travel between Spain's regions have left many Spaniards up in arms.
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NI Belfast Live (Northern Ireland) - NI alcohol related deaths rise dramatically over ten years
Northern Ireland has experienced a 48% rise in alcohol related deaths, new figures show. The research by the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency looked at ‘recent trends and socio-economic associations in alcohol-specific mortality’ across the population.
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Closed restaurants and bars, cancelled events, cross-border traffic limitations: the measures taken to contain the coronavirus pandemic led to a decline in the per capita alcohol consumption in Germany in 2020.
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