
Sunday, September 6, 2020

FASD News - 35/2020

Hertfordshire News (UK) - Ware parents' warning over 'hidden' condition affecting thousands of babies

A couple from Ware are speaking out about a “hidden” condition that could affect thousands of children in Hertfordshire and across the UK. Martin Butcher and his wife Sandy have become tireless campaigners about Foetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder (FASD) after the diagnosis of their son with the condition.
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NICE (UK) - NICE extends consultation period for new quality standard on fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
In line with recommendations by the UK's Chief Medical Officer and the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, the quality standard looks at the assessment and diagnosis of FASD, as well as prevention.
Read more - Parents of 10 Give 'Great Life' to 6 Adopted with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
Everyone has seen children’s tantrums, but when first-time parents Alicia and Josh Dougherty welcomed 4-year-old foster child Alex into their home, they soon learned that his were titanic by any standards.
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Science Times - Drinking in Pregnancy - Latest Insight into the Harms it Causes
Miscarriage risk increases each week alcohol is used in early pregnancy and yet almost 20% of pregnant women report first trimester drinking.
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News24 (South Africa) - Local NGO pioneers prenatal research as SA battles highest prevalence of foetal alcohol syndrome
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Irish Mirror (Ireland) - At least six babies a year born with Foetal Alcohol Syndrome in Ireland
At least six babies a year are born with Foetal Alcohol Syndrome in Ireland because of how much booze their mums drank during pregnancy, the Irish Sunday Mirror can reveal.
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2KUTV (USA) - Baby Your Baby: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
September 9th (9/9) is Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) Awareness Day to remind women to avoid alcohol during the nine months of pregnancy.
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Safety + Health Magazine (UK) - Survey finds many young adults think it’s OK to drink alcohol while pregnant
More than 1 out of 4 young adults don’t know pregnant women shouldn’t drink alcohol, results of a recent survey out of the United Kingdom show.
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CanFASD (Canada) - “Why Red Shoes?”
“Why Red Shoes?” That is a question I often get, as originator of the concept of red shoes for FASD. Why did I choose to wear red shoes, and what do they signify to me?
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Surrey Place - Seven Myths about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Debunked
This September is FASD Awareness Month – a month devoted to raising awareness to improve prevention, diagnosis and support for individuals. What is FASD? FASD describes the range of effects that can occur in an individual exposed to alcohol before birth. These effects include a wide range of physical, intellectual and neurobehavioral deficits. 
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Health Nexus Santé - A Message about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)
Most everyone knows not to drink and drive, and that even small amounts of alcohol can be risky… but do we really understand that drinking small amounts of alcohol during the pregnancy can be harmful for our growing baby?
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Fnhealthcouncil - International FASD Day – Esk’etemc Community Highlights Strength-Based Approaches to Wellness
International Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Day falls on the ninth day of the ninth month of every year to honour the length of pregnancy. Ahead of FASD Day on September 9, the FNHA Mental Health and Wellness team is sharing a unique and inspired collaboration and strength-based approach to FASD assessment and support.
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Medical Centric - Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs) are a group of conditions that can occur in a person whose mother drank alcohol during pregnancy.
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HSE Health and Wellbeing - Invitation to 2020 Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) Awareness Day Webinar
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Me and My FASD - Read more


Drug and Alcohol Dependence - Identifying Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Among South African Children at Aged 1 and 5 years
We found that children can be screened and diagnosed for FASD at 1.5 and 5 years. As FASD characteristics develop over time, repeated screenings are necessary to identify all affected children and launch preventive interventions.
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Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work - Theoretical research: Improving treatment and outcomes for young people with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder in the youth justice system: A social work led response and practice framework
Key findings include the confirmation of the link between young people with FASD and the YJ population; consistent best practice recommendations for treatment and interventions; and a clear positive relationship between the social work mandate and the implementation of the recommended treatment for young people with FASD who have had contact with the YJ system.
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Paediatrics & Child Health - 59 Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in Canada’s Children: Pediatric Advocacy for Optimal Physical and Mental Health
Children with FASD/PAE are at risk for physical and mental health co-morbidity and on-going risk for developing new and significant health challenges. They should be followed by a community pediatrician.
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Research Square - Specialized Neurodevelopmental Assessment and Consultation Service: An Innovative Clinic Model for Children with Prenatal Alcohol Exposure Based at an Autism Center

 Findings indicate this clinic is feasible as a method for increasing diagnostic capacity, improving patient services, and potentially preventing misdiagnosis or missed diagnosis of children with PAE. Results can inform best practices for FASD-informed care.
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The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology - Screening for fetal alcohol spectrum disorder in forensic mental health settings
There is limited evidence to inform effective screening practices for identifying fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) in forensic mental health settings. This study sought to explore the potential use of four FASD screening tools in a Canadian forensic mental health program.
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Journal of Midwifery and Womans Health - Dissemination of Prenatal Drinking Guidelines: A Preliminary Study Examining Personal Alcohol Use Among Midwives in a Southwestern US State
Results of this study highlight the importance of advocating healthy lifestyles among health care professionals while also promoting communication practices that align with national alcohol guidelines.
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IN OTHER LANGUAGES (Italy) - Il 60% delle donne beve alcol in gravidanza, ogni anno nascono 120 mila bambini con Fasd
Nel mondo circa il 60% delle donne beve alcol durante la gravidanza e ogni anno nascono circa 120 mila bambini – in Italia quasi 2.500 – che probabilmente svilupperanno lo spettro dei disordini feto-alcolici.
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IDW (Germany) - Null Alkohol in der Schwangerschaft
Daniela Ludwig, Drogenbeauftragte der Bundesregierung, erklärt: „Schwangerschaft und Alkohol – das passt nicht zusammen! Jeder Schluck stellt eine immense gesundheitliche Gefahr für das ungeborene Kind dar. Mein Appell an alle werdenden Mütter lautet: Verzichten Sie bitte während Schwangerschaft und Stillzeit komplett auf Alkohol – ihrem Baby zuliebe!“
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FAS-Portalen (Sweden) - Alkoholskadade barn får inte hjälp från socialtjänsten
Ett av 100 barn beräknas ha blivit så alkoholpåverkat under fostertiden att det fått bestående skador. Det innebär att det i Sverige varje år föds mer än 1000 barn som fått men för livet av alkohol. Bara ett fåtal av dem får det stöd och den hjälp de behöver.
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Radio Zielona Gora (Poland) - „ZaFAScynuj się ciążą bez alkoholu”
Każda ilość alkoholu w ciąży szkodzi – alarmują specjaliści. Biuro Profilaktyki i Przeciwdziałania Uzależnieniom Miejskiego Ośrodka Pomocy Społecznej w Zielonej Górze rozpoczęło kampanię „ZaFAScynuj się ciążą bez alkoholu”.
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Saffrance (France) - 4ème édition du SAFTHON
Le 9 septembre, à l’occasion de la journée internationale de lutte contre les Troubles Causés par l’Alcoolisation Fœtale (TCAF) et durant tout le mois de septembre, ce ne sont pas moins de 150 actions qui seront déployées en France, en Outre-mer et dans le monde, dans le cadre du SAFTHON.
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