
Sunday, October 27, 2019

FASD News - 43/2019

The Advocate (Australia) - Senate inquiry into Foetal Alchol Spectrum Disorder hoped to instigate change
A mother raising national awareness about foetal alcohol spectrum disorder says governments must acknowledge FASD as a widespread social issue before more children are born with this preventable condition.
The Sector (Australia) - UQ researcher heads to Canada to study major cause of child psychological issues
University of Queensland (UQ) Associate Professor Deborah Askew will use her newly awarded Churchill Fellowship to visit urban First Nations communities in Canada and Alaska to learn more about a major cause of child psychological issues – fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD).
Independent Online (South Africa) - SA's cheap alcohol leaves Western Cape battling Foetal Alcohol Syndrome
South Africa’s “incredibly cheap” alcohol pricing and weekend binge drinking by women working on farms are some of the factors blamed for the prevalence of Foetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder (FASD) across the province. (New Zealand) - Alcohol firms 'nudge' women to drink during pregnancy, according to study
Big booze companies are spreading misinformation about how safe alcohol is to drink while pregnant, a new study has found. (Canada) - Should alcohol products on P.E.I. come with warnings about drinking and pregnancy?
Two fetal alcohol spectrum disorder experts from Australia say their country is moving in the right direction when it comes to preventing the disorder.
Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News - Epigenetic Targets Described for Treating Alcohol Abuse and Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Researchers at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, and the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, have shown how acetate that is produced when the liver breaks down alcohol travels to the brain, where it is involved in epigenetic processes that impact on the expression of genes involved in learning and memory.
Mirage News - Alcohol industry-funded websites fail to give full evidence on key risks of alcohol consumption in pregnancy
Alcohol industry-funded bodies may increase health risk to pregnant women by disseminating misinformation on their websites, according to a new study published in the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs.
Guardian - Why men should stop drinking alcohol six months before trying for baby
Men should quit alcohol six months before trying for a baby to protect them from congenital heart diseases, scientists warn.
Science Daily - Consuming alcohol leads to epigenetic changes in brain memory centers
New research revealed a surprising pathway that shows alcohol byproducts travel to the brain to promote addiction memory. They show how acetate travels to the brain's learning system and directly alters proteins the regulate DNA function, impacting how some genes are expressed and ultimately affecting how mice behave when given environmental cues to consume alcohol. (South Africa) - South Africa: Foetal Alcohol Syndrome - 'Not Enough Support for Rural Women'
With high levels of Foetal Alcohol Syndrome in the Western Cape's rural areas, questions were raised on Tuesday about what the provincial Department of Social Development was doing to help vulnerable women and communities.
CanFASD (Canada) - Let’s Make FASD Part of the Conversation This Election
Federal election campaigns are currently underway in Canada and candidates across the nation are campaigning fiercely for your vote. There are many social, political, and environmental issues that are currently impacting Canada, as well as the rest of the world.

FASD Hub Australia - Training & Support
A look at the strengths, challenges and hopes for young Australians living with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
Drymester GMHSC - #DRYMESTER FASD The Signs and Symptoms
#DRYMESTER Drinking any amount of alcohol can cause difficulties during pregnancy. This could result in Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), causing lifelong disabilities for your child.
Program Lead CAPCCPNPNetwork - Network Webinar Archive - FASD, October 2019
Archived Webinar of the Ontario Network of CAPC/CPNP Projects
originally presented: October 4, 2019 Title: Importance of Discussing Alcohol and Birth Control
Penn Medicine News - Drinking to Remember: Consuming Alcohol Leads to Epigenetic Changes in Brain Memory Centers
Penn study of mouse models show clear implications for new targets to treat alcohol abuse syndrome and fetal alcohol syndrome

Rural and remote Health - Overcoming the challenges of caring for a child with foetal alcohol spectrum disorder: a Pilbara community perspective.
The caregivers in this study have gained valuable knowledge and wisdom through caring for a child with FASD that can benefit health professionals and the broader community.
Expansion of risk‐based prevention strategies for fetal alcohol spectrum disorder in the US and Canada would be economically efficient and worthwhile investment for society.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: Fixing Our Aim to Aim for the Fix
FASD continues to be an enigma. Prevalence rates are high, but rates of diagnosis are low. FASD poses a huge clinical and public health burden, yet it receives only modest attention from clinicians.
bioRxiv - Genetic and bioinformatic approaches to characterize ethanol teratogenesis
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) describes the full range of defects that result from prenatal alcohol exposure. The clinical diagnosis of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) is the most severe outcome, characterized by facial dysmorphism and neurological deficits.
bioRxiv - A reduction in convergent extension underlies susceptibility to midfacial hypoplasia in the ethanol-sensitive mutant, vangl2
Consistent with an indirect model, a critical source of Shh signaling that separates the developing eye field into bilateral eyes, allowing the expansion of the midface, becomes mispositioned in ethanol-exposed vangl2 mutants.
BMJ open - Jandu Yani U ‘For All Families’ Triple P—positive parenting program in remote Australian Aboriginal communities: a study protocol for a community intervention trial
The population-based (Lililwan) study of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) revealed a high prevalence of FASD in the remote communities of the Fitzroy Valley, Western Australia (WA) and confirmed anecdotal reports from families and teachers that challenging child behaviours were a significant concern. - The impact of traumatic childhood experiences on cognitive and behavioural functioning in children with foetal alcohol spectrum disorders
Prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) can cause lasting physical damage to the developing foetus including the brain. This brain damage can manifest as cognitive dysfunction and behavioural difficulties, which can be diagnosed as foetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD). - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: Developing a Case for Prevention
Children with FASD have many deficiencies, there are also many hidden strengths that can be analyzed and improved upon. FASD also is able to be looked at from a wide variety of angles, including an ecological perspective and though Piaget?s Theory of Cognitive Development.
Drug metabolism reviews - Quantifying fetal alcohol exposure by meconium fatty acid ethyl esters (FAEE); association with adverse fetal outcomes and population estimates of fetal alcohol exposure
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) describes the wide range of adverse physical, behavioral and cognitive effects resulting from ethanol exposure during embryonic and fetal development.
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research - Spatial Navigation in Children and Young Adults with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
Rodent studies have consistently shown that prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) impairs performance on the Morris water maze (MWM), a test of spatial navigation. A previous study comparing boys with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) to controls found poorer performance on the virtual water maze (VWM), a human analogue of the MWM.
Frontiers in Pharmacology - Prenatal Ethanol Exposure Misregulates Genes Involved In Iron Homeostasis Promoting A Mal-Adaptation Of Iron Dependent Hippocampal Synaptic Transmission And Plasticity.
Prenatal ethanol exposure (PAE) induces behavioral maladptations in offspring, including a deficit in memory formation which is part of the umbrella sign of Fetal Alcohol spectrum disorder. - Experiences of health care professionals regarding management of fetal alcohol syndrome in the Khomas region of Namibia
The purpose of this study was to explore and describe the experiences of health care professionals regarding the management of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) in the Khomas Region of Namibia. - From evidence to awareness, from epidemiological studies to government action and activity
From the first time international FASD-day was celebrated in South Africa in 1999 many researchers and organisations have worked on putting the spotlight on this public health concern. - The effects of moderate prenatal ethanol exposure on anxiety in a rodent model.
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders encompass a range of behavioral and structural consequences following exposure to ethanol in utero. The goal of this study was to develop a rodent model of voluntary ethanol consumption during pregnancy. - Prenatal alcohol exposure disrupts Shh pathway and primary cilia genes in the mouse neural tube
Neurulation-stage alcohol exposure (NAE; embryonic day [E] 8-10) is associated with midline craniofacial and CNS defects that likely arise from disruption of morphogen pathways, such as Sonic hedgehog (Shh).
Journal of studies on alcohol and Drugs - Adverse Health Outcomes Associated With Fetal Alcohol Exposure: A Systematic Review Focused on Cardio–Renal Outcomes
The purpose of this study was to undertake a comprehensive review to identify all the available preclinical and clinical literature investigating cardiovascular and renal outcomes in offspring with prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE).
Research in Developmental Disabilities - A fetal alcohol spectrum disorder diagnostic service and beyond: Outcomes for families
Given the global need for standardised FASD diagnostic procedures and accurate reporting of prevalence rates, the current study provides a contribution to the emerging diagnostic FASD literature, and insight into families’ experiences who have children diagnosed with FASD.

DELFI (Lithuania) - Likus pusmečiui iki kūdikio pradėjimo, vyrai turėtų atsisakyti šio įpročio
Ne tik moterys turėtų nustoti vartoti alkoholį prieš pastodamos – naujas tyrimas rodo, kad prieš pradedant kūdikį, vyrai irgi turėtų nevartoti alkoholio, rašoma tinklalapyje
Ärzte Zeitung (Germany) - Besser keinen Alkohol bei Kinderwunsch!
Wirkt sich Alkoholkonsum vor der Befruchtung negativ auf das Ungeborene aus? Das haben chinesische Forscher untersucht. (Spain) - Identifican la clave de las recaídas en el alcoholismo
Los resultados del estudio son útiles para el posible tratamiento del trastorno por consumo de alcohol y, además, podrían tener implicaciones para comprender y combatir el síndrome de alcoholismo fetal
Cinque Quotidiano (Italy) - Salute, pediatri Cipe Lazio: campagna no-alcol in gravidanza in piazza a Roma
La campagna “No-alcol in gravidanza” sbarca in “Salute in piazza”, la giornata di sensibilizzazione e informazione sui temi legati al benessere e al vivere sani.
Ketju (Finland) - Enemmän huomiota FASD-lapsiin
”Muistan, millaista oli olla lapsi. Joitakin asioita muistan jopa ajalta, jolloin olin neljävuotias. Lapsena minusta tuntui usein, että aikuiset eivät ymmärrä lapsia aivan kuin he olisivat unohtaneet, millaista lapsen elämä on”, kertoo tuore lapsiasiavaltuutettu Elina Pekkarinen.

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