
Thursday, October 17, 2019

Alcohol News - 42/2019

BBC News (Wales) - Welsh minimum alcohol price set for March 2020
A law setting a minimum alcohol price in Wales will come into force on 2 March, under Welsh Government plans.
The Guardian - Alcohol industry 'puts pregnant women at risk', researchers say
Alcohol firms and bodies they fund are encouraging women to drink in pregnancy – putting their unborn child in danger – by publishing false and misleading information about the risks involved, new research claims.
Medical Xpress - Alcohol preloading leads to increased intoxication
People who preload alcohol before a night out drink more than they predict and are more intoxicated at the end of the night a Griffith University study has found.
Irish Examiner (Ireland) - Alcohol a factor in more than half of fatal fires
Long-awaited minimum unit pricing will help reduce the risk of fire deaths, says Alcohol Action Ireland. (Ireland) - Minister to seek approval on minimum pricing for alcohol
The Minister for Health has confirmed that he will seek Cabinet approval on the minimum unit price of alcohol by the end of the year.
The Conversation CA (Canada) - Canada needs an Alcohol Act to address the damage caused by this deadly carcinogen
With the opioid overdose crisis, concern about teens using electronic cigarettes and our fascination with the legalization of cannabis, our most dangerous legal drug continues to be ignored by Canadian policy-makers.
Washington Post (USA) - Bill would require new vehicles to have alcohol detectors to fight drunken driving
A new push is underway for federal legislation that would require new U.S. vehicles to have alcohol-detecting devices that stop drunk drivers before they get on the road. - Alcohol firms 'nudge' women to drink during pregnancy, according to study
Big booze companies are spreading misinformation about how safe alcohol is to drink while pregnant, a new study has found.
The Independent (UK) - Alcohol tax cuts cause nearly 2,000 extra deaths in seven years, study finds
Cuts in alcohol tax have led to nearly 2,000 extra deaths and more than 100,000 extra crimes in England in seven years, according to new research.
Contemporary Obgyn (USA) - Older women are consuming more alcohol
A new study indicates that binge drinking is becoming more prevalent among middle-aged women and clinicians need to do a better job of screening their patients for the condition. The results were presented at the North American Menopause Society 2019 Annual Meeting.
GMA - Babies at higher risk of heart defects if dad drinks alcohol before conception: Study
Does a dad's drinking matter as much as a mom's before conception? Researchers in China believe that a father's alcohol intake may actually affect a future child more than a mother's.
The Brussels Times (Belgium) - New measure banning alcohol consumption in central Brussels announced
The mayor of Brussels, Philippe Close, announced on Monday the introduction of a new measure to counter alcohol consumption in central Brussels.
AsiaOne (Hng Kong) - 'One day at a time': How a Hong Kong alcoholic gave up booze
"They call it 'the great remover': it removes everything that makes you happy," says Norm (not his real name) on the insidiousness of alcohol addiction.
GhanaWeb (Ghana) - Government urged to increase taxes on tobacco and alcohol in 2020 Budget
Stakeholders fighting against the spread of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) in the country are proposing an increment in taxes on tobacco, cigarette, alcohol and other sugar-sweetened products to increase their prices so as to make them unattractive for consumption.
University of Victoria (Finland) - New report - Finnish alcohol policy at the crossroads
A new study, commissioned by the Finnish alcohol monopoly, Alko and led by researchers at CISUR and a team of international experts, was released today, titled Finnish alcohol policy at the crossroads: The health, safety and economic consequences of alternative systems to manage the retail sale of alcohol.

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