
Sunday, December 2, 2018

FASD News - 48/2018

University of Bristol (UK) - First UK estimates of children who could have conditions caused by drinking in pregnancy revealed
Up to 17 per cent of children could have symptoms consistent with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) according to new research published today (Friday 30 November) in Preventative Medicine.
Medical Xpress (USA) - Study shows high costs of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is a common condition with a high economic impact in both children and adults, concludes an updated review in the Journal of Addiction Medicine, the official journal of the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM).
The Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) - Australian government steps up efforts to fight Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
The Federal Government says it is intensifying efforts to address Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, announcing a new national approach and more than $7 million in new funding.
Canada NewsWire (Canada) - Government of Canada Supports National Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Mentoring Project for Indigenous Peoples Living Off Reserve
People born with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) can face life-long mental, physical, behavioural and learning disabilities. In Canada, FASD is the leading known cause of preventable developmental disability, occurring when a fetus is exposed to alcohol during pregnancy.
Newshub (New Zealand) - Parents and social workers ask for more support for children with foetal alcohol spectrum disorder
Parents and social workers are calling for greater support for children diagnosed with foetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) and Government to recognise the condition as a special need or disability.
The Northern Echo (UK) - Middlesbrough academic's play warned of dangers of pregnancy drinking
AN ACADEMIC teamed up with a public health team to write a powerful new play warning young people about the dangers of drinking alcohol through pregnancy.
Valley Courier - Amarah's Corner: Effects of parental substance abuse on children and families, Part 2
Kids like me are kids and adults of all ages whose parents are, or were, drug addicts, and alcoholics; kids who have suffered, or who are suffering, abuse and neglect on multiple levels; and kids who are victims of bullying.
CBC (Canada) - 'He will die with no help': family issues plea for Edmonton teen gang member
Alberta's department of Children's Services says Aiden, who has fetal alcohol syndrome, frontal lobe damage and various psychological disorders, doesn't currently meet the criteria to receive treatment in a secure facility.
ABC (Australia) - They don't all belong in jail - how the justice system should treat young offenders with FASD
A Telethon Kids Institute report released earlier this year found one in three young offenders inside Banksia Hill Detention Centre has Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, also known as FASD.
BBC Radio 4 - Freya Ridings; Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder; Kindertransport Anniversary & Child Refugees
Sky News (UK) - One in five children may have foetal alcohol spectrum disorder
Up to one in five British children could have symptoms of a disorder caused by drinking in pregnancy, a landmark UK study has found.

BBC - Effects of pregnant mothers drinking
Campaigners are calling for more research into how many children may be affected by the Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) condition.
The FASD Elephant - Praise for Change Presentation
This is a super short presentation on Praise for Change delivered to the fine folks attending the 2nd Australasian FASD Conference 2018 in Perth, WA. For more info, check out
Community Technical Assistance Center (CTAC) - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders FASD Diagnosis and FASD Informed Care
IHDCYH Talks Entretiens de l'IDSEA - What it takes: Supporting loved ones with FASD
Dorothy Reid, Family Advisory Committee, Can FASD Research Network
AlcoholFreePregnancy - NOFAS Webinar: Putting the Pieces Together: Using Genes to Understand Variation in FASD
HOPE+RESQ / HOPE 27 - Sheriff Stuart
This is a small sample of an iterview with Sheriff Stuart that will part of a Criminal Justice story in relationship to FASD.
The 2nd Australasian FASD Conference was a huge success with over 350 delegates attending from a wide range of disciplines and countries. The conference was co-chaired by Professor Carol Bower and Professor Elizabeth Elliott. James Lush was the MC for the event and a beautiful welcome to country was delivered by Whadjuck/Barlardong Elder Marie Taylor.

Preventive Medicine - Screening prevalence of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders in a region of the United Kingdom: A population-based birth-cohort study
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs) are lifelong disabilities caused by prenatal alcohol exposure. Prenatal alcohol use is common in the UK, but FASD prevalence was unknown. Prevalence estimates are essential for informing FASD prevention, identification and support.
University of Toronto - The Effect of Embryonic Alcohol Exposure on Brain Function and Behavior in Zebrafish Strains
The biological mechanisms that underlie fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) are complex and poorly understood. This thesis aims to investigate potential underlying mechanisms of FASD by using zebrafish as a model organism.
Frontiers in Genetics - Prenatal alcohol exposure: profiling developmental DNA methylation patterns in central and peripheral tissues
Prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) alters the development of neurobiological systems, leading to lasting neuroendocrine, neuroimmune, and neurobehavioral deficits.
University of Kentuky - Can Solidago Nemoralis Reduce Deficits Following Prenatal Ethanol Exposure in a Rodent Model
Existing studies suggest that drugs including Solidago nemoralis can reduce the effects of FASD by acting as an agonist on the alpha-7-nicotinic-acetylcholine-receptor. In the present study, ethanol was administered during a period of CNS development that overlaps the third trimester “brain growth spurt” of human pregnancy.
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research - Challenges in accurately assessing prenatal alcohol exposure in a study of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in a youth detention center
Accurately assessing prenatal alcohol consumption is challenging in any setting but it is exceptionally challenging when assessed 13‐17 years retrospectively as part of a FASD assessment for a young person sentenced to detention.
International Journal of Law and Psychiatry - Language diversity, language disorder, and fetal alcohol spectrum disorder among youth sentenced to detention in Western Australia
While studies confirm high prevalence of language disorder among justice-involved young people, little is known about the impact of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) on language among this population.
Child and Youth Care: Disability Matters - From Blaming to Belonging: Re-examining Our Approach to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
European Journal of Public Health - Current practices of consulting drinking cessation during pregnancy among gynecologist in Slovenia: Marjetka Hovnik Kersmanc
The prenatal exposure to alcohol is one of the leading causes of congenital developmental disorders that could be completely prevented. Health care professionals in reproductive health care have an important role in detection of women at risk and in prenatal drinking cessation.
Acta Neuropsychiatrica - Effects of prenatal alcohol exposure on language, speech and communication outcomes: a review longitudinal studies
Evidence from the longitudinal studies reviewed suggest that PAE influenced delays in receptive and expressive communication up to 36 months. Contextual risk factors played a significant role in language development over time and especially as children approached school age.
Child abuse & neglect - Child protection reports and removals of infants diagnosed with prenatal substance exposure
Findings indicate that most infants diagnosed with PSE were not removed by CPS and minority PSE infants were not reported to CPS or removed by CPS more than white infants.
UiO - Pregnant substance abusers and their therapists in compulsory and voluntary treatment. A qualitative study: Intergenerational learning, attachment processes and the wish for a normal life.
This study explore similarities and differences in the reflective attachment to the unborn child with pregnant substance abusing women in both voluntary and compulsory treatment.
Nutrition Journal - Development and validation of a quantitative choline food frequency questionnaire for use with drinking and non-drinking pregnant women in Cape Town, South Africa
To our knowledge, this is the first quantitative choline food frequency screening questionnaire to be developed and validated for use with both heavy and non-drinking pregnant women and the first to be used in the Cape Coloured community in South Africa.
Edorium Journals - Is mental health status related to alcohol use in pregnant women?
Alcohol consumption during pregnancy is a major health concern. The purpose of this study is to determine whether mental health status during pregnancy is related to alcohol use in pregnant women ages 21–35 years in the general population.
UGD Academic Repository - The relationship between mother’s lifestyle during pregnancy with the low birth weight
This research of lifestyle dimensions showed the importance and the role of lifestyle as an important determinant affecting birth weight, attention, and training interventions are important to promote healthy lifestyles in pregnant women.
Psychology of Addictive Behaviors - Profiles of behavior change constructs for reducing alcohol use in women at risk of an alcohol-exposed pregnancy.
Using data from Project CHOICES, a randomized controlled trial to test an intervention to prevent alcohol-exposed pregnancies, this study examined process of change profiles composed of Transtheoretical Model of Change (TTM) constructs for alcohol.
HESAV - Parents’ experience of risk and health recommendations for alcohol consumption during pregnancy and breastfeeding
In Switzerland, it is estimated that 4 out of 10 women continue drinking (some) alcohol during pregnancy (1) and in a recent Swiss Health Survey around 10% of the pregnant participants declared to have consumed wine during the 7 days prior to the questioning.

Keskustelu sote-uudistuksesta pyörii pitkälti rakenteiden ympärillä, ja samalla unohtuu, että Suomessa on tälläkin hetkellä ihmisryhmiä, jotka eivät saa tarvitsemiaan palveluja. Yksi tällainen ryhmä ovat henkilöt, joilla on äitinsä raskaudenaikaisen alkoholinkäytön aiheuttamia vaurioita.
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger (Germany) - Selbsthilfegruppe zu FASD-Syndrom
Zum Syndrom der Fetalen Alkoholspektrumstörung (FASD), das werdende Babys bei übermäßigem Alkoholkonsum der Mutter entwickeln können, hat sich eine Selbsthilfegruppe gegründet.
OggiScienza (Italy) - Disturbo dello spettro fetale alcolico. Il perché sommerso di tante vite difficili
Il FASD può presentarsi nei bambini la cui madre ha bevuto alcol in gravidanza, ma la diagnosi è difficile e può arrivare anche dopo una vita di sofferenza. Ce lo racconta Claudio, che per far conoscere e affrontare il problema ha fondato l'associazione AIDEFAD.
Fædrelandsvennen (Norway) - Ingen uskyldig dråp
Når kvinner slutter med prevensjon, må de også slutte å drikke, er budskapet fra de ansatte på Kompetansetjeneste for Medfødte Russkader på sykehuset i Arendal. - Basert på den kunnskapen som vi har til nå, er det ingen ulovlige rusmidler som er så skadelig for fosteret som alkohol, sier barnelege Jon Skranes.
Roberta Sanseverino (Italy) - FASD, TU LA CONOSCI
All'interno di una campagna di sensibilizzazione sui rischi connessi al consumo di alcol in gravidanza è stato prodotto dalla Sitac (Società Italiana per il Trattamento dell'Alcolismo e le sue Complicanze), con il finanziamento della Regione Lazio, questo docufilm, al fine di spiegare agli operatori dei servizi di ginecologia e ostetricia in particolare, ai Sert, ai Servizi Alcologici e alle donne in età fertile in generale le possibili conseguenze dell'assunzione di sostanze alcoliche in gravidanza, anche in piccole quantità.
Promuje Łódzkie (Poland) - FASD okiem terapeuty. Zapal czerwoną lampkę - kampania STOP FASD
Edukacja dotycząca zgubnych skutków spożywania alkoholu w ciąży, dotyka wielu płaszczyzn. Oprócz rodziców i dzieci, walczących na co dzień o normalne życie, wielką rolę odgrywają również terapeuci.

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