The Conversation UK (UK) - The problem of drinking in pregnancy – and what to do about it
Last year, it was reported that the UK has one of the worst rates of drinking while pregnant in Europe. These figures come from a study which shows 41% of women in the UK drank alcohol during their pregnancy.
Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences News (USA) - Study Focuses on Effects of Prenatal Alcohol and Drug Use
The National Institutes of Health is funding researchers in the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology to study the effects of drinking, smoking and marijuana use during pregnancy.
Mirage News (Australia) - Safer Communities and Generational Change: NT Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Strategy
The Territory Labor Government is investing in generational change, today releasing the Territorys first Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Strategy to prevent and reduce its devastating impacts in our community.
Glasgow Live (UK) - Women trying for a baby advised to cut the fizz out this Christmas
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde has issued advice to couples looking to conceive - and it means cutting out those Christmas party drinks.
TimesLIVE (South Africa) - Introducing substance use and abuse in SA brain behaviour and other perspectives
Substance abuse is an enormous social problem in South Africa, as elsewhere. But in South Africa in particular, tik (crystal meth, or methamphetamine) and alcohol are devastating society, aggravating poverty and crime, and contributing to child abuse and gender violence.
AlcoholFreePregnancy - Dr. Elizabeth Barlet shares her family story and works to prevent FASD
Watch Dr. Elizabeth Barlet share her experience of having a child with FASD, and her work as an ob-gyn to prevent FASD. Visit for more information.
AlcoholFreePregnancy - Vanessa Parisi on the Obgyn's role in Preventing FASD
Visit and for more information.
PreventionInstitute1 - FASD Realities and Possibilities - the Myles Himmelreich Story
Myles Himmelreich is a young man who lives with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. He eloquently speaks about his experiences, including both his challenges and his many successes.
SENTIMENT E - Recovering Hope: FASD (Documentary)
8 women tell poignant stores about their children w/ FASD (fetal alcohol spectrum disorders) and how they’re learning effective new ways to parent.
Program Lead CAPCCPNPNetwork - Network Archive Webinar FASD Education: Dec2018
The Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder – Ontario Network of Expertise, Education Action Group is dedicated to helping educators and caregivers understand the effects of prenatal alcohol exposure on the learning and behaviour of children and youth in our child care and education facilities across the province.
Bridgeway Family Homes - FASD PT. 1 November 2018
Bridgeway In-Service Training with Amanda Rawn-Alton
The Marulu FASD Strategy recently launched their new book Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and complex trauma: A resource for educators.
Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy - Changes to the somatosensory barrel cortex in C57BL/6J mice at early adulthood (56 days post-natal) following prenatal alcohol exposure
Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) have impaired sensory processing skills as a result of neurodevelopmental anomalies. The somatosensory barrel field of rodent brain is a readily accessible model for studying the effects of alcohol exposure.
Current Opinion in Psychiatry - Diagnosis and management of foetal alcohol specturm disorder
Our understanding of the diagnosis and management of Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD), has been increasingly refined in the last 45 years: This review highlights current understanding and identifies future areas for research.
Alcoholism - Detecting neurodevelopomental effects of early‐gestation ethanol exposure: a non‐human primate model of ethanol drinking during pregnancy
This FASD model takes advantage of the similarities between humans and rhesus macaques in gestational length relative to brain development, as well as similarities in ethanol self‐administration and metabolism.
Advances in Dual Diagnosis - An evidence-based training and support course for caregivers of children with foetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) in New Zealand
A short evidence-based specialist training course for parents and caregivers with an empowerment and peer-support orientation is beneficial to parenting children with FASD.
PsyArXiv - Identifying psychosocial determinants related to alcohol consumption during pregnancy: a systematic literature review
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) is an important global health problem in need of prevention. For FASD prevention it is important to understand why pregnant women engage or do not engage in drinking alcohol.
Emerald Publishing Limited - Finding answers, improving outcomes: a case study of the Canada fetal alcohol spectrum disorder research network
A case study approach was undertaken to describe the network whose main focus and purpose is specifically research related to FASD.
Northern Territory Government of Australia - Addressing Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in the Northern Territory – 2018-2024
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is a lifelong condition which is entirely preventable, by not consuming alcohol during pregnancy. Our vision for the future is that no children are born with this preventable disability.
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Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) are a group of health conditions caused by the consumption of alcohol during pregnancy. Alcohol use by pregnant women is a global public health issue with lifelong consequences to the baby.
Frontiers in Neurology - The Early Developmental Outcomes of Prenatal Alcohol Exposure: A Review
The outcomes related to lower levels of prenatal alcohol exposure as well as outcomes in specific developmental domains, are poorly understood. Further research should aim to clarify the more subtle or less easily measurable manifestations of prenatal alcohol exposure on early development when the potential for greatest impact of interventions is highest.
Advances in Dual Diagnosis - Responding to FASD: what social and community service professionals do in the absence of diagnostic services and practice standards
This research expands the knowledge base for social and community service practice in contexts where FASD maybe a factor contributing to poor health and well-being outcomes for clients.
Advances in Dual Diagnosis - Stigma as a dominant discourse in fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
This paper highlights the issue of FASD and stigma through identification of relevant literature and expands the conversation to offer insights into the challenging terrain that individuals with FASD must navigate.
Academic Forensic Pathology - Investigating Mechanisms of Stillbirth in the Setting of Prenatal Substance Use
More research is needed to understand the biologic mechanisms of stillbirth. Such knowledge will be foundational to understanding how to prevent and treat the adverse effects of substances during pregnancy.
Birth Defects Research - Prenatal alcohol exposure prevalence as measured by direct ethanol metabolites in meconium in a Native American tribe of the southwest
Results of this study on the prevalence of PAE in the Navajo Nation, obtained for the first time with an objective comprehensive panel of meconium biomarkers, indicate that the rates in the NBCS may be comparable to the general U.S. population and are in accord with recent U.S. national survey estimates.
Behavioural brain Research - Moderate prenatal alcohol exposure impairs performance by adult male rats in an object-place paired-associate task
Moderate PAE and SACC control rats exhibited comparable performance. The results suggest that moderate PAE rats can learn to discriminate objects, but are impaired when required to discriminate between objects on the basis of spatial location in the environment.
The International Journal of Children's Rights - Does Ireland Measure Up? Prenatal Alcohol Exposure and the Application of Protection Rights under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
This article examines protection rights under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989 (crc) and assesses the extent to which such protection rights are afforded to prenatal children in Ireland in the context of prenatal exposure to alcohol.
Radio PiK (Poland) - By lepiej zrozumieć specyfikę dziecka z FASD
O wspieraniu dzieci z diagnozą FASD, czyli Spektrum Poalkoholowych Uszkodzeń Płodu, rozmawiali dziś specjaliści w Toruniu. Spotkanie było też okazją też okazja do podsumowania działań Centrum Diagnozy i Terapii FASD oraz czuwającego nad bardziej skuteczną i kompleksową pomocą pracownika kluczowego. (Germany) - Aufklärung über die Fetale Alkoholspektrumstörung
Die Eltern von Kindern, Jugendlichen und Erwachsenen mit FASD verbindet ein gemeinsames Thema. Das Hilfesystem versagt ihnen die notwendige Unterstützung, obwohl ihre Kinder, egal in welchem Alter, darauf Anspruch haben.
Osservatorio Malattie Rare (Italy) - Sindrome feto-alcolica, A.I.D.E.F.A.D. chiede che non sia chiuso il Centro Alcologico del Lazio
Pochi giorni fa, l'Associazione Italiana Disordini da Esposizione Fetale ad Alcol e/o Droghe (A.I.D.E.F.A.D. - APS), organizzazione che si occupa di informare l’opinione pubblica sulle disabilità e i problemi derivanti dall’uso di bevande alcoliche durante la gravidanza, ha inviato una lettera aperta ai vertici della Regione Lazio per esprimere il proprio disappunto in merito alla prevista chiusura del CRARL
Neue Westfälische (Germany) - Alkohol in der Schwangerschaft: Lisa M. wird nie sein wie andere
Hartnäckig hält sich in der Gesellschaft die Idee, ein bisschen Alkohol in der Schwangerschaft schade schon nicht. Ein fataler Irrglaube, wie das Beispiel einer Betroffenen zeigt