MinnPost - Jeffrey Wozniak: New fetal alcohol research will aid early diagnosis, help develop interventions for kids
It cuts across all ethnic groups and social classes. By some measures, fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is as common as autism.
Rapid City Journal - With Whiteclay stores closed, attention turns to alcoholism and fetal alcohol syndrome
Those stark words put into perspective the scourge of alcoholism on the Pine Ridge Reservation and impact it has on the children born there. They came from Nora Boesem, president of Roots to Wings FASD and the parent to 12 children with fetal alcohol syndrome.
witf.org - Pregnant women again warned about FASD
The heads of two state agencies are joining forces to advise women of the dangers of drinking while pregnant.
Alaska Public Radio Network (USA) - Early recognition and interventions for fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
Prenatal exposure to alcohol is a leading preventable cause of birth defects and developmental disabilities. These problems are often lifelong and have high costs for society.
HuffPost UK (UK) - Adoption, Violence And Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
The news has lit up today following a BBC File on 4/Adoption UK survey that highlighted a state of crisis in more than one-quarter of adoptive families in the UK.
My Sunshine Coast - USC Psychology researchers target foetal alcohol spectrum disorder
USC Psychology academics and students will work to improve the diagnosis and care of children with foetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) on the Sunshine Coast, following the announcement of a $1.37 million Australian Government grant.
News24 (South Africa) - Creating awareness about foetal alcohol syndrome
SEPTEMBER 9, was International Foetal Alcohol Syndrome Awareness Day, ER24 advises pregnant women to abstain from drinking alcohol.
Mental Daily (Ireland) - Alcohol & Pregnancy: Ireland Looks Towards The Future of Infant Mental Health
In a rural area of Galway, Ireland, health professionals gathered to speak as part of a very severe problem: Ireland’s pregnancy and alcohol misuse crisis.
Healthline - Even One Drink Is Enough to Harm Fetus, Researchers Say
Is “just one drink” too much if you’re expecting? While opinions differ, a new study in BMJ Open found that even small amounts of alcohol can do harm to a fetus.
Canadian Family (Canada) - How FASD Impacts Us All
As I was watching the news coverage around Bell’s Let’s Talk campaign on mental illness, I was struck by the similarities between these invisible disabilities and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.
EUFASD - European Conference on FASD 2018
The EUFASD conferences bring together academics, educators, non-governmental organisations and charities, legislators and politicians, lawyers and individuals involved in the criminal justice system, birth and adoptive families alongside individuals who themselves have FASD; shared learning will help promote the understanding of this disorder in Germany, Europe and internationally.
FASD Hub Australia - FASD: A Doctor's Story
Gold Coast paediatrician Dr Doug Shelton shares his journey moving from ignorance to knowledge about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). Dr Shelton now heads up one the leading FASD assessment clinics in Australia.
KUTV - Baby Your Baby: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD)
September 9th (9/9) was Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) Awareness Day. This day reminds women to avoid alcohol during the 9 months of pregnancy.
FASD Hub Australia - Diagnosing FASD
Join health professionals from around Australia who assess and diagnose Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) using the 'Australian Guide to the diagnosis of FASD'.
AlcoholFreePregnancy - NOFAS Webinar: Neuroscience of Addiction
Alcohol and drug addiction are chronic, but treatable, diseases characterized by clinically significant impairments in health and social function.
To Foster Change - I Am A Better Person Because of Him
In this inspiring video from The Alliance for Children’s Rights, single mom and Los Angeles teacher Laura Sander, talks about her journey of fostering and ultimately adopting her son William from foster care, who was diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) at the age of two.
Nature - Genetic predisposition to fetal alcohol syndrome: association with congenital disorders of N-glycosylation
Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) is caused by maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy; although additional factors might be involved, as development and severity are not directly related to alcohol intake.
University of Guleph - Teratogenic Effects of Ethanol on Layer VI Pyramidal Neurons in the Medial Prefrontal Cortex
Chronic exposure to ethanol during development can induce a wide variety of teratogenic effects. These effects may include craniofacial abnormalities, growth deficiencies and neurocognitive deficits, which in humans all fall under the umbrella term of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD).
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research - Altered neural oscillations during multisensory integration in adolescents with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
Children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD), who were exposed to alcohol in utero, display a broad range of sensory, cognitive, and behavioral deficits, which are broadly theorized to be rooted in altered brain function and structure.
Alcohol - Proceedings of the 2016 Annual Meeting of the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Study Group
The 2016 Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Study Group (FASDSG) meeting was titled “Rehabilitation in FASD: Potential Interventions and Challenges”.
Biochemistry and Cell Biology - Thiamin deficiency on fetal brain development with and without prenatal alcohol exposure
Adequate thiamin levels are crucial for optimal health, through maintenance of homeostasis and viability of metabolic enzymes, which require thiamine as a co-factor.
Salem State University - The Effects Of Maternal Substance Use On Gestational Development And Neonates
This paper will focus on the effects of maternal substance use on the gestational development of neonates. The research for this paper will be gathered through a systematic review of the literature, which will include both quantitative and qualitative peer-reviewed articles published within the last six years.
Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs - Risk for Alcohol-Exposed Pregnancies Among Women at Drinking Venues in Cape Town, South Africa
Given the high rates of alcohol consumption during pregnancy, alcohol-serving venues should be targeted for fetal alcohol spectrum disorder prevention interventions. Efforts should be made to increase uptake of long-acting contraceptives among women who do not wish to get pregnant and to promote alcohol cessation among women with pregnancy intentions.
Alcoholism - Maternal alcohol use and nutrition during pregnancy: diet and anthropometry
Despite known risks of prenatal nutritional deficiencies and studies documenting increased prevalence of poor dietary intake among non-pregnant alcohol abusers, the nutritional status of heavy drinking pregnant women remains largely unstudied.
Reproductive Toxicology - Improving Screening for Alcohol Consumption during Pregnancy with Phosphatidylethanol
The study objective was to compare rates of alcohol use between urine ethanol testing and self- reporting (Method: 1) and Phosphatidylethanol (PEth) dried blood spot testing and self-reporting (Method: 2).
Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada - Epidemiology and Effects of Substance Use in Pregnancy
Substance use during pregnancy has important implications for health care providers and policymakers and can negatively affect a woman's health and the health of her children.
Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada - Screening and Management of Substance Use in Pregnancy: A Review
Substance use during pregnancy has important implications for health care providers, policy makers, and can negatively impact a woman's health and the health of her children.
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment - Characteristics of pregnant women who reported alcohol use at admission to substance use treatment
The current study analyzed the sociodemographic, treatment-related, and other substance use characteristics among pregnant women who reported alcohol use and were admitted to substance use treatment for the first time.
Reproductive Health - Alcohol consumption among pregnant women in James Town Community, Accra, Ghana
Alcohol consumption among pregnant women is a public health concern, considering its adverse outcomes for both mother and the developing foetus.
Life Sciences - Maternal ethanol consumption reduces Se antioxidant function in placenta and liver of embryos and breastfeeding pups
The fetal alcohol exposition during pregnancy leads to different disorders in offspring, related to the oxidative stress generated by alcohol.
Substance Use & Misuse - Postpartum Contraceptive use and Rapid Repeat Pregnancy Among Women who use Substances
Postpartum contraception is especially important for women who use alcohol and other substances, given the risk of possible rapid repeat pregnancy and prenatal substance exposure.
Deutsche Welle (Turkey) - Anne karnında sarhoşluk
Hamilelikte alkollü içecekler kesinlikle yasak. Aksi takdirde anne karnındaki bebek bedensel ve zihinsel zarar görebiliyor. Bir çok kadın hamile olduğunu çok geç öğreniyor ya da hamile olduğunu bile bile içki içiyor.
Deutsche Welle (Germany) - Betrunken im Mutterleib
Kein Wein, kein Bier - Alkohol ist für Schwangere tabu, denn er kann das Ungeborene erheblich schädigen. Ein Problem: Oft bemerken werdende Mütter ihre Schwangerschaft lange nicht oder trinken gar bewusst.
Kinderaerzte-im-Netz (Germany) - Hoffnung auf Behandlung von Fetalen Alkoholspektrumstörungen (FASD)?
Zwei häufig verwendete Medikamente können möglicherweise die Lern- und Gedächtnisprobleme lindern, unter denen Kinder leiden, deren Mütter in der Schwangerschaft Alkohol konsumiert hatten.
GazetaPrawna.pl (Poland) - Projekt dot. ochrony przed FAS. Ratujmy Kobiety: To próba ograniczenia wolności osobistej kobiet
Komitet "Ratujmy Kobiety 2017" domaga się od Rzecznika Praw Dziecka wycofania się z projektu dot. ochrony przed FAS, ponieważ stanowi on próbę ograniczenia wolności osobistej kobiet. Szanuję prawa kobiet, ale zależy mi też na ochronie praw dzieci - mówi Marek Michalak.
MTV (Finland) - Lähes yksi lapsi sadasta saa FASD:n – syynä alkoholinkäyttö raskausaikana
Raskaudenaikaisesta alkoholialtistuksesta johtuva sikiön alkoholioireyhtymä FASD kehittyy edelleen lähes joka sadannelle lapselle. Havainto tehtiin oireyhtymän globaalia esiintyvyyttä selvittäneessä tutkimuksessa.
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