NHS Choices - No change to alcohol
guidelines for pregnancy
This follows a
review of international research looking at whether low-to-moderate
alcohol consumption – no more than 1 to 2 units, once or twice a
week – was linked with adverse pregnancy outcomes.
BBC News
(Scotland) - New campaign urges women to avoid alcohol in
A new hard-hitting
health campaign will urge women to avoid drinking any alcohol during
The Herald (Scotland) - Why it is
vital to avoid alcohol during pregnancy
CLAIMS of “fake
news” have become rampant, particularly in America. The bigger
problem here is one of misleading myths and half-truths about health
that are neither innocent nor harmless.
CTV News (Canada) - Looking for
change on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Awareness Day
R.J. Formanek
lives with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and addressed a gathering of others
affected at the Westminster Family Centre, telling them, “When I
got a diagnosis, it freed me to think, ‘What goes on in my brain,
while different is not wrong.”
Times LIVE (South
Africa) - Silence to highlight dangers of drinking while pregnant
September 9‚ at 9.08am‚ people around the world will stand in
silence for a single minute. At 9.09 a bell will be rung to break the
Courier-Times -
Bells to remind others of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
The Woman’s
Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) encourages businesses or anyone who
has a bell to ring it for one minute at 9:09 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 9
to remind the public of the nine months of pregnancy.
- A second epidemic: Fetal alcohol syndrome and how Delaware will
fight it
As Delaware
continues to struggle with an addiction epidemic, substance exposure
in infants has been getting worse, but the state is taking steps to
combat that problem.
Genetic Literacy
Project - Alcohol consumption by fathers could lead to fetal
alcohol syndrome
Fathers-to-be have
been warned to avoid alcohol or risk affecting the health and
well-being of their unborn child. Paternal alcohol use can lead to
decreased newborn birth weight, marked reduction in overall brain
size and impaired cognitive function.
Reports Healthcare
One of the most
destructive diseases linked with alcohol consumption is fetal alcohol
syndrome. It is a particular type of disease which is common in women
only. Usually, it hits when a pregnant woman drinks high amounts of
alcohol which reaches to her fetus, the growing baby inside her.
- Living with fetal alcohol syndrome
It wasn’t until
her adopted son had reached kindergarten that Laurie Whyte realized
he had fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD).
Gizmodo - No,
Scientists Did Not Say Light Drinking During Pregnancy Was Okay
“I don’t know”
and “yes” are very different things. “I don’t know if my
child is allergic to peanuts” does not mean, “yes, I should feed
my child peanuts.” “I don’t know if this berry is poisonous”
does not mean, “yes, I should eat this berry.” And “I don’t
know if light drinking will harm my pregnancy” does not mean, “I
should drink alcohol while I’m pregnant.”
The New Daily -
Scientists reject new study on drinking alcohol while pregnant
UK research has
suggested drinking alcohol while pregnant could be safe when consumed
in small quantities, but Australian experts are not convinced.
Charleston Post
Courier - During Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Awareness Month,
experts underscore danger of drinking while pregnant
Kris Rife adopted
her son as a baby more 20 years ago but didn't find out until he was
14 that he had probably been exposed to alcohol in his birth mother's
Huffington Post
South Africa (South Africa) - Severe Adverse Effects Of Excessive
Alcohol During Pregnancy Are Not Limited To Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
'Fetal alcohol
spectrum disorders' is the summary term to describe physical and
neurobehavioural problems in children exposed to alcohol in utero. It
consists of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), partial FAS,
alcohol-related birth defects and alcohol-related neurological
CBC.ca (Canada) -
Yukon looks for better ways to deal with FASD
The Yukon
government has created what it calls an "inter-agency committee"
to come up with a long-term plan to address Fetal Alcohol Spectrum
Disorder (FASD) in the territory.
- "Talking About FASD And Helping People Understand It"
A man from eastern
Manitoba who lives with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) says
he wants to speak out more about what FASD is and how to prevent more
children from being born with the disorder.
Terrace Standard -
Society needs to think about FASD in positive way
When Myles
Himmelreich was a child and diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum
Disorder (FASD), the doctor only told his parents that he would have
trouble learning and reading. But a lot more was going on mentally
and physically.
News-Medical.net -
Care for children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder to be
expanded following new QLD funding
Care for children
and their families dealing with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
(FASD) is to be expanded in Queensland following new funding for a
Griffith University project.
The Telegram
(Newfoundland and Labrador) - FASD group has recommendations for
N.L. Government
A landscape paper
on fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) in Newfoundland and
Labrador is nudging the provincial government with recommendations to
improve care.
Neurology Advisor
- Assessing the Global Prevalence of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum
The global
prevalence of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) among children
is estimated at 7.7 per 1000 in the general population, according to
a review published in JAMA Pediatrics.
The West
Australian (Australia) - Aussie men urged to forgo alcohol to
support pregnant spouse
Aussie men are
being urged to take a pregnant pause from drinking to support their
partners when they’re expecting a baby.
That's Oxfordshire
- The Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Trust talk to us about FASD
Fetal Alcohol
Spectrum Disorder is a term which describes the range of effects that
can occur in an individual whose mother drank during pregnancy. It
can effect physical, mental and behavioral as well as learning
Telethon Kids
Institute - Making FASD History in the Pilbara: Tracy's story
In part 1 of this
three part series highlighting the work of Telethon Kids, BHP and the
Wirraka Maya Health Service to make FASD history in the Pilbara, we
meet Tracy.
Behaviour Solutions – FASD
The disastrous
effects of alcohol on an unborn foetus.
Telethon Kids
Institute - Making FASD History in the Pilbara: Sissy's story
In part 2 of this
three part series highlighting the work of Telethon Kids, BHP and the
Wirraka Maya Health Service to make FASD history in the Pilbara, we
meet Margaret ‘Sissy’ Ramirez.
Telethon Kids
Institute - Making FASD History in the Pilbara: Alfred's story
In the final video
of this three part series highlighting the work of Telethon Kids, BHP
and the Wirraka Maya Health Service to make FASD history in the
Pilbara, we meet Alfred.
Waterloo Region - It's Our Story
"It's Our
Story"- A hopeful video celebrating community collaboration and
the potential of those living with FASD.
FAREAustralia -
National health campaigns and International FASD Awareness Day
promote alcohol-free pregnancy
FARE Australia's
Pregnant Pause Project Officer Kamara Buchanan shares about
International FASD Awareness Day and the two national health
campaigns that are raising awareness about being alcohol free to
prevent FASD.
Journal of Biological Sciences - In Utero Alcohol Exposure and the
Alteration of Histone Marks in the Developing Fetus: An Epigenetic
Phenomenon of Maternal Drinking
Here, we attempted
to collect all the available information concerning alcohol-mediated
histone modifications during gestational fetal development. We hope
that this review will aid researchers to further examine the issues
associated with ethanol exposure.
Universitaire Pers Maastricht -
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders - Knowledge
This report describes current knowledge and gaps in knowledge regarding FASD in the Netherland.
The steps of Intervention Mapping (IM)
are used as a framework
for analyzing this situation.
Women Health Open
J - Pregnant Women Never Drink Alone
Over the course of
the next few months, the readers will be provided with a highly
topical three part series of articles on the adverse impacts of
alcohol on the human foetus, and thus on the offspring who suffer the
consequences of the defects they inherit.
Ugeskrift for
laeger - A Danish fetal alcohol spectrum disorders definition
The Danish
Paediatric Society presents the first Danish definition of fetal
alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) in a new guideline. FASD is an
umbrella term for conditions caused by prenatal alcohol exposure.
Advances in
Neurodevelopmental Disorders - Unpacking the Heterogeneity of
Cognitive Functioning in Children and Adolescents with Fetal Alcohol
Spectrum Disorder: Determining the Role of Moderators and Strengths
Children and
adolescents with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) experience
significant impairments in cognitive functioning, though substantial
within-group heterogeneity is often observed.
Bentham Science
Publishers - The Hidden Face of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Most studies of
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) have focused on children with
the disorder. Much less attention has been given to morbidity and
mortality among other family members.
The University of
Western Ontario - Amelioration of prenatal alcohol effects by
environmental enrichment in a mouse model of FASD
Maternal alcohol
consumption during pregnancy results in a spectrum of behavioural and
cognitive deficits collectively known as Fetal Alcohol Spectrum
Disorders (FASD). Currently, little is know about if and how the
external environment may modulate these deficits.
Early Human
Development - The effect of prenatal substance use and maternal
contingent responsiveness on infant affect
The effects of
prenatal substance exposure on neurobehavioral outcomes are
inherently confounded by the effects of the postnatal environment,
making it difficult to disentangle their influence.
BMJ Paediatrics -
Digital assessment of the fetal alcohol syndrome facial phenotype:
reliability and agreement study
To examine the
three facial features of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) in a cohort of
Australian Aboriginal children from two-dimensional digital facial
photographs to: (1) assess intrarater and inter-rater reliability;
(2) identify the racial norms with the best fit for this population;
and (3) assess agreement with clinician direct measures.
CNS Neuroscience
and Therapeutics - Prenatal alcohol exposure enhances the
susceptibility to NMDA-induced generalized tonic-clonic seizures in
developing rats
Prenatal alcohol
exposure (PAE) is associated with a higher likelihood of developing
generalized tonic-clonic seizures (GTCS) in infants and children.
However, experimental studies of PAE-related seizures have yielded
conflicting results.
Maternal and Child
Health Journal - Patterns of Alcohol Intake of Pregnant and
Lactating Women in Rural Western Australia
Monitoring surveys
and research outline a paucity of alcohol consumption data for women
in the period of lactation, particularly in rural areas of developed
Journal of
Clinical Nursing - Pregnant Substance Abusers in Voluntary and
Coercive treatment in Norway: therapists' reflections on change
processes and attachment experiences
To explore
therapists’ discourses on treatment processes, when working with
pregnant substance abusers in voluntary and coercive treatment, and
looking for the clinical implications of these discourses.
Paediatric and
Perinatal Epidemiology - Prenatal Alcohol Exposure in Relation to
Autism Spectrum Disorder: Findings from the Study to Explore Early
Development (SEED)
Prenatal alcohol
exposure can affect neurodevelopment, but few studies have examined
associations with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
Cardiff University
- Objective Measures of Prenatal Alcohol Exposure: A Systematic
Current evidence
is insufficient to support the use of objective measures of prenatal
alcohol exposure in practice. Biomarkers in meconium and placenta
tissue may be the most promising candidates for further large-scale
population-based research.
Neurophysiology - Prefrontal cortical responses in children with
prenatal alcohol-related neurodevelopmental impairment: A functional
near-infrared spectroscopy study
Disruption in the
neural activation of the prefrontal cortex (PFC) in modulating
arousal was explored in children with heavy prenatal alcohol exposure
(PAE), who have known neurobehavioral impairment.
Clinical and experiment research - Supplementation with the methyl
donor betaine prevents congenital defects induced by prenatal alcohol
Despite decades of
public education about dire consequences of prenatal alcohol
exposure, drinking alcohol during pregnancy remains prevalent.
Adoption in North American Literature and Culture - “Disastrous
Adoption”? Representations of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Disability
in Recent Native North American Writing
Chapter 3 focuses
on the adoption of children with a severe handicap, specifically
Native North American children with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). The
primary text examined is Michael Dorris’s The Broken Cord (1989),
the autobiographical account of the adoption by a single father of a
young Sioux child with FAS.
Journal of
alcoholism - Fetal Alcohol Exposure: The Common Toll
Alcohol has always
been present in human life, and currently it is estimated that 50% of
women of childbearing age consume alcohol.
Światowy Dzień
FAS – święto obchodzone na świecie corocznie 9 września
mające na celu uświadomienie przyszłym matkom skutków picia
alkoholu w czasie ciąży, jego wpływ na rozwój płodu, a w
przyszłości – na możliwy, nieprawidłowy rozwój dziecka.
(Switzerland) - Addiction Suisse Alcool et grossesse: sensibiliser
les futures mères, mais aussi leur entourage
En Suisse, un
enfant sur cent présente des séquelles liées à la consommation
d'alcool durant la grossesse. Le 9 septembre, la Journée mondiale de
prévention du syndrome d'alcoolisation foetale est l'occasion d'une
campagne de sensibilisation.
Freie Presse
(Germany) - Das Kind aus der Schnapsflasche
Alkoholkonsum in
der Schwangerschaft bedroht werdendes Leben mit einem höllischen
Erbe. Eine Betroffene aus dem Erzgebirge kämpft mit allem, was ihr
geblieben ist, um andere vor diesem Schicksal zu bewahren.
Zeitung online (Germany) - Fetales Alkohol-Syndrom: Frauen besser
Die Zahl der
alkoholgeschädigten Kinder steigt nach Angaben des Vereins FASD
Deutschland leicht an. «Viele junge Frauen trinken, bevor sie
entdecken, dass sie schwanger sind», sagte die Vorsitzende Gisela
Michalowski vor dem «Tag des alkoholgeschädigten Kindes» am 9.
Terve.fi (Finland)
- Sikiön alkoholioireyhtymä lähes yhdellä lapsella sadasta
alkoholioireyhtymä kehittyy edelleen lähes joka sadannelle
lapselle, oireyhtymän globaalia esiintyvyyttä selvittänyt tutkimus
osoittaa. Oireyhtymä johtuu raskaudenaikaisesta
(Estonia) - Alkohol võib tekitada arenevale lootele üle 400
Pole oluline,
millisel raseduse perioodil naine alkoholi tarvitab, kuna see avaldab
lootele alati mõju, sest alkohol läbib platsenta täielikult.
(Czech Republic) - Nadměrná konzumace alkoholu zkracuje život o
víc než 20 let. U těhotných může mít pro dítě doživotní
Alkoholismus je
závažný problém, který ročně ubírá v české populaci
desítky tisíc let života. V Evropě je také až 2,6krát větší
výskyt fetálního alkoholového syndromu než ve světě, v jeho
důsledku není více než polovina jím postižených dětí schopna
samostatného života v dospělosti.
Svenska YLE
(Finland/Sweden) - Vart hundrade barn har alkoholskador
Nästan en procent
av barnen som föds runt om i världen lider av något slags fetalt
alkoholsyndrom, visar global forskning. Syndromet beror på att
barnet har utsatts för alkohol under graviditeten.
Savon Sanomat
(Finland) - Äidin juopottelu vaurioitti sikiötä – nyt
aikuisena oltava rahan kanssa tarkkana
ja päätöksenteon vaikeuksia, kuvailee MTV:n haastattelema
Eevaliisa Nwogu oireitaan. Hänen äitinsä käytti raskausaikana
alkoholia, mikä näkyy nyt kolmekymppisen Nwogun elämässä.
Il 9 settembre si
celebra in tutto il mondo la giornata di informazione sui danni
provocati ai bambini dall’assunzione, anche in piccole dosi, di
alcol da parte delle donne durante la gravidanza o durante
(Slovakia) - Zdrvujúce závery českého výskumu: Alkohol
skracuje život o neuveriteľný počet rokov
Nadmerné pitie
alkoholu skracuje život o viac ako 20 rokov, nebezpečná je aj jeho
konzumácia v tehotenstve.
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