
Sunday, April 30, 2017

FASD News - 17/2017

Around the O - Warning labels about drinking while pregnant are working
The paper, published in the Journal of Health Economics, took a deep dive into extensive federal data to probe behavioral changes that likely resulted from point-of-sale warning signs urging women who are pregnant to avoid alcohol.
Independent (Ireland) - 'Adults with foetal alcohol syndrome fill our jails' - doctor calls for more education on drinking while pregnant
More education on the dangers of drinking while pregnant is needed a leading doctor has said, as an estimated 600 babies are born with foetal alcohol syndrome in Ireland each year.
WindSpeaker - Understanding FASD as important as preventing it, says councillor
Empathy and education are two key factors that will make a difference with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), says Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation Councillor Erwin “Dino” Letendre.
Daily Mail (UK) - 'I stopped drinking at 8 weeks pregnant': Six mothers of babies with foetal alcohol syndrome reveal the agony of being branded alcoholics - while struggling to cope with their child's severe behavioural disability
When Natyra Teske was 18 years old, she found out she was eight weeks pregnant. Still in high school in Alberta, Canada, she and her boyfriend were shocked and nervous - but excited.
Futurity: Research News - Intervention for kids with FASD helps parents most
When children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) receive a multi-component intervention, both the children and their parents see the benefits, a new pilot study suggests.
New Zealand Herald (New Zealand) - High price for drinking when pregnant
Families and caregivers struggling to cope with young people affected by foetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) gathered in Whangarei recently to learn more about the disorder, to share their experiences and call for help.
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South China Morning Post - How binge drinking – even if you stop before you’re pregnant – can harm your baby’s life chances
Most expecting parents have heard of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD), which covers a group of conditions that can occur in a person whose mother drank alcohol during pregnancy.
Times Square Chronicles - The Sad Reality of Being Pregnant and Addicted
It is a phenomenon that for many years has not received the much needed attention. Alcohol and substance abuse among pregnant mothers has now become a great spark for controversy in legal and health circles.

AlcoholFreePregnancy - Preventing Secondary Conditions in People with FASD - NOFAS Webinar
People with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) are at increased risk for developing secondary conditions, such as mental health problems, school disruption, trouble with the law, and substance use. Rates of these problems increase in adolescence and adulthood. Secondary conditions are stressful and can be devastating for people with FASD and their families. The outlook can look bleak, and yet, there is hope!
Brianna Carr - Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Y360 - I was a nobody. Skip’s Story. YWAM SF DTS.
Even though fetal alcohol syndrome predicted a life of failure, Skip overcomes his disadvantage through love and pursuing his dreams.

Disability Rights California - Representing Children with FASD: From Foster Care to Juvenile Court (June 22, USA)
Come hear from nationally recognized experts on how prenatal alcohol exposure affects individuals in the juvenile justice system.

PLOS One - Ethanol itself is a holoprosencephaly-inducing teratogen
Mechanisms of ethanol teratogenicity in specific defects are not well understood. Oxidative metabolism of ethanol by alcohol dehydrogenase or cytochrome P450 2E1 has been implicated in some of ethanol’s teratogenic effects, either via production of acetaldehyde or competitive inhibition of retinoic acid synthesis.
Midwifery - Exploration of dietary patterns and alcohol consumption in pregnant women in the UK: A mixed methods study
Those who drink low levels of alcohol during pregnancy may have better quality diets compared to women who report no alcohol consumption.
Alcoholism - Findings from the Families on Track intervention pilot trial for children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders and their families
Individuals with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) are at high risk for costly, debilitating mental health problems and secondary conditions, such as school disruption, trouble with the law, and substance use.
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) are a spectrum of anatomical, developmental and neurobehavioral impairments resulting from ethanol (ETOH) exposure during fetal development.
Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: An Interview with Dr. Shauna Acquavita, Assistant Professor, University of Cincinnati
Int J Neurol Brain Disord - Potential Contributions of the Tobacco Nicotine-Derived Nitrosamine Ketone to White Matter Molecular Pathology in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is associated with long-term deficits in cognitive and motor functions. Previous studies linked neurodevelopmental abnormalities to increased oxidative stress and white matter hypotrophy.
Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics - Comorbid Mental Disorders in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: A Systematic Review
A systematic review of published literature to estimate prevalence of comorbid mental disorders in fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs) and compare with general population prevalence estimates.
Toxicology Letters - Ethylglucuronide in the urine as a marker of alcohol consumption during pregnancy: comparison with four alcohol screening questionnaires
Ethyl glucuronide (EtG) is an ethanol metabolite and EtG is used as a biomarker of alcohol drinking. EtG can be detected in the blood and in several biological matrices including urine, hair and nails.
Addictive Behaviors Reports - Alcohol reduction in the first trimester is unrelated to smoking, patient or pregnancy characteristics
The current investigation compares women's pre-pregnancy and first trimester alcohol consumption, examines if women with problem drinking diminish their alcohol intake during pregnancy, and determines if prenatal alcohol reduction is associated with characteristics of pregnancy, patients or smoking.
Alcoholism - Dietary Patterns and Alcohol Consumption During Pregnancy: Secondary Analysis of Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children
Large general population surveys show that heavy regular and episodic alcohol consumption are associated with lower intakes of fruits and vegetables, and higher intakes of processed and fried meat.
American Journal of Preventive Medicine - Preventing Alcohol and Tobacco Exposed Pregnancies: CHOICES Plus in Primary Care
Alcohol and tobacco use are common among U.S. women, yet if used during pregnancy these substances present significant preventable risks to prenatal and perinatal health.
SPIE Proceedings - Prevention of congenital defects induced by prenatal alcohol exposure (Conference Presentation)
Over 500,000 women per year in the United States drink during pregnancy, and 1 in 5 of this population also binge drink. Up to 40% of live-born children with prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) present with congenital heart defects (CHDs) including life-threatening outflow and valvuloseptal anomalies.
Western University - Hippocampal epigenetic changes in a mouse model of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
In this thesis, mice were exposed to ethanol during the third trimester equivalent, the peak of synaptic development. Following this exposure, genome-wide epigenetic and gene expression and changes in the hippocampus were assessed in adult (70 day old) mice.

Školský servis TASR (Slovakia) - Otvorenie vzdelávacieho kurzu - Diagnostika FASD
Pedagogická fakulta Katolíckej univerzity v Ružomberku ako jediný exkluzívny školiteľ v oblasti diagnostiky fetálneho alkoholového syndrómu na Slovensku otvára v októbri 2017 vzdelávací kurz s názvom Diagnostika FASD. (Hungary) - A kortizoltermelés diurnális ritmusának szabályozási zavara prenatális alkoholexpozíciót és kora gyermekkori kedvezőtlen életeseményeket követően
A magzati alkohol spektrum zavarban (FASD, fetal alcohol spectrum disorder) szenvedő gyermekek esetében a prenatális alkoholexpozíció (PAE) egy sor későbbi hatást von maga után, például a központi idegrendszer fejlődésének károsodása folytán központi idegrendszeri zavarokat (pl. értelmi és magatartásproblémák).
Nordwest-Zeitung (Germany) - Wenn werdende Mütter trinken
Der Alkohol schädigt vor allem das zentrale Nervensystem und das Gehirn. Die Folge: Konzentrations- und Lernstörungen oder auch schwere körperliche und geistige Behinderungen.
Wśród Europejek najczęściej w ciąży piją Brytyjki, a najwięcej Włoszki. Co najmniej jedna czwarta pijących ciężarnych Polek wypija nie mniej niż jedno małe piwo w miesiącu. To groźne i dla matki, i dla dziecka! (Germany) - So schädlich ist Alkohol während der Schwangerschaft wirklich
Viele Schwangere wollen nicht auf Alkohol verzichten. Doch dieses Verhalten kann Folgen haben, die für das Kind lebenslanges Leid bedeuten können.
Psychotropes (France) - Un pédiatre nantais « découvreur » du syndrome d’alcoolisation fœtale : le Dr Paul Lemoine (1917-2006)
Paul Lemoine (1917-2006) est réputé avoir décrit en premier le syndrome d’alcoolisation fœtale dans L’Ouest médical en 1968.

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