
Sunday, March 19, 2017

FASD News - 11/2017

Irish Examiner (Ireland) - Foetal Alcohol Syndrome: Doctors unaware of dangers
A NATIONAL survey of paediatric doctors reveals a worrying percentage of them are unaware of one of the major causes of preventable developmental delay in children.
Waikato Times (New Zealand) - Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder – an invisible generation of sufferers
A teenage boy burgles a house, gets caught and is sent straight to bootcamp. The young man is whipped into shape by a daily diet of early-morning starts and army drills. (New Zealand) - Children's Commissioner calls for universal disability screening for kids at age five
His comments come as new Otago University legal research focuses on Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and a Ministry of Health plan to improve its detection and diagnosis, as well as education for pregnant mothers, gets underway.
Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic - Why More and More Babies Are Born Addicted
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that the incidence of babies born in a state of opioid withdrawal, called neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS), rose 383 percent between 2000 and 2012 in 28 states.
Canadian Family (Canada) - How FASD Impacts Us All
While his children have FASD, it is not what defines them. Just like anyone else, they have their strengths and needs.
About half of pregnant women in the United States drink alcohol around the time they become pregnant or in early pregnancy, usually before they know they are expecting, a new study suggests.
Texas Health and Human Services (USA) - Leading Cause of Intellectual Disabilities Is Preventable
Prenatal alcohol exposure affects more children annually than spina bifida, Down syndrome, childhood cancer and childhood diabetes combined — 2 to 5 percent of all children.
Parliamentary Monitoring Group (South Africa) - Foetal Alcohol Syndrome: FASFacts briefing
FASFacts, an non-profit orgnanisation dealing with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome based in the Western Cape, explained its goals and strategies. In South Africa at least three million people have fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), and approximately six million have partial FAS and other FAS disorders.
Minnesota News Network (USA) - Advocates want state-funded services for those with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Advocates are at the State Capitol today, asking lawmakers for funding for services for those with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.

Alberta - Alberta FASD Conference (October 24-27, 2017)
We are happy to invite you to join us and our partners at the 2017 National Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Conference in Calgary, Alberta on October 24-27, 2017.

VIDEOS and MATERIALS - Raising children with fetal alcohol syndrome
Nora Boesem of Newell, South Dakota, talks about the challenges of raising nine children with fetal alcohol syndrome. The children were adopted by Boesem and her husband, Randy.
MOFAS - MOFAS: School to Prison Pipeline PSA
As many as 1 in 20 U.S. school children may have a fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. FASD is a prenatal brain injury that can make school difficult. Without the proper interventions, some students are at a higher risk for getting into trouble with the law.
Joanna Friedman | MAGNIFY - William’s Story for The Alliance for Children’s Rights
The Alliance for Children’s Rights protects the rights of impoverished, abused and neglected children and youth. By providing free legal services and advocacy, the Alliance ensures children have safe, stable homes, healthcare, and the education they need to thrive.
Kent Online (UK) - Rachel Jackson talks about life with FASD
A 14-year-old girl has been diagnosed with a list of disabilities, caused by Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder because her birth mother drunk whilst pregnant.
FASD Helping Hands Leeds (UK) - Law Enforcement & FASD
This guide is part of a program designed to increase your awareness of disabilities caused by prenatal exposure to alcohol and to help you be more effective in your investigations when dealing with individuals with FASD.

Alcoholism - Prevalence of Prenatal Alcohol Exposure in the State of Texas as Assessed by Phosphatidylethanol in Newborn Dried Blood Spot Specimens
Results of this first systematic statewide PAE prevalence study demonstrate that PAE might be more prevalent than previously thought. Active case ascertainment efforts for FASD coupled with systematic objective assessment of PAE should expand to the national level to better estimate public health needs required to provide adequate services for children affected by PAE.
Journal of Pediatric Neuropsychology - Neuropsychological Aspects of Prevention and Intervention for FASD in South Africa
Twenty years of collaborative epidemiology research in South Africa have revealed the highest reported rates of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) in the world.
University of New York - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and Reading Comprehension: What Works and What Does Not?
The purpose of this research is to not only explore the nature of FASD, but also aid in expanding the understanding of teachers and educators regarding particular teaching and learning strategies that may address the unique literacy needs of students diagnosed with FASD.
Texas A and M University - Advanced Imaging of Disease: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders and Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Advanced imaging techniques are being increasingly utilized as quantitative biomarkers and outcome parameters to identify and monitor disease and evaluate new treatments. Validation of these techniques in animal models is imperative to reliably interpret results and apply them clinically in humans.
Alcohol - Epigenetic mediators and consequences of excessive alcohol consumption
Alcohol consumption can affect the epigenome across the lifespan and generations. Further research into epigenetic changes may allow for the identification of biomarkers and the creation of novel therapeutics.
Journal of Women's Health - Alcohol Use During Pregnancy or Breastfeeding: A National Survey in France
Daily alcohol use during pregnancy or breastfeeding was limited, while binge drinking in early pregnancy was reported by a large proportion of women. Demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of drinkers varied across drinking patterns.
Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology - Dynamics of Histological Changes in the Frontal Cortex of the Brain in Rats Subjected to Antenatal Exposure to Alcohol
The aim of the present work was to undertake a comparative study of the effects of prenatal alcoholization of the histological characteristics of neurons in the frontal cortex of the brains of rats of different ages.
Alcohol - Alcohol effects on the epigenome in the germline: Role in the inheritance of alcohol-related pathology
Excessive alcohol exposure has severe health consequences, and clinical and animal studies have demonstrated that disruptions in the epigenome of somatic cells, such as those in brain, are an important factor in the development of alcohol-related pathologies, such as alcohol-use disorders (AUDs) and fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs).
Virginia Henderson International Nursing e-Repository - Interprofessional Collaborative Partnerships to Create Healthy Environments: Understanding Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
This interprofessional national network and discipline specific working groups is providing evidence-based materials for the clinical work environment for any practicing nurse who advocates a healthy lifestyle environment for their clients.
Danish National Research Database - Biomarkers for the detection of prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE)
Alcohol exposure during pregnancy can cause adverse effects to the fetus, because it interferes with fetal development, leading to later physical and mental impairment. The most common clinical tool to determine fetal alcohol exposure is maternal self-reporting.
Journal of Nepal Health Research Council - Alcohol Consumption during Pregnancy and Postpartum Period and its Predictors in Sindhupalchowk District, Nepal
A substantial proportion of women in Nepal consume alcohol and homebrewed alcoholic beverages are the most common type of alcohol. Alcohol being a part of tradition and culture in Nepal and evidences suggesting even low to moderate dose of alcohol having impacts on the birth outcomes, we aimed at exploring the alcohol consumption pattern during pregnancy and postpartum period along with its predictors.
A Journal on Normal and Abnormal Development in Childhood and Adolescence - An investigation of intra-individual variability in children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD)
Intra-individual variability (IIV) is defined as systematic within-person variation in performance either across test sessions (e.g., test/retest performance on the same task) or in one session (e.g., variations in performance on multiple trials of a single task).
Journal of Alcoholism & Drug Dependence - Fetal Alcohol Exposure: The Common Toll
It has become increasingly clear over the last years that alcohol exposure during fetal development can have detrimental effects on various organ systems, and these effects are exerted by alcohol through multiple means, including effects on free radical formation, cellular apoptosis, as well as gene expression.

Kehitysvammaliitto (Finland) - Liian pieni juomaan -kampanja FASD-nuorten vertaisryhmätoiminnan tueksi
Suomessa syntyy vuosittain 600-3000 lasta, joilla on jonkinasteinen alkoholivaurio. Vaikeimmin vammautuneet lapset ovat kehitysvammaisia.
Hamburger Abendblatt (Germany) - Ein Gläschen Sekt kann schon zu viel sein
Etwa 10.000 Kinder kommen pro Jahr in Deutschland geschädigt zur Welt, weil die Mütter in der Schwangerschaft Alkohol getrunken haben.
NOZ - Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung (Germany) - Das eine Glas? Osnabrücker Mütter über ihr Leben mit FASD-Kindern
Osnabrück. „Mach dich mal locker, du bist schwanger und nicht krank.“ Durch Sprüche wie diese lassen sich viele Schwangere dazu hinreißen, in geselliger Runde doch ein Glas mitzutrinken. Welche Folgen dieses eine Glas haben kann, berichten Mütter aus der Selbsthilfegruppe FASD Osnabrück.
DIE WELT (Germany) - 0,0 Promille, sonst drohen schreckliche Folgen
Wenn werdende Mütter trinken: 300.000 Menschen in Deutschland leiden am Fetalen Alkoholsyndrom. Sie sind von Geburt an dauerhaft geschädigt. Forscher warnen, dass auch kleinste Mengen gefährlich sind.
Haideți să repetăm împreună: Femeile își cunosc la perfecție corpurile. Femeile pot avea încredere în corpurile lor!

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