
Sunday, May 15, 2016

FASD News - 19/2016

USA TODAY (USA) - Bartenders banned from denying pregnant women alcohol in NYC
Pregnant women who belly up to New York City bars now have the law on their side. New guidelines went into effect across the city this week that prohibit bars from refusing to serve alcohol to women who are pregnant (or who seem to be pregnant).
Huffington Post - When Just a Little Is Too Much: The Risks of Alcohol-Exposed Pregnancy
One of my challenges in working with patients suffering from addictive illnesses is to help increase their motivation to stick with a long-term recovery plan. This is a significant challenge for many reasons, especially because the disease of addiction affects the brain’s ability to value long term recovery.
Regina Leader-Post - FASD centre trying to curb the effects of the disorder in the community
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder is a complex problem but, for Cheryl Charron, helping those who live with it doesn’t have to be. (Canada) - Born with FASD, N.W.T. woman overcomes challenges to graduate top of class
Overcoming adversity has become second nature for Fort Smith, N.W.T.'s Jennifer Tourangeau. Despite that, the 36-year-old is still taking time to celebrate her accomplishments after graduating from Grande Prairie Regional College's Visual Arts and Design program, and being named valedictorian of her class.
Manitoulin Expositor - Foster care conference learns about life from an FASD perspective
Nobody gets up in the morning and decides to drink alcohol to condemn their unborn child with the challenges of living with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). For Myles Himmelreich, of Calgary, that perspective has helped him to come to terms with the mother who gave him up for adoption. (New Zealand) - Youth justice age of 17 'enduring stain' on New Zealand's otherwise good record
A 2012 study there found that while between 0.1 and 5 per cent of the population lived with FASD, that group represented 10.9 to 11.7 per cent of young people in custody.
Radio New Zealand (New Zealand) - System 'set up to fail' people with neuro-disabilities
Amidst calls for inmates to be screened for neuro-disabilities, a woman has told Nine to Noon how her grandson, who suffers from Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, was jailed as a teenager.
Huffington Post UK (UK) - MAMA: No Alcohol = No Risk
It's been 18 months of hard work and back to the drawing board moments but this week, in collaboration with the Hospital Alcohol Liaison Service, I am proud to be launching our MAMA (Maternal Alcohol Management Algorithm) Pathway in our maternity unit.
Manchester Evening News (UK) - Hospital is the first in country to screen pregnant women for birth defects brought on by drinking alcohol
A hospital has become the first in the country to screen mums-to-be for birth defects brought on by alcohol consumption. Tameside Hospital is leading the way in pioneering a new approach to highlight the dangers of drinking in pregnancy to unborn babies.
Prevention Conversation - Prevention of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: Current Canadian Efforts and Analysis of Gaps
Effective prevention of risky alcohol use in pregnancy involves much more than providing information about the risk of potential birth defects and developmental disabilities in children.

Alberta Government - Alberta FASD Learning Series: 4 webinars - May 17, 18, 19
Kun äiti joi raskausaikanaan - FASD-nuorten selviytymistarinoita -seminaari (September 8-9, Finland)
Kaksipäiväinen seminaari kokoaa yhteen ammattilaisia ja kokemusasiantuntijoita pohtimaan FASD:iin liittyviä kysymyksiä useista näkökulmista.

IGI-Global - Online Resources, Support, and E-Health for Families of Children with Disabilities: A Review of Empirical Evidence Regarding Attitudes, Use, and Efficacy
The term “disability” can encompass a number of conditions including cognitive, physical, psychological, acquired or congenital conditions. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA, 2004) recognizes 13 distinct disability categories for eligibility for special education services.
AlbertaCentreForChild - FASD Prevention and Support
Dr. Lynn Basford, Principal Investigator, University of Lethbridge
AlbertaCentreForChild - State of the Evidence Review in FASD Interventions
Shahirose Premji, Ph.D., University of Calgary
AlbertaCentreForChild - Alberta's FASD Policy Framework and Strategic Direction
Canadian Northwest FASD Partnership Members:
- Darren Joslin, Alberta Children’s Services
- Michelle Dubik, Healthy Child Manitoba
- Anne Fuller, British Columbia Ministry of Children and Family Development
AlbertaCentreForChild - Community of Practice Experience Panel

Alcoholism - Modeling Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: Validating an Ex Vivo Primary Hippocampal Cell Culture System
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is the leading nongenetic cause of mental retardation. There are no treatments for FASD to date. Preclinical in vivo and in vitro studies could help in identifying novel drug targets as for other diseases.
Alcoholism - Associations Between Gestational Age at Birth and Alcohol Use in the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children
The relationship between gestational age at birth (GA) and alcohol use measures in early adulthood was examined in a large U.K. community-based birth cohort (Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children).
Determine any effects that maternal alcohol consumption during the breastfeeding period has on child outcomes.
Behavioral Health - Neurodevelopmental Disorder associated with Prenatal Alcohol Exposure (ND-PAE): A Beginner’s Guide for Clinical and Forensic Mental Health Professionals
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) are now recognized by the American Psychiatric Association allowing for diagnostic coding by both medical and non-medical clinicians in the DSM-5.
Alcoholism - A Comparison Among 5 Methods for the Clinical Diagnosis of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
Despite the prevalence of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) and the importance of accurate identification of patients, clinical diagnosis may not be consistent across sites due to the heterogeneous nature of FASD and the characteristics of different diagnostic systems used.
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews - Effects of pre-natal alcohol exposure on hippocampal synaptic plasticity: Sex, age and methodological considerations
The consumption of alcohol during gestation is detrimental to the developing central nervous system (CNS). The severity of structural and functional brain alterations associated with alcohol intake depends on many factors including the timing and duration of alcohol consumption.
William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal - Re-Evaluating the Criminalization of in Utero
Alcohol Exposure: A Harm-Reduction Approach
The right of women to self-govern their bodies and make informed decisions about continuing a pregnancy has long been recognized by the courts. Over forty years ago, Roe v. Wade clearly established legal protections and guaranteed women the right to terminate a pregnancy early in the reproductive process.
European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry - Inattention and impulsivity associated with prenatal alcohol exposure in a prospective cohort study with 11-years-old Brazilian children
This paper aimed to examine prenatal alcohol exposure and neuropsychological parameters and its relationship to impulsivity and inattention.
Liberty University - Prenatal Alcohol and Nicotine Exposure and the Subsequent Cognitive and Behavioral Deficits Seen in Children
Prenatal alcohol and nicotine exposure have well known physiological effects on the fetus. However, it is the goal of this thesis to inform the reader of of the deleterious effects that these substances can have on cognitive and behavioral development in children.
The Journal of Nutrition - Prenatal Alcohol Exposure Alters Fetal Iron Distribution and Elevates Hepatic Hepcidin in a Rat Model of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
Prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) causes neurodevelopmental disabilities, and gestational iron deficiency (ID) selectively worsens learning and neuroanatomical and growth impairments in PAE. It is unknown why ID worsens outcomes in alcohol-exposed offspring.
International Journal of Mental Health Systems - Predictors of alcohol and other drug use among pregnant women in a peri-urban South African setting
The study aimed to determine the association between these risk factors and alcohol and drug use among pregnant women in Hanover Park, Cape Town.
A convenient sampling technique was used to draw a sample of 110 pregnant women reporting for antenatal clinical checks in both private and public medical facilities in Uyo, Nigeria to investigate marital satisfaction and age as predictors of alcohol use during pregnancy.

Kehitysvammaliitto (Finland) - Pitäisikö aivovaurion saanutta lasta tai nuorta auttaa?
Tuhatkunta sikiöaikana keskushermostovaurion saanutta lasta jää joka vuosi tunnistamatta ja vaille asianmukaista jatkohoitoa. Myöhempinäkin vuosina suurin osa heistä jää palvelujen ulkopuolelle.
Latvijas Avīze (Latvia) - Personisks mātes stāsts par sekām bērnam pēc alkohola lietošanas grūtniecības laikā
Keitija Mičela (61) vēlas pastāstīt jums savu personisko stāstu, kā veidojusies viņas un meitas dzīve dēļ tā, ka gaidot šo atvasi – meitu Kārliju – viņa lietoja alkoholu.
Vietnam Plus (Vietnam) - [Infographics] Những điều chưa biết về hội chứng thai nhi rượu
Hội chứng thai nh​i rượu (FAS) nằm trong nhóm những rối loạn nguy hiểm nhất, còn gọi là hội chứng rối loạn hình ảnh thai nhi (FASD).

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