
Sunday, April 17, 2016

FASD News - 15/2016

Abstracts are being accepted for plenary talks, presentations in parallel sessions, and posters. The deadline for abstract submission is 30 April 2016.

NEWS and ARTICLES - Study links effects of prenatal alcohol and drug exposure with placental development
In the United States, prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) is the most common preventable cause of developmental delay. Animal studies have shown some of the adverse effects of PAE on placental development, but few studies have examined these effects in humans.
Bdlive (South Africa) - De Aar makes headway in prevalence of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
THE Northern Cape’s De Aar region, has made a turnaround from 13 years ago when it had the highest reported rate of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) in the world.
Sam was born on Oct. 20, 2000, at Sharp Memorial Hospital. The Moehligs adopted Samantha from her homeless birth parents, tending the baby through fetal alcohol syndrome. Breathing was such a trial, her skin would turn blue. The infant needed nine medications and, from the age of six months until 3, feeding tubes. (Australia) - NT 'missing point' on FASD treatment
The Northern Territory government is "completely missing the point" on foetal alcohol spectrum disorder and dragging its feet in acting on its own report, an alcohol research group says. (Canada) - Proposed bill takes FASD into account when sentencing offenders
Yukon Liberal MP Larry Bagnell has tabled a private member's bill, C-235, aimed at stopping what he calls the "revolving door" of people with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) winding up before the courts over and over. (South Africa) - South Africa: MEC Albert Fritz On Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
As part of our efforts to tackle drug and alcohol abuse using evidence-driven methods, the Western Cape Department of Social Development (DSD) can today reveal the findings of a path-breaking 3 year study into the prevalence of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in the West Coast region.
GroundUp - “If they understood, they would have stopped drinking”
Two months into her pregnancy Johanna*, a 17-year-old Vredenburg resident, was still drinking alcohol. No one had yet told Johanna the effects alcohol could have on her unborn child.
The Australian (Australia) - Mums’ excessive drinking linked to suicides in remote communities
Children in remote communities are suffering from disabilities caused by their mothers drinking at a rate drama­tically higher than previously report­ed, with one in five affect­ed by fetal alcohol­ spectrum dis­orders, accordi­ng to a new report.
I’m raising a son who suffers from fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD). He was adopted by us when he was 1 year old, and we received an official diagnosis for the disorder when he was 3. It has left his brain permanently damaged, and our daily life is an uphill climb with him.
Bancroft This Week - Call to action by Fetal Alcohol working group
Fetal alcohol syndrome is a disorder caused by a mother drinking alcohol during her pregnancy; the risk increases with the frequency and amount of drinking.

VIDEOS and MATERIALS - The A-Files, Alcohol A-Z for Alcohol Awareness Month: Fetal Alcohol Exposure
Twenty-six episodes of 'The A-Files' will run throughout Alcohol Awareness Month on YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, and, among other web and social media sites. Episode F looks at fetal exposure to alcohol.
NeuroDevNet - FASD & Stigma: Damaged Angels Can Fly
A woman’s decision to consume alcohol during pregnancy is highly stigmatized. This video takes a rare and respectful look at one individual's experiences throughout her pregnancy and after.
NewSouthWalesHealth - Stay Strong & Healthy FASD – Combined
If you want to quit drugs, ease up on the grog or find support or treatment for you, a friend or family member, or just find out more about how alcohol drugs can affect you, this video could help with information.

Pediatrics - Prenatal Alcohol Exposure, FASD, and Child Behavior: A Meta-analysis
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) and prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) are associated with behavioral difficulties, although there are no published systematic reviews that summarize and critique the literature.
Applied Neuropsychology: Child - Attention and Working Memory Training: A Feasibility Study in Children With Neurodevelopmental Disorders
The current study investigated the efficacy of a game-based process specific intervention for improving attention and working memory in children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) and Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD).
Research in Developmental Disabilities - Caregiver needs and stress in caring for individuals with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
Individuals with FASD experience neurodevelopmental impairments and adverse outcomes, which can result in stress on the caregiver. However, there is little research on the needs of caregivers supporting individuals with FASD and whether they are associated with caregiver stress.
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Alcohol - Dysregulation of the Cortisol Diurnal Rhythm following Prenatal Alcohol Exposure and Early Life Adversity
The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis is impacted by a multitude of pre- and postnatal factors. Developmental programming of HPA axis function by prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) has been demonstrated in animal models and in human infants, but remains understudied in older children and adolescents.
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research - Adolescent Choline Supplementation Attenuates Working Memory Deficits in Rats Exposed to Alcohol During the Third Trimester Equivalent
Children exposed to alcohol prenatally may suffer from behavioral and cognitive alterations that adversely affect their quality of life. Animal studies have shown that perinatal supplementation with the nutrient choline can attenuate ethanol's adverse effects on development; however, it is not clear how late in development choline can be administered and still effectively reduce the consequences of prenatal alcohol exposure.
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research - Meta-Analysis of Gene Expression Patterns in Animal Models of Prenatal Alcohol Exposure Suggests Role for Protein Synthesis Inhibition and Chromatin Remodeling
Prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) can result in an array of morphological, behavioral, and neurobiological deficits that can range in their severity. Despite extensive research in the field and a significant progress made, especially in understanding the range of possible malformations and neurobehavioral abnormalities, the molecular mechanisms of alcohol responses in development are still not well understood.
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research - Ethanol Toxicity During Brain Development: Alterations of Excitatory Synaptic Transmission in Immature Organotypic Hippocampal Slice Cultures
The developing brain is particularly vulnerable to alcohol: Drinking during pregnancy can lead to a number of physical, learning, and behavioral disorders in the newborn. It has been demonstrated that immature and mature brain tissues display a differential sensitivity to ethanol (EtOH) toxicity and that cerebral structure and function are diversely impaired according to the stage of synaptic maturation.
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research - Alcohol Use During Pregnancy is Associated with Specific Alterations in MicroRNA Levels in Maternal Serum
Given the challenges of confirming prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) during pregnancy using currently established biomarkers of alcohol consumption, we examined whether serum microRNAs (miRNAs) may serve as stable biomarkers for PAE. Alterations in the levels of specific circulating miRNAs have been associated with various disease states and in animal models of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder.
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research - Alcohol, Methamphetamine, and Marijuana Exposure Have Distinct Effects on the Human Placenta
Animal studies have demonstrated adverse effects of prenatal alcohol exposure on placental development, but few studies have examined these effects in humans. Little is known about effects of prenatal exposure to methamphetamine, marijuana, and cigarette smoking on placental development.

Über 2,6 Millionen Kinder leben in suchtbelasteten Familien. Sie standen im Mittelpunkt des bundesweiten Fachkongresses der Drogenexperten.
Frankenpost (Germany) - Aus der Perspektive eines Ungeborenen
Im Gymnasium Wunsiedel klärt eine Ausstellung über Gefahren von Alkohol in der Schwangerschaft auf - mit einem Blick in die Gebärmutter.
YLE (Finland) - Elinan vauva joutui vastasyntyneenä vieroitukseen – "Olisi hyvä, jos päihderiippuvaisille äideille olisi pakkohoito"
Päihderiippuvainen äiti toivoo, että olisi joutunut raskauden ajaksi pakkohoitoon. Erikoislääkäri ei usko, että Suomessa riittää rahaa ja tahtoa päihderiippuvaisten odottavien äitien hoidon tehostamiseen.
NOZ - Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung (Germany) - Bundes-Drogenbeauftragte referiert in
Das sogenannte „Fetale Alkoholsyndrom (FAS)“ war Thema beim jüngsten Runden Tisch im Jugendgästehaus Johannesburg in Papenburg. Zu Gast waren die CDU-Bundestagsabgeordnete Gitta Connemann und die Drogenbeauftragte der Bundesregierung, Marlene Mortler.

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