
Sunday, April 3, 2016

FASD News - 13/2016

WTOV Steubenville (USA) - Recognizing and responding to fetal alcohol disorders
The Brooke-Hancock Family Resource Center held a hands-on training event discussing fetal alcohol spectrum disorders on Wednesday.
MetroNews Canada (Canada) - Alberta aunt faces fetal alcohol spectrum diagnosis loophole
Rita just wants proper care for her niece who’s likely suffering from fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, but she’s unable to get the young girl tested.
Steamboat Pilot & Today - Thoughtful Parenting: Drinking for two
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently recommended that women who want to become pregnant stop drinking alcohol as soon as they stop using birth control. Both the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommend abstinence for preconceptional and pregnant women.
ABC News (USA) - Doctors Applaud End of Tennessee's Fetal Assault Law
Brittany Hudson was pregnant, addicted to painkillers and afraid of a Tennessee law that calls for the arrest of mothers of drug-dependent babies. She eventually gave birth without medical help, on the side of a road in the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains. - Study may help identify unborn children at higher risk for birth defects
Researchers at the University of Toronto have discovered a novel function performed by the breast cancer 1 protein (BRCA1), which regulates DNA repair. Well known for the role it plays in breast and ovarian cancer, this study revealed that the BRCA1 protein actually plays a much broader biological role, particularly in protecting the developing embryo from the damaging effects of reactive oxygen species (ROS).
New Zealand Herald (New Zealand) - Concerns over number of pregnant NZ women smoking
Thousands of New Zealanders have turned to Quitline and other organisations for support to stop smoking in recent months but health officials are concerned at the number of young people, pregnant women and Maori continuing with the habit.

Webinar: Sleep/Wake Behaviour Algorithm Meeting‏ - April 6
After several years of clinical and animal research, a group of clinicians and scientists are discussing an algorithm for how sleep/wake behaviour assessments should be implemented in the therapeutic interventions of kids with FASD. This will be a 3 hour session, the 2nd half (1.5 hrs – starting at 11:00am PST, middle European time = 8:00pm) will be available via webinar. If you are interested in joining the session virtually and contributing to this discussion, please respond to Ms. Mai Berger (
EUFASD - European Conference on FASD 2016: The Call for Abstracts - Deadline 30 April 2016
E-mail your abstract to You will receive confirmation of your submission within a week by e-mail.

Erika Krings - Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, FAS, life expectancy and causes of death
UAF eLearning & Distance Education - Meeting the Needs of Students with FASD and ADHD
Canadian Association of Paediatric Health Centres - Listening to the voice of the child: An inclusive approach to ethical problems in pediatrics
Children and youth are commonly excluded from discussions and decisions that affect them. It is frequently stated that children and youth are incapable of understanding complex matters and that their exclusion “protects” them. Yet, there is growing evidence that young people’s capacities are systematically underestimated and exclusion may be experienced as harmful rather than protective.
Stone Mountain Counseling - The Kid from Kraznoyarsk: Adopted from Siberia
Dr. Stephen Larsen, Ph.D. of Stone Mountain Counseling Center discusses the Neurofeedback treatment of "Christina" for ADHD, Attachment Disorder and Fetal Alcohol Syndrome with her Mother and Grandmother: Ann and Cecilia and Clinician Alexandra Linardakis on May 12th 2012 at the Stone Mountain Counseling Center in New Paltz New York.

Exceptionality: A Special Education Journal - Special Education of Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
The current study aimed to estimate the cost associated with special education among children (5 to 14 years) with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in elementary and middle school by sex, age group, and province and territory in Canada.
Dev Med Child Neurol - Soft neurological signs and prenatal alcohol exposure: a population-based study in remote Australia
To identify soft neurological signs (SNS) in a population-based study of children living in remote Aboriginal communities in the Fitzroy Valley, Western Australia, born between 2002 and 2003 and explore the relationship between SNS, prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE), and fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD).
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is an umbrella term used to describe the adaptive, behavioral, cognitive, physical, and social impairments that can result from prenatal alcohol exposure.
Int. J. Mol. Sci. - Alcohol Consumption during Pregnancy: Analysis of Two Direct Metabolites of Ethanol in Meconium
Alcohol consumption in young women is a widespread habit that may continue during pregnancy and induce alterations in the fetus. We aimed to characterize prevalence of alcohol consumption in parturient women and to assess fetal ethanol exposure in their newborns by analyzing two direct metabolites of ethanol in meconium.
Addictive Behaviors - Which women are missed by primary health-care based interventions for alcohol and drug use?
Women of reproductive age who binge drink or have alcohol-related problem symptoms (APS) and who do not use contraception are considered at risk of an alcohol-exposed pregnancy (AEP).
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews - Effects of pre-natal alcohol exposure on hippocampal synaptic plasticity: Sex, age and methodological considerations
The consumption of alcohol during gestation is detrimental to the developing central nervous system (CNS). The severity of structural and functional brain alterations associated with alcohol intake depends on many factors including the timing and duration of alcohol consumption.
Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs - Monthly Estimates of Alcohol Drinking During Pregnancy: United States, 2002–2011
We detected a possibly ameliorative pregnancy effect on alcohol use and HED, with variation in drinking prevalence across the months of the first trimester. Alcohol dependence might be affecting drinking persistence among pregnant women, but this effect cannot account for the drinking persistence observed here.
Hippocampus - Prenatal alcohol exposure alters synaptic activity of adult hippocampal dentate granule cells under conditions of enriched environment
Prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) results in fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD), which is characterized by a wide range of cognitive and behavioral deficits that may be linked to impaired hippocampal function and adult neurogenesis.
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research - Prospective Memory Impairment in Children with Prenatal Alcohol Exposure
Prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) is linked to impaired performance on tests of retrospective memory, but prospective memory (PM; the ability to remember and act on delayed intentions) has not been examined in alcohol-exposed children. We investigated event-based PM in children with heavy PAE and the degree to which associations between PAE and PM are influenced by IQ, executive functioning (EF), retrospective memory, and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research - A Comparison Among 5 Methods for the Clinical Diagnosis of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
Despite the prevalence of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) and the importance of accurate identification of patients, clinical diagnosis may not be consistent across sites due to the heterogeneous nature of FASD and the characteristics of different diagnostic systems used.
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research - Dietary Nutrient Intake in School-Aged Children With Heavy Prenatal Alcohol Exposure
Nutrition is an important factor that affects brain development. Nutritional deficiencies can exacerbate alcohol's damaging effects.

Sü (Germany) - Was durch Alkohol in der Schwangerschaft passieren kann
Als Ben seinen Hasen über das Balkongeländer hielt, hat seine Mutter es gerade noch rechtzeitig gesehen und konnte das Haustier retten. Der Achtjährige wollte einfach mal schauen, was passiert. Dass der Hase hinunterfallen und dabei sterben könnte, hat der Junge nicht erkannt.
Sü (Germany) - Die Diagnose war eine Entlastung
Gisela Michalowski hat neben vier leiblichen Kindern auch noch vier Adoptiv- und Pflegekinder, die alle mit alkoholbedingten Störungen geboren wurden. Der älteste Pflegesohn war 19 Jahre alt, die anderen sechs Monate, zwei und fünf Jahre, als sie die Diagnose erhielten. Die Sozialpädagogin ist seit 2005 Vorsitzende von "FASD Deutschland", einem bundesweiten Zusammenschluss von Eltern, deren Kinder an Fetalen Alkoholstörungen leiden.
Kehitysvammaliitto (Finland) - Alkoholin saatavuuden helpottaminen lisäisi entisestään sikiöaikaisia alkoholivaurioita
Suomalaisten naisten juominen on lähes kuusinkertaistunut viimeisten 40 vuoden aikana. WHO:n tilastojen mukaan suomalaisten naisten juominen on eurooppalaisittain runsasta. Suomessa syntyy vuosittain 600–3000 alkoholin sikiöaikana vaurioittamaa lasta.

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